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Chinese authorities demolish sanctuary of Wenzhou church


Jan 27, 2010
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Chinese authorities on Monday began demolishing the main sanctuary of the Protestant Sanjiang Church in Wenzhou after nearly a month-long standoff with congregants over the legality of the structure.

Since early April, congregants had stood watch over the structure amid fears that authorities would remove a giant cross on the top of the main sanctuary, as local sources say the government had issued orders for the removal of 14 other crosses from churches in and around the area.

“Roads leading to the Sanjiang Church were blocked this morning. Armed police and officers from the Special Task Force were dispatched to the district,” said a Protestant source who asked not to be named.

The source added that security forces have also made several arrests.

“At least five Sanjiang Church leaders as well as Xu Kede, a pastor at the nearby Tengqiao Church who visited Sanjiang over the weekend, have now been detained,” the source said.

Since last week, at least 3,000 congregants took up residence in Sanjiang Church to prevent authorities from removing the sanctuary’s cross.

Church officials had been negotiating with local authorities, who argued that part of the complex had been built illegally on farmland it did not own. The church agreed to remove four storeys of the six-storey annex by April 24.

In response, they began removing four of the six storeys of a church annex behind the main sanctuary. However, a further requirement to remove the church’s cross because it was “too big” scuttled the dialogue and drew congregants to the complex to defend the “symbol of their faith,” the source said.

In retaliation, local authorities began detaining church staff and last week prosecuted one of the church’s pastors for illegally occupying the farmland on which part of the church stands.

The source added that authorities also threatened local businesspeople who supported the church with closure of their offices if they continued to support the congregation.

Another source who also spoke on condition of anonymity said the main aim of the authorities seemed to have been the removal of the cross.

“Their real aim was to remove the cross.”

News of the demolition follows a report last week of the growth of Christianity in China, which led a Central Party member to deny the report.

In response to reports that Christianity could become the majority religion in the country, the party’s former head of religious affairs, Ye Xiaowen, told state-run Global Times that the claim was exaggerated.

“It is completely meaningless to predict how many people might believe in Christianity in China in the future,” said Ye Xiaowen.

Chinese authorities demolish sanctuary of Wenzhou church ucanews.com
I believe everyone should have the right to their own religion. In this regard, I think its very important for the govt. to allocate land for religious purposes, & the various religious group must adhere to the rules & regulation. This is not a matter of win or lose, but a matter of setting the conditions right to begin with so no big issues arise later. :coffee:
I believe everyone should have the right to their own religion. In this regard, I think its very important for the govt. to allocate land for religious purposes, & the various religious group must adhere to the rules & regulation. This is not a matter of win or lose, but a matter of setting the conditions right to begin with so no big issues arise later. :coffee:
Christianity religion is known for harbouring extremism. Ban all religion. It's 2014 not 200 bc.
Are the general Chinese people so retarded? Christianity is not real, wake up people. And, no, the majority of Chinese are still atheist and will not be Christians. I doubt Chrisitans actually read the bible-if they did, they will know how ridiculous and fxxked up this cult is .

But there's no need to suppress religions that are not subversive or carry little risk of extremism. Non-Salafi Islam, Protestant Christianity, Mahayana Buddhism...these are examples of relatively safe religions IMO.
But there's no need to suppress religions that are not subversive or carry little risk of extremism. Non-Salafi Islam, Protestant Christianity, Mahayana Buddhism...these are examples of relatively safe religions IMO.

Guess who is the largest Protestant country in the world?

The only Christian sect that China could tolerate is the Russian Orthodox, since it is not as detrimental as the Western Christians.
But there's no need to suppress religions that are not subversive or carry little risk of extremism. Non-Salafi Islam, Protestant Christianity, Mahayana Buddhism...these are examples of relatively safe religions IMO.

Chinese should just stick with traditional Chinese Taoist, Chinese buddhism and ancestor worshipping. No need to import foreign religion. I' already know some peope who are messed up due to converting to Christianity.
Catholic and Protestant Christianity have given China the best missionary schools, especially university, modern medicine...etc.Many top schools of China are former missionary schools. These schools are shut down or break up by CPC.

圣约翰大学 Saint John's University
东吴大学 Soochow University(美国卫理公会
金陵大学 University of Nanking(美国卫理公会长老会基督会等)(鼓楼西南侧)
金陵女子大学 Ginling College(美国卫理公会等)
燕京大学 Yenching University(卫理公会、美国公理会等)(海淀)
天主教辅仁大学 Fu Jen Catholic University(天主教)

You guys not aware how many renown Chinese from missionary schools.
Chinese should just stick with traditional Chinese Taoist, Chinese buddhism and ancestor worshipping. No need to import foreign religion. I' already know some peope who are messed up due to converting to Christianity.

Most Chinese people who converted into Christianity are just as mentally unstable as Lux de Veritas.
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