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Google CANCELS talk by DALIT Activist

Not sure....look at us Muslims before calling others racists....we judge people based on religion, only us have "Islamic Republic of ABC"...their are no Christian republics, Hindu republics etc.....Only we have OIC to speak, think only about Muslims....no other countries/religion have that attitude... Only us prohibit non-Muslims to visit our holy lands...not even Vatican, Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist temples do that.. anyone can go there....
Most killings in the name of a religion/blasphemy happens in ours, In Islamic republics, we discriminate against minorities.....

...And shamefully, we call others racists.....
Religious discrimination is a separate matter. You are trying too hard to defend Indian racism. The issues with Muslims are well known to the world but the world is largely still ignorant of true Indian view of the rest of humanity.
Their racist/xenophobic nature is slowly getting unveiled to the world just like it happened to Muslims for their leaning to extremism.
haha, dekha ?

maal sabgo mangta !

oh those precious precious shekels !

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That's a ridiculous statement. I live in India where money is essential to the extent of parents respecting their children only when they are earning money or will earn money by having at least two "education" degrees. India is not yet a full Communist society where furniture, computers and the labor of workers can be obtained without money.

The dispute with my partner was that foolishly I thought another worker was essential and conducted interviews whereas he didn't think another was essential. I actually should have used the three workers available. But I was not thoughtful of this then. He waited for me to understand but I didn't budge so in the end he went away to USA. That was a learning point for me.

Not sure what century you're living in, 7th or 19th ?

it's quite touching, the whole "giving away" of the daughter, actually, it is more akin to the girl's parents handing over custodianship of their most precious baby girl to a man who will now provide for and take care and protect her.. the dahej/dowry is symbolic, from what I've seen, most people these days, including the couple in question, outright refuse these over the top gifts.

LOL, first tell me what is this nonsense in Hinduism about "handing over the custodianship of a female" that you are being so happy about ? Is the female an inanimate thing to be transfered in ownership ? That is what I told you about that criminal Yogi and his propagation of the Manusmriti which states that the female has no independence and her life is a series of ownership transfers from first her father to her husband and then to the son. You find that touching and I find that anti-human.

And "most precious baby" ? Is that why there are regular cases of "suicides" by wives and then her parents revealing to police that their daughter had been being tortured by her husband for dowry and he might have murdered her ? But she might have indeed suicided after the daily mental and physical torture by her husband and in-laws and she not finding support by her own parents because "Ladki toh paraaya dhan hai" and they not filing a police complaint because they don't want to be socially embarrassed in Indian society because "How can the sacred son-in-law be accused !". Look at this case from Bangalore from 2014 where the parents of a woman colluded with her husband to get her admitted to a psychiatric asylum because she filed a police complaint against him for torturing her :
Bengaluru: In a shocking example of the way women are treated in our society, a 27-year-old mother of two was allegedly branded mentally unstable by her own family, for filing a domestic violence and dowry harassment complaint against her husband. Shalini (name changed for privacy) was made to spend five days in a psychiatric ward at a prominent facility in the city on the behest of her parents and husband, who claimed that she was prone to angry outbursts. The case was brought to light by prominent advocate Pramila Nesargi, who has intervened on Shalini's behalf.

Shalini, 27, who has a young daughter and a son was reportedly frequently beaten by her husband. According to her advocate, Basavaraj Patel GK, the father had promised the husband a piece of land. "Because that hadn't happened, he would come home every night and abuse her mentally and physically," said Basavaraj.

On June 28, unable to deal with this any longer, Shalini took her two small children and checked into Shakti Dhama in Mysore, an organisation that works with women in distress. She remained there for a week, until July 5, when her husband and father allegedly came to take her back on the promise that all the torture would come to an end.

When her husband continued to ill treat her, she approached Basavaraju, who helped her file a case in an MMTC Court in Bangalore rural on July 17, 2014. One week later, she filed for divorce at a family court in the city, on grounds of cruelty. As the abuse continued unabated, Shalini filed a complaint at the Kumbalgod police station on August 10. "The FIR was lodged and police visited her house for an enquiry," said Basavaraj.

"The husband conspired with his in-laws, which Nandini has mentioned in the FIR," said Pramila Nesargi. "He managed to convince his in-laws that she had a psychiatric disorder." Shalini, in the end, was admitted to a psychiatric facility in the city last week, where she remained for a period of five days.

