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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams

While in general I'd agree with you that Hindutvas still have a long way to go before catching up with Islamists but in India's context Hindutva terrorists are definitely a bigger threat. It is basic math. There are just way more jobless Hindu youth ready to get into the "nationalist" cult of Hindutva terrorists. With a jobless economy and young population, it is the perfect hunting ground and they have the backing of the state machinery too because "polarization" helps them win elections.

What I said. About the numbers. And state support.
While in general I'd agree with you that Hindutvas still have a long way to go before catching up with Islamists but in India's context Hindutva terrorists are definitely a bigger threat. It is basic math. There are just way more jobless Hindu youth ready to get into the "nationalist" cult of Hindutva terrorists. With a jobless economy and young population, it is the perfect hunting ground and they have the backing of the state machinery too because "polarization" helps them win elections.
Well I'm no fan of ultra nationalist cults but there's no way they're ever going to get as bad as the Islamists.

but If they do, we can just shuttle the lot of them to Kashmir and have them slug it out. :D
What I said. About the numbers. And state support.

Most sensible, decent, hardworking, ordinary Indians don't realize the threat now because they have been presented with a soft front on TV. Dear leader generally says all the right words, even his sidekick doesn't appear too belligerent. It's as big a deception as you'd ever see and I fear it would be too late before people realize it.
Well I'm no fan of ultra nationalist cults but there's no way they're ever going to get as bad as the Islamists.

but If they do, we can just shuttle the lot of them to Kashmir and have them slug it out. :D

How many will you shuttle.

When the shuttlers as well as the elite are all gravitating in droves to the sanghi side.

Most sensible, decent, hardworking, ordinary Indians don't realize the threat now because they have been presented with a soft front on TV. Dear leader generally says all the right words, even his sidekick doesn't appear too belligerent. It's as big a deception as you'd ever see and I fear it would be too late before people realize it.

Happy to see all the usual suspects realising it within the first term.

It's a great sign. Enthuses me immeasurably.
Most sensible, decent, hardworking, ordinary Indians don't realize the threat now because they have been presented with a soft front on TV. Dear leader generally says all the right words, even his sidekick doesn't appear too belligerent. It's as big a deception as you'd ever see and I fear it would be too late before people realize it.
cmon man, it really isn't that bad.

when were you last in India, see anything yourself that worried you ?

I don't know how you lean politically but it could be clouding your judgement.

How many will you shuttle.

the jihad in Kashmir is the real problem, not the political centre or the right wing fringe.

When the shuttlers as well as the elite are all gravitating in droves to the sanghi side.
like you said, the numbers are on our side, maybe we'll finally end the Kashmir jihad then. :)

jokes aside, another big problem is the spread of cancerous sallafism in muslim enclaves like certain areas of Kerala etc, they're becoming hardcore and leaving to Syria/Iraq, how long before someone slips through the net, returns back and unleashes another 7/11 type scenario ?

for now, jihadis are the problem, not RSS, it's not even close.
cmon man, it really isn't that bad.

when were you last in India, see anything yourself that worried you ?

I don't know how you lean politically but it could be clouding your judgement.

the jihad in Kashmir is the real problem, not the political centre or the right wing fringe.

like you said, the numbers are on our side, maybe we'll finally end the Kashmir jihad then. :)

jokes aside, another big problem is the spread of cancerous sallafism in muslim enclaves like certain areas of Kerala etc, they're becoming hardcore and leaving to Syria/Iraq, how long before someone slips through the net, returns back and unleashes another 7/11 type scenario ?

for now, jihadis are the problem, not RSS, it's not even close.

I repeat.

The sanghis and Jihadis are both the problem.

You are sounding like a good terrorist bad terrorist Pakistani to be honest.
No we are not on the same path. Supreme court of India will always be a strong independent institution, as is the EC...and neither does the military have political power in India. The very fact that there is massive criticism against Modi and the criticism is aired so freely (and only given reality check with election results which then creates more debate cycles) means by and large the nationalist current (which is often mistaken as purely religious) is of the people, by the people and for the people (and hence why support for the BJP extends across religious lines in so many areas).

People on the ground want development results (denied to them in any relevant timeframe for majority of India's independence)...that requires different response depending on the individual state and better running and reform of the federal bureaucracy. So far only BJP has been able to really project itself in that mantle and has proven results in roads, railways and power notably. With GST (logistics boost) and demonetisation (formalisation boost) the results will be broadened...and will pick up with banking reform and consolidation to deal with the NPA/liquidity problem (the lasting legacy of the UPA corruption and gross mishandling)....so that much better job growth can be achieved (as opposed to the informal sector based job creation that Mr. Godrej recently talked about).

If any party can do better, let them prove it rather than clinging to "hindutva shattering" articles.
thank you @Nilgiri sir for putting light into the matter.
what i understood (plz forgive my ignorance) from your reply can be summarised as
1. our other pillars of democracy (institutional or factual, that is another discussion) are strong enough to counter the onslaught of right wing politics.
2. our army doesnt interfere in politics.
3. democracy will throw out whoever doesnt live upto the promises (even remotely aka congress).
4. current govt has initiated many commendable measures (which were earlier blocked by themselves when in opposition eg GST) which are going to be beneficial to the common man.

my concern is, what if #4 somehow makes sure #3 doesnt happen to the current govt, while they go on to "restructure" the society with their "banning spree" to a point of no return.
will then our judiciary (which is comprised of mortals) and legislature (lol) stop the gradual shift which can very well take us back to the medieval ages (with smartfones) ? i hope it does, otherwise, all the developement in economy, infra and others which were and are being done will result in nothing.
i hope you see where i am pointing at.
Hindu daesh coming to power in state after state promoting the ideology of hatred telling minorities to leave the country and excluding them from state and adopting aggressive stance against neighboring countries only shows the validity of 2 nation theory that Pakistan was rightly created as now india would break up to give way to independence of Kashmir and suffering humanity.
cmon man, it really isn't that bad.

when were you last in India, see anything yourself that worried you ?

I don't know how you lean politically but it could be clouding your judgement.

Let's just hope that you're right. I'd be immensely happy to be proven wrong here, because if I'm right we're slowly going down the sewer as a country.
Take it from a guy living here.

Left unarrested, we surely are.
I sort of have my ear to the ground too. :P

don't see much reason to be fearful just yet, some of you guys are just sprouting rabid opposition talking points.

and no, I'm not a Modi fan boy, he has disappointed with some policies like demonetization/cow stuff etc but is also delivering on others.

think @Nilgiri detailed some of them earlier in this thread.

so overall, keep calm and don't buy into the paranoia but we must keep an eye on the fringe.

Take it from a guy living here.

Left unarrested, we surely are.

Hopefully the population would wise up before it's too late but given the utterly stupid "nationalistic" outrages we see from time to time, fueled by a coerced and TRP hungry jingoistic media, it doesn't fill me with much hope.
I sort of have my ear to the ground too. :P

don't see much reason to be fearful just yet, some of you guys are just sprouting rabid opposition talking points.

and no, I'm not a Modi fan boy, he has disappointed with some policies like demonetization/cow stuff etc but is also delivering on others.

think @Nilgiri detailed some of them earlier in this thread.

so overall, keep calm and don't buy into the paranoia but we must keep an eye on the fringe.


Two things:

The fringe is now mainstream. And spreading.

The fringe is out of control already. We are going to have an eruption before Modi's fourth year in office is over.
so overall, keep calm and don't buy into the paranoia but we must keep an eye on the fringe.

There is no such thing as a "fringe". What was fringe yesterday is mainstream today and what's fringe today is mainstream tomorrow.

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