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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams

What he did not touch on was the extermination of Buddhism from the land of its birth.
makes me remember, once a learned friend told me that islam was and will never be any threat to hinduism in our land. its buddhism which was in a strong position to wean hindiusm (brahmanical) out of its support base.
things like "vegeterianism" is a copied concept "from" buddhism.
steve jobs vs wozniak.
True, the wave hasn't peaked, and it will get worse before it gets better.

41% of the people understand, not just the educated and more intuitive among upper caste Hindus, but large swathes of the Dalit lower castes (even the 'upper' and 'lower' displays the deep rot that has set into our thinking), of the minorities, Muslim, Christian and Sikh, and the tribals, both of the central Indian forests and the north-east.

I am aware that there will be riots and violence unseen before.

It's just that I wish you would stop doing Poe's Raven on us.

Its more schadenfreude

Pakistan went through a similar (but different) experience but we were lucky in that we only lost thousands of people and billions of dollars

Our society was religiously more homogeneous so whilst the pain was real and we are still not out of the woods we are emerging with no damage to the core of Pakistan this is because whilst the terrorists targeted us the majority in our country were not convinced by a extremist argument where we rip our society apart on religious lines, whilst we are conservative our politics tends not to be extreme, corrupt yes but not extreme

Your problem is different Your extremists are emerging as the driving power behind the core of your society and the majority population is being convinced by a increasingly right wing arguments

The very core of the very idea of india a secular india is at risk
makes me remember, once a learned friend told me that islam was and will never be any threat to hinduism in our land. its buddhism which was in a strong position to wean hindiusm (brahmanical) out of its support base.
things like "vegeterianism" is a copied concept "from" buddhism.
steve jobs vs wozniak.

More dalits (multitude more) are nominal boudh than they are Muslim or Christian combined.

I say nominal, because they still celebrate all Hindu festivals.

So culturally they are and have always been Hindu, but have become denominationally Buddhist to escape the caste clutches, and band together under the blue sun Jai Bheem dhwaj.
Don't know whom you are trying to fool.

There are no liberals or moderates among them. Period.
Like i said you have very narrow way of thinking.You are trapped by very thick wall of you own set beliefs.Its From individuals Like you from right and left way of thinking India has To Protect itself .Your perceptions only create divisions among the society.

You are just another side of coin Pointing itself as Lesser evil nothing more or less.

You Lived your whole life believing this Myth Its My Stupidity that i though your perceptions Will change Now
Two worrying trends of similarity.

The subtle Hindutva-ization of officers in the Army.

I am no longer convinced that Hinduism was ever really as tolerant and accommodating as I once preached it as being.

The caveat being that Hinduism has always been tolerant and accommodating after asserting itself and/or when it does not feel threatened.

Best example:

A couple in Uttar Pradesh's Meerut was harassed, thrashed by members of Hindu Yuva Vahini, a youth group founded by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.

Members of the group barged into a house in Meerut's Shastri Nagar locality and thrashed a Muslim man after he was found in a compromising position with a woman, local residents said. The incident took place on Tuesday (April 11).

"When we entered the house, we found the two in a compromising state. The rooms in the building are rented out for suspicious activities," Nagendra Pratap Singh, the leader of the group, said.

A video of the incident being circulated on social media shows the couple being bombarded with questions such as - "What is your name? Name your baap (father), What are you doing here?" - by members of the group.

"Why your names are different? Have you converted?" the quizzing of the couple goes on.

The couple was later handed over the police which denied the two being beaten up by the group.

Superintendent of police (City) Alok Priyadarshi said that the man and women were Muslims and they were released later.

Headquartered in Gorakhpur, the Hindu Yuva Vahini was founded by Yogi Adityanath in 2002.However, the Uttar Pradesh chief minister has distanced himself from the organisation now.


[http://m.ndtv.com/india-news/whos-y...uva-vahini-founded-by-yogi-adityanath-1680401] [Whos Your Baap? Couple In UP Harassed By Hindu Yuva Vahini Founded By Yogi Adityanath - NDTV.com] is good,have a look at it!

And cops book case against couple...:rofl::rofl::rofl:.....
Like i said you have very narrow way of thinking.You are trapped by very thick wall of you own set beliefs.Its From individuals Like you from right and left way of thinking India has To Protect itself .Your perceptions only create divisions among the society.

You are just another side of coin Pointing itself as Lesser evil nothing more or less.

