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Hong Kong protests proves that China soft power is non existent.

Seeing that HKers wave American and The Union Jack basically gets the masterbating fantasies of neo conservatives and neo liberals,the US works on this whole excuse of promoting human rights to be fair no country follows human rights be it they are irrelevant small countries to the regional powers and the P5 nations anyways I believe in stability and making sure people have a better quality of life than some fake a..s democracy facade anyways China sucks at soft power I would love to side with China on most things but the CPC really makes it hard because their PR attempts are just cookie cutter oh China is so great look new high speed train yeah yawn its another reason why people tend to be skeptical of China because they way their promote themselves is artificial Chinese films for the most part are copies of Korean media industry and American tho censored face it the US/UK is a cultural superpower still even Al Jazeera and TRT plus CGTN are filled with ex BBC or CNN staffers so they are going to promote their view subtle hence modern western degeneracy like LGBTQ and feminism crap is spread all parts of the world @DejanSRB you prolly could releate when you see the Smug Belgrade liberals fly the rainbow flag over the Serbian Eagle
PRC and way too many Chinese have relied way too much on the BRUTE Hard power
and have usually failed to accumulate and build up their CHN Soft--power.

Just look around the Non--Ethical behaviors of Chinese visitors
* ( usually they are 35 years and older ) ...
when they are visiting other Asian and African nations.

They proudly carry their daily Non--Ethical habits and display them
publicly outside the PRC.

These idiotic and stupid Chinese fail to accept that their behaviors reflect
BIG TIME on PRC and All Chinese * positive image and reputation and
their Non--Ethical behaviors are definitely damaging and eroding the
all around CHN Soft--power

which has been accumulated by the PRC government continuous goodwill
towards many other Asian and African nations.

Yes, we surely see how US soft power is at work year on year globally

Image of U.S. Leadership Now Poorer Than China's
FEBRUARY 28, 2019
Quite frankly speaking, this whole "Soft Power" hoopla is just zionist-American/British/French bullshit. Protests by Yellow-Vests in France have destroyed the whole French Liberalist crap. Divided America, on a clown called Trump and the ***-clown Liberal idiots is the laughing stock of the world. British Brexit is even more laughable and a joke that make that tiny, shitty island country even more insignificant than it already is.

So yeah, you can keep blabbering on about soft power and shit, but in reality, the western zionist hegemony is crumbling. The facts are glaring, british propped up property market is slumping and headed for a crash that would make the sub-prime bubble look like a kindergarten playdate. French unemployment has been creeping up to the point that the French government cannot mask it anymore. America is running on a gig-economy and a $22 trillion dollar National Debt, the scarier figure is the hidden $50 trillion dollar internal debt which they do not disclose in public.

Keep harping on about soft power, while China builds the BRI, Russia establishes it's writ over the Arctic economy and the world a new trade sea-route which the british, french and american zionist-states can't do diddly squat about.
HK protesters can use any flags they want as long as they don't use violence. we're totally OK with that.
Maybe US mass shooting is a kind of soft power, it hits the headlines on weekly basis

The way that you usually attack the United Satan Murica is
always way too ... meek and weak.

I am sorry to write this ... ...

In fact, I consider you and @AndrewJin ... are
one of those Chinese who are
exhibiting their secret desire to become friendly with
the Devil Empire himself.

Devil Empire =
( the #1 Global CRIMINAL nation on EARTH ~ which is the United Satan of Murica )

Secret desire as shown by this deeply disturbing LOSER * ( TENG JIAN QUN )


OTOH ... ...
Have you watched carefully to these 2 Awesome Thinkers ??

which I have never seen invited as the guest expert speaker by
CGTN/CCTV or XINHUA ( and their ex CNN BBC staffs ).

80+% of whitey population of the United Satan of Murica carry these deep seated
hatred towards
PRC and Chinese ~ it is called * the ( YELLOW PERIL ) fear.

Watch to these 2 superb links below:



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Yes, we surely see how US soft power is at work year on year globally

Image of U.S. Leadership Now Poorer Than China's
FEBRUARY 28, 2019

Actually you dont know definition of soft power.
Image of US leadership doesnt mean nothing, just bring back Barack Obama, and US leadership image will rise up to 80% positive in the whole world, and btw. 95% people of Hong Kong would support rather Barack Obama then Xi Jinping. That is reality.

Girls from all around the world, want to visit Paris, Milan, Turin to dress like a Italian girls, boys from all around the world want to become NBA players to drive Ferari or Bentley, or to go in most sophisticated universities in the world, and according to Shangai list of top universities there is 8 US and 2 Uk universities in top 10.
Whole world listen to Western music, no one in Europe, let alone South and North America, rest of Asia, listen to China music or watching Chinese movies. I dont know any Chinese actors except westernized Jet Li or Bruce Lee, Jackie Chen. There is only Chinese cuisine that is popular worldwide

There is no competition between West and China in soft power, that is like you compare Kasparov to high school chess champion.

That is sad reality, and that reality (soft power reality) will not change in this century and most probably never, and it hurts both of our countries, unfortunately.

This is just scary, if USA kicks Russia and China *** in their own backyward (Ukrainians and Russians are same people, just like HK and Chinese), what smaller countries (like Serbia) can expect.
Just because you get one diarrhea, it doesn't mean you don't have digestive power.
Where did you get this "reality"?

