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That's equally ill informed to call Vinodh Dham a fraud. The guy's work is all across almost every microprocessor and flash memory company. Widely honored by govts of both US and India. Read this interview and you may sound less daft in future.

Oh I read this interview just a few days ago. I didn't find any proof that he has designed the Pentium. And note the interviewer - "India Knowledge at Wharton" and the occasion - "Wharton India Economic Forum". Just some "Modi Modi" type Indian nationalists in that college. :lol:

And the link given no longer is valid.

As to your questions, they are meaningless presumptive and futile attempts at self-aggrandizing. I can't bother with them.

Mine are always simple questions and points. :)
The truth about Indians is that they are the most racist discriminatory people on the planet. They do so openly in western countries. They get away with it as they know they just have to oblige the white man to be successfull.

Not sure....look at us Muslims before calling others racists....we judge people based on religion, only us have "Islamic Republic of ABC"...their are no Christian republics, Hindu republics etc.....Only we have OIC to speak, think only about Muslims....no other countries/religion have that attitude... Only us prohibit non-Muslims to visit our holy lands...not even Vatican, Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist temples do that.. anyone can go there....
Most killings in the name of a religion/blasphemy happens in ours, In Islamic republics, we discriminate against minorities.....

...And shamefully, we call others racists.....
Oh I read this interview just a few days ago. I didn't find any proof that he has designed the Pentium. And note the interviewer - "India Knowledge at Wharton" and the occasion - "Wharton India Economic Forum". Just some "Modi Modi" type Indian nationalists in that college. :lol:

And the link given no longer is valid.

Mine are always simple questions and points. :)

Oh I read this interview just a few days ago. I didn't find any proof that he has designed the Pentium. And note the interviewer - "India Knowledge at Wharton" and the occasion - "Wharton India Economic Forum". Just some "Modi Modi" type Indian nationalists in that college. :lol:

And the link given no longer is valid.

Mine are always simple questions and points. :)

Oh I read this interview just a few days ago. I didn't find any proof that he has designed the Pentium. And note the interviewer - "India Knowledge at Wharton" and the occasion - "Wharton India Economic Forum". Just some "Modi Modi" type Indian nationalists in that college. :lol:

And the link given no longer is valid.

Mine are always simple questions and points. :)
Stop making it worse on yourself. It's quite pathetic as it is.
Stop making it worse on yourself. It's quite pathetic as it is.

What are you talking about ? It is you who has been unable to answer my simple questions about yourself, the five-decade-old Indian computer industry, the at least two million computer engineers of India and Mr. "Father of the Pentium" Vinod Dham and you say I am making it worse on myself ? :lol:
Why ?

OK I mistook Khosla to be Vinod Dham who is supposed to be the "Father of Pentium" but the same questions hold.

I will ask you something very simple but unlike you not in a patronizing way : I am a 12th class dropout and the seniormost designer in computing in India - won't say how - but will these "top" computer companies in India like "Infy", TCS, HCL and Cyient employ me even as an entry level programmer ? Not that I want to insult myself by working in these code monkey sweat shops. I have co-founded a computing company that was unlike any of the aforementioned ones and will do so again pending finance but what I ask you is for you since you defend the non-contributions of these companies.
Sorry to hear you are a high school dropout, Good for you if you are an acclaimed designer, for someone who claims to be successful you sound quite bitter. (and uninformed)

LOL, I am the loser because these overhyped "top ki companies" and IITs and a government institution couldn't design processor and OS in 50 years despite having access to hundreds of thousands of computer engineers and "scientists", material resources and huge financial resources ( though it doesn't take money to write a new OS ) ?
No, because ample times I have given you the reason why TCS, Infy, Wipro, doesn't builds os's or processors, or why lata Mangeshkar was not in to rap, or why Royal Enfield doesn't build SLV's. You keep repeating the same exact nonsense.

Secondly, it is not me saying HCL crashed the planes. It is Boeing engineers blaming HCL programmers for the problems. Please read my post# 42.
And Boeing engineers fell from the heavens,
P.S I have worked for boeing.