"Her parents brought her to the hospital, saying she had anger issues," said the psychiatrist who treated her, on condition of anonymity. "When we counseled her, we realized that she was having marital problems, so we asked the couple to come in for joint counseling. We managed to sort out the problem amicably, they wrote apology letters to each other and she was even willing to withdraw the complaint by the time she was discharged," he said. "We explained to her that her life would be very difficult, being unemployed and uneducated, with two small children in a male-dominated society," he added.

While the issue seems to have been wrapped up neatly, the story has not come to an end just yet for Nandini. While her advocate Basavaraj agrees that there are plans to withdraw the complaint, he also received an alarming phone call from the victim on Thursday morning. "She called me from a different number and said that her family had forbidden her from having any contact with people outside the family," he said. Shalini has stated that she fears for her safety as well as that of her children, but it seems as if her nightmare will continue, if she is forced to break contact with her advocate and the activists who are currently fighting her cause.
You don't really know the nature of Indian social system including what one's own parents can do to protect their own social and socio-economic status, to avoid being "hookah paani bandh" themselves. Following is from a thread of mine from 2015 whose OP is by an Indian Christian woman, a women's rights activist, who when she married an Indian Muslim she arranged that under Islamic marriage law because that provided her with socio-economic security in case of divorce. Note how Hindu "precious babies" are treated and see that it was Islamic marriage law of the 7th century you refer to derisively that was taken to build French and English marriage law and then in 1955 Hindu marriage law but not entirely so Hindu wives still suffer :
Deccan Chronicle | Audrey D’Mello | December 07, 2015, 07.27 am IST

Maneka Gandhi, minister of women and child development, recently gave a call for prenuptial agreements to be recognised in India. According to her, if the terms for division of property, guardianship of children and spousal support are settled prior to marriage, divorces will be less acrimonious and disputes could be resolved expeditiously.

In the discussions that followed, as to whether such a step will, in fact, safeguard the rights of women, there was no mention that this concept is already rooted in Islamic law of marriage since the 7th century. The nikahnama, an Islamic marriage contract is, in fact, a prenuptial agreement that outlines the rights and responsibilities of the parties and provides for conditions to be included for safeguarding a woman’s rights upon marriage.

One wonders why a reference to the Islamic law was not made either by the minister or other experts. Married Muslim women, we find, are often on a higher and more secure footing than their counterparts from other religions. In fact, as a Christian marrying a Muslim, I chose to marry under the Muslim personal law, even over the seemingly modern Special Marriage Act, 1954, to better secure my economic rights. My mehr was a house in my name and my nikahnama includes necessary clauses to safeguard my and my children’s rights. My husband’s family members were witness to this document, which is registered and enforceable by law.

When we examine marriage laws in their historic context, it is interesting to note that the universally accepted notion that marriages are contractual rather than sacramental originates in Muslim law, which was accepted by the French law only in the 1800s and incorporated into the English law in the 1850s and became part of codified Hindu law as late as 1955. Today it appears to be the most practical way of dealing with the institution of marriage. Treating marriage as a sacrament which binds the parties for life has resulted in some of the most discriminatory practices against women such as sati and denial of right to divorce and remarriage, even in the most adverse conditions.

The cornerstone of a Muslim marriage is consent, ejab-o-qubul (proposal and acceptance) and requires the bride to accept the marriage proposal on her own free will. This freedom to consent (or refuse), which was given to Muslim women 1,400 years ago, is still not available under Hindu law since sacramental rituals such as saptapadi and kanya dan (seven steps round the nuptial fire and gifting of the bride to the groom) still form essential ceremonies of a Hindu marriage. Even after the codification of Hindu law, the notion of consent is not built into the marriage ceremonies.

The contract of marriage (nikahnama) allows for negotiated terms and conditions, it can also include the right to a delegated divorce (talaq-e-tafweez) where the woman is delegated the right to divorce her husband if any of the negotiated terms and conditions are violated.

Mehr is another unique concept of Muslim law meant to safeguard the financial future of the wife. It is an obligation, not a choice, and can be in the form of cash, valuables or securities. While there is no ceiling, a minimum amount to provide her security after marriage must be stipulated. This is a more beneficial concept than streedhan which is given by choice and usually by the natal family. In addition to Mehr, at the time of divorce, a Muslim woman has the right to fair and reasonable settlement, and this is statutorily recognised under the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 as per the 2001 ruling of the Supreme Court in the Daniel Latifi case.

