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Hong Kong protests proves that China soft power is non existent.

Yes, you are insulting many Chinese and generalising. Most Chinese do not admire them just becos they are white but becos of the invention and archievement they attain in past. Ever wonder why 'Fuxing' is such a huge motto in China? Same as ziqiangbuxiu. China has a proven thousand years of rich history to cement their status in the world. Not even great pharoah egypt civilization lasted longer than Chinese.

I understand why White worshiping exists in China. It is all a result of European domination for the last 500 years. Nonetheless it exists. East Asians are among the most guilty of this because they are a very hierarchical culture so they greatly respect those that are "high status" and they deeply look down on those who are "low status". This is why Chinese will go out of their way to make friends with White people or avoid conflict with Whites, but will obsess about insulting Indians for example even when the topic has nothing to do with Indians. That is just an example.

He thinks he is white worshipper and takes for granted that all others are white worshippers like himself, pathetic..

Not really. Actually that's one of the mentalities I hate most among Chinese people.
Yes, you are insulting many Chinese and generalising. Most Chinese do not admire them just becos they are white but becos of the invention and archievement they attain in past. Ever wonder why 'Fuxing' is such a huge motto in China? Same as ziqiangbuxiu. China has a proven thousand years of rich history to cement their status in the world. Not even great pharoah egypt civilization lasted longer than Chinese.
He can speak for himself, it's ok for him to be a white worshipper, I m Chinese living in China, don't count me in his bunch.

Not really. Actually that's one of the mentalities I hate most among Chinese people.
Who do you think you are to generalize Chinese people? you've been mixing around with your equals for so long and you believe all people are like your bunch, you can speak for yourself, don't try to insult others.
He can speak for himself, it's ok for him to be a white worshipper, I m Chinese living in China, don't count me in his bunch.

Who do you think you are to generalize Chinese people? you've been mixing around with your equals for so long and you believe all people are like your bunch, you can speak for yourself, don't try to insult others.

Then I might as well not talk about anything. I mean who am I to talk about anyone who is not me right?

This is the problem with the Chinese members here, can never tolerate any different opinions yet they can't even defend their own opinion.
Then I might as well not talk about anything. I mean who am I to talk about anyone who is not me right?

This is the problem with the Chinese members here, can never tolerate any different opinions yet they can't even defend their own opinion.
Don't try to blame Chinese here, as long as you don't generalize us you will be Ok, I don't say Chinese Americans like you are all idiots, well some of them are actually, but it's just some of them. We don't worship whites, you do, you can speak for yourself, actually the average Chinese now more and more likely to hold pretty negative opinions about the west and westerners, when was the last time you lived in China?
Anglo-American soft power is an illusion. It is simple as poor people look up to rich people. Through their deceptions and cunning divide and conquer strategy, the Western world got wealthy through exploitations, slavery, wars, colonialism, genocide of whole groups of peoples. The reason why other countries look up to the West is not because of any person experience, but because Hollywood popping out white propaganda to make white people look good and to stereotype non-white, to white wash white pedophiles and sex trafficker and abusers. They look up to the West because they are poor. They want to live in the West, not because it such a great society, but because their country are poor. They want to move there not because of Western culture, but inspire of Western culture.

The leaders of the "free world" is friend with a pedophiles and sex-trafficker. A man of family values who cheated on his 3 wives and abused his positions. Trump is the true face of America. Because of Hollywood, fake news, and the lies that whites people peddle to make themselves look goods and other bad. HK have been brainwashed by decades of white propaganda to make white people look good and Chinese mainland bad, which indirectly is an insult to their own ancestor. This diminishes their self-esteem. Just look at the protestor and their leaders. They want to feel better so they look down on poor mainlander, just how who their Anglo master used to look down on them, made them take up English names to earn a living, or cower to any Anglo person in HK if they want to earn wages, forbidden to live in nice areas. And the only elites are anglo whites or descendent of anglo rapist. It must be demoralizing and depressing to be controlled the likes the arrogance of Anglo.

