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Hafiz Saeed to US: I’m in Lahore tomorrow, contact me anytime

I wonder if its just a political statement at the expense of the victims of Mumbai or pressure tactic on weak Pakistani government re NATO supplies or some real heart felt desire for justice?
the last possibility is least expected when its the same country that is more concerned for the safety of its trigger happy soldiers than the Afghan population and has flown out the main suspect of family massacre in Kandahar.

been saying this or 2 days, and this whole fiasco , NATO supplies, Judiciary-PPP tussle, Hafiz Saeed is making a very dangerous cocktail.
been saying this or 2 days, and this whole fiasco , NATO supplies, Judiciary-PPP tussle, Hafiz Saeed is making a very dangerous cocktail.

A "perfect storm" may be gathering on the horizon.
Pak should help itself & find the real culprits if Saeed Hafiz is innocent & hand over to India/US & make the critics mouth shut by right way

That is the key!

They want to just behave like petulant kids expecting stuff to be thrown down their unwilling throats.

Only to vomit it all and protest about no proof!

And then they claim to be offended at their "image"!
HS is walking around Lahore enjoying the sights, his statement of put up, or shut up - is the perfect reply.

Exactly if he was to be assassinated, then America can do it any day.
But think of it this way, he is now under scanner. What ever he does or says will be taken as evidence against him, more like in the interrogation room of CIA.
He along with his entire organization(LET,JUD etc) can either choose to be silent the rest of their life, or act silly as they were doing and face he consequences.
Exactly if he was to be assassinated, then America can do it any day.
But think of it this way, he is now under scanner. What ever he does or says will be taken as evidence against him, more like in the interrogation room of CIA.
He along with his entire organization(LET,JUD etc) can either choose to be silent the rest of their life, or act silly as they were doing and face he consequences.

Yes, he will now just be reduced to doing the silly gig for the "faithful". It may please his supporters to see him "defying the US" but in reality he is likely to be rendered ineffective and impotent.

He is likely going to be reduced to a nuisance now, with the backers likely to be more cautious now. They can't afford to be too blatant.
he was only half hour from US Embassy...he should have told his driver to swing by there so he could pick up his cheque
You're ten minutes from FBI headquarters. Why not walk in and tell them what you know? Doubtless you have a better chance of collecting a reward than Saeed does.
You're ten minutes from FBI headquarters. Why not walk in and tell them what you know? Doubtless you have a better chance of collecting a reward than Saeed does.

What he knows and for that matter most of the world believe as well is America is a tyrant and is ruled by satanists which should be broken down as soon as possible into dozens of independent states to reduce the bloodshed it can only offer world in coming times and I am sure his knowledge wont be welcomed by pentagon as thats something they wanna hide from world.

Saeed's defiant stance has agitated Amreeki's big time and now they are begging GoP to put him behind bars, but despite all this militant rhetoric, they can't provide the proof of his involvement in terrorism/militancy. :smokin:
You're ten minutes from FBI headquarters. Why not walk in and tell them what you know? Doubtless you have a better chance of collecting a reward than Saeed does.

Solomon, if a rickshaw driver in Lahore knows where he lives; if Al Jazeera knows where he lives (and how to reach him even) then don't ya think the FBI HQ knows exactly where he is?

why are you insulting or playing down the capabilities of the FBI?

I also have no evidence regarding his ties to terrorism -- i.e. i lack the smoking gun....my visit would be pointless and everyone'd be wasting their time. And if I knew of his ties to terrorism and DID have a smoking gun, I would report it first to the Pakistani government since the man is in Pakistan. I don't like terrorists, they piss me off.

Despite the fact that i live paycheck to paycheck - money means diddly squat to me, my dignity is not for sale.
ask this fool to come out to a remote location where there is no civilian crowed or his family member and tell the US, that he is standing here. The next thing the surrounding where he is standing will be incenerated with a KABOOM.

and who will do the kaboom??, next thing we know is dehli going kaboom?
You really have no shame, do you?

You live in America.

Prosper in America.

Enjoy the fruits of American freedom.

...and then you rail against the same America and about how it should be broken to pieces.

If you hate America so much, why don't you go back to your home country you so profoundly believe is free of all the blame?

...BTW, I am quite sure that it is exactly people like you who when asked, "Where you from, bud?", gleefully reply, "India". :D

And you know what you are one of those people about whom it is called"Ignorance is a blessing"

I am not here in america like most of you indians washing cars and runnings cabs we are running an intel business with branches in 47 nations which infact pays american govt a huge tax,

I have been with common american as well as their policy makers and guys behind curtains too and can see the gap where their elite wanna be world's absolute power and their common man is worried about rising gasoline prices and unstable job market.Its my personal view after analysing america and its weaknesses and strengths that by breaking it down to several independent states would actually be more beneficial for common man as compare to united america ruled by moralless and eccentric neocons and satanists...

