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Google CANCELS talk by DALIT Activist

Indians taking over the anglo world is good news for the world.
Google canceled a talk by an Indian Dalit activist after employees targeted her, saying she was "anti-Hindu."

Thenmozhi Soundararajan appealed to CEO Pichai — who belongs to an upper caste Hindu family — with no result.

25% of U.S. Dalits report facing verbal/physical abuse.

There’s a network of upper caste Hindus reaching high positions in tech companies in the US who then make it harder for anyone else to move up the ladder - for example, in 2020 one IT company’s recruiter sent out emails seeking applicants but “do not submit Muslim candidates.”

@Sainthood 101 @PakSarZameen47 @Menace2Society @Pakstallion @Vapnope @Bleek@Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox 1@N.Siddiqui @Norwegian @TNT @Imad.Khan @Dalit @ziaulislam @EternalMortal @lastofthepatriots @WarKa DaNG @Warking @Talwar e Pakistan @WinterFangs @kingQamaR @Menace2Society @Indus Pakistan @Ghazwa-e-Hind @Norwegian @PakFactor @akramishaqkhan

@Wood @jamahir


Previously I tought only white skin Aryan Indian ( Iranian invasion- who is now has become Muslim ) that is upper case

Video Profil Meghna Sharma - Puteri Indonesia Sumatera Utara 2020​

So upper case can be brown as well

priti patel

Universally hated by British asians along with Sajid Javed

Who, the **** actress looking minister ? :D

Indos brother, that processor is just a licensed implementation of the British-origin ARM design which is used in most portable computers like phones and in many embedded machinery. I was talking about India not having its own local design ( a new instruction set, different memory facility to the OS, innovativeness in input / output interfacing ), something apart from ARM, Intel x86, SPARC, RISC-V, the Russian Elbrus etc. :)

Previously I tought only white skin Aryan Indian ( Iranian invasion- who is now has become Muslim ) that is upper case

Video Profil Meghna Sharma - Puteri Indonesia Sumatera Utara 2020​

So upper case can be brown as well

View attachment 851796

Some iocal Brown Indians got taken into the White Aryan culture and adopted the racist and oppressive attitudes. :) Our current president is a Dalit, from the community which has been oppressed by the Hindutvadis for 3000 years, by the people ruling India since 2014 but he was part of BJP who is the ruling party that carries the same oppressive ideology oppressing the Dalits for so long. Our president is fully with his own oppressors. :lol: And since he is with the Hindutvadis he has never opened his mouth about oppression against Dalits since he became president, whether about the suicide of Dalit student Rohith Vemula in 2016 ( I attended a protest rally about him then ) or about the arrest of the Dalit professor Ratan Lal of Delhi University just some days ago or the violence in Andhra state where some Dalits wanted to rename their town in the name of the Dalit leader Ambedkar, the main drafter of India's constitution who converted to Buddhism in 1956 publicly along with hundreds of thousands of his followers. These Dalits in the Andhra town were violently attacked by upper caste Hindus who didn't want their town to be named after a "lowly" Dalit and convert to Buddhism. :) Our great president, commander-in-chief of India's armed forces, didn't utter a word in protest for the violence against his own long-oppressed community. So there are Brown upper castes and Dalit Hindutvadis too. :)

Never heard of a Muslim Dalit, is that a new caste Hindus have fabricated?

There is actually. Dalits and entire caste and "clan" discriminations and demarcations among Indian and Pakistani Muslims continuing their practices from pre-Islam Hindu past. Take the Muslims of India-administered Kashmir for instance. The article is from January 2022 :
Javed Beigh

Javed Beigh

Published on : 02 Jan, 2022, 7:30 pm

4 min read

Kashmir valley is supposedly a Muslim majority region, where technically caste related practices shouldn’t exist. But it is an open secret that Kashmiri Muslim society is among South Asia’s most Brahminical Muslim societies, where caste-based discrimination is rampant and omnipresent.

I personally came across one such extremely ugly incident few days back, when I was approached by many members of my village and area around saying that a poor Kashmiri Muslim family of potter caste (“Kumhaar”) was stopped by upper caste Kashmiri Muslims in a nearby village from burying their dead in the village graveyard, where mostly members from upper caste Kashmiri Muslims were buried.

I was not only shocked but also horrified to hear that such discriminatory and dehumanizing caste practices continue to exist in Kashmir valley in this age and in these times, especially in interior rural areas, where things haven’t changed for past many centuries. I tried to reason out with the upper caste Kashmiri Muslim members who were refusing burial of what they called was a dead member of “lower, dirty & polluted” caste, whose grave will violate sanctity of the (upper caste) graveyard.

Angry and outraged, I returned back to my home and went back live on Facebook and expressed my disgust and then declared that from henceforth I will drop my upper caste surname “Beigh” and will adopt “Kumar” surname in solidarity with the Kashmiri Muslim potter community, which often uses “Kumar” caste as their surname.

My statement received widespread appreciation and approval and immense support from a cross section of Kashmiri society including from Kashmiri Pundits and Kashmiri Sikhs. But this episode did leave a bad taste in my mouth and made me wonder, if we as a Kashmiri society are really the kind of God fearing and pious Muslims as we portray ourselves to be?

The bitter truth is that Kashmiri Muslims are the most Brahminical societies among all Muslim communities of South Asia in following “Chatur Varna” Hindu caste system. There is caste equivalent of all four Hindu “Varnas” (Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas & Shudras) among Kashmiri Muslims along with the existence of Kashmiri Muslim Dalits.

