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Hong Kong protests proves that China soft power is non existent.

What does Mr Galloway have to do with Russian media? A former British MP just stating the fact has become a Russian mouthpiece defending China? The criticism coming from tower9 against China is as clear as a sunshine day. He attacks Chinese raising the Chinese flags abroad, he attacks China as being weak in its media and propaganda. He thinks there's lack of freedom and rights inside China but is expressing criticism of Chinese living or studying abroad protesting in support of China which they shouldn't be allowed to.
It is funny how Russian media has to do the lion share of defending China because China's own media and propaganda establishments are so inept, tone deaf and ineffective.
That I agree. China own media and propaganda establishments is incapable.

It is funny how Russian media has to do the lion share of defending China because China's own media and propaganda establishments are so inept, tone deaf and ineffective.
But don't mix political influence and Info war together. China is not doing well on Info War so far that I agree, but political influence is increasing very fast.

Those who are in charge of commerce and politics are usually very pragmatic and sensitive. Not like ordinary people stuffed by US propaganda machine.

In real politics, hard power dominated. In day to day life, soft power is a great deal. China need to catch up fast, it has cost an arm and leg.
What does Mr Galloway have to do with Russian media? A former British MP just stating the fact has become a Russian mouthpiece defending China? The criticism coming from tower9 against China is as clear as a sunshine day. He attacks Chinese raising the Chinese flags abroad, he attacks China as being weak in its media and propaganda. He thinks there's lack of freedom and rights inside China but is expressing criticism of Chinese living or studying abroad protesting in support of China which they shouldn't be allowed to.

In other words, I'm just stating facts.
China doesn't have control over media around the world, so there are no nice words for China.

Except for people who sympathize and know the truth about China, who kind enough to say nice things about China.

Years ago, media around the world still take articles from the Xinhua news agency, but suddenly it stopped. I guess it's because of the USA's request, after the case of Russia propaganda and Aljazeera rebellious behavior that damaged the USA image after the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

The case is similar to the recent weapon case, where the USA is demanding their allies and countries around the world for not buying Russia nor China weapon systems, or never allowed to buy the USA weapons forever.

No one knows about this case, because the information is controlled by the media, so they will never publish things that damaging their own image for their unfairness in the name of the free press. It's like suicidal.
viva_chao is a very patient guy, trying to educate our young ABC is not easy, may be ABC should go to China and other East Asian countries for a tour for a real first hand experience.

I don't know how authentic the US TV series "Fresh Off The Boat" depicting American Chinese, but they are so alien to me. I guess that is the cultural divide.
viva_chao is a very patient guy, trying to educate our young ABC is not easy, may be ABC should go to China and other East Asian countries for a tour for a real first hand experience.

I don't know how authentic the US TV series "Fresh Off The Boat" depicting American Chinese, but they are so alien to me. I guess that is the cultural divide.

I agree @viva_zhao is a patient guy :) kudos to him.
Most of its soft power is its embassies and Confucius Institutes pressuring various entities. Otherwise the CCP destroyed most traditional culture sixty plus years ago and digs it up for photo ops.
How to define an authoritarian system? Can you please explain a little further when you label China governance as authoritarian system?