You Lived your whole life believing this Myth Its My Stupidity that i though your perceptions Will change Now

Unfortunately for you, me and us, he's right.

And if you've been privy to his politics and been following him on PDF, he's always been right.

Some of us have realised it now.

Some of us still haven't.

Some of us won't.
Hey, Hindutva militants, your ideology of Hindutva is - shock, shock - dividing the nation rather than uniting it; so are your dreams of turning this country into a Hindutva Rashtra, crashing?

It seems you are unwittingly creating, in your usual dense and crude ways, a Coastal Republic of India. This wonderful coastline envelops the South, from the Gulf of Kutch in the West (mainland Gujarat with the original Hindutva laboratory can never be part of this new Republic) that curves down south to the Konkan coast, touching coastal Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka and Kerala; then snaking up on the east coast, to Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Odisha, to maybe even include the Seven Sisters of the North-East.

Will your Sangh pontiff, the RSS founders, have their dreams of an Akhand Bharat crumble even further?

Just look at what you have done with your murderous anti-beef bans, violent actions by anti-Romeo criminals, jagran morality and Hindutva prudery?

You have pushed the progressive coastal states to look the opposite of the medieval North, so is it any wonder that soon there may be a call to secede, to reassert the glory of Hinduism and Original India?

Here’s how you’ve blown it

RAM IT IN: Apparently, so flush with victory was the Sangh’s BJP president Amit Shah and PM Narendra Modi after the stupendous UP state elections, where they even installed a Yogi with a criminal record as chief minister, that the gung ho leadership went on a spree in West Bengal to militarise the pious Hindu festival of Ram Navami into doctrinal feud.

The prosperous Sangh-sponsored Sri Ram Navami Shobha Yatra let out the war cry of Jai Shri Ram (machoised from the original Jai Siya (Sita) Ram) for Hindutva with processions of men, women and children brandishing swords and trishuls all over the state.

But guess what, even though Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee sponsored her own processions to counter this hideous parade, she was categorical when she scoffed “Ram is not my god, and Ram puja is not connected with Bengal culture”.

Left wings jackassness at its best... Pissed of at a Right of Center Party coming into poser by virtually blowing their every possible fortress... they are too busy doing randi rona everywhere...
Best example:

A couple in Uttar Pradesh's Meerut was harassed, thrashed by members of Hindu Yuva Vahini, a youth group founded by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.

Members of the group barged into a house in Meerut's Shastri Nagar locality and thrashed a Muslim man after he was found in a compromising position with a woman, local residents said. The incident took place on Tuesday (April 11).

"When we entered the house, we found the two in a compromising state. The rooms in the building are rented out for suspicious activities," Nagendra Pratap Singh, the leader of the group, said.

A video of the incident being circulated on social media shows the couple being bombarded with questions such as - "What is your name? Name your baap (father), What are you doing here?" - by members of the group.

"Why your names are different? Have you converted?" the quizzing of the couple goes on.

The couple was later handed over the police which denied the two being beaten up by the group.

Superintendent of police (City) Alok Priyadarshi said that the man and women were Muslims and they were released later.

Headquartered in Gorakhpur, the Hindu Yuva Vahini was founded by Yogi Adityanath in 2002.However, the Uttar Pradesh chief minister has distanced himself from the organisation now.


[http://m.ndtv.com/india-news/whos-y...uva-vahini-founded-by-yogi-adityanath-1680401] [Whos Your Baap? Couple In UP Harassed By Hindu Yuva Vahini Founded By Yogi Adityanath - NDTV.com] is good,have a look at it!

And cops book case against couple...:rofl::rofl::rofl:.....

No one here has any illusions about our Police. Due respect and apologies to the honest and non corrupt among them, including Joe's dad.

What Joe and I were speaking of was Army officers.

The last bastion.
Unfortunately for you, me and us, he's right.

And if you've been privy to his politics and been following him on PDF, he's always been right.

Some of us have realised it now.

Some of us still haven't.

Some of us won't.
If He Succeeded in brain washing You Then kudos To you!!
No one here has any illusions about our Police. Due respect and apologies to the honest and non corrupt among them, including Joe's dad.

What Joe and I were speaking of was Army officers.

The last bastion.