While most Muslims of South Asia deny the existence of caste system among South Asian Muslims as it goes against the egalitarian principles of Islam that promised an equal and casteless society to many of so called “lower caste” Hindu converts, the fact remains that Muslims of South Asia carried on with the Hindu Brahminical caste hierarchy with slight modifications. Academicians divide South Asian Muslims in two broad categories of “Ashraf” and “Ajlaf” that differentiates between so called “pure, fairer and superior” Ashrafi Muslims of foreign origin (Arabs, Turks, Persians, Afghans etc.) and Ajlafi Muslims of native South Asian and so called “less pure, darker and inferior origin.

Kashmiri Muslim society has remained more closer to the Hindu “Chatur Varna” caste order with its own slight modifications. In addition to ruling Sultans (Hindu Kshatriyas), top of the order of Kashmiri Muslim were/are so called “Syed / Pir castes” (Geelani, Jeelani, Bukhari, Qadri, Hamdani, Andrabi etc.), which are equivalent to Hindu Brahmins and South Asian “Ashrafi Muslims” as many of these Kashmiri Muslim families claim their origin to the family of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) or to Central Asian countries like Iran, Tajikistan and Afghanistan.

There are also Muslims converts from Kashmiri Pundit community as well as so called “Pathan” Muslims, who even though not Syeds/Pirs, still fall under this top order. Intermarriages among Syeds, Pirs, Kashmiri Pundit converts and Pathans are not uncommon.

Then there are Kashmiri Muslim caste groups, which can be classified as “middle castes” or “higher occupational castes”, which makes them equivalent to Hindu “Vaishya” Varna order (Wani, Zargar, Khandey, Lone, Ahangar, Naqsh etc.).

At the bottom of the hierarchy are Kashmiri Muslim caste groups which can be broadly categorized as equivalent to Hindu Varna “Shudra” or “lower occupational castes” (Waza, Chopan, Ganai, Dobi, Hajjam, Hanji, Bhand etc.).

Many of these Kashmiri Muslim castes would fall under OBC (Other Backward Classes) definition of the Constitution of India or “Pasmanda Muslims”, a term used by lower caste / OBC Muslim communities of North India, especially in states like UP and Bihar.

And finally, exactly reflecting the Hindu Brahminical “Chatur Varna” hierarchy are Hindu Dalit equivalent “Wattal/Sheikhs”, a Kashmiri Muslim community, which was traditionally involved in manual scavenging just like Hindu Dalits. This Wattal community is equal to what is defined as Scheduled Caste (SC) under the Constitution of India.

Discrimination against lower caste Muslims in graveyard burial is not something which is only restricted to Kashmir valley. It is an unfortunate and un-Islamic caste practice that is widely prevalent in other parts of India as well as in Pakistan.

It is not uncommon to find walled and segregated caste based grave yards in villages of north India, where each upper Muslim caste have their own caste biradari graveyards, where members only from their caste are allowed to be buried.

Members from lower Muslim castes are often violently prohibited from burying their dead in these graveyards, which are lined by cemented walls and closed & locked doors. Few months back, Pakistan’s Sindh province was rocked by an ugly controversy, when in order to expand marbled grave tomb of a famous Sindhi nationalist leader from Syed caste, 13 kacha graves of lower caste Muslims from Mallah (boatmen) caste were dug and then thrown in a single pit.

The move sparked a nation-wide protest in Pakistan and people were shocked to see that such un-Islamic caste practices continue to exist in Pakistan even in modern days.

It is clear that Kashmir valley has a serious problem pertaining to caste-based discrimination which is not only against the egalitarian principles of Islam but is also an unethical societal behavior, which has no place in modern civilization. Graveyards of Kashmir should not discriminate anyone on the basis of caste.
We as a Kashmiri people must acknowledge the existence of caste menace amongst ourselves and strive to uproot this vestige of bygone era.

Javed Beigh is General Secretary People's Democratic Front ( Secular ).

You're very confused. I just explained to you there's no money in writing more and more general purpise operating systems. Whatever for ? Windows, Redhat or some server o/s, hypervisors, qnx for embedded are cheap enough to license . If somebody is developing a product they'll focus on their product and not on platform tools which is all o/s is.

I am not confused but quite clear that you are using the excuse of "Oh there's no money" to hide your lack of ambition in pursuit of intellectul pursuit and your incapability. Same also for the code monkey sweat shops of India. I shouldn't be giving examples but should be talking of concepts and philosophy but why do you think SpaceX decided to pursue its own space program including a human Mars program instead of saying like you "Oh but NASA is already building spaceships so why should I ?" ?

You say you have "40-year experience" in OS stuff in the top companies and you reminisce about the good years of the Computer Society of India decades ago when "Indian OSs were everywhere" but you can't get yourself to put together a team of three from among the two million computer engineers in India to design a new good OS ? Better yet a microprocessor and OS ? Among the aims of DRDO's OS project from 2010 was for the source code to be known to Indians for security. Can't you see even this aspect other than involving yourself in a great intellectual exercise, other than giving a reason for Indian establishment to actually for once have an Indian creation instead of as always them pasting Mera Bharat Mahaan flag on foreign maal ?

Stop hurling bitterness at people making a honest living at those companies. Poor guys most of whom come from 1st generation college families.

Those "poor guys" taking high marks in stupid colleges like Lovely and BITS Pilani and then entering unnecessary, useless companies like "infy", TCS and HCL and going on to work on projects from some Wall Street company or for the Western Capitalist-imperialist terrorist governments is not making a honest living but a haraam living. It is no surprise that these haraamis are Hindutvadis who in this thread topic's case got their upper caste Hindu boss to prevent a Dalit activist to deliver a lecture in the company that would have educated the non-Indians about the 3000-year-old anti-human and oppressive ideology being carried by their own colleagues who have subjugated the activist's community for 3000 years.