It is also important to address polygamy and triple talaq, two aspects of Muslim law which are generally used to discredit the community and argue in favour of a uniform civil code. While sharia law permits a man to have four wives (before 1956 Hindu law permitted unrestrained polygamy), it mandates equal treatment of all wives. If a man is not able to meet these conditions, he is not permitted to marry more than one woman. (Quran 4:3; Yusuf Ali’s translation)

On the other hand, though codification introduced monogamy for Hindus, the ground reality has not changed and Hindu men continue to be bigamous or polygamous. The most disturbing aspect is that while men in bigamous/adulterous relationships are allowed to go scot-free, it is the women who are made to pay the price. Women in invalid relationships with Hindu men are denied maintenance and protection and are referred to as “mistresses” and “concubines”, concepts specific to the uncodified Hindu law. Any attempt to codify Muslim law to bring in legal monogamy should not end up subjecting Muslim women to a plight similar to that of a Hindu second wife. This is an important concern which needs to be taken into account while reforming the Muslim law.

And lastly, the much maligned triple talaq or talaq-ul-biddat, which the Prophet himself considered as the most inappropriate form of divorce. Fortunately, in 2002, in Shamim Ara vs State of Uttar Pradesh & others, the Supreme Court laid down strict Quranic injunctions which must be followed at the time of pronouncing talaq, hence now fraudulent practices adopted by errant husbands (including email and SMS talaq) can no longer constitute valid talaq. Yet, after a decade and a half, very few know challenge the validity of such divorces in court as they are unaware about this ruling.

Though Muslim law stipulates many different ways to end a marriage, including a woman’s right to dissolve her marriage (khula), divorce by mutual consent (mubarra), delegated divorce (talaq-e-tafweez), judicial divorce (fasq) and dissolution under Muslim Marriage Act

And all those students in India who suicide, do you think Martians pressure them to do so or their parents ? The Rajasthan town of Kota is notorious for its "coaching centers" that "prepare" students from all over India to appear in those rubbish exams to be admitted in the IITs, IIMs, the civil services etc. Kota is also notorious for student suicides, students from its "coaching centers". Have a read of this article which contains some of these cases. And having all these student suicides what has India achieved actually ? An advanced, evolved and harmonious society and a crewed Mars research station 20 years old ?

So stop being so happily drawling and gurgling about many things in India which you don't know.
Why are you sorry when I am a proud high school dropout ? I burnt my 11th class degree and I would have burnt my 10th class degree as well if not, as you know, it being one of the indentification documents in India.

I am not bitter about myself but am contemptous about most of the Indian computer industry.

Sorry you have not given a reasonable reason. I have asked Chat SAMOSA earlier as to why SpaceX even started if NASA was around. He didn't answer.

1. But surely those Boeing engineers point correctly to the incompetence of these Indian HCL and Cyient programmers. I must add that Boeing is not a company I admire for various reasons including because airships which are now re-emerging are the way to make long distance travel and there are non-Boeing companies working on it. Some of the below photos are real and some renders, and watch the vid at the end :





2. What did you do in Boeing ?

Eradicate dogs from Earth ! And may Chairman Meow prevail :

I apologize, Going further will just learn to ignore your posts
That's a ridiculous statement. I live in India where money is essential to the extent of parents respecting their children only when they are earning money or will earn money by having at least two "education" degrees. India is not yet a full Communist society where furniture, computers and the labor of workers can be obtained without money.
Will you ever stop generalizing.. and more than that, stop fantasizing about some commie regime which will steal people's private property away and distribute to you their furniture and laptops, desktops ?

but we have learnt more about you, again... you need/want a new computer and need/want furniture.. and you want some commie despot to hand you those.. oh well, too bad.. yahan to Modi Ji ka raaj hai :)


burn commie, burn 8-)

The dispute with my partner was that foolishly I thought another worker was essential and conducted interviews whereas he didn't think another was essential. I actually should have used the three workers available. But I was not thoughtful of this then. He waited for me to understand but I didn't budge so in the end he went away to USA. That was a learning point for me.
and now you're broke as fvck.. good thing you still maintain the ability to keep dreaming.

