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110-year-old madrasa and library set ablaze by Hindutva mob during Ram Navami rally in Bihar


On March 31, during the Ram Navami rally, a Hindutva mob set fire to Madrasa Azizia, which is the oldest madrasa and library in Bihar Sharif in Nalanda district of Bihar.

On March 31, during the Ram Navami rally, a Hindutva mob set fire to Madrasa Azizia, which is the oldest madrasa and library in Bihar Sharif in Nalanda district of Bihar.

The madrasa contained more than 4,500 books which were destroyed in the fire, Mohammad Shahabuddin, the caretaker of the madrasa and library said to Maktoob.

“All of the books have been destroyed, and none remain,” he said.

Madrasa Azizia was established by Bibi Sogra in memory of her husband, Abdul Aziz, and she is recognized as one of the most respected philanthropists in the history of Bihar.

The 110-year-old library was vandalised by the armed mob of around 1,000 people. The saffron mob threw petrol bombs into the mosque and the library.

“The armed men were chanting ‘Jai Shree Ram,’” said Mohan Bahadur, a guard at the madrasa. He also said the mob attacked him, but he managed to flee.

Even though the attack took place in the afternoon, the cops did not reach the spot till 11 p.m.

Violence and vandalism have marred Ram Navami Processions in several states of India, targeting Muslims. Hate speech and stone-pelting against places of worship and shrines were common in all the incidents, which occurred in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, West Bengal, and Gujarat.


Madrasa Azizia was established by Bibi Sogra in memory of her husband, Abdul Aziz, and she is recognized as one of the most respected philanthropists in the history of Bihar. Photo: Meer Faisal/Maktoob


“All of the books have been destroyed, and none remain,” Mohammad Shahabuddin, the caretaker of the madrasa and library said to Maktoob. Photo: Meer Faisal/Maktoob


The 110-year-old library was vandalised by the armed mob of around 1,000 people. The saffron mob threw petrol bombs into the mosque and the library. Photo: Meer Faisal/Maktoob


“The books were very old and rare, including Tafsirs of the Holy Quran,” the caretaker of the madrasa and library said to Maktoob. Photo: Meer Faisal/Maktoob


“The armed men were chanting ‘Jai Shree Ram,’” said Mohan Bahadur, a guard at the madrasa. Photo: Meer Faisal/Maktoob


Even though the attack took place in the afternoon, the cops did not reach the spot till 11 p.m. Photo: Meer Faisal/Maktoob


Just another day in the open air shit hole known as India..
Quote primary sources for your reference. :D I will quote mine
Also mentioned primary sources for child marriage

Tanatani Man should marry a girl 1/3 of his age

Vishnu Purana 3.10.16T: Man should marry a girl 1/3 of his age



Shankaracharya Mahaswamigal in his book Hindu Dharma mentions that a tanatani girl should be married when she is 7 years old


Tanatani man thirty years old shall marry a charming maiden twelve years old

Manusmriti 9.94 "A man thirty years old shall marry a charming maiden twelve years old; or one twenty four years old, a damsel eight years old; in the event of his duties suffering, he may do it sooner."


A Tanatani person of thirty years of age should wed a girl of ten years of age

Mahabharata 13.44.14 "A person of thirty years of age should wed a girl of ten years of age called a Nagnika. Or, a person of one and twenty years of age should wed a girl of seven years of age"


Even today Tanatanis form the largest majority (84%) of child marriages in India

84% Of 12 Million Married Children Under 10 Are Hindus​

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Typical victim card and giving decisions by liberals. we give them a shit :)
Based on the local sources, it was an act of Sunni Islamists who burnt shia madarsa in that locality and blamed it on Sanatani. now keep flying the kite.

It's a shame Islam didn't manage to civilise your family.It's not too late you know.

The whole of Hindu community is responsible as they elected Modi and BJP. It is collective responsibility like the Germans for the Holocaust. BTW don’t rely on Bollywood for History. The original Buddhist Nalanda was destroyed many centuries ago and the Hindu Nalanda was decorated with images of Kama Sutra including deviant sex such as beastiality. The Khiljis could not allow themselves and their families to be exposed to such corrupted images.
Are you really justifying the destruction of Nalanda? Like the kaffir buddhist/hindu priests had it coming, I'm sure many who burnt the madrassa also thought similar
There never was a Muslim heritage site in India. India is a Hindu country. All Muslim heritage sites were / are in Arab lands.

It seems that they have been destroyed already.
Tanatanis theologically don't believe in marriage. They simply worship rapists as gods. No wonder because of this rapist worship tanatanis hate the concept of marriage and are unable to understand it
Ha ha! I give it to you. you guys believe in marriage * 4 :D
Ha ha! I give it to you. you guys believe in marriage * 4 :D

Didn’t your god Krishna have 16k wives?

