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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams

What I am more concerned about now is that if this government stays for another term, it will become impossible to stem Islamic fundamentalism from metastasizing in India. There are already enough attempts made to radicalize Muslims in India - but with limited success, as so far, they have not felt as alienated as right now.

I feel sad at times. While I was always a bit of an elitist in the sense that I discounted the reasoning abilities of the masses, yet I never realized how many loonies there actually are in the country.

but the idea of india is. cmon dude u have to gimme that.
on another note, dont you think pak is ahead of india by 35 years or so? their radicalization started in early 70s, our started in mid 2000s.
those jackasses beat us here too, n that too by a long margin.

True that. A Pakistani should focus on how they got rid of their pluralism in the first place and as to why despite being a majority-Muslim country, they have a greater linguistic/ethnic/sectarian divide than India does.
Its strange, really strange how they are blindly going down this path (I suppose its no different to mistakes any society makes including Pakistan )

Due to kashmir issue I personally we generally as a state hate India, we have had wars and more etc

One of the most difficult aspect of india to counter (and their main strength) was this immense diversity whilst all being indians and for a long time the charade of a real secular india was kept up, it sat well internationally and indian muslims were the most akward to counter as they kept repeating the mantra of equal muslim citizens of a secular state

Then the masked begun to slip
Then it became a hindutva tide, expressed in all its form on social media and comments sections of indian news papers
And now it manifests itself in beef lynchings, anti muslim romeo squads, hindutva marches to mosques demanding their destruction
Mass murderers elected PM on the back of hindutva credentials
Saffrom robbed extremists elected CMs

The indian muslims have now shut up, they dare not argue with a Pakistani
India's diversity will be the cause of its division and destruction

Like I said even indians are beginning to understand but its TOO LATE!!! the Hindutva cat is out of the bag and it will eat away india
Pakistanis say their country wasn't created for Indian Muslims...not every Tom, Dick and Abdullah could come there and stay. Borders were closed in 1952. This place is our only home, we got nowhere else to go (or maybe look for work permits in Gulf). You shouldn't be cheering the hindutva brigade
Sorry do not agree with you brother. Though this govt has not yet delivered on many points they are yet far better then UPA2. Although Modi govt needs to check the rise of Hindu fanatics in India, killing of any individual over consumption of beef or else can never be justified.

See this is the problem. Being better than the UPA is hardly the kind of benchmark any government needs to aspire to. Do also remember that the UPA lost favor because of massive corruption. Not because they were incompetent.

And lets face it. The atmosphere in the country at the level of the people, the unity and cohesiveness of civil society, was a lot better.

Today we have a government who is not performing, but talking up a storm, we have a pack of rabid dogs running amok across the country ripping the fabric of India's pluralistic civil society to shreds, and you have Indians beginning to frown and feel positively disgusted at a section of our own being hounded internally.

Pakistanis say their country wasn't created for Indian Muslims...not every Tom, Dick and Abdullah could come there and stay. Borders were closed in 1952. This place is our only home, we got nowhere else to go (or maybe look for work permits in Gulf). You shouldn't be cheering the hindutva brigade

I applaud hussain.

He is doing a stellar job for us.

You have an enemy telling you what they secretly admired about us, and feared as well. What frustrated them, what embarrassed them.

If that does not open people's eyes, I wonder what will.
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See this is the problem. Being better than the UPA is hardly the kind of benchmark any government needs to aspire to. Do also remember that the UPA lost favor because of massive corruption. Not because they were incompetent.

And lets face it. The atmosphere in the country at the level of the people, the unity and cohesiveness of civil society, was a lot better.

Today we have a government who is not performing, but talking up a storm, we have a pack of rabid dogs running amok across the country ripping the fabric of India's pluralistic civil society to shreds, and you have Indians beginning to frown and feel positively disgusted and a section of our own being hounded internally.

I applaud hussain.

He is doing a stellar job for us.

You have an enemy telling you what they secretly admired about us, and feared as well. What frustrated them, what embarrassed them.

If that does not open people's eyes, I wonder what will.

Its too late

Just because you have woken up about what gave india strength, dosent mean india will stop in its tracks

It is going full throttle and the Hindutva genie is out of the bag you are nothing more than a sikular now and wont be able to stop the slide, temples, meat, marriage, azaan, cows, conversion, the writing is on the wall for India

Strangely Pakistani civil society is heading the other way
Whenever i say something, even newly joined member jumping to bring Christianity, pope, Vatican, Italy like this.


one guy directly accepted his presence in pdf for

my response to others posts in Italian marines row..



Am not sure why these guys coming ol, may be to insult and accuse other religions... Unbearable patriotism.. They even said am loyal to Italy, Vatican blah blah..
The problem is that most of these people who are today sprouting nationalisim and attacking people are forgetting one simple thing , that the people they are attacking are their own countrymen , we are not some aliens who landed here just after 14' elections.
this stand up comedy best summarises this .
And we want revenues of western and Southern states to be used for development of our own region. Siphoning of revenues from our region to united Bhayya pradesh of UP,Behar,Chattisgarh,Jharkhand and Mp needs to stop.
Please elaborate with facts as to how you believe that revenue from certain states is misappropriated over that from others.

