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India’s election and secularism

Can't fault you for some energetic hustling. This is the kind of entrepeneurial spirit we need in India.

Especially mys state in Kerala :yes4:

Eh leave @BDforever out of this. He is fine by my book.
I am not saying that @BDforever is bad guy bro. I am just saying that he also troll in Indian threads.

Oh come on! Don't be so mean with @MBI Munshi! That's why we don't like you guys coming to our forums and always trolling us! I am sure his book is great, and maybe I'll read it.
Really I mean this guy (Who don't know difference with Download & Views :rofl:) always talk bad about my country and try to show that Bangladesh is full of Angels for Hindus. Sorry but this guy don't deserve to be respected..8-)
I am not saying that @BDforever is bad guy bro. I am just saying that he also troll in Indian threads.
Not that I expect brainwashed islamist scum to understand the L of secularism, but none of the parties in India are trying to make laws based on religion, infact the so called ''non secular'' parties want existing personal laws based on religion scrapped too :)

Now don't tax that tiny brain of yours and just keep repeating what you have been taught since age 3.
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