For the time being enjoy meaty

Cant believe this is even a topic in America today. In Norway workers unions would eat those unethical Brahmins for breakfast. Norwegians hate Aristocracy and unequal treatment.
They will closed one eye on all these inhuman practice becos pleasing American at the moment is above all human right.
Sorry to hear you are a high school dropout

Why are you sorry when I am a proud high school dropout ? I burnt my 11th class degree and I would have burnt my 10th class degree as well if not, as you know, it being one of the indentification documents in India.

Good for you if you are an acclaimed designer, for someone who claims to be successful you sound quite bitter. (and uninformed)

I am not bitter about myself but am contemptous about most of the Indian computer industry.

No, because ample times I have given you the reason why TCS, Infy, Wipro, doesn't builds os's or processors, or why lata Mangeshkar was not in to rap, or why Royal Enfield doesn't build SLV's. You keep repeating the same exact nonsense.

Sorry you have not given a reasonable reason. I have asked Chat SAMOSA earlier as to why SpaceX even started if NASA was around. He didn't answer.

And Boeing engineers fell from the heavens,
P.S I have worked for boeing.

1. But surely those Boeing engineers point correctly to the incompetence of these Indian HCL and Cyient programmers. I must add that Boeing is not a company I admire for various reasons including because airships which are now re-emerging are the way to make long distance travel and there are non-Boeing companies working on it. Some of the below photos are real and some renders, and watch the vid at the end :





2. What did you do in Boeing ?

For the time being enjoy meaty

Eradicate dogs from Earth ! And may Chairman Meow prevail :
It makes a big difference my guy. Office hello hi g acha thank you is one thing. Forming close ties with these non muslims often requires going with them to do stuff they like which a Muslim can't always do.

There is a saying 'deals are signed in the boardroom but made on the golf course'.

Business advancement and deals often happen at after-work drinks and social events. People who don't drink alcohol are at a disadvantage in corporate politics.
What are you talking about ? It is you who has been unable to answer my simple questions about yourself, the five-decade-old Indian computer industry, the at least two million computer engineers of India and Mr. "Father of the Pentium" Vinod Dham and you say I am making it worse on myself ? :lol:
I've already told you your questions are meaningless. You know little about technology and are just fooling yourself and may be others around you blabbering about processors and operating systems. Probably a case of failed education and career ambition pushes you to run down people who actually have accomplished in their lives. In other words, bat crazy
I am a proud high school dropout ? I burnt my 11th class degree and I would have burnt my 10th class degree as well if not, as you know, it being one of the indentification documents in India.
why, man ?

you're low income/poor anyway.. should have basic degrees at least.

Eradicate dogs from Earth !
I'd eradicate leechy poor slum dwelling commie scum from earth if I could.
I've already told you your questions are meaningless. You know little about technology and are just fooling yourself and may be others around you blabbering about processors and operating systems.

OK, Mr. 40 Year Experience In OSes But Who Can't Start A Company To Design An OS For India And The World. :enjoy:

Probably a case of failed education and career ambition pushes you to run down people who actually have accomplished in their lives. In other words, bat crazy

Umm, what accomplishments ?

why, man ?

you're low income/poor anyway.. should have basic degrees at least.

I didn't need a degree to become a teacher nor to co-found a small company nor will soon to co-found another nor for other things. :)

Most of those who furiously need degrees are those who either want to engage in high competition dog-eat-dog wage slavery, have no confidence in themselves and they don't have the courage to present themselves as intelligent people in front of their parents and the parents don't have the confidence in the abilities of their own children and need an external entity to provide them the means to respect their children.

I'd eradicate leechy poor slum dwelling commie scum from earth if I could.

I will soon tag you for a vid in your 'Why was I banned...' thread. Wait for it.
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I didn't need a degree to become a teacher nor to co-found a small company nor will soon to co-found another nor for other things. :)

Most of those who furiously need degrees are those who either want to engage in high competition dog-eat-dog wage slavery, have no confidence in themselves and they don't have the courage to present themselves as intelligent people in front of their parents and the parents don't have the confidence in the abilities of their own children and need an external entity to provide them the means to respect their children.
but your company didn't make any money.. how could it, it when it didn't make any products either ? :haha:

"...an external entity to provide them the means"

rich, coming from you.
Dalits and entire caste and "clan" discriminations and demarcations among Indian and Pakistani Muslims continuing their practices from pre-Islam Hindu past.