As to helping DRDO - I'm more interested these days in primary education. Village kids that smile big and teach me to live.

Good you are educating village youngsters but I am suspicious about what you are teaching given your tirade against this Dalit activist.

May be you should read about Vinid Khosla and what he did for Sun.

This Vinod Khosla fellow is a fraudia. He has long been declared by nationalist Indians as the "Father of the Pentium chip" but it is certain that he was just a project manager in the development of that processor in fashion of the project managers found in every neighborhood in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune and Gurgaon. In 2010 there started a program in the Indian ministry of IT called India Microprocessor Program whose desire was for a Indian-designed processor. If Khosla is so brilliant in procesor design, having been the "Father of the Pentium" why can't he put his learnings into designing an innovative processor and deliver it to his adoring crowds in India ? Khosla is a fraudia.

Why would IT services company design or build processors or OS? Accenture, ADP, AON, Capgemini, no one builds Processors or OS's just like thier piers Infy and TCS. What a fuckin dumb argument..

1. So who in India is going to design the first Indian processor and OS if not these 40 to 50 year old "IT services" companies which have hundreds of thousands of computer engineers who have put in years to "study" computer engineering for what ? To become proud code monkeys in sweat shops ? :)

2. What are the overhyped IITs doing ? IIT Bombay brought out an "indigenous" ( that word is so used in India by the nationalists :lol: ) processor called AJIT which is nothing but IIT Bombay's implementation of the lapsed-license SPARC architecture from USA. All that IIT-B did was paste an "Indian" name on it, in the fashion of Indian products. And IIT Madras did a similar thing, implemented the international open source processor architecture project RISC-V and gave it the "Indian" name Shakti. I have narrated above the story of DRDO grandly announcing in 2010 the start of an Indian project to develop a "futuristic" OS and putting 50 "scientists" in Bangalore and Delhi and in the next two years increasing the people count to 150 all over India. Twelve years now since that project started and there's no result, no list of system calls, not even a block diagram. What have those 150 "scientists" and engineers been doing all these 12 years, other than supporting Pragati Purush Narendra bhai ?

So dear MilSpec, you answer to my "fuckin dumb argument" as to if the Indian computer industry does not design a local processor and OS, if the IITs don't do it and the government institutions don't do it who will and what is the point of keeping this arrogant, useless , terrorist-supporting industry whose incompetence has even made planes to crash ?

just as an addendum: no, you did not bowl a good delivery.. just not worth the effort comfortable driving it past covers for a couple.

Can you please not constantly provide cricket examples ? I not only don't respect this stupid sport and most of its stars ( as you know ) I also consider all public sports, especially groups sports and those barbaric ones like boxing and wrestling to be a waste of time, a distraction created by Capitalist governments to keep people from thinking and rebelling. I see only stupidity in a stadium full of spectators getting emotional about others running about with balls or sticks and balls - that being the extent of the participation of the spectator. Sports must be small ones like tennis and swimming and done privately.

sorry to hear, it much suck to be you.. my sympathies :cry:

You should be sorry for yourself too. Today you have money to feed street dogs but tomorrow with the atrocious socio-economic system you perpetuate you may not have money to pay 35 lakhs demanded by the hospital to treat your lung cancer and you may either put a petition on a crowdfunding site like Ketto or die suffering :

Many "Modi Modi" chanting Indians in 2020 and 21, were arrogant and feeding street dogs, confident about their middle class money but they found that COVID didn't care for their arrogance and had multiple members of their family infected and they had to mortgage their houses and borrow from elsewhere to get oxygen machines and cylinders and medicines of the illegal market because the government of their beloved Modi didn't help them and neither their divinities and their death count went into a few million. :)

So sudhaar jaao mian.

don't you dare hide behind Islam now, everyone knows you're a hardcore atheist.

1. I don't put myself into the binary of believer in god and disbeliever in god. Mine is a simple idea, I believe in the supremacy of Nature. Those mullahs n Karachi who tried to put out fire by voicing the azaan and those Hindus who spend their life in daily ritual and three pilgrimages every five years, I want the leaders of these two groups to put prayer on their lips and jump into a volcano in Indonesia or Italy and come out alive. Even grander will be to put these representatives on a spaceship and send them out into space, the place where Nature is most visible and undeniable, and tell them to dive their ship into a star, the Sun to have the nearest, and then tell them to come out alive.

2. You see the ritualist Muslims nowadays especially in India who are seen in the mosque praying 10 times a day and go on hajj three times every five years and think that is Islam ? In terms of belief in divinity, Islam is the closest to my belief in addition to other things which you may start to read in this thread of mine from 2016 whose OP is by Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha and is about Communist and Socialist activism among Muslims since the early 1900s. Note the responses from the Pakistani members and an Algerian member in the initial pages. Before that read this section from a post of mine :
I will say that Islam simplified divine worship by asking simple questions : Who has ever seen the divinities to know their form, heard their voice and seen their magic to create humanoid or hybrid idols out of them and create elaborate and hundreds of rituals within a year for them many of whom are cruel directly ( horse sacrifice or like the Mayan or Aztecs did, sacrifice of humans ) or indirectly by the rituals becoming the entire social system itself disregarding the daily socio-economic and political evils they create for the humans. So if you have never seen the form of the divinities and heard their voices and seen their magic yourself how are you ascribing to them humanoid shapes, parents, children, specialized powers, mates and houses of gods and goddesses ? So Islam simplified this and declared god to be Allah, The God, The Single God, formless, one without a humanoid mate Islam, one who never begets nor is begotten. The early Muslims kicked and destroyed idols and declared "Look, this idol of a supposed all-powerful god or goddess is so powerless that it cannot prevent me a simple human from destroying it". Isn't this simple and rational ?