LOL, first tell me what is this nonsense in Hinduism about "handing over the custodianship of a female" that you are being so happy about ? Is the female an inanimate thing to be transfered in ownership ? That is what I told you about that criminal Yogi and his propagation of the Manusmriti which states that the female has no independence and her life is a series of ownership transfers from first her father to her husband and then to the son. You find that touching and I find that anti-human.
it is Indian/desi culture, and cuts across religious lines, this whole "daughter given away" thing you fool, these are good well meaning traditions.

and listen, stop talking about "females" pls.. spl when you have ZERO experience with them... you are a broke *** ugly slum dwelling communist virgin, just accept it.

And "most precious baby" ? Is that why there are regular cases of "suicides" by wives and then her parents revealing to police that their daughter had been being tortured by her husband for dowry and he might have murdered her ? But she might have indeed suicided after the daily mental and physical torture by her husband and in-laws and she not finding support by her own parents because "Ladki toh paraaya dhan hai" and they not filing a police complaint because they don't want to be socially embarrassed in Indian society because "How can the sacred son-in-law be accused !". Look at this case from Bangalore from 2014 where the parents of a woman colluded with her husband to get her admitted to a psychiatric asylum because she filed a police complaint against him for torturing her :
very unlike me, you obviously move in uber deprived/depraved starving bhikari communist circles..

I have, however, also known of marriages that did not work.. $hit happens.. human condition... ki karan ?

You don't really know the nature of Indian social system including what one's own parents can do to protect their own social and socio-economic status, to avoid being "hookah paani bandh" themselves. Following is from a thread of mine from 2015 whose OP is by an Indian Christian woman, a women's rights activist, who when she married an Indian Muslim she arranged that under Islamic marriage law because that provided her with socio-economic security in case of divorce. Note how Hindu "precious babies" are treated and see that it was Islamic marriage law of the 7th century you refer to derisively that was taken to build French and English marriage law and then in 1955 Hindu marriage law but not entirely so Hindu wives still suffer :

And all those students in India who suicide, do you think Martians pressure them to do so or their parents ? The Rajasthan town of Kota is notorious for its "coaching centers" that "prepare" students from all over India to appear in those rubbish exams to be admitted in the IITs, IIMs, the civil services etc. Kota is also notorious for student suicides, students from its "coaching centers". Have a read of this article which contains some of these cases. And having all these student suicides what has India achieved actually ? An advanced, evolved and harmonious society and a crewed Mars research station 20 years old ?

So stop being so happily drawling and gurgling about many things in India which you don't know.

bhai, and I say that with an icky expression plastered all over my face...

dekho, IDGAF.. billion + abadi hai.. some are committing suicide.. meray lan pe thand, na jaan ne pahchaan.. mainay thodi karvaya unka scene ?

also, I know and have seen more of India that you can ever even dream to imagine.... you keep sitting and starving in your dirty slum on your old dying laptop and basic internet connection and keep posting your BS all you want.

tell us honestly.. and ismay koi sharm ki baat nahi hai.. you've never traveled more than 500 kms from whatever cursed place where you took birth, have you ? ... you've never traveled, not seen anything of the world apart from your rickety old laptop.. just a bitter communist who keeps cursing the world from the discomfort of your dirty little slum.

fvck off.
I apologize, Going further will just learn to ignore your posts

You were a Think Tank Analyst on PDF. Good that you have been deprived of that. Analytical thinking is beyond you.

it is Indian/desi culture, and cuts across religious lines, this whole "daughter given away" thing you fool, these are good well meaning traditions.

:lol: How ?

and listen, stop talking about "females" pls.. spl when you have ZERO experience with them... you are a broke *** ugly slum dwelling communist virgin, just accept it.

Yes I must obey the great playboy Sharma ji who can only source his accomplishments from Tinder and nightclubs. :lol:

very unlike me, you obviously move in uber deprived/depraved starving bhikari communist circles..

Very unlike me you live in a delusionary state where India is a harmonious land of milk and honey.

bhai, and I say that with an icky expression plastered all over my face...

dekho, IDGAF.. billion + abadi hai.. some are committing suicide.. meray lan pe thand, na jaan ne pahchaan.. mainay thodi karvaya unka scene ?