You are right that some Muslims have also adopted this caste mentality, unfortunately, but it is nowhere near as severe as amongst Hindus.

I find it interesting that so many Indians are defending or denying this discrimination. If this is the attitude toward lower caste Hindus, then it speaks volumes about the discrimination faced by non-Hindus.

What is even worse is that the Hindutva ideology seems to be stronger amongst younger Indians. Religious intolerance has been successfully packaged and marketed inside the Trojan horse of Indian nationalism.

In western countries, the older people are more racist, but young people are mostly open minded. In India, it seems to be the opposite, which is a bad sign for India's future as a cohesive society.
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but your company didn't make any money.. how could it, it when it didn't make any products either ? :haha:

The company closed down because of non-technological reasons - difference of opinion between me and my financing partner. Else you would have come to know of it and there would be tens of thousands of indian computer science students lining to work for it. :)

"...an external entity to provide them the means"

rich, coming from you.

What does that mean ?

What is even worse is that the Hindutva ideology seems to be stronger amongst younger Indians.

Very much including the females. These females should realize that the Hindutvadis they support now believe in the subjugation of the female, considering her to be nothing more than a means to create male population, with no respect, independence and rights to her as a human. In earlier times these same Hindutvadis would have sati'ed the same females who now support them or would have put the same now supporting females into a life of socially and socio-economically deprived widowhood. The posterboy of the Hindutvadis is Yogi Adityanath who is the chief minister Uttar Pradesh and is the next PM candidate from the ruling BJP. I quote the misogyny and suffocating views of Yogi which is taken straight from the 3000-year-old foul, anti-human book Manusmriti which the Hindutvadis want to replace the current generally progressive constitution :
He believes women need male protection from birth to death and their ‘energy/power’ should be regulated or controlled, lest it become worthless and destructive.
He adds the shastras say that a woman is protected in her childhood by her father, by her husband in her youth and by her son in her old age — so that way a woman is not capable of being left free or independent.
And when such anti-human views are challenged the Hindutvadis vent outrage and do violence. For example last year the ad for Manyavar suitings had actress Alia Bhatt being a Hindu bride at her wedding and calling for her wedding to have a new rite called Kanyamaan ( a promise for respect for her / the bride in her soon-to-be husband's home ) instead of Kanyadaan ( the traditional essentially Hindu abandonment of the bride by her parents into the hands of her husband and in-laws ). Did the ad say anything wrong, anything irrational ? It only called for reform yet the irrational Hindutvadis forced it go off air and there were many Hindu females who supported this Hindutvadi action by saying the ad went against Hinduism when all it did was to call for reform in what was an anti-female, misogynist element of Hindu weddings. Don't these Hindutvadi females care for the rights of their own gender ?
The company closed down because of non-technological reasons - difference of opinion between me and my financing partner. Else you would have come to know of it and there would be tens of thousands of indian computer science students lining to work for it. :)
haha, dekha ?

maal sabgo mangta !

oh those precious precious shekels !


And when such anti-human views are challenged the Hindutvadis vent outrage and do violence. For example last year the ad for Manyavar suitings had actress Alia Bhatt being a Hindu bride at her wedding and calling for her wedding to have a new rite called Kanyamaan ( a promise for respect for her / the bride in her soon-to-be husband's home ) instead of Kanyadaan ( the traditional essentially Hindu abandonment of the bride by her parents into the hands of her husband and in-laws ). Did the ad say anything wrong, anything irrational ? It only called for reform yet the irrational Hindutvadis forced it go off air and there were many Hindu females who supported this Hindutvadi action by saying the ad went against Hinduism when all it did was to call for reform in what was an anti-female, misogynist element of Hindu weddings. Don't these Hindutvadi females care for the rights of their own gender ?
Not sure what century you're living in, 7th or 19th ?

it's quite touching, the whole "giving away" of the daughter, actually, it is more akin to the girl's parents handing over custodianship of their most precious baby girl to a man who will now provide for and take care and protect her.. the dahej/dowry is symbolic, from what I've seen, most people these days, including the couple in question, outright refuse these over the top gifts.

As I told you earlier, these people I know actually took the money and gave it all to various charity, including animal/dog shelters and even the dreaded "gowshalas"

oh how you'd have liked to get a share of that !
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