So once Islam brought in the concept of Allah, the question was about his or its worship by the Muslims. Hazrat Muhammad instituted Islam to also destroy the priest system entirely. No agent between human and God. No class called the clergy who can form a political class claiming sole authority of the religion, a class which in other religions have turned their societies oppressed. Every Muslim was encouraged to have the Islam ideas ( the slowly compiled into the Quran ) so that he or she can understand the progressive, rational religion for themselves without an opportunist priest class to corrupt the teachings. Isn't this again simple and rational ? Unfortunately the mullah, a priest really with no basis in Islam, arose time to time but he has risen especially in the last 20 years in India and corrupted a lot of Muslim society.

and my "born culture" is not to blame for your misery.

No, North Korea and FARC are and they were also responsible for the suicides of 350,000+ Indian farmers just between 1995 and 2015. 350,000+, the population of a small city just vanished within 20 years.

aaja fir... security ke mamlai mein kisi se kam nahi hai hamari forces




lo kallo "revolution"... your worthless commie kanpatti isi already in their crosshairs :sniper:

I am sure the air force boys in the middle photo are involved in anti-Naxal operations. The Naxalbari uprising started in 1967 by peasants guided by Communist leaders like Kanu Sanyal and Charu Majumdar. The uprising was a rebellion against the State which supported feudalism and then that rebellion turned in succeeding years into a broad movement across many states comprising of oppressed tribals and enlightened youth who wanted an India that was just, free of oppression and adopting a scientific Communist model of development. So you tell me, what are these air force boys saying about themselves by participating in the murder of the Communist Naxals ? Who are they supporting ? Compare that to the almost taking over of the governance of Pakistan in 1951 by Communists and Socialists from the military and civilian society including the poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz.

Its a piece of surviving literature from 400 BC-200 BC from subcontinent civilization

That alone makes it invaluable for both Indophile and Indophobes

The foul Manusmriti is an even older literature, probably from 1000 BC when the invading Aryans entered India from Iran. Shouldn't mean that Manusmriti also be called an invaluable literature.

And what is this "Indo"phile thing ? How would you describe it ?

About its contribution to the world, it did its part in uniting close to 1/7 of humanity under a common ideology

LOL, tell that to the Dalit Communist scholar Chittibabu who welcome the proposed ban and tell that to this American Dalit activist girl Thenmozhi both of whose community had to live subjugated and forcibly assimilated by that self-same "uniting common ideology".
Last edited:
The truth about Indians is that they are the most racist discriminatory people on the planet. They do so openly in western countries. They get away with it as they know they just have to oblige the white man to be successfull.
Can you please not constantly provide cricket examples ?
half volley/dolly dalogai to chakka hi padega !

tomorrow with the atrocious socio-economic system you perpetuate you may not have money to pay 35 lakhs demanded by the hospital to treat your lung cancer and you may either put a petition on a crowdfunding site or die suffering :
run bananey hain to risk to lena padega...


read this section from a post of mine :
no, I dont want to read your bakwaas.. 8, 5, or 7 year old shit is still shit.. usko apni chai me mila ke pee lay bdp teri ! :lol:

North Korea and FARC
kahan phonch gia bhai ? 😅

vapas lawt aao, yaha sahi hai !

sure the air force boys in the middle photo are involved in anti-Naxal operations.
Garud commandos

The Garud Commando Force is the special forces unit of the Indian Air Force. It was formed in September 2004 and has a current strength of over 1500 personnel.[1][2][3] The unit derives its name from Garuda, a divine bird-like creature in Hindu culture.

Garud is tasked with the protection of critical Air Force bases and installations; search and rescue during peace and hostilities and disaster relief during calamities.[4] Presently, Garuds are deployed in Congo[5] as part of the UN peace keeping operations.

it is mostly the CRPF there, the Army etc are legally not allowed in there (someone correct me if I'm wrong) @joe Saab and crew !

Garuds are strictly for air assets/bases protection and (rarely) cross border ops if required, inki training bhi MARCOS/SEAL.. level ki hai.. there's enough open source material on them, anyone can check.

Jai Hind !

Google canceled a talk by an Indian Dalit activist after employees targeted her, saying she was "anti-Hindu."

Thenmozhi Soundararajan appealed to CEO Pichai — who belongs to an upper caste Hindu family — with no result.

25% of U.S. Dalits report facing verbal/physical abuse.

There’s a network of upper caste Hindus reaching high positions in tech companies in the US who then make it harder for anyone else to move up the ladder - for example, in 2020 one IT company’s recruiter sent out emails seeking applicants but “do not submit Muslim candidates.”

@Sainthood 101 @PakSarZameen47 @Menace2Society @Pakstallion @Vapnope @Bleek@Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox 1@N.Siddiqui @Norwegian @TNT @Imad.Khan @Dalit @ziaulislam @EternalMortal @lastofthepatriots @WarKa DaNG @Warking @Talwar e Pakistan @WinterFangs @kingQamaR @Menace2Society @Indus Pakistan @Ghazwa-e-Hind @Norwegian @PakFactor @akramishaqkhan

@Wood @jamahir


So glad I am Muslim not Hindu …

What a horrible bunch
no, I dont want to read your bakwaas.. 8, 5, or 7 year old shit is still shit.. usko apni chai me mila ke pee lay bdp teri ! :lol:

That post is from four days ago had you bothered to open the link and in this thread I didn't just link to it I also posted the entire relevant section yet you didn't read it even after seeing the initial lines in the quote.

kahan phonch gia bhai ? 😅

vapas lawt aao, yaha sahi hai !

