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Hong Kong protests proves that China soft power is non existent.

As for Hong kong, almost all business tycoons and celebrities support China and older generation mostly also support China, there is a clear generation, age line between the anti and pro China population in Hong kong , those protestors are mostly rebellious youth we are against anything even their parents, don't worry, they will mature

Protest in Hong Kong causing conflict within families

Hong Kong divided

If you only watch western media , you may think 95% of Hongkongers are against China, if you only watch Chinese media, you may believe 95% Hong kongers are supporting China, that's why you better watch from both sides and get a balanced estimate.
When we were young, we saw a lot of Chinese movies from Hong Kong. Now that I know they admitted they're not Chinese. I want my money back. I paid money to see Chinese movies. Selling fake Chinese movies is definitely a cheating.
Hongkong education has big problem, they don't have any basic patriotism education. Those textbooks used in Hongkong have many anti-China contents and propaganda.

Hongkong's law is made by the British colonizer, they don't have any law in real sense. One country two system only succeed in Macau.
I agree that China has ZERO soft power and that most Chinese are too autistic and retarded to generate soft power, it's not just the government, it is the PEOPLE who are incapable.

However, at the same time, the reason why many Hong Kongers feel the way they do is because they worship Whites and have a deep colonial mentality. I guess you can say this is a result of the strong soft power that the Anglo world has, and I agree. But it is the result of 150 years of colonialism as well.

I think China has a chance to improve their soft power through their large domestic media by producing quality films, animation, pop culture and I think China will do that in the next 10-20 years. Chinese pop culture will become better and be exported. So I think China's soft power will improve.

However there are major limits to China's soft power in that it doesn't have a worldview that is universal. It doesn't have a value system that is attractive to non-Chinese. China's government is also too authoritarian and squashes down on culture and this is a major inhibitor.

But one of the major reasons that limits China's soft power is that the people themselves are autistic and self-absorbed. They only respect and worship Whites, but they look down on all other races and this generates a lot of suspicion and distrust. They don't know how to communicate with other types of people or elicit sympathy from others. You can see it in this forum and see how the Chinese members here act. They are socially retarded. They focus on attacking India and Vietnam even when the attacks are coming from the US. They insult Muslims and Pakistanis even when the hosts here are Pakistani and generally pro-China. They cannot seriously communicate or befriend non-Chinese here. They have a very strong Us vs Them attitude. They are just retarded, period.
I agree that China has ZERO soft power and that most Chinese are too autistic and retarded to generate soft power, it's not just the government, it is the PEOPLE who are incapable.

However, at the same time, the reason why many Hong Kongers feel the way they do is because they worship Whites and have a deep colonial mentality. I guess you can say this is a result of the strong soft power that the Anglo world has, and I agree. But it is the result of 150 years of colonialism as well.

I think China has a chance to improve their soft power through their large domestic media by producing quality films, animation, pop culture and I think China will do that in the next 10-20 years. Chinese pop culture will become better and be exported. So I think China's soft power will improve.

However there are major limits to China's soft power in that it doesn't have a worldview that is universal. It doesn't have a value system that is attractive to non-Chinese. China's government is also too authoritarian and squashes down on culture and this is a major inhibitor.

But one of the major reasons that limits China's soft power is that the people themselves are autistic and self-absorbed. They only respect and worship Whites, but they look down on all other races and this generates a lot of suspicion and distrust. They don't know how to communicate with other types of people or elicit sympathy from others. You can see it in this forum and see how the Chinese members here act. They are socially retarded. They focus on attacking India and Vietnam even when the attacks are coming from the US. They insult Muslims and Pakistanis even when the hosts here are Pakistani and generally pro-China. They cannot seriously communicate or befriend non-Chinese here. They have a very strong Us vs Them attitude. They are just retarded, period.

