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Hong Kong protests proves that China soft power is non existent.

You haven't lived in a poor country, I do. I lived in US for 14 years, I knew US as well. It's very rare for such a large poor country developed in hostile international environment. Just look at India with both USSR support during cold war and US support nowadays, what a mess.

China was invaded, destroyed, poisoned opium for more than 100 hundred years since 1840. China fought with Japan(14 years), 4 years civil war, 30 millions people died. When New China born, we fought with US in Korea peninsula, 300 thousands died. China confront with USSR for more than 2 decades. China fought with US since 1949. It's a very hostile international environment.

So you ask Chinese embrace the foreigners as if they are very friendly to us? So yo ask Chinese to be sensitive to other race and skin color when China is isolated? Where is other race and skin color?

You really didn't put yourself in Chinese shoes. Again, learn some real history of China, not English crap in US.
I guess he is ABC.
It's because the Communist ideology at its core is alien to the Chinese culture and traditions. People often forget this. Communist China is a new invention that has no roots in the actual Chinese history.

Today a Chinese has more liberties to celebrate Chinese traditions in a Western societal system than in the PRC.

It's not only Hong Kong, look at Singapore and Taiwan. This artificial system is preventing China from developing and expanding its soft power.

China still remains a very strange, repelling and cold country for many foreigners despite having so much resources.

They will never catch up with America or Japan in terms of soft power. I mean, look at their neighbourhood. No one really cares about them or is interested in a cultural way. Compare this with America, Japan or Europe.

Even India has more cultural influence on its neighbouring countries (including Pakistan!) than China.

Who do you think you are to give your opinions about China and its neighbours? Have you ever lived in Vietnam, Korea or Japan and see how Chinese culture becoming a trend here?

Even Japan now trying to come back to its roots, i.e. Chinese culture. In Vietnam, Chinese cultural elements is permeating to daily activites and more and more popular not by years, but by days. Before 1975, North Vietnam tried to get rid of Sino-Vietnamese and use "pure" Vietnamese words, but now media trying to use more and more Sino-Vietnamese. They even use Chinese grammar, i.e. putting adjective before nouns. New buildings imitate Chinese style. Music imitate Chinese. Old anniversaries, which originated from China and almost forgotten, now being revived.

People in the West is brainwashed that other East Asian hate China. In fact, it is very complicated. It is a love-hate relationship.

I love and respect China, but do not like the Sinification of Vietnamese culture. I like to keep our Vietnamese distinctive culture and do not want ours to be a version of Chinese.

The same in Korea and japan.

With regards to Hong Kong recent protests, I see the similarities with Southern Vietnamese. We North Vietnamese bring civilization to them, give them one of the best education in the world, teach them how to live more civilized. But many still hate us and call us conquerors (this hatred originated not since 1975, but perhaps hundred years before that). However, I believe with time, we will be more assimilated (says 50 - 100 years).
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Who do you think you are to give your opinions about China and its neighbours? Have you ever lived in Vietnam, Korea or Japan and see how Chinese culture becoming a trend here?

Even Japan now trying to come back to its roots, i.e. Chinese culture. In Vietnam, Chinese cultural elements is permeating to daily activites and more and more popular not by years, but by days. Before 1975, North Vietnam tried to get rid of Sino-Vietnamese and use "pure" Vietnamese words, but now media trying to use more and more Sino-Vietnamese. They even use Chinese grammar, i.e. putting adjective before nouns. New buildings imitate Chinese style. Music imitate Chinese. Old anniversaries, which originated from China and almost forgotten, now being revived.

People in the West is brainwashed that other East Asian hate China. In fact, it is very complicated. It is a love-hate relationship.

I love and respect China, but do not like the Sinification of Vietnamese culture. I like to keep our Vietnamese distinctive culture and do not want ours to be a version of Chinese.

The same in Korea and japan.

With regards to Hong Kong recent protests, I see the similarities with Southern Vietnamese. We North Vietnamese bring civilization to them, give them one of the best education in the world, teach them how to live more civilized. But many still hate us and call us conquerors (this hatred originated not since 1975, but perhaps hundred years before that). However, I believe with time, we will be more assimilated (says 50 - 100 years).
You are not Vietnamese, do not speak for Vietnamese people anymore.
Learn to respect others' opinions if you want to remain in the forum. If you do not agree, give your opinion in a logical way and do not follow your emotion.

Otherwise, you will be put into my ignore list.
The fake guys don't get respect anywhere.

The protest in Hong Kong also shows the cognitive disabilities of mainland Chinese when a mass protest of millions of people in Hong Kong is all caused by Vietnamese people, while less than 2 thousands of Vietnamese people here.
Who do you think you are to give your opinions about China and its neighbours? Have you ever lived in Vietnam, Korea or Japan and see how Chinese culture becoming a trend here?