You asked me the source of my miseries and of the millions of Indians and I told you that it is certainly not North Korea and FARC. So who, or rather what was I talking about ?

Garud commandos

The Garud Commando Force is the special forces unit of the Indian Air Force. It was formed in September 2004 and has a current strength of over 1500 personnel.[1][2][3] The unit derives its name from Garuda, a divine bird-like creature in Hindu culture.

Garud is tasked with the protection of critical Air Force bases and installations; search and rescue during peace and hostilities and disaster relief during calamities.[4] Presently, Garuds are deployed in Congo[5] as part of the UN peace keeping operations.

it is mostly the CRPF there, the Army etc are legally not allowed in there (someone correct me if I'm wrong) @joe Saab and crew !

Garuds are strictly for air assets/bases protection and (rarely) cross border ops if required, inki training bhi MARCOS/SEAL.. level ki hai.. there's enough open source material on them, anyone can check.

Jai Hind !

View attachment 851889

The Indian air force has been involved in the state killing of the Naxals for the last 13 years by operating armed helicopters, transport helicopters and UAVs. First from Wikipedia :
In April 2010, Mark Sofer had a conversation with Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee and M. K. Narayanan on the subject of the "Maoist extremism" and West Bengal's internal security, and offered assistance by Israel in the state's battle against the Maoists.[15]

Initially in 2009, the government of India had decided to move 80,000 central paramilitary personnel to wage offensive against the Maoists, strengthened by a fleet of 10 armed helicopters from the Indian Air Force.[16] On 3 January 2013, the government of India issued a statement that it is deploying 10,000 more central paramilitary personnel in Bastar, Odisha and some parts of Jharkhand.[2] By May 2013, about 84,000 troops from the CRPF had been stationed in the Red corridor to beef up the offensive.[17] Apart from the paramilitary personnel, the SAPF personnel deployed in operations against the Maoists are estimated to number around 200,000.[5] In his analysis in March 2014, Gautam Navlakha has claimed that 286,200 CRPF personnel along with 100,000 personnel from other central paramilitary forces and the SAPF are now engaged in the offensive against the CPI (Maoist) in 10 states of India.[18] On 8 June 2014, the Minister of Home Affairs officially approved the deployment of another 10,000 troops from the paramilitary forces to fight against the Maoists in Chhattisgarh.

The Times of India, in May 2013, stated that the Ministry of Home Affairs has decided to induce 10,000 more paramilitary personal to move "towards a fight to finish war against Maoists in Red Zone."[19]

The Indian Army has also been stationed in the Red corridor, however, the Army claims that it is present there to train the paramilitary personnel to fight against the Maoists and denies its direct role in the offensive operations.[20] The Chief of the Army Staff and the 7 army commanders in mid-2011 had assessed that, if required, about 60,000-65,000 troops from the Indian Army would need to be induced in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha and West Bengal to battle the Naxalites.[21] On 30 May 2013, the Indian Air Force's Air Chief Marshal declared that apart from the currently operating MI-17 helicopters, the Indian Air Force is inducing a fleet of MI-17V5 helicopters to "provide full support to anti-Naxal operations."[7]

Recently in August 2014, the Ministry of Home Affairs stated that it is "sending" 2,000 personnel from the Naga Battalions of the Nagaland's Indian Reserve Battalions (IRB) in Chhattisgarh's Bastar to attack the Maoists, which according to The Economic Times, would make Bastar "the most–militarised zone in India." The Naga Battalion personnel are being send to fight the Maoists for a second time, with having battled the Maoists once before in West Bengal.[4]

The Indian armed forces' personnel use satellite phones and they also have access to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).[5] Security forces have been using UAVs in anti-Maoist operations for quite some time in Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.[22] Presently, the UAVs are being provided by the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) and Indian Air Force, but they have not been able to yield desired results for the armed forces. Hence, to further advance the offensive, the Defence Research and Development Organisation has taken an initiative to specially develop UAVs with "lower frequency radars" for the armed forces to "track down" the Maoists.[23] The NTRO has specially imported 12 drones from Israel for aerial surveillance of Naxalites' activities in the forest region on Andhra Pradesh–Orissa–Chhattisgarh border.
Now from a 2013 report in The Hindu :
The Indian Air Force (IAF) support for anti-naxal operations is all set to enlarge its footprint in the densely-forested Bastar region of Chhattisgarh that witnessed one of the worst and most fierce Naxal attacks last week, killing 27 people, including top State leaders of the Congress.

The Maoist hotbed of Jagdalpur in Bastar will see enhanced Air Force support, as more helicopters would be made available for evacuation and surveillance, when a new helicopter unit comes up in Nagpur within the next few days.

Rules of engagement to remain same

Talking to journalists on the sidelines of the DRDO annual awards function, Air Chief Marshal N.A.K. Browne stressed upon deploying new systems in the Maoist-hit areas which would provide better surveillance capabilities to the forces stationed there. He said that the rules of engagement would remain the same.

At present, the IAF has deployed six MI-17 choppers from a unit based in Gorakhpur and they operate from three locations, including Ranchi in Jharkhand, and Raipur and Jagdalpur in Chhattisgarh, to support the anti-naxal operations.

“We are going to raise a unit of our latest MI-17 V5 choppers in Nagpur by next month which will provide full support to anti-Naxal operations in Jagdalpur,” the IAF chief said.