It's hindutvas stated goal to undo the historical humiliation of divided motherland at the hands of Muslim forces.

As they say, there's no Hind without Sindh etc etc
Why do you believe fringe aspirations? what evidence do you have that BJP's manifesto revolves around conquering Sindh or other parts of Pakistan?
Its too late

Just because you have woken up about what gave india strength, dosent mean india will stop in its tracks

It is going full throttle and the Hindutva genie is out of the bag you are nothing more than a sikular now and wont be able to stop the slide, temples, meat, marriage, azaan, cows, conversion, the writing is on the wall for India

Strangely Pakistani civil society is heading the other way

Not really.

Unlike Pakistan, which jumped most enthusiastically into bed with Zia, and continued in the same bed long after his death, to this day, India is already swinging.

Even today, its maybe the Pakistan Army which is being forced to fight back. Selectively of course. Which kind of defeats the premise, but hey, you know what they say about who cannot be choosers right?

You throw up the fact that you have never voted for a communal party. India and Indians would just smile and ask you that in the past 70 years, how many times have you actually voted? Not to mention the fact that one cannot escape the slightly inconvenient premise that Pakistan itself is a communal construct. So ....

Coming back to India, don't take my word for it when it comes to the swing I'm talking about. Keep seeing how we go about hunting the rabid dogs down, and causing you guys some levels of disappointment.
Nehru opposed Brahmanism and hindi Bhaiyyaism. We must not forget how south India almost seperated after Bhaiyyas tried to force Hindi down their throat.
Unless Brahmans and bhaiyyas arent stripped off their voting rights, India is bound to dis integrate.
We all know who divided India and who fought invaders . Both were Hindus .

Jinnah's grandfather was hindu but Hindus of his community boycott him and they accepted Islam .

It was not a turk who created Pakistan but a Gujarati Hindian muslim who created Pakistan .
I don't know where you got that utterly absurd story about Jinnah and his grandfather converting to Islam. It would be nice if you could read up the facts on your own; on something as sensitive as this, nobody should have to prepare potted accounts.
See this is the problem. Being better than the UPA is hardly the kind of benchmark any government needs to aspire to. Do also remember that the UPA lost favor because of massive corruption. Not because they were incompetent.

And lets face it. The atmosphere in the country at the level of the people, the unity and cohesiveness of civil society, was a lot better.

Today we have a government who is not performing, but talking up a storm, we have a pack of rabid dogs running amok across the country ripping the fabric of India's pluralistic civil society to shreds, and you have Indians beginning to frown and feel positively disgusted at a section of our own being hounded internally.
The problem of rise in Hindu fanatics is not as big though we cannot wait for it to become a bloodshed and needs to be curbed asap. India's unity and diversity is in no danger do not worry . Govt come and go but the federal structure and fundamental rights remains the same no one can change that.

People voted for Modi for two reasons -
  1. His charisma, work done in Gujarat.
  2. Blatant corruption of the UPA govt.
After nearly three years somethings are very clear. Modi got the taste of how difficult it is to run a Union govt and it isn't necessary to make big bang reforms for things to change. I believe his govt is doing a fine work and it is out there in the open for anyone to see. DFC, GST(not taking any credits from the UPA), active foreign policy, an eye for an eye for the enemies, allowing more fdi in many sectors. It is not enough but is a good start.
I don't know where you got that utterly absurd story about Jinnah and his grandfather converting to Islam. It would be nice if you could read up the facts on your own; on something as sensitive as this, nobody should have to prepare potted accounts.
It's @Kashmiri Pandit:p:
The guy believes in bhoot pisach and cute kittens for god sake!
Oye pandit! How are you? Kaha rahte ho bhai? How are your kittens?:-)
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The problem of rise in Hindu fanatics is not as big though we cannot wait for it to become a bloodshed and needs to be curbed asap. India's unity and diversity is in no danger do not worry . Govt come and go but the federal structure and fundamental rights remains the same no one can change that.

People voted for Modi for two reasons -
  1. His charisma, work done in Gujarat.
  2. Blatant corruption of the UPA govt.
After nearly three years somethings are very clear. Modi got the taste of how difficult it is to run a Union govt and it isn't necessary to make big bang reforms for things to change. I believe his govt is doing a fine work and it is out there in the open for anyone to see. DFC, GST(not taking any credits from the UPA), active foreign policy, an eye for an eye for the enemies, allowing more fdi in many sectors. It is not enough but is a good start.

It's @Kashmiri Pandit for god sake.:p:
The guy believes in bhoot pisach and cute kittens for gos sake!
Oye pandit! How are you? Kaha rahte ho bhai? How are your kittens?:-)

I do not understand what your personal scale for "not big" is.

A Mumbai or a Gujarat?
Lol india was divided and humiliated. And it will remain divided.

Pakistan will never let dreams if dumb hindutvas come to fruitation
Indias was never divided infact pakistan had
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