I guess you’ll have to make a distinction between the US/UK “soft power” and generic white “soft power” to get anywhere in this thread. People are specifically pointing at the US and the UK..but is that just a smokescreen hiding a deeper issue.
I guess you’ll have to make a distinction between the US “soft power” and generic white “soft power” to get anywhere in this thread. People are specifically pointing at the US and the UK..but is that just a smokescreen hiding a deeper issue.

Not really sure what you mean regarding the difference between US soft power and generic White soft power. I think both of them are intertwined. White favoritism spans the globe and it is the result of 500 years of European domination, that much is pretty clear. It is heavy prevalent in China but by no means is China the only country that worships White people. It is also the case throughout nearly all non-White countries that this mentality exists one way or another.

American soft power is intertwined with that because the US is for the most part a European civilization and it is the leader of the West. Although you can argue that much of US soft power is also due to African American culture, which I definitely would agree with.

Americans are very effective in promoting a unique vision of the world based on universal values that can inspire individuals from other cultures and civilizations. Yes, the US government does a lot of shitty things and that is why US foreign policy is hated, but even when the US govt is hated, Americans are generally well liked and American culture is well received. This is due to America's soft power and the ability of Americans to promote their world view.

China has none of this. Even when China's foreign policy is liked, Chinese people find themselves disliked and few are interested in their cultural products. The latter may change as Chinese media products get better. But ****, Chinese people from China are autistic and retarded as ****. I see it all the time. They go to other countries, just speak Chinese, eat at Chinese restaurants only, associate with other Chinese only, they cannot relate to or befriend others at a deep level. I mean, most of them aren't bad people, just socially retarded. China is an engineer's society and the people have real problems trying to communicate and get others on their side. It is a real problem. The Chinese members here are a perfect example of that.
Not really sure what you mean regarding the difference between US soft power and generic White soft power. I think both of them are intertwined. White favoritism spans the globe and it is the result of 500 years of European domination, that much is pretty clear. It is heavy prevalent in China but by no means is China the only country that worships White people. It is also the case throughout nearly all non-White countries that this mentality exists one way or another.

American soft power is intertwined with that because the US is for the most part a European civilization and it is the leader of the West. Although you can argue that much of US soft power is also due to African American culture, which I definitely would agree with.

Americans are very effective in promoting a unique vision of the world based on universal values that can inspire individuals from other cultures and civilizations. Yes, the US government does a lot of shitty things and that is why US foreign policy is hated, but even when the US govt is hated, Americans are generally well liked and American culture is well received. This is due to America's soft power and the ability of Americans to promote their world view.

China has none of this. Even when China's foreign policy is liked, Chinese people find themselves disliked and few are interested in their cultural products. The latter may change as Chinese media products get better. But ****, Chinese people from China are autistic and retarded as ****. I see it all the time. They go to other countries, just speak Chinese, eat at Chinese restaurants only, associate with other Chinese only, they cannot relate to or befriend others at a deep level. I mean, most of them aren't bad people, just socially retarded. China is an engineer's society and the people have real problems trying to communicate and get others on their side. It is a real problem. The Chinese members here are a perfect example of that.

White/American soft power didn't appear spontaneously. It took decades even a century to create. The same will happen with China. By the way, Chinese food is loved all over the world.
White/American soft power didn't appear spontaneously. It took decades even a century to create. The same will happen with China. By the way, Chinese food is loved all over the world.

Both are true. But there are major cultural problems with Chinese people from China. They really need to change and improve on this. No. 1 thing they need to do is to start respecting people from all countries as equals instead of just worshiping White people, most of whom actually look down on them and hate them.