Faster response

He said the base of the new unit would be closer to Chattisgarh and would have faster response time in case of some incident there. The Nagpur unit would deploy two to three of its MI-17 V5 choppers in Jagdalpur, which would be capable of carrying out both day and night operations.

He said the decision to deploy these choppers in Nagpur had been taken two months ago and had nothing to do with last week’s incident.

Defence Minister A.K. Antony reiterated that the armed forces would not be deployed in anti-Naxal operations in a direct role. Asked if the Defence ministry would provide help in the form of training para-military personnel, he said that any support was required for the training would be extended.

The Air Force uses its choppers in the anti-Naxal operations for carrying out casualty evacuations and the transportation of police and Central forces in Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.
From this article by an air force officer that mentions Garud commandos :


Author: Gp Capt AK Agarwal

Period: Jan - Mar 2013

Protecting Helicopter Assets in Anti-Naxal Operations
Group Captain AK Agarwal

Since 20 December 2009, the IAF is undertaking Operation Triveni in support of the anti-naxal forces with troop movement, logistics support and casualty evacuation.[1] The operation initially started with two Mi-17 helicopters, increasing to six.[2] The operation was initially conceived to cover Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh, and has recently been broadened to include Odisha, Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh.[3]

Anticipating the use of airpower against them, the insurgents have trained their cadres in aspects of air defence. They have mastered facets of passive air defence and are also training for active air defence. In the past, the Maoists have shot at helicopters flying in support of the security forces. [4] On 18 January 2013, the Maoists have once again been successful in shooting at an Air Force helicopter, and it seems with practice, they have been able to improve on the results that they desired. A Mi-17 helicopter which was on a Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC) mission was fired upon. The insurgents were able to damage the hydraulic and electrical systems of the Mi 17, forcing it to sit down in an open field. Rules of Engagement permit the IAF to retaliate, but only in self-defence. For this, the Mi-17 helicopters have been modified with sideways firing machine guns. This gun is manned by a trained Garud commando of the IAF. This incident brings to light certain problem areas in the employment of air power in counter insurgency operations in the present context:

Rules of Engagement. The Rules of Engagement laid down by the government are very restrictive and are on the verge of being stifling. In this incident, the Garud commando would have been unaware – till too late, that the helicopter had been fired upon and be in a position to retaliate in self-defence. Even though the insurgents have fired on IAF helicopters in the past, the question that needs to be answered is – how many times were the Garuds able to return fire in self-defence.

Security to Helipads. While transporting troops, logistics supplies or evacuating casualties, helicopters are required to land at remote helipads in naxal affected areas. Take-off and landing phases at remote helipads are the two phases most susceptible to ground fire. Though the Maoists have not fired at the helicopters with rockets yet, intelligence inputs indicate that they are in possession of a crude rocket which may be used in the future with much more devastating results than machine gun fire. Due to the threat from the ground, it becomes very important for the helipads to be sanitised for the conduct of safe air operations. As per existing instructions, the security forces are required to do so in an area of 1.5 Km around the helipad. In this incident, it needs to be ascertained whether the security forces did sanitise the helipads. If they did, it was evidently not effective as has been seen in the past.[5]

Operating Height. Any helicopter transiting through naxal affected areas must do so at a safe height to ensure that they stay out of the lethal bubble of small arms fire.

Search and Rescue (SAR). While undertaking military air operations, especially where there is a high probability of being shot, quick reaction SAR cover by a helicopter standing by on ground is paramount for recovering the injured and in turn bolstering the morale of all. Though a SAR organisation does exist and is well established[6], it does not cater for an immediate reaction where aid is available within a very short period of time in a hostile environment and equipped accordingly. Whether this system worked in the recent incident needs to be ascertained.

Emergency Procedures. As per media reports, the helicopter was shot down at around 1630 h and its position was not known till the entire helicopter crew trekked to a police station. An injured jawan was left behind in the helicopter along with arms and ammunition. It is very evident, that emergency procedures and SOPs were either not clearly defined or the procedures if laid down were not properly followed in a situation where the naxals were able to shoot down a helicopter and forced it to land – a situation which has been experienced perhaps for the first time.

The Way Ahead. To ensure the protection of helicopters coming in for landing in remote helipads, there is a requirement to ensure that the insurgents are unable to attack the helicopters. Other than the difficult, manpower intensive method of security forces sanitising the helipads – which does not give very good results as seen in the past, a more offensive method must be tried. If the Garud on board the helicopter is permitted to lay down a blanket fire around the remote helipad, it will deter the hidden insurgent from raising his head or even tempt him to reveal his position by returning fire. If he reveals his position by answering back, he can be silenced. In addition, helicopters armed with sideways firing machine guns must operate in pairs to support each other. One helicopter will orbit in protection while the second lands. The government must take off the kid gloves and send a message to the Maoists that it means business. Sufficient elbow room must also be given to the helicopter crew to permit them to launch offensive action by seeking out Maoist gun positions when fired upon as compared to the more restrictive action of just firing in self-defence. In all probabilities, the helipad would be remote and away from civilian population. To ensure that no civilian casualty does occur, it would be the duty of the security personnel sanitising the area to keep them away from the vicinity of the helipad. Two way radio contact between the ground and air would also be able to ensure that the helicopter does not fire at the location of the security personnel on ground while laying down fire from the air.