Before slinging shit against other people’s faiths, you should take a second to look in the mirror.

You bhartoads go around burning Qurans, when the longest chapter in the Quran is dedicated to your mata ji, the cow.

That is saffron blasphemy. You should be ashamed of yourselves. :lol:
Unless and until the IMAFt under OiC and UN supervision are deployed to Muslim heritage sites in India, these incidents are only going to continue. From graveyards to monasteries, everything is a target much akin to ISIS destroying heritage sites in the Levant and Iraq.

There are thousands of muslim religious sites in India. It would be practically impossible.

The only reason Hindutva religious terrorism is allowed to happen, is because it is de-facto official policy of the Indian government, with tacit approval from judiciary and police, although indian diplomats will continue to professs de-jure zero-tolerance for anti-muslim pogroms. They lie and lie because no muslim goverment would tolerate that, so they hide behind mob justice.

What a pathetic country and patheic nation.
Even sub saharan African nations dont act like this anymore.
Didn’t your god Krishna have 16k wives?

Before slinging shit against other people’s faiths, you should take a second to look in the mirror.

You bhartoads go around burning Qurans, when the longest chapter in the Quran is dedicated to your mata ji, the cow.

That is saffron blasphemy. You should be ashamed of yourselves. :lol:
That was one off case with a valid explanation. Not a mandatory thing which is still happening right now in few cults.

Didn’t your god Krishna have 16k wives?

Before slinging shit against other people’s faiths, you should take a second to look in the mirror.

You bhartoads go around burning Qurans, when the longest chapter in the Quran is dedicated to your mata ji, the cow.

That is saffron blasphemy. You should be ashamed of yourselves. :lol:
Just check what your brethren say about Hindus, on a different note, I have not even mentioned your religion anywhere. Why are you shouting? check all my comments.
Something dosent look right , there are too many conflicting news on who did it. It looks like someone shot a 15 year old in the procession and each one is blaming tye other party of setting the madrassa on fire.
You sound like ordinary Germans during 30's/40's who refused to believe Nazi crimes or at worst were complicit

Hindustani Muslim refugees will flood Pakistan whether you like it or not.

Europe is not next door. Pakistan is.
Is that by design? Just as ordinary Germans were accepting of ethnic cleansing and genocide in the previous century, so are you in this century.
That was one off case with a valid explanation. Not a mandatory thing which is still happening right now in few cults.

It’s not written in our holy book nor is it mandatory…

But here’s a dose of reality for you…

84% Of 12 Million Married Children Under 10 Are Hindus

There never was a Muslim heritage site in India. India is a Hindu country. All Muslim heritage sites were / are in Arab lands.

There is over 1000 years of glorious Muslim history in south Asia and thousands of Muslim heritage sites from the Red Fort to Taj Malhal to Qutab Minar to Jama Masjid

There are hundreds of millions of Muslims In. South Asia that do not identify with pagans
Hopefully Indians Muslims get some ghairat now and fight back. How can you be 200 million + strong and still be bullied by piss drinkers.
Indians Mullahs are the biggest hindrance to Jihad in india. Indians Mullahs are in bed with the kaffir rulers of India. India was declared Dar al Harb for a reason.
Foreign Muslims can only help Indian Muslims if they allow us to help and stop siding with Indian kaffir regime against us.

I don't think you can lay the blame on one group of people, in this case, the Mullahs. To be simplistic, there is a multitude of problems with Indian Muslims and no one solution can solve them. It is difficult to free yourself from the prison of the mind, unless the mind knows it is in a prison.

Like every minority, we have more than our share of sycophants who would do anything to grovel in front of the powerful and and happily throw other Muslims under the bus. Sadly, the higher you are in this society (wealth/position/power), the greater the sycophant you become.

However, let's be clear, for whatever the faults and failures of the Indian Muslims, let's not shift the blame for these incidents on to them. Nothing delights these Hindus than to murder and burn Muslims and then find the rest of society giving the criminals a pass and heaping the blame on the Muslims.
Is that by design? Just as ordinary Germans were accepting of ethnic cleansing and genocide in the previous century, so are you in this century.
This indian is another Bhakt Sanghi. He was being slick by creating threads about northern Indian and his hatred for them, but it was a ruse until his true colors showed during this thread.
There never was a Muslim heritage site in India. India is a Hindu country. All Muslim heritage sites were / are in Arab lands.
The Taj Mahal, built by your Muslim masters, is one of the 7 wonders of the world.

Why don't you consider adding your rat temple to this list?

The Taj Mahal, built by your Muslim masters, is one of the 7 wonders of the world.

Why don't you consider adding your rat temple to this list?

Taj Mahal was actually Tajo Mahalaya a Shiva temple stolen by the big bad Muslim Mughals... LMAO....

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