Am aware of Honest officers, but the corrupted side kicks.. After looking some specific members posts here. who enjoy such incidents/attacks by the Vigilant groups, am surprised.. Few years ago members joined in this forum to represent India but now a days to represent religions, Am worried because such incidents gives chance to the jackals... these groups harming our Unity in the name of religion, beef, love jihad..
to represent religions


Like the Hindu Right I spoke about, the sanghis here band together for convenience. Like pack animals who agree to hunt together to bring down the prey.

But if you are a nuanced forummer, and you are, then understand the internal dynamics. Which is not new either.

Reflect back on the development of region/language specific "Corners" here in PDF and see which country is reflected. India. Or Pakistan.

Remove Pakistanis. Remove secular Indians from here. And then watch them hunt each other down.
The sickulars here are describing Hindutva like few blind persons describing Elephant.

Am thoroughly enjoying this squirming of sickulars. Why?

Let you guys know this. This is exactly how I as a Hindu felt in the past when the sickulars were openly canvasing for ending the Hindu culture in its home soil. Not one opportunity was left to degrade Hinduism, in fact it was a fashion to degrade Hinduism by the your cults, all sickulars, the more you degrade the more you were considered as a intellectual with explicit support from media.

I still remember an article in the Hindu newspaper which I read in my schooldays when the author who was a popular celebrity, I don't remember her name, was saying that "She is surprised why so many Hindus feel offended when Islam / Christianity is spreading more. It is not like Hinduism is going to end next day or next year. No one will feel anything as it will happen slowly and no one is going to feel any pain. We should be happy as the fittest is going to survive." I as a Hindu felt humbled when I read this.

Now when the tables are turned these sickulars are crying over the rooftop, street corners, and where ever possible about how evil Hindutva is.

Let them cry. No one will die, no will feel any pain.
Idea of India lol? Even the word India is not Indian origin. There were several kingdons in India. British colonized and united South Asia. There was no India or Bharat before.

In present India only the North Indians are considered real citizens. And everyone else is treated as 2nd class citizen. North Hindia is exploitint rest of India.
Per Capita Income of East UP is 24,000/- rupees p.a. and that of Bihar is 26,000/- rupees p.a. These two regions are in North India that according to you is the real first class India while the rest are second class citizens. Can you tell me what is the per capita income of your state and compare it with East UP and Bihar. Do you not have Brahmins in South India? Have you forgotten the Bengaluru pub incident when women were beaten by some religious elements? Were pink chaddhis sent to some north Indian brahmin zealot?
Do you think that British were the first to bring the Indian states under single governance? You got to brush up your history and if you are still in primary then wait till you reach the high school.
Its more schadenfreude

Pakistan went through a similar (but different) experience but we were lucky in that we only lost thousands of people and billions of dollars

Our society was religiously more homogeneous so whilst the pain was real and we are still not out of the woods we are emerging with no damage to the core of Pakistan this is because whilst the terrorists targeted us the majority in our country were not convinced by a extremist argument where we rip our society apart on religious lines, whilst we are conservative our politics tends not to be extreme, corrupt yes but not extreme

Your problem is different Your extremists are emerging as the driving power behind the core of your society and the majority population is being convinced by a increasingly right wing arguments

The very core of the very idea of india a secular india is at risk

I REALLY wish you would go away.

These are the sorts of things I REALLY don't want to hear.

But I have also heard the counter-argument that the Hindu Indian extremist is not as violent as the Muslim Pakistani extremist.

Like i said you have very narrow way of thinking.You are trapped by very thick wall of you own set beliefs.Its From individuals Like you from right and left way of thinking India has To Protect itself .Your perceptions only create divisions among the society.

You are just another side of coin Pointing itself as Lesser evil nothing more or less.

You Lived your whole life believing this Myth Its My Stupidity that i though your perceptions Will change Now

You are right.

What CAN you do with such narrow way of thinking, that can't see that the RSS has liberals and moderates amongst it, from set beliefs that think, wrongly, that all religions are equal, that 'India' (what is India, btw, that has to protect itself from Indians) has to protect itself from both the left and the right (but NOT the RSS right, which is not right at all, but just just)?

And, of course, denying others their way of life has nothing to do with creating divisions among "the society", whatever that means, bashing those who differ from an 'upper'-caste Hindu point of view has nothing to do with creating divisions within society, it is those of us who point to such imbecile behaviour as bad for social links who are responsible for breaking up society.

I suppose you learnt phrases like

You are just another side of coin Pointing itself as Lesser evil nothing more or less.
in your local shakha. It is better that you should stick to Hindi fora.
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