The second aspect that must be addressed is the quantum of air effort available in support of counter-insurgency operations. Till 31 March 2012, a total of 2492 hours in 3602 sorties had been flown in support of anti-naxal operations,[7] working out to an average of just 25 hours per helicopter, per month. This would include any flying done towards Operation Triveni and would not just reflect the air effort towards actual troop movement, logistics support and CASEVAC; it would also include ferry of helicopters and training of troops in slithering operations.[8] This paucity of air effort is magnified with the poor serviceability state of BSF helicopters. Presently, the Dhruv helicopters of the BSF have been grounded owing to various maintenance related problems, while its Mi-17 fleet of six helicopters also has a poor serviceability rate due to the unavailability of spares, which further hampers air operations.[9] Six IAF helicopters are required to provide air support to nine states, a ratio which speaks for itself. Hence the employment of air power in anti-naxal operations is negligible as compared to the effort which is required. It needs to be quantitatively increased to be more meaningful.

Thirdly, emergency procedures and SOPs need to be formulated to deal with situations where in the safety of the injured personnel, crew, arms and recovery of the crashed helicopter are prioritised and clear cut actions spelt out for each and every crew member. Lastly, a responsive SAR capability must also be made available.
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@jamahir my apologies. I mistook you to be a rational being. Mad scientists are scientists first. You're just mad. Your pretensions are just sad.

Btw Khosla had nothing to do pentium. He cofounded Sun. If you had ANYTHING to do with chips and processors, you'd have known that. Sad pretender.
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These piss drinkers bring every retarted thing from India.

All muslims irrespective of race and ethnic group should start an awareness campaign and get whites , blacks and hispanics on board.... People need to see the nefarious activities of
piss drinkers.

Bengalis and Palestinians are good at social media activism as a lot of their diaspora are on the artsy side of insta. We have to get to those 2 demographics.
1. So who in India is going to design the first Indian processor and OS if not these 40 to 50 year old "IT services" companies which have hundreds of thousands of computer engineers who have put in years to "study" computer engineering for what ? To become proud code monkeys in sweat shops ? :)

2. What are the overhyped IITs doing ? IIT Bombay brought out an "indigenous" ( that word is so used in India by the nationalists :lol: ) processor called AJIT which is nothing but IIT Bombay's implementation of the lapsed-license SPARC architecture from USA. All that IIT-B did was paste an "Indian" name on it, in the fashion of Indian products. And IIT Madras did a similar thing, implemented the international open source processor architecture project RISC-V and gave it the "Indian" name Shakti. I have narrated above the story of DRDO grandly announcing in 2010 the start of an Indian project to develop a "futuristic" OS and putting 50 "scientists" in Bangalore and Delhi and in the next two years increasing the people count to 150 all over India. Twelve years now since that project started and there's no result, no list of system calls, not even a block diagram. What have those 150 "scientists" and engineers been doing all these 12 years, other than supporting Pragati Purush Narendra bhai ?

So dear MilSpec, you answer to my "fuckin dumb argument" as to if the Indian computer industry does not design a local processor and OS, if the IITs don't do it and the government institutions don't do it who will and what is the point of keeping this arrogant, useless , terrorist-supporting industry whose incompetence has even made planes to crash ?
If IIT's don't do it, doesn't make Infy or TCS responsible for doing it. Just like if there is no F1 Racing team, tomorrow Hindustan motors have to build one.

I will use the simple words so even you can comprehend: A Private enterprise will conduct its business as it deems fit, you or I am no one to tell the largest and most successful businesses in India how to run their affairs.

Calling fellow countrymen code monkeys and reasons for crashing planes just shows what kind of loser you really are.
clock speed 20mhz, flash mem 553kb

my RC flying controller is better than that.

Google has terminated talks with a Dalit activist after he criticized the company's policies on diversity.

Dalit activists have long been critical of Google for its lack of diversity within its ranks and its refusal to address the issue. In a recent interview, activist Rohith Vemula criticized Google's policies on diversity, accusing the company of "canceling talks with us because we talk about caste. for more here.

Google canceled a talk by an Indian Dalit activist after employees targeted her, saying she was "anti-Hindu."

Thenmozhi Soundararajan appealed to CEO Pichai — who belongs to an upper caste Hindu family — with no result.

25% of U.S. Dalits report facing verbal/physical abuse.

There’s a network of upper caste Hindus reaching high positions in tech companies in the US who then make it harder for anyone else to move up the ladder - for example, in 2020 one IT company’s recruiter sent out emails seeking applicants but “do not submit Muslim candidates.”

@Sainthood 101 @PakSarZameen47 @Menace2Society @Pakstallion @Vapnope @Bleek@Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox 1@N.Siddiqui @Norwegian @TNT @Imad.Khan @Dalit @ziaulislam @EternalMortal @lastofthepatriots @WarKa DaNG @Warking @Talwar e Pakistan @WinterFangs @kingQamaR @Menace2Society @Indus Pakistan @Ghazwa-e-Hind @Norwegian @PakFactor @akramishaqkhan

@Wood @jamahir

Google has terminated talks with a Dalit activist after he criticized the company's policies on diversity.

Dalit activists have long been critical of Google for its lack of diversity within its ranks and its refusal to address the issue. In a recent interview, activist Rohith Vemula criticized Google's policies on diversity, accusing the company of "canceling talks with us because we talk about caste. for more details
@jamahir my apologies. I mistook you to be a rational being. Mad scientists are scientists first. You're just mad. Your pretensions are just sad.

Why ?

Btw Khosla had nothing to do pentium. He cofounded Sun. If you had ANYTHING to do with chips and processors, you'd have known that. Sad pretender.

OK I mistook Khosla to be Vinod Dham who is supposed to be the "Father of Pentium" but the same questions hold.

If IIT's don't do it, doesn't make Infy or TCS responsible for doing it. Just like if there is no F1 Racing team, tomorrow Hindustan motors have to build one.

