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Hong Kong protests proves that China soft power is non existent.

Why were some of the Hong Kong protesters waving American flags? That looked really suspicious. Seems like they were agent provocateur possibly being paid by the CIA.

The Chinese members on PDF are really nice. It's always a pleasure communicating with them.

Being unable to relate to people who are different to you is due to lack of contact with other cultures from an early age. Nothing more. It is very easy to change.

Most of the Chinese members here are autistic and retarded. I think you are being polite.

They are waving American flags because they want American and British support. They are also being supported and paid by the CIA, it is another color revolution. But trust me, they hate Mainlanders and do not need American manipulation to do what they are doing. They are not driven by democracy, they are driven by their hate of Mainlanders and their colonial mentality.
Most of the Chinese members here are autistic and retarded. I think you are being polite.

They are waving American flags because they want American and British support. They are also being supported and paid by the CIA, it is another color revolution. But trust me, they hate Mainlanders and do not need American manipulation to do what they are doing. They are not driven by democracy, they are driven by their hate of Mainlanders and their colonial mentality.

Why do they hate the mainlandets so much? Is it a class war or a politically motivated?
Why do they hate the mainlandets so much? Is it a class war or a politically motivated?

For many decades Hong Kong was much richer than the Mainland. They came to believe that they were superior to Mainlanders. They see the Mainlanders as poor, ignorant people while the HKers saw themselves as the richer, more superior, more cultured people. They saw the British as their masters.

Now everything is turned on its head. The British are gone and the Mainland is surpassing them. HK's economy is shit because of the incompetence of the local govt, meanwhile many Mainland cities are beating them. They are bitter and resentful.
That is definitely part of it. Hong Kongers have a deep hatred for Mainland Chinese because for many decades they had a superiority complex towards the Mainlanders. The fact that the Mainland is surpassing them has bred a lot of resentment. Their own economic problems are due to the fact that their local government is dominated by property developers, the Mainland didn't create any of their problems. The ironic thing is that the Mainland could probably solve their economic problems but Hong Kongers will freak out in hysteria if the Mainland actually did anything to help them.

Hong Kongers are groomed to see White people as their masters. The flag waving and all of their virtue signaling are all a part of gaining the sympathy of White anglos, and they literally only care about gaining the approval and sympathy of White anglos and no one else. Hong Kongers btw are no practitioners of liberal values, they are some of the most hateful and racist people in the world, just ask any African or South Asian who live in Hong Kong.

Well in terms of racism the mainlanders aren’t exactly angels. However since Hong Kong was a British colony some of the more notoriously unpleasant British views of “peoples of the world” have probably rubbed off on them (and I’m sure the mainlanders were a favorite target). So I won’t argue with you on that.

As for the flag waving I’m not going to argue with those assertions either. They can wave the US flag all they want but to most Americans they may as well be mainlanders. They don’t see much difference between them and the Tiananmen protesters.
Well in terms of racism the mainlanders aren’t exactly angels. However since Hong Kong was a British colony some of the more notoriously unpleasant British views of “peoples of the world” have probably rubbed off on them (and I’m sure the mainlanders were a favorite target). So I won’t argue with you on that.

As for the flag waving I’m not going to argue with those assertions either. They can wave the US flag all they want but to most Americans they may as well be mainlanders. They don’t see much difference between them and the Tiananmen protesters.

I agree with everything you said.

Mainland Chinese are ignorant as **** when it comes to race and they absolutely horrid as far as racial sensitivity.

But trust me, Hong Kongers are way more intentionally nasty when it comes to being huge racists. Mainlanders are mainly just ignorant and insensitive as hell, but they are more pleasant people in general than Hong Kongers.

Yes, most Americans do not care about Hong Kong and cannot differentiate between them and the Mainlanders. But the HKers are trying very hard to gain American approval and support.
For many decades Hong Kong was much richer than the Mainland. They came to believe that they were superior to Mainlanders. They see the Mainlanders as poor, ignorant people while the HKers saw themselves as the richer, more superior, more cultured people. They saw the British as their masters.

Now everything is turned on its head. The British are gone and the Mainland is surpassing them. HK's economy is shit because of the incompetence of the local govt, meanwhile many Mainland cities are beating them. They are bitter and resentful.

From what I've seen on the internet, ALL Chinese cities nowadays look more advanced and developed than London and other major Western Cities. The rise of China has been miraculous.

