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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams

Sanghis are not radicalised. They sometimes have xtreme views on some matters but they are mostly nationalists sometimes ultra nationalists.

This country cannot be torn apart because of it's leadership it is far too strong for that.

Very subtle. What do you define as 'radicalised', if not the Sanghi? What are the characteristics by which we may recognise those capable of being 'radicalised'? Please leave out praying five times a day and similar traits.

Two worrying trends of similarity.

The subtle Hindutva-ization of officers in the Army.

I am no longer convinced that Hinduism was ever really as tolerant and accommodating as I once preached it as being.

The caveat being that Hinduism has always been tolerant and accommodating after asserting itself and/or when it does not feel threatened.

I really wish you would shut up and not keep saying the exact same things that I am scared to say out loud.
Simply speaking bro, we are on our way, more advanced than baby steps, to becoming a Hindu Taliban country.

These guys, sanghi thugs, are least bothered about your certificate. They are the frustrated dregs of society with a lot of pent up frustration and rage inside them at their lot in life and general helplessness to do anything about it.

They feed off each others hate of the "other" and they begin to genuinely believe in their narrative.

Let me put it to you and others here straight. No PC BS.

The so called Hindu Right today is made up of all sorts of disgruntled lumpen from across the country. From north to south.

They have nothing in common with each other except for the fact that they have pent up helpless rage within them and their social lot and they are riding piggyback the "Hindu" bandwagon.

When they finish with the Muslims, the Christians long since taken care of, they will turn on themselves.

And that is when the real game will begin ....

For they would have destroyed the ONLY thing that keeps us together in our diversity. And then the old cleave lines and differences will actually reappear. And one only has to look elsewhere to know how that turns out.

Remember these words

Too Late!!!
Don't feel scared. If you (and I and others) stop now, look to your west.

Very subtle. What do you define as 'radicalised', if not the Sanghi? What are the characteristics by which we may recognise those capable of being 'radicalised'? Please leave out praying five times a day and similar traits.
Well there these Sangi's as Well you have Probably very narrow view of Looking at them

RSS is ocean of Right Wing ideology you will find moderate's ,Liberal,Ultra every school of thought in them
you cannot Discard A complete Race of the people Who have different Set of believes than yourself.

A Nation can only Prosper when Everyone views are accepted.Marginalizing one views only Result in divisions in the future

I am no longer convinced that Hinduism was ever really as tolerant and accommodating as I once preached it as being.

The caveat being that Hinduism has always been tolerant and accommodating after asserting itself and/or when it does not feel threatened.
I was also under the same impression as yours that my religion (Hinduism) is the best (probably sharing honors with Buddhism).
....and then, I was introduced to internet and google.
the way the minority caste hindus treated (and treats) the ppl of the lowest order was horrible. there are some equivalences in many civilizations, but this is unparalleled in form of intensity and the time period (2000 and counting). now its anybody's guess that if one doesn't respect someone from his own religion (albeit they are dalits or adivasis), what can you expect from him when it comes to different religion ?
"Those" select group of ppl believed in controlling large section of masses to do their work while they kept on tightening the nooses around the necks of ppl who fed them, cleaned them and practically worshipped them. its only the swords of the muslim hordes from the west and "gora" guns from the coasts which made them rethink their understanding of their own superiority (remember ramayan-Mahabharata, everything they say or term is vishwavyapi--- abey indus aur irrawady ke paar kabhi dekha nahi aur baat karte ho poorey duniya ki ?)
I don't want that india again. period.
Well there these Sangi's as Well you have Probably very narrow view of Looking at them

RSS is ocean of Right Wing ideology you will find moderate's ,Liberal,Ultra every school of thought in them
you cannot Discard A complete Race of the people Who have different Set of believes than yourself.

A Nation can only Prosper when Everyone views are accepted.Marginalizing one views only Result in divisions in the future


Don't know whom you are trying to fool.

There are no liberals or moderates among them. Period.