When people go to America, they get disappointed. The reality doesn't meet expectation. This is their soft-power. When people travel to China or other countries in the region, the reality is much better than what they were taught to believe.

Yes, Chinese don't have any soft power. The Chinese sucks at soft-power because they don't play dirty. China doesn't have a society full of arrogance and self-entitlement. China doesn't believes the Chinese world view is the most suitable for all society. Where as Americans because democracy is the best even then they started 3 wars and killed millions. Just like the white man's burden and all the other excuses to justify genocide. Thus they don't have a group of people to active tarnish their competitions and promote their own image. China's fault is the live and let live attitude. Until China start going on the offensive, her image will suffer because the West is relentless in tarnish the image of their competitors.
Like I don't know how this conversation started. But if you ask me, Chinese like white people way less than other Asians like Japanese and Thai. In fact, most mainlanders probably hate white people now with the surge of Chinese nationalism.
Soft power is an illusion and worth nothing more than a pile of dirt. The Serbian guy and who else argueing about the importance of this fake influential entity are only kidding themselves. China is in fact winning so hard that the protest is just a smokescreen clouding the eyes and judgment of the average citizens of the world. US dollar dominance is fading away, cannot force China to accept unequal trade deal and losing influence in the Asia Pacific that it can only punch China's underbelly by igniting the protest in Hong Kong (perhaps in hope of spreading to the rest of China).

China is like an impenetrable fortress, militarily cannot be invaded and cannot be forced to accept unfair trade treaties. The influence is spreading through the belt and road initiative and tech companies like Huawei. The American Empire is crumbling so for those who believe in Hollywood influence or the US democracy and freedom of speech nonsense which form the basis of soft power according to the believers all i can say is keep worship and put your faith in it because at the end of the day it's worthless. The US dollar dominance is feeling threatened by the rise of China and that's what really matters. US will default with their skyrocketing debt.
I understand why White worshiping exists in China. It is all a result of European domination for the last 500 years. Nonetheless it exists. East Asians are among the most guilty of this because they are a very hierarchical culture so they greatly respect those that are "high status" and they deeply look down on those who are "low status". This is why Chinese will go out of their way to make friends with White people or avoid conflict with Whites, but will obsess about insulting Indians for example even when the topic has nothing to do with Indians. That is just an example.

Not really. Actually that's one of the mentalities I hate most among Chinese people.
I am sure you are an Indian pretending to understand Chinese. You seems to have a lot of bitterness over Chinese treatment over Indian? BTW, Indian deserve those treatment becos Chinese hate pretenders. 1.5m short and dare to mock a 1.7m tall guy. If Indian remains humble and keep working hard. No one will hate them.

What u describe of white worshipping culture is exactly how Indian behave. I am more and more convinced you are indian. :enjoy:

You think just becos you come here spew a few nonsense and the rest will be convinced? If China do not have backbones. We would have long lost the trade war and subjected to US control.

Like I don't know how this conversation started. But if you ask me, Chinese like white people way less than other Asians like Japanese and Thai. In fact, most mainlanders probably hate white people now with the surge of Chinese nationalism.
An imposter of Indian pretending to know how Chinese behave and try to smear Chinese reputation. Beware of the snake.
Stop talking nonsense. I have seen enough tactics deploy like u trying to smear all Chinese. If Chinese is really white worshipper. I guess China economy shall not have achieved 2nd largest and near US. Not to mention, most China policy are against US. There are US lackey like Jim Roger worshipped China then I guess all American shall be that? Trying to pinpoint a few minority as majority is old trick deploy by Slayer for many years. I guess u just need to wake up and stop polluting here.

First thing first. Not all white people are westerner. Even Russians are white. Are you saying that you should hate Russian, too? I know that China has some history with Uni Soviet. But aren't you at good term with them right now? So are you intend to insult Russian too, despite they're at your side?

Second, not all American and Westerner are white. So you may dislike or even hate American, but don't generalize them with white skin. Because there are only around 60% white in US.

Third, Hating people because of their skin color means racism. Do you want to promote racism and give the idea to other people that Chinese are racist?