It's a shame that some people from Hong Kong have that attitude.
Many HKers are brainwashed just like the western Ukrainians.

You do NOT have to go all the way to HONGKONG, ... to discover that PRC & majority of
Chinese people in general ~ just do NOT have ... the Soft--power ... or at the very least
have usually FAILED ... time and time again to apply and use their Soft--power properly.

EXHIBIT 1 is right here in this ... PDF forums. >>>

#1) Majority of Chinese PDF members have usually FAILED to appreciate & support
all those Non--Chinese PDF members who are defending PRC and CHINA and Chinese
values and interest in general ~ by
GENEROUSLY generously clicking ...
the >> THUMB UP ~ THANK YOU << button on those defending CHN postings.

Only because these Non--Chinese PDF members do not have 2 PRC flags
showing under their PDF avatars.

This specific behavior above is extremely short sighted in terms of
accumulating and building up CHN Soft--power.

View attachment 574929

#2) also equally important ~ Majority of Chinese PDF members have usually FAILED
to stand up and DEFEND those nations who are clearly the ... enemies of
( the #1 Global CRIMINAL nation on EARTH ~ which is the United Satan of Murica ).


For examples:
PAKISTAN, BELARUS, SERBIA, CUBA, and ... many others nations who hate Murica )
who are repeatedly under attack and being bullied repeatedly by the United Satan of Murica
and their SLAVES nations such as Aussie, UK )

*** Even much more embarrassing and deeply disturbing is too many Chinese are
exhibiting their secret desire to become friendly with the Devil Empire himself.

Devil Empire =
( the #1 Global CRIMINAL nation on EARTH ~ which is the United Satan of Murica )

PRC and Chinese people still have a long, long, long way to go in terms of
properly applying their Soft--power to and supporting those who are defending CHN.

View attachment 574932

Most veteran PDF Chinese members like myself usually appreciate the supports from the non-Chinese members.

BTW, the US is not looking to compete soft power with China, but rather hard power.

They are in deep troubles right now, and they also know that the soft power is nothing without being backed by the hard power.
For many decades Hong Kong was much richer than the Mainland. They came to believe that they were superior to Mainlanders. They see the Mainlanders as poor, ignorant people while the HKers saw themselves as the richer, more superior, more cultured people. They saw the British as their masters.

Now everything is turned on its head. The British are gone and the Mainland is surpassing them. HK's economy is shit because of the incompetence of the local govt, meanwhile many Mainland cities are beating them. They are bitter and resentful.

Yes, Hongkong is so different to Macao. Unlike Hongkong, Macao is very quiet. And I heard Chinese Government give them more land to expand their territory.
From Hong Kong Chinese newspaper Wenhui Daily on how western infiltrated educations poisoned the minds of young students.

Hong Kong School Textbook contains loop holes and Poisonous Teaching

High school general knowledge has been implemented for10 years, and it has been a subject of continuous controversy. The subject's curriculum is closely linked to social events, but there are loopholes in its implementation, it is easy for people of ulterior motives to disseminate and propagate biased information, and has created problems that some students are being "poisoned" by the school text material.

As the General Knowledge subject does not required verification (by education dept), the so-called "textbooks" on the market are not guaranteed any quality and thas been repeatedly exposed as biased or erroneous.
不設課本送審制度 恐成縱暴政治宣傳品

In addition, because general knowledge is flexible in teaching, teachers can choose or write teaching materials by so-called "professional" basis, but in fact, many materials and examination questions lack balance and are rather suggestive in nature ; The yellow (umbrella protestors) factions took the opportunity to inject teaching texts biased with propaganda materials, instigating students to rise up to struggle, participating in illegal activities.
Reporting by Chi Wenfeng and Wen Genmao in Hong Kong

另外由於通識科具教學彈性較大,教師可憑「專業」選擇或編寫教材,但實際上不少材料以及考題角度欠持平,充滿引導性;更有部分「黃師」視此為可乘之機,製作出稱為「教材」的政治宣傳品,煽動學生積極參與「抗爭」甚或激進違法行為,令人髮指。 ■香港文匯報記者 姬文風、文根茂

Indoctrination of Police as Enemy: The Saint Stephen College Examination Papers
In July this year's Saint Stephen College examination paper, in which some cartoons depicting the illegal "occupying of Central" incident, focused only on police action taking away protestors, and their chants of "occupying motor way is not a crime", but ignore mention of violations of law, and impact on the society.
The examination papers were said "mentioning the goodness of struggling against the laws and silent on the detrimental effect", and playing up the hostility between the police and the public, (these examination papers) are suspected to be tools of teachers trying to "brainwash" students and instilling a sense of hatred against the police.