I was also under the same impression as yours that my religion (Hinduism) is the best (probably sharing honors with Buddhism).
....and then, I was introduced to internet and google.
the way the minority caste hindus treated (and treats) the ppl of the lowest order was horrible. there are some equivalences in many civilizations, but this is unparalleled in form of intensity and the time period (2000 and counting). now its anybody's guess that if one doesn't respect someone from his own religion (albeit they are dalits or adivasis), what can you expect from him when it comes to different religion ?
"Those" select group of ppl believed in controlling large section of masses to do their work while they kept on tightening the nooses around the necks of ppl who fed them, cleaned them and practically worshipped them. its only the swords of the muslim hordes from the west and "gora" guns from the coasts which made them rethink their understanding of their own superiority (remember ramayan-Mahabharata, everything they say or term is vishwavyapi--- abey indus aur irrawady ke paar kabhi dekha nahi aur baat karte ho poorey duniya ki ?)
I don't want that india again. period.


Join me in applauding this post. He is not entirely right, there are elements worth salvaging, but almost right on the nail.
look to your west.
another false equivalence.

What do you define as 'radicalised', if not the Sanghi?
we know what radical muslims do, blow themselves up, join isis etc and the latest craze, vehicular jihad.

we don't have that problem here, when was the last time you heard of a 'lone wolf' hindu that went on a killing spree chanting hare krishna ?

there is no hindu terror, we don't have a sallafi version of hinduism.

nice kitty, don't be scared, here, have some treats.

I was also under the same impression as yours that my religion (Hinduism) is the best (probably sharing honors with Buddhism).
....and then, I was introduced to internet and google.
the way the minority caste hindus treated (and treats) the ppl of the lowest order was horrible. there are some equivalences in many civilizations, but this is unparalleled in form of intensity and the time period (2000 and counting). now its anybody's guess that if one doesn't respect someone from his own religion (albeit they are dalits or adivasis), what can you expect from him when it comes to different religion ?
"Those" select group of ppl believed in controlling large section of masses to do their work while they kept on tightening the nooses around the necks of ppl who fed them, cleaned them and practically worshipped them. its only the swords of the muslim hordes from the west and "gora" guns from the coasts which made them rethink their understanding of their own superiority (remember ramayan-Mahabharata, everything they say or term is vishwavyapi--- abey indus aur irrawady ke paar kabhi dekha nahi aur baat karte ho poorey duniya ki ?)
I don't want that india again. period.

No one is doodh ka dhula.

But Hinduism has demonstrated the willingness and ability to change.

Either voluntarily or by external force and influence.

That is something Islam cannot boast about. And probably the one thing that works in our favor today.

Hindus are realists, pragmatists, might I say even materialistic about faith in general.

If something is beginning to seriously hurt, they've morphed and realigned in the past.


Join me in applauding this post. He is not entirely right, there are elements worth salvaging, but almost right on the nail.

I did.

What he did not touch on was the extermination of Buddhism from the land of its birth.

Systematically and brutally.

The internalization and appropriation of Jainism.

And the vassalization of Sikhism.

You do know that you have a permanent positive rating, as far as I am concerned? I don't bother to embellish every post of yours with it.
A request?

Why don't you go soak your head?

Be sensible

You are riding the crest of a hindutva wave which hasent reached its peak yet.

Its got a long way to go yet, maybe the more educated, more intuitive within society do understand but the masses of of dum dums don't and you will push on this path until serious consequences start emerging maybe even riots before the "sukular" counter argument can be effective
Be sensible

You are riding the crest of a hindutva wave which hasent reached its peak yet.

Its got a long way to go yet, maybe the more educated, more intuitive within society do understand but the masses of of dum dums don't and you will push on this path until serious consequences start emerging maybe even riots before the "sukular" counter argument can be effective

True, the wave hasn't peaked, and it will get worse before it gets better.

41% of the people understand, not just the educated and more intuitive among upper caste Hindus, but large swathes of the Dalit lower castes (even the 'upper' and 'lower' displays the deep rot that has set into our thinking), of the minorities, Muslim, Christian and Sikh, and the tribals, both of the central Indian forests and the north-east.

I am aware that there will be riots and violence unseen before.

It's just that I wish you would stop doing Poe's Raven on us.
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