Seeing that HKers wave American and The Union Jack basically gets the masterbating fantasies of neo conservatives and neo liberals,the US works on this whole excuse of promoting human rights to be fair no country follows human rights be it they are irrelevant small countries to the regional powers and the P5 nations anyways I believe in stability and making sure people have a better quality of life than some fake a..s democracy facade anyways China sucks at soft power I would love to side with China on most things but the CPC really makes it hard because their PR attempts are just cookie cutter oh China is so great look new high speed train yeah yawn its another reason why people tend to be skeptical of China because they way their promote themselves is artificial Chinese films for the most part are copies of Korean media industry and American tho censored face it the US/UK is a cultural superpower still even Al Jazeera and TRT plus CGTN are filled with ex BBC or CNN staffers so they are going to promote their view subtle hence modern western degeneracy like LGBTQ and feminism crap is spread all parts of the world @DejanSRB you prolly could releate when you see the Smug Belgrade liberals fly the rainbow flag over the Serbian Eagle

The Hong Kong protesters worship White people and want to get their support. That is why they use words like FLEEDOM AND DEMOKLACY (that's how you say it in their stupid Cantonese accent) and carry the US and British flags, because they want White people's support. They only care about White Westerners supporting them. They treat all other ethnic Chinese like shit, even the ones not from Mainland China but especially the ones from Mainland China.
Not really sure what you mean regarding the difference between US soft power and generic White soft power. I think both of them are intertwined. White favoritism spans the globe and it is the result of 500 years of European domination, that much is pretty clear. It is heavy prevalent in China but by no means is China the only country that worships White people. It is also the case throughout nearly all non-White countries that this mentality exists one way or another.

American soft power is intertwined with that because the US is for the most part a European civilization and it is the leader of the West. Although you can argue that much of US soft power is also due to African American culture, which I definitely would agree with.

Americans are very effective in promoting a unique vision of the world based on universal values that can inspire individuals from other cultures and civilizations. Yes, the US government does a lot of shitty things and that is why US foreign policy is hated, but even when the US govt is hated, Americans are generally well liked and American culture is well received. This is due to America's soft power and the ability of Americans to promote their world view.

China has none of this. Even when China's foreign policy is liked, Chinese people find themselves disliked and few are interested in their cultural products. The latter may change as Chinese media products get better. But ****, Chinese people from China are autistic and retarded as ****. I see it all the time. They go to other countries, just speak Chinese, eat at Chinese restaurants only, associate with other Chinese only, they cannot relate to or befriend others at a deep level. I mean, most of them aren't bad people, just socially retarded. China is an engineer's society and the people have real problems trying to communicate and get others on their side. It is a real problem. The Chinese members here are a perfect example of that.

Well do you think the Hong Kong protestors equate the “white world” with the 1st World and mainland China as that “backwards 3rd World who suddenly think they are the 1st world”. So they have some kind of superiority complex where they think they have always been “1st World” and shouldn’t be listening to some “3rd World authoritarian regime one step away from North Korea’s”.

So it isn’t necessarily a US/UK thing as it is a white thing.
Hongkong education has big problem, they don't have any basic patriotism education. Those textbooks used in Hongkong have many anti-China contents and propaganda.

Hongkong's law is made by the British colonizer, they don't have any law in real sense. One country two system only succeed in Macau.
Their education system are frauded with huge influence from the West, Christian church and Taiwanese. If there is no change, today's school children will still hate being Chinese 28 years later, just as the current generation of students.

The anti-Putonghua protest by students of Baptist University of Hong Kong is a shame. Refusing to learn spoken national language and gave all sort of stupid excuses like China is using Putonghua to COLONIZE Hong Kong (stupid and absurd) or Cantonese is a superior language of 1,000 old and current standard Chinese is only a few hundred years old, or citing the huge difficulties of learning "three" languages (English, Cantonese and Chinese).

Now you get some idea why they refused to acknowledge themselves as Chinese.
Well do you think the Hong Kong protestors equate the “white world” with the 1st World and mainland China as that “backwards 3rd World who suddenly think they are the 1st world”. So they have some kind of superiority complex where they think they have always been “1st World” and shouldn’t be listening to some “3rd World authoritarian regime one step away from North Korea’s”.

So it isn’t necessarily a US/UK thing as it is a white thing.