I will use the simple words so even you can comprehend: A Private enterprise will conduct its business as it deems fit, you or I am no one to tell the largest and most successful businesses in India how to run their affairs.

I will ask you something very simple but unlike you not in a patronizing way : I am a 12th class dropout and the seniormost designer in computing in India - won't say how - but will these "top" computer companies in India like "Infy", TCS, HCL and Cyient employ me even as an entry level programmer ? Not that I want to insult myself by working in these code monkey sweat shops. I have co-founded a computing company that was unlike any of the aforementioned ones and will do so again pending finance but what I ask you is for you since you defend the non-contributions of these companies.

Calling fellow countrymen code monkeys and reasons for crashing planes just shows what kind of loser you really are.

LOL, I am the loser because these overhyped "top ki companies" and IITs and a government institution couldn't design processor and OS in 50 years despite having access to hundreds of thousands of computer engineers and "scientists", material resources and huge financial resources ( though it doesn't take money to write a new OS ) ?

Secondly, it is not me saying HCL crashed the planes. It is Boeing engineers blaming HCL programmers for the problems. Please read my post# 42.

Google has terminated talks with a Dalit activist after he criticized the company's policies on diversity.

Dalit activists have long been critical of Google for its lack of diversity within its ranks and its refusal to address the issue. In a recent interview, activist Rohith Vemula criticized Google's policies on diversity, accusing the company of "canceling talks with us because we talk about caste. for more here.

You are right. Two things though : Your article source link is malformed so please post the correct link. Secondly, Rohith was a Dalit student in Hyderabad University and was oppressed by upper caste Hindu university officials and their student terrorists in form of the ABVP, the student wing of the RSS. A BJP leader in Rohith's region wrote to the central government ( Modi's BJP government ) saying that Rohith and his Dalit and other comrades were doing "anti-national activities" ( code words in India used mainly by the Hindutvadi terrorists to describe mainly Communists and Muslims ) in the campus. The central government being BJP whose co-branch in the university was ABVP whose thugs were terrorizing the Dalits there, wrote to the university administration who evicted Rohith and some comrades of his from the university hostel and suspended their 25,000 rupees scholarship.

Look at the atrocity : it was the ABVP terrorists who were terrorizing and oppressing Rohith, other Dalit students and the campus generally but it was Rohith and his comrades who got punished by the BJP government instead of punishing ABVP by evicting it from the campus at least. Rohith should not have lost heart and instead agitated more. He was an intelligent and sensitive person but unfortunately he suicided. Later that year I attended a protest gathering in his memory. Below is the letter Rohith wrote before he hanged himself :
Good morning,

I would not be around when you read this letter. Don’t get angry on me. I know some of you truly cared for me, loved me and treated me very well. I have no complaints on anyone. It was always with myself I had problems. I feel a growing gap between my soul and my body. And I have become a monster. I always wanted to be a writer. A writer of science, like Carl Sagan. At last, this is the only letter I am getting to write.

I always wanted to be a writer. A writer of science, like Carl Sagan.

I loved Science, Stars, Nature, but then I loved people without knowing that people have long since divorced from nature. Our feelings are second handed. Our love is constructed. Our beliefs colored. Our originality valid through artificial art. It has become truly difficult to love without getting hurt.

The value of a man was reduced to his immediate identity and nearest possibility. To a vote. To a number. To a thing. Never was a man treated as a mind. As a glorious thing made up of star dust. In every field, in studies, in streets, in politics, and in dying and living.

I am writing this kind of letter for the first time. My first time of a final letter. Forgive me if I fail to make sense.

My birth is my fatal accident. I can never recover from my childhood loneliness. The unappreciated child from my past.

May be I was wrong, all the while, in understanding world. In understanding love, pain, life, death. There was no urgency. But I always was rushing. Desperate to start a life. All the while, some people, for them, life itself is curse. My birth is my fatal accident. I can never recover from my childhood loneliness. The unappreciated child from my past.

I am not hurt at this moment. I am not sad. I am just empty. Unconcerned about myself. That’s pathetic. And that’s why I am doing this.

People may dub me as a coward. And selfish, or stupid once I am gone. I am not bothered about what I am called. I don’t believe in after-death stories, ghosts, or spirits. If there is anything at all I believe, I believe that I can travel to the stars. And know about the other worlds.

If you, who is reading this letter can do anything for me, I have to get 7 months of my fellowship, one lakh and seventy five thousand rupees. Please see to it that my family is paid that. I have to give some 40 thousand to Ramji. He never asked them back. But please pay that to him from that.

Let my funeral be silent and smooth. Behave like I just appeared and gone. Do not shed tears for me. Know that I am happy dead than being alive.

“From shadows to the stars.”

Uma anna, sorry for using your room for this thing.

To ASA family, sorry for disappointing all of you. You loved me very much. I wish all the very best for the future.

For one last time,

Jai Bheem

I forgot to write the formalities. No one is responsible for my this act of killing myself.

No one has instigated me, whether by their acts or by their words to this act.

This is my decision and I am the only one responsible for this.

Do not trouble my friends and enemies on this after I am gone.
@Sharma Ji @Sudarshan, read the letter.
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OK I mistook Khosla to be Vinod Dham who is supposed to be the "Father of Pentium" but the same questions hold.
That's equally ill informed to call Vinodh Dham a fraud. The guy's work is all across almost every microprocessor and flash memory company. Widely honored by govts of both US and India. Read this interview and you may sound less daft in future.

As to your questions, they are meaningless presumptive and futile attempts at self-aggrandizing. I can't bother with them.
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