You need to carefully choose your word of choice. We are in international community. Your ignorant can be used by Chinese hater as a weapon to attack China. Remember, there are white who worship China too. Don't let them think that their choice is wrong. You should make them crazier about China. Let them worship you, and not hate you.
I am sure you are an Indian pretending to understand Chinese. You seems to have a lot of bitterness over Chinese treatment over Indian? BTW, Indian deserve those treatment becos Chinese hate pretenders. 1.5m short and dare to mock a 1.7m tall guy. If Indian remains humble and keep working hard. No one will hate them.

What u describe of white worshipping culture is exactly how Indian behave. I am more and more convinced you are indian. :enjoy:

You think just becos you come here spew a few nonsense and the rest will be convinced? If China do not have backbones. We would have long lost the trade war and subjected to US control.

An imposter of Indian pretending to know how Chinese behave and try to smear Chinese reputation. Beware of the snake.

I'm not Indian.

Jesus, this is exactly what I am talking about.
I agree a lack or uncertain of ideology is now a problem in China but the problem in HK can not be so easily explained. The common identity is a process of social-engineering rather than genetic similarity. Mondern Chinese identity is forged through revolutionary and nation-revival narrative, The painful path of 20th century independent social-evolution is our common memory. We view ourselves as the rightful heir of “Chinese” in the industrial age. While those Chinese ethnics living in the western sphere of influence have adopted another identity, or even worth, still struggling to get one. They get it by accepting or exercising what we call “Rebel to the Evil Fu Manchu” narrative, a painful path of alienation to us and domestication for them. This is a tragic of Chinese ethnic as a whole, and we are still paying the debt.

Although HK is namely back to China, but how could they develop a new identity without changes is education? You will see them even find it difficult to develop their own identity due to a lack of proper citizen education. The future of HK is dire I suppose.
I'm not Indian.

Jesus, this is exactly what I am talking about.
You are not Indian I knew. Your nationality is not the point at all. You have some insights about China, but Imo, you are lack of the sense of how a poor country developed, and what's the priority.

Simply compare all the 195 countries in the world, China is the only one not just catching up but surpassing US in hard power. Without hard power superiority, petrol-dollar will collapse. Without petrol-dollar, US hegemony is just a bubble.

Don't be too harsh to your root - China. China spent 70 years from nobody to number 2 position. Learn more history please.
You are not Indian I knew. Your nationality is not the point at all. You have some insights about China, but Imo, you are lack of the sense of how a poor country developed, and what's the priority.

Simply compare all the 195 countries in the world, China is the only one not just catching up but surpassing US in hard power. Without hard power superiority, petrol-dollar will collapse. Without petrol-dollar, US hegemony is just a bubble.

Don't be too harsh to your root - China. China spent 70 years from nobody to number 2 position. Learn more history please.

I don't really agree. I do appreciate how much progress China has accomplished but there are still many social issues that deserve criticism. I am also heavily critical of many US policies so I'm not one sided.

Obviously I know that China is threatening US hegemony, that's why there is a crazed anti-China hysteria right now in the US government and media.
I don't really agree. I do appreciate how much progress China has accomplished but there are still many social issues that deserve criticism. I am also heavily critical of many US policies so I'm not one sided.

Obviously I know that China is threatening US hegemony, that's why there is a crazed anti-China hysteria right now in the US government and media.
You haven't lived in a poor country, I do. I lived in US for 14 years, I knew US as well. It's very rare for such a large poor country developed in hostile international environment. Just look at India with both USSR support during cold war and US support nowadays, what a mess.

China was invaded, destroyed, poisoned opium for more than 100 hundred years since 1840. China fought with Japan(14 years), 4 years civil war, 30 millions people died. When New China born, we fought with US in Korea peninsula, 300 thousands died. China confront with USSR for more than 2 decades. China fought with US since 1949. It's a very hostile international environment.

So you ask Chinese embrace the foreigners as if they are very friendly to us? So yo ask Chinese to be sensitive to other race and skin color when China is isolated? Where is other race and skin color?

You really didn't put yourself in Chinese shoes. Again, learn some real history of China, not English crap in US.
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