Wah Modi ji, wah ! How nice of you to dismiss Indian-system-created suicides by saying "Oh they are just statistics in a population of 1.4 billion". What if your brother or mother suicide ? Will they also be slotted as two statistics by you ?
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because when as a loving couple of parents... your once wee baby girl is all grown up and leaving the house to start her life anew with a man (who also appears a baby to the parents).. that makes for some teary emotional $hit... the vidai/bidai.. fukd me up a couple times.. but then I got in a kick in the rear and was informed the party is just moving 2 km away in a nice hotel :sarcastic:

so that's how.

Yes I must obey the great playboy Sharma ji who can only source his accomplishments from Tinder and nightclubs. :lol:
kind or creepy how you're obsessing over me here.. penis envy much, sissy commie boy ? you toh just wish for some commie stronkman to come pound your pund... ha ?

Very unlike me you live in a delusionary state where India is a harmonious land of milk and honey.
happy baked alaskas and lattes vs sukhi daal roti

..worst thing about you commies is your glorifying of poverty and starvation.. as if it is a virtue.. disgusting creatures that you are..

Wah Modi ji, wah ! How nice of you to dismiss Indian-system-created suicides by saying "Oh they are just statistics in a population of 1.4 billion". What if your brother or mother suicide ? Will they also be slotted as two statistics by you ?
good you picked up on that bait

it is not the system, personal responsibility bhi ek cheek hoti hai.
Religious discrimination is a separate matter. You are trying too hard to defend Indian racism. The issues with Muslims are well known to the world but the world is largely still ignorant of true Indian view of the rest of humanity.
Their racist/xenophobic nature is slowly getting unveiled to the world just like it happened to Muslims for their leaning to extremism.

So you reckon world knows about religious discrimination and leaning to extremism among Muslims?...still we cry about Islamophobia?...how hypocrite.

Anyways, if despite world knowing about religious discrimination, nothing is happening...what do you think will change for India?
Secondly, it is not me saying HCL crashed the planes. It is Boeing engineers blaming HCL programmers for the problems. Please read my post# 42.
I work in information security sector and have seen several similar situations to what Boeing is doing here

Often, there is a cyber attack on a xyz company and the CEO of the company immediately blames to security company that is service provider for xyz in press release.
This is regardless of no fault from the security company service provider

People with no knowledge of security industry swallow this up blindly.

Govts knows the real culprit and hence they target the xyz company, GDPR is good example in this case

For someone who supports communism passionately, its ironical you have fallen prey to Boeing propaganda. Which is a classical case of crony capitalism where companies like Boeing get away from any liability by blaming other organizations, HCL in this case.
It makes a big difference my guy. Office hello hi g acha thank you is one thing. Forming close ties with these non muslims often requires going with them to do stuff they like which a Muslim can't always do.

It makes a big difference that's why these yanna gatta pattas are able wriggle their way in. Like dirty sperm of kali maata. Or some monkey/animal god.

A Muslim and Hindu go golfing with their Gora executive. After a few holes. He wants to hit up the bar and after that some clubs maybe even strip club. A Muslim if he's naik will ask his leave. While the Hindu would be more than happy to salivate on some nangi gori women. Like the simp pajeets they are.

This is extremely accurate. Climbing the corporate ladder involves a certain level of compromise with regards to faith and observant Muslims are at a distinct disadvantage.

That is just how things are
OK, Mr. 40 Year Experience In OSes But Who Can't Start A Company To Design An OS For India And The World. :enjoy:

Umm, what accomplishments ?
Part of me tells me not to waste time on you and that it's a hopeless case to be pitied and not censured.

But then you're a fellow human being and I want to help. So here is some financial advise.

Forget technology, processors, software, etc etc. Go ahead spin whatever yarn to anyone who'd listen but don't center your financial well being on that. You can't pretend your way to success in technology.

Try politics.
Part of me tells me not to waste time on you and that it's a hopeless case to be pitied and not censured.

But then you're a fellow human being and I want to help. So here is some financial advise.

Forget technology, processors, software, etc etc. Go ahead spin whatever yarn to anyone who'd listen but don't center your financial well being on that. You can't pretend your way to success in technology.

Try politics.

I am partly keeping your advise in mind because my soon-to-come company ( which is just pending finance of about 24 lakhs for the workers and machinery ) will be a politics-guided company in the field of computing that will be the best in South Asia. :enjoy:
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