so when people compare the American
government with the Chinese government
they say this is a comparison within a
democratic system and an authoritarian
system and a democratic system is of
course better than Authority and system
and I agree a democratic system is
better than an authoritarian system but
if you go if you dig one level down and
you look at the functioning of the
government and how it makes its
decisions and you analyze it you may see
that the democratic system may be
performing as a plutocratic system
serving the interests of the people the
tiny elite and leaving thus creating a
situation where I think half your
population hasn't seen an increase in
his median income for 40 years
that's what plutocracy is the Chinese
system is a meritocracy now the Chinese
Communist Party is not perfect it has a
lot of flaws in making lot of mistakes
by in terms of harvesting the brainpower
of China it has done an amazing job and
I tell the story you know I was in
diplomacy for 33 years when I started my
career in 1971 if you had asked me do
you want to talk to an American diplomat
or Chinese diplomat I would say of
course and talk to an American diplomat
is graduate of Princeton Yale Harvard
brilliant reads The New Yorker every
week knows what's going on the world a
Chinese diplomat 1971 would walk around
with a mouse to the red book in his
pocket and when I talk to him you'll
produce mouse read book and read to me
or Mouse read book why should I waste my
time Chinese that's empty one you fast
forward to 2018 and you ask me to fly to
a capital somewhere and you said you
want to talk to the American ambassador
or the Chinese ambassador the likelihood
is that the China
ambassador would speak the language of
the country would have been posted there
several times would have a very new and
sophisticated view of the country and
the American ambassador would be one
who's demoralized knowing that his
budget is being cut knowing his chances
of becoming an ambassador and the top
capital is practically zero because
there are political appointees so you
have a demoralized the American
diplomatic service and an incredibly
dynamic Chinese Foreign Service that's
what that's a big change that has
happened since 1971 and that's a result
of meritocracy
English (auto-generated)
I will just ask you this, can you openly and publicly criticise the communist party or Xi Jinping in China without facing some sort of repercussions or your post not being deleted/censored?
Can you openly call for your leader in China to resign for example without facing any consequences for such actions ?
You can do that in most democratic countries in the West or even Japan/Taiwan etc
Don't get me wrong though, it's not like I'm saying the Chinese system should be changed or whatever , that's not my call. For me I believe it's up to the Chinese people to decide what system they want(though I'm not sure how they can even do that) . I'm just saying states like Hong Kong and Taiwan who have long enjoyed a different democratic system will never want to adopt the Chinese system .They have already been used to their system for so long. This is the reason why they distrust the PRC government so much. Their system is all they don't want to be implemented in their own states. However, I find it hard to see how they will keep their systems intact a few decades from now. So tensions will remain between both sides for a long time to come, will only increase I suppose.

I will just ask you this, can you openly and publicly criticise the communist party or Xi Jinping in China without facing some sort of repercussions or your post not being deleted/censored?
Can you openly call for your leader in China to resign for example without facing any consequences for such actions ?
You can do that in most democratic countries in the West or even Japan/Taiwan etc
Don't get me wrong though, it's not like I'm saying the Chinese system should be changed or whatever , that's not my call. For me I believe it's up to the Chinese people to decide what system they want(though I'm not sure how they can even do that) . I'm just saying states like Hong Kong and Taiwan who have long enjoyed a different democratic system will never want to adopt the Chinese system .They have already been used to their system for so long. This is the reason why they distrust the PRC government so much. Their system is all they don't want to be implemented in their own states. However, I find it hard to see how they will keep their systems intact a few decades from now. So tensions will remain between both sides for a long time to come, will only increase I suppose.
I always admire how effective and efficient western education and media brain washed so many educated people, and keep people like you stop thinking or only think in certain way in so called open society.

I lived in US for 14 years. I have seen hundreds of people like you always say the same, think the same. Really boring and disappointed.

You guy failed to think out of tiny box, sad. what is the point for your education if you guys can only copy and paste?

How many US congressman who is innocent? They are all corrupted.

Every single US president should go to jail.
Bush junior, start 2 wars with fabricated proof.

Clinton and Hilary, the most corrupted US presents and family in recent decades. How many people they killed to cover their corruption? Clinton Body Count (conspiracy theory). Also Clinton Foundation
Hillary Clinton Email Archive

Obama, his cabinet is full filled by Citigroup
Citigroup chose Obama’s 2008 cabinet, WikiLeaks document reveals
The Most Important WikiLeaks Revelation Isn’t About Hillary Clinton

tRUMP, no need to say anything.

What a low quality political system. What did your so called free democracy do to correct the system?
viva_chao is a very patient guy, trying to educate our young ABC is not easy, may be ABC should go to China and other East Asian countries for a tour for a real first hand experience.

I don't know how authentic the US TV series "Fresh Off The Boat" depicting American Chinese, but they are so alien to me. I guess that is the cultural divide.

Fresh off the Boat depicts Taiwanese bananas. Constance Wu (the mom) is actually a sellout dating a white racist. She also raged hard when the show got renewed because she really wanted to play a white woman instead.

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