Advocating "Occupy Central" by the Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union (HKPTU) as political propaganda teaching material
Shortly after the illegal concept of "occupying China" was put forward in 2013, the director of the HKPTU, Fang Jingle, produced the so-called "Occupying Central" teaching material, which was reviewed by Dai Yaoting as an adviser and reviewed, strongly "promote" the details of the operation of "Occupy Central", as a guide on how to "occupy Central", in the 39-page text material, only 1 page added a little "controversial" opinion to the 39-page teaching material.

In the face of questions from all sides, the HKPTU subsequently launched the 2.0 edition of the"Textbook", which added a little disagreement with the view of "occupying Central" and the addition of a number of opposition scholars and advisers to "play balance view", but still used Dai Yaoting's advocacy of "occupying Central" as the"main" and essence of political propaganda remained unchanged.

Distortion of the Facts" published anti-China political cartoons
There General Knowledge subject in some English Secondary Schools include in wholesome biased anti-China Western depiction, using anti-China political cartoons as teaching material in attacking the so-called "re-education camps", and adding "brainwashing" allegations, under the pretext of "in the name of general knowledge" to make political attacks on China.

In fact, China has repeatedly expressed its dissatisfaction with the western society's distortion of the Vocational Skills Education Training Center in Xinjiang as a "re-education camp" and stressed that the training center is one of a series of anti-terrorism and de-extremist measures taken by Xinjiang to effectively safeguard local security and basic human rights of the people of all ethnic groups. In addition, earlier, 50 permanent ambassadors to Geneva sent a joint letter, positive evaluation of Xinjiang's anti-terrorism and de-extremist results.
Subjective Theory on "Star-catching starting point General education, answering all mighty key"
Explaining the so-called "insufficient credibility of the Government" argument, it accused without concrete backing (evidence) that the Chief Executive was "involved in a number of scandals" and used it as a "reason" to explain the reason that some members of the public had therefore "often taunted the Government in different ways and even attacked the Legislative Council and Government Headquarters". The whole process of such (anti-government) theory was groundless and extremely subjective.

When referring to the relevant contents of modern China's reform and opening-up, other than short mention of rapid economic development, the rest of the content is biased towards negative issues, including "three rural issues", "migrant workers", "left-behind children", "corruption problems", but rarely mentioned the opportunities brought about by reform and opening up.

The general knowledge subject should be (balance with) positive and negative point of view, but there is a obvious bias.
【立論主觀】《奪星起步點 通識教育 答題萬能key》

"Beautification of illegal act" Mingming High School General Education - Hong Kong Today
In the paragraph "Identity under social change", inappropriate and even illegal acts such as "expulsion of mainland tourists", "shrieking the national anthem" and "promoting "Hong Kong independence" are referred to as "battles", while other reactions are reduced to "escape", "close to power" or "surrender".
The content has been criticised for deliberately provoking confrontation between Hong Kong and the Mainland, while glorifying extreme illegal activities and inculcating students' misconceptions.

In the simulated examination questions, students were asked to discuss whether they agreed to "the more radical the way they become when participating in social and political affairs." Some have questioned whether it is a mock misalignment to juxtapose the election with the illegal so-called "referendum" and the "revolution" that toppled the regime.

In addition, the discussion of "effectiveness" in the questions was also described as biased and guided, as only the "Jasmine Revolution" data were described as "successful change of day", making it easier for students to obtain conclusions that were "the more radical the more effective".


Unjustified Allegations: Junior High School New Thinking General Knowledge Unit 2: Hong Kong Today
Referring to the practice of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong, he quoted the so-called "lawyers" as saying that "the implementation process of the Basic Law is more biased towards "one country" than "two systems", and quoted "the people" of unfounded accusations that the Central Government "regularly intervenes in Hong Kong affairs" and caused it to lose confidence in "one country, two systems" and take into account the foreign life. As for the "government" means to adhere to the principle of "one country, two systems", it has been gently brought in the paragraph.
The criticism of the arrangement has a clear tendency to lead students to have no confidence in "one country, two systems". On the discussion of the Chief Executive by universal suffrage, the book only emphasizes that some members of the public's appeal to the so-called "true universal suffrage" has not joined the public's voice in support of the political reform package, and has been questioned about the intention to create confrontation between the SAR Government and the public.
In explaining the "citizen's resistance", there is no clear indication of the illegality.

