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110-year-old madrasa and library set ablaze by Hindutva mob during Ram Navami rally in Bihar


On March 31, during the Ram Navami rally, a Hindutva mob set fire to Madrasa Azizia, which is the oldest madrasa and library in Bihar Sharif in Nalanda district of Bihar.

On March 31, during the Ram Navami rally, a Hindutva mob set fire to Madrasa Azizia, which is the oldest madrasa and library in Bihar Sharif in Nalanda district of Bihar.

The madrasa contained more than 4,500 books which were destroyed in the fire, Mohammad Shahabuddin, the caretaker of the madrasa and library said to Maktoob.

“All of the books have been destroyed, and none remain,” he said.

Madrasa Azizia was established by Bibi Sogra in memory of her husband, Abdul Aziz, and she is recognized as one of the most respected philanthropists in the history of Bihar.

The 110-year-old library was vandalised by the armed mob of around 1,000 people. The saffron mob threw petrol bombs into the mosque and the library.

“The armed men were chanting ‘Jai Shree Ram,’” said Mohan Bahadur, a guard at the madrasa. He also said the mob attacked him, but he managed to flee.

Even though the attack took place in the afternoon, the cops did not reach the spot till 11 p.m.

Violence and vandalism have marred Ram Navami Processions in several states of India, targeting Muslims. Hate speech and stone-pelting against places of worship and shrines were common in all the incidents, which occurred in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, West Bengal, and Gujarat.


Madrasa Azizia was established by Bibi Sogra in memory of her husband, Abdul Aziz, and she is recognized as one of the most respected philanthropists in the history of Bihar. Photo: Meer Faisal/Maktoob


“All of the books have been destroyed, and none remain,” Mohammad Shahabuddin, the caretaker of the madrasa and library said to Maktoob. Photo: Meer Faisal/Maktoob


The 110-year-old library was vandalised by the armed mob of around 1,000 people. The saffron mob threw petrol bombs into the mosque and the library. Photo: Meer Faisal/Maktoob


“The books were very old and rare, including Tafsirs of the Holy Quran,” the caretaker of the madrasa and library said to Maktoob. Photo: Meer Faisal/Maktoob


“The armed men were chanting ‘Jai Shree Ram,’” said Mohan Bahadur, a guard at the madrasa. Photo: Meer Faisal/Maktoob


Even though the attack took place in the afternoon, the cops did not reach the spot till 11 p.m. Photo: Meer Faisal/Maktoob


Just another day in the open air shit hole known as India..
Jai Siya Ram!

Full support to Akhand Hindu Rashtra 😍😍
terrible if true. WTH is the Bihar govt doing?
Violence and mob rule are increasing in certain states.
I thought Nitish Kumar is an able administrator but he is failing
In my home state of Tamilnadu rowdies are ruling everything everywhere
At this rate we must bring president's rule to these states soon
Only a savage animal with no sign of humanity and civilization would burn books. Books can be banned as per the internal laws of a country, but the one who burns them is less than an animal.

I always thought, why would there be a Surah called "Surah Al-Baqarah" in holy Quran which means "cow". Islam is not only a religion of peace but also respect. This name in Quran is one of the most complicated cases of holy Quran that raises many questions. This beside the fact that the longest Surah of Quran is called "cow" could be a call on Hindu people. In this Surah, there is story of a cow which caused a miracle, a holy cow that became a sign of truth by God's will.

Those savages could at least read that book before trying to burn it. Quran doesn't disrespect other religions.
Typical victim card and giving decisions by liberals. we give them a shit :)
Based on the local sources, it was an act of Sunni Islamists who burnt shia madarsa in that locality and blamed it on Sanatani. now keep flying the kite.
Typical victim card and giving decisions by liberals. we give them a shit :)
Based on the local sources, it was an act of Sunni Islamists who burnt shia madarsa in that locality and blamed it on Sanatani. now keep flying the kite.
No you haramzaday Sanghi motherfucker, kisi ghesti di aulad, that is not a Shia “madarsa” as Shia places of worships are called Imam Bargahs and the names mentioned aren’t Shia names. Benchoad dallay, tum logo katal hona chaihai

Typical victim card and giving decisions by liberals. we give them a shit :)
Based on the local sources, it was an act of Sunni Islamists who burnt shia madarsa in that locality and blamed it on Sanatani. now keep flying the kite.
@Muhammed45 look at this subhuman blaming it on the Sunnis calling the people in the photos Shias.

