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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams

it would have been a much more convincing argument if you guys compared Rss into Klu Klux klan ,nope Taliban it is ,apparently more dangerous than Taliban ... dont know @ who'm im suppose to laugh @ you morons or these retards ..:lol::lol:

ohhh..and good luck with that subtle yet excellent Hindu bashing ...:tup:
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read the last paragraph. frequency of train accidents increased..

so u agree . .that

Congress is as good as BJP minus the "Development" !

thats good for starters :)

BTW my question was "why" do you think that the incidents are increasing ?

for which u gave an abba dabba jabba type reply.
Gentlemen ....

The fierce guy center front in the @eowyn post with the battle cry about to launch a kick and a sanghate chop is the posterboy Sanghi.
Idea of India lol? Even the word India is not Indian origin. There were several kingdons in India. British colonized and united South Asia. There was no India or Bharat before.

In present India only the North Indians are considered real citizens. And everyone else is treated as 2nd class citizen. North Hindia is exploitint rest of India.
Per Capita Income of East UP is 24,000/- rupees p.a. and that of Bihar is 26,000/- rupees p.a. These two regions are in North India that according to you is the real first class India while the rest are second class citizens. Can you tell me what is the per capita income of your state and compare it with East UP and Bihar. Do you not have Brahmins in South India? Have you forgotten the Bengaluru pub incident when women were beaten by some religious elements? Were pink chaddhis sent to some north Indian brahmin zealot?
Do you think that British were the first to bring the Indian states under single governance? You got to brush up your history and if you are still in primary then wait till you reach the high school.
You are right.

What CAN you do with such narrow way of thinking, that can't see that the RSS has liberals and moderates amongst it, from set beliefs that think, wrongly, that all religions are equal, that 'India' (what is India, btw, that has to protect itself from Indians) has to protect itself from both the left and the right (but NOT the RSS right, which is not right at all, but just just)?

And, of course, denying others their way of life has nothing to do with creating divisions among "the society", whatever that means, bashing those who differ from an 'upper'-caste Hindu point of view has nothing to do with creating divisions within society, it is those of us who point to such imbecile behaviour as bad for social links who are responsible for breaking up society.

I suppose you learnt phrases like
Kudos with your views But you are Not a judge To decide what is wrong

RSS creating caste Division Well Gandhi Beg To Differ from your point of views when he visited local shakhas you claimed .
Perhaps You never been to one Either, Expected views

A individual like me from ST caste Who's Pure Identity is a creation of What you called "So called Upper caste Hindu point-views" And My Teacher Who was Brahman from caste Was local Sangachalak of RSS. Like Me there are Millions of Lives they saved through there Social programs and Schooling .

I Was expecting Caste card remarks from you.Perhaps You have not anticipated me And My kind

in your local shakha. It is better that you should stick to Hindi fora.

Yes off-course ,A dalit like Myself Is Privileged To get Knowledge (whatever i managed) from Sangi's School Shraswati shishu Mandir Which made me what I am Today in My life Which was Expected From my govt But they were Never there.

Trust me, I only brain-wash those who have a brain to wash. You are safe.
Sarcasm at this Age is not good for You.Too Much of excitement will increase your heart rate :(
Kudos with your views But you are Not a judge To decide what is wrong

RSS creating caste Division Well Gandhi Beg To Differ from your point of views when he visited local shakhas you claimed .
Perhaps You never been to one Either, Expected views

A individual like me from ST caste Who's Pure Identity is a creation of What you called "So called Upper caste Hindu point-views" And My Teacher Who was Brahman from caste Was local Sangachalak of RSS. Like Me there are Millions of Lives they saved through there Social programs and Schooling .

I Was expecting Caste card remarks from you.Perhaps You have not anticipated me And My kind

Yes off-course ,A dalit like Myself Is Privileged To get Knowledge (whatever i managed) from Sangi's School Shraswati shishu Mandir Which made me what I am Today in My life Which was Expected From my govt But they were Never there.

Sarcasm at this Age is not good for You.Too Much of excitement will increase your heart rate :(

And I am fondly expected to believe this fairy tale from the anonymous Mr. John Reese? Dream on.
so u agree . .that

Congress is as good as BJP minus the "Development" !

thats good for starters :)

BTW my question was "why" do you think that the incidents are increasing ?

for which u gave an abba dabba jabba type reply.

I appreciate your response. When BJP not in power they demanded Cong Railway minister get down. When BJP is in power,forgot moral grounds which they preached before 2014.. Even fatal train accidents increased and occurring frequently... Isn't it govt responsibility to ensure safety of passengers??? you can't control accidents but you lay new lines? It is like saying we build new tracks, travel at your own risk:woot::woot::woot:... And you call it development :o::o::o::o::o:... Nice comfort.. o_Oo_O



these are flowers not weapons...
Pakistanis say their country wasn't created for Indian Muslims...not every Tom, Dick and Abdullah could come there and stay. Borders were closed in 1952. This place is our only home, we got nowhere else to go (or maybe look for work permits in Gulf). You shouldn't be cheering the hindutva brigade

My family both from father and mother side migrated to Pakistan from what is now India. They took the risk leaving all their belongings behind. One of my uncle left with his family and when he arrived in Pakistan, he was the only living among his folks, he was 4 years old at the time, and now he is enjoying the retired life of ex bank executive in his villa among Karachi most posh area. As they say "Who dares win", while I understand the reasons for those Muslims who opted to stay put in India, you may want to put questions to your elders as to why they didnt migrate. To say "Pakistan wasnt created for Indian Muslims" is factually incorrect. Ofcourse the border cannot stay open forever and ample time was given for people to make their mind.
I was also under the same impression as yours that my religion (Hinduism) is the best (probably sharing honors with Buddhism).
....and then, I was introduced to internet and google.
It took Google for you to realize how you have been mistreated by so-called upper caste Hindus around you, and that Hinduism is actually a bad religion :).

once a learned friend told me that islam was and will never be any threat to hinduism in our land
I just hope your friend is as learned as you :)
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