Even Japan now trying to come back to its roots, i.e. Chinese culture. In Vietnam, Chinese cultural elements is permeating to daily activites and more and more popular not by years, but by days. Before 1975, North Vietnam tried to get rid of Sino-Vietnamese and use "pure" Vietnamese words, but now media trying to use more and more Sino-Vietnamese. They even use Chinese grammar, i.e. putting adjective before nouns. New buildings imitate Chinese style. Music imitate Chinese. Old anniversaries, which originated from China and almost forgotten, now being revived.

People in the West is brainwashed that other East Asian hate China. In fact, it is very complicated. It is a love-hate relationship.

I love and respect China, but do not like the Sinification of Vietnamese culture. I like to keep our Vietnamese distinctive culture and do not want ours to be a version of Chinese.

The same in Korea and japan.

With regards to Hong Kong recent protests, I see the similarities with Southern Vietnamese. We North Vietnamese bring civilization to them, give them one of the best education in the world, teach them how to live more civilized. But many still hate us and call us conquerors (this hatred originated not since 1975, but perhaps hundred years before that). However, I believe with time, we will be more assimilated (says 50 - 100 years).

Interesting about the South Vietnamese. I remember some Viet Americans tell me that Northern Vietnamese are the pure Vietnamese and the Southerners are mixed with Cambodian, etc and their culture is very different.

You are not Indian I knew. Your nationality is not the point at all. You have some insights about China, but Imo, you are lack of the sense of how a poor country developed, and what's the priority.

Simply compare all the 195 countries in the world, China is the only one not just catching up but surpassing US in hard power. Without hard power superiority, petrol-dollar will collapse. Without petrol-dollar, US hegemony is just a bubble.

Don't be too harsh to your root - China. China spent 70 years from nobody to number 2 position. Learn more history please.

I don't doubt for a second that China has made amazing strides.

However, some of the cultural issues I mentioned have less to do with development, than having to do with China's very large and insular domestic culture, namely the inability to interact with foreigners. I also do not like the very hierarchical and status obsessed worldview that not only Chinese have, but all East Asians.
However, some of the cultural issues I mentioned have less to do with development, than having to do with China's very large and insular domestic culture, namely the inability to interact with foreigners. I also do not like the very hierarchical and status obsessed worldview that not only Chinese have, but all East Asians.
You are getting better by saying that's your personal idea, a good start. It's ok for you to dislike East Asians, we have different cultures, East Asians are greatly influenced by Confuciius thoughts, I m glad that not all the cultures are the same around the world.
You are getting better by saying that's your personal idea, a good start. It's ok for you to dislike East Asians, we have different cultures, East Asians are greatly influenced by Confuciius thoughts, I m glad that not all the cultures are the same around the world.

Every culture has it's faults. That's one part of Chinese/East Asian culture I really dislike.
Interesting about the South Vietnamese. I remember some Viet Americans tell me that Northern Vietnamese are the pure Vietnamese and the Southerners are mixed with Cambodian, etc and their culture is very different.

I don't doubt for a second that China has made amazing strides.

However, some of the cultural issues I mentioned have less to do with development, than having to do with China's very large and insular domestic culture, namely the inability to interact with foreigners. I also do not like the very hierarchical and status obsessed worldview that not only Chinese have, but all East Asians.
the culture thing is very complicated. culture revive is harder. the younger generation is very different than me or my parents generation.

wait and see
the culture thing is very complicated. culture revive is harder. the younger generation is very different than me or my parents generation.

wait and see

Well, obviously I am talking about the culture I see today. I can't predict what the future will be like.

American culture was horribly shitty and racist for most of its history, but nowadays most Americans, even the Trump supporting rednecks are pretty fair people who treat people of different races fairly.
American culture was horribly shitty and racist for most of its history, but nowadays most Americans, even the Trump supporting rednecks are pretty fair people who treat people of different races fairly.
So keep it if you like it, and we keep ours.
So keep it if you like it, and we keep ours.

Yeah that's your choice. China will continue to have ZERO soft power and Chinese people will continue to be disliked in many countries even as its hard power grows. But I guess that means nothing to you.
Well, obviously I am talking about the culture I see today. I can't predict what the future will be like.

American culture was horribly shitty and racist for most of its history, but nowadays most Americans, even the Trump supporting rednecks are pretty fair people who treat people of different races fairly.
America is mixed race immigration country, China is not. No meaning to praise American culture as if its universal value.

the real world is hierarchical, like it or not. American as a whole think themselves higher and behave very rude to the world.
Yeah that's your choice. China will continue to have ZERO soft power and Chinese people will continue to be disliked in many countries even as its hard power grows. But I guess that means nothing to you.

Not being liked by the west, but gaining popularity around the world year on year.

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