I am sane person , that use globalization to its maximum (travelled 14 EU countries + 4 nonEU countries) + internet and education in history.

For someone who fully supports China in this conflict, it wouldnt be a good to start witch hunt against someone who just tell a bitter truth that hurts both of our countries. Just dont kill a messenger.
I dont know any Chinese actors except westernized Jet Li or Bruce Lee, Jackie Chen. There is only Chinese cuisine that is popular worldwide
True, Chinese movies, dramas and music are mostly seen in east Asia and south east Asia, it's getting popular year on year, don't forget, China just started barely a decade ago, US also did not reach where they are now in one day.

I am sane person , that use globalization to its maximum (travelled 14 EU countries + 4 nonEU countries) + internet and education in history.

For someone who fully supports China in this conflict, it wouldnt be a good to start witch hunt against someone who just tell a bitter truth that hurts both of our countries. Just dont kill a messenger.
I m just asking the number, cause that's the first time I heard it, do you have a link?

There is no competition between West and China in soft power,.
Soft power is a very vague idea, ok, how about we focus on overtaking them in hard power, I guess the so called soft power will natural come with it once it's done.
True, Chinese movies, dramas and music are mostly seen in east Asia and south east Asia, it's getting popular year on year, don't forget, China just started barely a decade ago, US also did not reach where they are now in one day.

Just want to say, hard power is not enough, just look at USSR.
And China is for sure, economical superpower with second military budget, but in Europe, no one gives a $hit about China culture or tradition. China is just stereotyped as USSR 2.0.

You are right, I dont have that number, but just look how HK population despise they origins and ethniticy.

Soft power is a very vague idea, ok, how about we focus on overtaking them in hard power, I guess the so called soft power will natural come with it once it's done.

Nope my friend, France is for seven decades a second rate power, but it remains cultural superpower, Spain is irrelevant country but it is soft superpower. Nothing to do with hard power or economy just a different role model of projecting influence.
Just want to say, hard power is not enough, just look at USSR.
And China is for sure, economical superpower with second military budget, but in Europe, no one gives a $hit about China culture or tradition. China is just stereotyped as USSR 2.0.

You are right, I dont have that number, but just look how HK population despise they origins and ethniticy.

Nope my friend, France is for seven decades a second rate power, but it remains cultural superpower, Spain is irrelevant country but it is soft superpower. Nothing to do with hard power or economy just a different role model of projecting influence.
Europe and US are culturally bonded, it's natural their cultures are mutually appealing. But still, China focues on the economy and development, that's the deciding factor in everything in the end. one thing at a time. US also took a long time and several wars to get where they are now.
China is very different from USSR, we always focus on economy, trade and development, military strength always on the back burner, never a priority, we followed very different paths.
Hong kong is really nothing, media may hype it but it is just a medium size Chinese city, China has hundreds of those cities. It has no effect on China as a whole at all, here in mainland we just take it as a show which we enjoy watching after dinner and before bed.

Nope my friend, France is for seven decades a second rate power, but it remains cultural superpower, Spain is irrelevant country but it is soft superpower. Nothing to do with hard power or economy just a different role model of projecting influence.
Maybe in Europe,but not in Asia.
Actually you dont know definition of soft power.
Image of US leadership doesnt mean nothing, just bring back Barack Obama, and US leadership image will rise up to 80% positive in the whole world, and btw. 95% people of Hong Kong would support rather Barack Obama then Xi Jinping. That is reality.

Girls from all around the world, want to visit Paris, Milan, Turin to dress like a Italian girls, boys from all around the world want to become NBA players to drive Ferari or Bentley, or to go in most sophisticated universities in the world, and according to Shangai list of top universities there is 8 US and 2 Uk universities in top 10.
Whole world listen to Western music, no one in Europe, let alone South and North America, rest of Asia, listen to China music or watching Chinese movies. I dont know any Chinese actors except westernized Jet Li or Bruce Lee, Jackie Chen. There is only Chinese cuisine that is popular worldwide

There is no competition between West and China in soft power, that is like you compare Kasparov to high school chess champion.

That is sad reality, and that reality (soft power reality) will not change in this century and most probably never, and it hurts both of our countries, unfortunately.

This is just scary, if USA kicks Russia and China *** in their own backyward (Ukrainians and Russians are same people, just like HK and Chinese), what smaller countries (like Serbia) can expect.

I keep telling to folks that despite the US and the West losing power economically and geo-politically they have one ace in the hat the media and pop culture anyone that thinks its not a factor is lying to themselves or is ignorant lets see Putin's Russia okay Putin always chastises the west for lack of morals and degenrate crap since the post 60s western social order yet Young Russians fawn over that crap like flies I respect for Putin for reviving Russia as a power from the dreaded post Soviet years of the 90s but the young are all fawning over the west what has Russia pushed culturally Soviet nostalgia well you can ply that with pensioners who grew up then not next gen same with China as the middle class grows there again the young folks are more closer allign with the west and its cultural mores same with the so called Islamists Erdogan Turkey the young folks are more western than even Boomer Kemalists and in Pakistan supposedly the most Anti American country in the world guess what the most popular outing because lack of nightlife eating unhealthy fast foods like Mc Donalds,Subway, Dominos and Hardees/Carls Jr again the west has that card in the ace
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