But again I can see reason why you would never be able to digest it as someone so beautifully put it" we see what our eyes wanna see"
This piece makes a good point that the Hafiz Saeeds and Hameed Guls are becoming irrelevant in the modern world. These are still trying to re-live the glory of cold war jihad 20 years after it is over. They say they want solution to Kashmir but if there is real solution what purpose will they have? None. These are the true status quo politicians because they want to freeze Pakistan in time instead of allowing regional stability.

Zardari Making Hafiz Saeed Irrelevant

April 5th, 2012
by Mahmood Adeel

The big news this week has been the $10 million bounty offered by the US for Hafiz Saeed. The response was predictable. Hafiz Saeed taunted the Americans at a press conference near GHQ. And reactionary media talking heads like Javed Chaudhry took a break from defending acid attackers to defend Hafiz Saeed. And, of course, DPC’s Keyboard Commandos were out in full force defending Saeed’s ‘honour’. In other words, the Americans managed to do for Hafiz Saeed what he could not do for himself – get attention.

Which is too bad, because while Hafiz Saeed is bathing in the lime light, there’s actually something interesting going on that will have a greater effect on national security and Pakistan-India relations than Hafiz Saeed and his band of merry raiders could ever dream of. I am referring, of course, to President Zardari’s trip to India.

While PTI and Hafiz Saeed’s Difa-e-Pakistan are upset that India is not sending its hockey team to Pakistan, the president is not allowing such minor issues get in the way of improving relations. Actually, if India not sending its hockey team is the worst example these hard line right-wingers can come up with, I would say we’ve already made a lot of progress.

And progress seems to be going on despite all attempts by right-wing elements to maintain the status quo. According to a report by BBC, the president’s trip is being appreciated widely in India where it demonstrates an effort to move beyond the past ways of confrontation to one of respect and appreciation of mutual interests.

“Under Mr Zardari’s watch, India and Pakistan are considering a sweeping agenda for economic co-operation for the first time in decades. The prime minister has every reason to welcome Mr Zardari warmly and consider the next steps in consolidating the unexpected movement in bilateral relations,” the Indian Express wrote.

Analyst C Raja Mohan believes Mr Singh must make an official trip to Pakistan after his meeting with Mr Zardari. “For his part,” he wrote, “Mr Singh should convey to Mr Zardari his readiness to move as fast and as far as the Pakistan president is willing to go.” Others like Jyoti Malhotra actually find Mr Zardari’s visit to the shrine of a famous Sufi Muslim saint in Rajasthan loaded with symbolism in these troubled times. “Clearly, Mr Zardari has stolen an imaginative moment from the bitter-sullen history of India-Pakistan, by asking to come to pay his respects to a cherished and much-beloved saint across the Indian subcontinent,” she wrote.

Is it any wonder that PTI and Difa-e-Pakistan are upset? If President Zardari continues to ease tensions and build trust between our two nations, it is much more likely that important issues like Kashmir will be solved. And if issues like Kashmir are solved and the India bogey goes away, guys like Hafiz Saeed and the other status quo religious parties will be out of a job.

On Tuesday night, Najam Sethi predicted that President Zardari has already achieved a historic breakthrough, but that it is being kept under wraps because of fear that groups like Difa-e-Pakistan will try to wreck the process before it is complete. According to Sethi, part of the agreement involves removing Indian troops from Siachen: Aapas ki baat - 3rd april 2012 part 3 - YouTube

While this is exactly what Pakistan wants and needs, it is exactly the opposite of what Hafiz Saeed and other right-wingers want. They want the status quo – an eternal standoff with India. Otherwise, they are completely irrelevant.

Hafiz Saeed is loving every minute of the attention that is being lavished on him. The gazi wanna be is even begging the US to carry out a military raid against him. Something that is not likely to happen, however, because it seems that Hafiz Saeed simply doesn’t matter anymore.

source: Zardari Making Hafiz Saeed Irrelevant « New Pakistan
...if I knew of his ties to terrorism and DID have a smoking gun, I would report it first to the Pakistani government since the man is in Pakistan...money means diddly squat to me, my dignity is not for sale.
Indeed. I'm an American. Every stranger I meet merits a polite level of dignity. Any additional dignity doesn't come from inheritance or creed or purchase.

But it does have to be earned.

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