"General Reading - Personal Growth and Interpersonal Relationships"
The content is biased, including the discussion "Why is the sentence of juvenile severity less than that of an adult when committing an offence?"

Explaining the so-called "protection of young people" as an important value of society and "not necessarily conscious and premeditated" when committing an offence, it was questioned that young people should not be responsible for making mistakes.

Under the title "Post-80s Political Participation", the glorification of political activities as "the pay of being a part of society" has been accused of being single-handed and of advocating young participation in radicalization.
"Wrong Facts" in Form Four class Examination Paper of Saint Francis College
Form four examination papers of Saint. Francis College in 2017 cited biased data from a special meeting of police members during the "Seven Police Cases". The meeting was held in a private place only for members and representatives to attend and was not a public meeting, but the examination paper alleged that the assembly "did not apply for the Notice of No Objection" and slandered the "slogans such as insulting judges" during the meeting.

The organizers of the rally and later criticized the reference "all wrong"! At the same time, the question in the examination paper assumes that the assembly "has violated the spirit of the rule of law" and asks students to explain "how to violate it", and one-way guide students to criticize the police, which is biased in political positions. The school finally publicly apologized for the "misunderstanding" caused by the incident, saying it would improve the wording and the wording in the future.


通識存漏洞 教材渲毒素
I agree that China has a lot of room to improve. Right now they are doing a shitty job. Just look at the members here.

The main problem is that they really do not understand other cultures. They have no idea how to appeal to non-Chinese people.
Stop talking nonsense. I have seen enough tactics deploy like u trying to smear all Chinese. If Chinese is really white worshipper. I guess China economy shall not have achieved 2nd largest and near US. Not to mention, most China policy are against US. There are US lackey like Jim Roger worshipped China then I guess all American shall be that? Trying to pinpoint a few minority as majority is old trick deploy by Slayer for many years. I guess u just need to wake up and stop polluting here.
Stop talking nonsense. I have seen enough tactics deploy like u trying to smear all Chinese. If Chinese is really white worshipper. I guess China economy shall not have achieved 2nd largest and near US. Not to mention, most China policy are against US. There are US lackey like Jim Roger worshipped China then I guess all American shall be that? Trying to pinpoint a few minority as majority is old trick deploy by Slayer for many years. I guess u just need to wake up and stop polluting here.

I'm not smearing anybody. I am just talking about the truth here. Are you going to deny that Chinese people really hold White people in high esteem and look down on other races? Because it's a fact. Another fact is that Chinese people, because of how insular the country is and how vast it is, have a lot of trouble communicating with, understanding and having relations with other nationalities and races. This is a major reason why China has very low soft power for its size.

I am not pro China or pro US or whatever, I rather just speak facts.
Stop talking nonsense. I have seen enough tactics deploy like u trying to smear all Chinese. If Chinese is really white worshipper. I guess China economy shall not have achieved 2nd largest and near US. Not to mention, most China policy are against US. There are US lackey like Jim Roger worshipped China then I guess all American shall be that? Trying to pinpoint a few minority as majority is old trick deploy by Slayer for many years. I guess u just need to wake up and stop polluting here.
He thinks he is white worshipper and takes for granted that all others are white worshippers like himself, pathetic..
I'm not smearing anybody. I am just talking about the truth here. Are you going to deny that Chinese people really hold White people in high esteem and look down on other races? Because it's a fact. Another fact is that Chinese people, because of how insular the country is and how vast it is, have a lot of trouble communicating with, understanding and having relations with other nationalities and races. This is a major reason why China has very low soft power for its size.

I am not pro China or pro US or whatever, I rather just speak facts.
Yes, you are insulting many Chinese and generalising. Most Chinese do not admire them just becos they are white but becos of the invention and archievement they attain in past. Ever wonder why 'Fuxing' is such a huge motto in China? Same as ziqiangbuxiu. China has a proven thousand years of rich history to cement their status in the world. Not even great pharoah egypt civilization lasted longer than Chinese.
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