As usual the Hindu nazi IT cell bots spreading their propaganda. Low lifes trying to deflect and excuse every horror perpretated by those rabid saffron dogs.
No you haramzaday Sanghi motherfucker, kisi ghesti di aulad, that is not a Shia “madarsa” as Shia places of worships are called Imam Bargahs and the names mentioned aren’t Shia names. Benchoad dallay, tum logo katal hona chaihai

@Muhammed45 look at this subhuman blaming it on the Sunnis calling the people in the photos Shias.

They lie to justify their agenda.
No you haramzaday Sanghi motherfucker, kisi ghesti di aulad, that is not a Shia “madarsa” as Shia places of worships are called Imam Bargahs and the names mentioned aren’t Shia names. Benchoad dallay, tum logo katal hona chaihai

@Muhammed45 look at this subhuman blaming it on the Sunnis calling the people in the photos Shias.
Maybe he thinks that we have two Qurans, Shia and Sunni. Lol

Quran and Masjid are holy places no matter where it is located, in Shia or Sunni dominated territories. There is only one Quran in the hands of Muslims.

He is trying to divide us, but ironically, Quran doesn't allow it.
What a classy civilisation Hindustan is. Western nations and India have something in common. They like burning things. Especially if the object is related to Islam and Muslims.

Typical victim card and giving decisions by liberals. we give them a shit :)
Based on the local sources, it was an act of Sunni Islamists who burnt shia madarsa in that locality and blamed it on Sanatani. now keep flying the kite.

This guy is a pure bastard breed.

@waz you guys better start taking care of these rapists or I will absolutely make their life a misery on PDF. Don't blame me for being ugly and disrespectful.
What a classy civilisation Hindustan is. Western nations and India have something in common. They like burning things. Especially if the object is related to Islam and Muslims.

This guy is a pure bastard breed.

@waz you guys better start taking care of these rapists or I will absolutely make their life a misery on PDF. Don't blame me for being ugly and disrespectful.

Bro, I’ve noticed that the hateful Hindus of the saffron variety like to provoke Muslims during Ramzan because they know Muslims aren’t allowed to do anything back.

Even on the forum, these bhartoads like to provoke us during Ramzan so they can feel some small victory in making us reply with ‘ma bhen’ gaali and break our Roza.

They are agents of shaitaan.
Bro, I’ve noticed that the hateful Hindus of the saffron variety like to provoke Muslims during Ramzan because they know Muslims aren’t allowed to do anything back.

Even on the forum, these bhartoads like to provoke us during Ramzan so they can feel some small victory in making us reply with ‘ma bhen’ gaali and break our Roza.

They are agents of shaitaan.

Ban them at least for this whole month.
Maybe he thinks that we have two Qurans, Shia and Sunni. Lol

Quran and Masjid are holy places no matter where it is located, in Shia or Sunni dominated territories. There is only one Quran in the hands of Muslims.

He is trying to divide us, but ironically, Quran doesn't allow it.
No, they know. They are deliberate in their motives. You’ll see a trend where anything that comes out of India that’s anti Islam or Muslim, 9 of 10 times the author will have a Shia name to them, and that’s for a very strategic reason.
I’m Syed from whose family can trace our line to the 6th Imam. I routinely pray at Sunni mosques and understand their theology as well. We’re one community,
This really disturbs me. How are we any better than invaders like Bakhtiyar Khilji who razed Nalanda if we do the same. :tsk:

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