That is definitely part of it. Hong Kongers have a deep hatred for Mainland Chinese because for many decades they had a superiority complex towards the Mainlanders. The fact that the Mainland is surpassing them has bred a lot of resentment. Their own economic problems are due to the fact that their local government is dominated by property developers, the Mainland didn't create any of their problems. The ironic thing is that the Mainland could probably solve their economic problems but Hong Kongers will freak out in hysteria if the Mainland actually did anything to help them.

Hong Kongers are groomed to see White people as their masters. The flag waving and all of their virtue signaling are all a part of gaining the sympathy of White anglos, and they literally only care about gaining the approval and sympathy of White anglos and no one else. Hong Kongers btw are no practitioners of liberal values, they are some of the most hateful and racist people in the world, just ask any African or South Asian who live in Hong Kong.
Both are true. But there are major cultural problems with Chinese people from China. They really need to change and improve on this. No. 1 thing they need to do is to start respecting people from all countries as equals instead of just worshiping White people, most of whom actually look down on them and hate them.

The Hong Kong protesters worship White people and want to get their support. That is why they use words like FLEEDOM AND DEMOKLACY (that's how you say it in their stupid Cantonese accent) and carry the US and British flags, because they want White people's support. They only care about White Westerners supporting them. They treat all other ethnic Chinese like shit, even the ones not from Mainland China but especially the ones from Mainland China.

No-one looks down at Chinese people anymore as they have proven themselves to be a major powerful advanced civilisation on the world-stage. However, there are SOME White people who resent the Chinese just as they resent all non-White people. The ONE major asset the Chinese have to increase their soft power is that the Chinese have NEVER EVER harmed or destroyed ANY other peoples or nations. Rather, they have helped them.The White race has committed global genocide and destroyed other nations. That will NEVER be forgotten. In the long run, that will work immensely in China's favour.

The reason why some Chinese may not necessarily relate to non-Chinese people is due to lack of contact with other peoples/cultures. However, as China becomes more powerful, that is changing.
No-one looks down at Chinese people anymore as they have proven themselves to be a major powerful advanced civilisation on the world-stage. However, there are SOME White people who resent the Chinese just as they resent all non-White people. The ONE major asset the Chinese have to increase their soft power is that the Chinese have NEVER EVER harmed or destroyed ANY other peoples or nations. Rather, they have helped them.The White race has committed global genocide and destroyed other nations. That will NEVER be forgotten. In the long run, that will work immensely in China's favour.

The reason why some Chinese may not necessarily relate to non-Chinese people is due to lack of contact with other peoples/cultures. However, as China becomes more powerful, that is changing.

I agree that China has a lot of room to improve. Right now they are doing a shitty job. Just look at the members here.

The main problem is that they really do not understand other cultures. They have no idea how to appeal to non-Chinese people.
That is definitely part of it. Hong Kongers have a deep hatred for Mainland Chinese because for many decades they had a superiority complex towards the Mainlanders. The fact that the Mainland is surpassing them has bred a lot of resentment. Their own economic problems are due to the fact that their local government is dominated by property developers, the Mainland didn't create any of their problems. The ironic thing is that the Mainland could probably solve their economic problems but Hong Kongers will freak out in hysteria if the Mainland actually did anything to help them.

Hong Kongers are groomed to see White people as their masters. The flag waving and all of their virtue signaling are all a part of gaining the sympathy of White anglos, and they literally only care about gaining the approval and sympathy of White anglos and no one else. Hong Kongers btw are no practitioners of liberal values, they are some of the most hateful and racist people in the world, just ask any African or South Asian who live in Hong Kong.

Why were some of the Hong Kong protesters waving American flags? That looked really suspicious. Seems like they were agent provocateur possibly being paid by the CIA.

I agree that China has a lot of room to improve. Right now they are doing a shitty job. Just look at the members here.

The main problem is that they really do not understand other cultures. They have no idea how to appeal to non-Chinese people.

The Chinese members on PDF are really nice. It's always a pleasure communicating with them.

Being unable to relate to people who are different to you is due to lack of contact with other cultures from an early age. Nothing more. It is very easy to change.

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