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Changing times: Ijtihad and other questions Muslims must revisit

Sorry your post wasn't directed at me but still,

U still didn't reply my question- DO u perform salah?
I am sure ISIS/Taliban/Boko Haram members perform (forecefully?) salah regularly. Does this mean they are perfect Muslims? You are asking him a personal question that is not related to this thread.

And u call your sorry self a muslim?
And you are the judge?

Sahabas and wives of PROPHET SAW were Tribal people who accepted Islam and the didn't had much understanding of Islam because of there Tribal background

Sorry couldn't find it. Could you please quote it?
Sorry your post wasn't directed at me but still,

I am sure ISIS/Taliban/Boko Haram members perform (forecefully?) salah regularly. Does this mean they are perfect Muslims? You are asking him a personal question that is not related to this thread.

And you are the judge?

Sorry couldn't find it. Could you please quote it?
Start from page 1 you will find those posts in first few pages
Claiming to worship 1 god and no other then sit next to an elephant statue...its a mess...and a problem known as contradiction as well as hypocrisy!
Ok, the munafiq thing. :unsure: Well, let's just say we respect each other as far as possible, and there is a mix that goes pretty well in India. Only recently the hardliners are creating problems, otherwise things are cool. :) For example it's normal for Hindus to attend iftar parties and even keep fast during Ramzan, just like it's not very unusual for Muslims to celebrate Ganpathy festival etc. :) No problems there. :D

You were right, may be Indians and Pakistanis are way different...having walked different paths over the past few decades. The purity seekers are the ONLY ones who make trouble. The others don't. Even the RSS itself declares itself a culturally Hindu but religiously secular organization. Dharmics are more particular about NOT following a particular 'pure' form of religion. I am not saying we are superior or our Hindus/Muslims etc are better than yours in any way. Just making my observation thats all. In the end, we have our policies and you have yours. :)
Sorry your post wasn't directed at me but still,

I am sure ISIS/Taliban/Boko Haram members perform (forecefully?) salah regularly. Does this mean they are perfect Muslims? You are asking him a personal question that is not related to this thread.

What does ISIS/BOKO haram has to do with Salah? Is their deviance a fault of salah? I simply don't get the analogy here?

I m asking him, because, he lacks the very basic understanding of islam and on top of that doesn't want to accept the truth when people r giving correct answers siting reference. Rather he is bad mouthing scholars and even thinks he knows more than the sahabas. That's the trait of either an anti-islamic bigot or a psycho clown gone full retard.

U want to do ijtihad but don't want to follow the basic commandants of Allah (swt), like Salah?

And you are the judge?

He is saying that the religion ordained by Allah (swt) is not perfect ( Nauzubillah ) . U ask yourself whether a person claiming to be muslim can say that?

Btw @Horus , religious threads r not allowed , right? Or are some members exempted?
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then what do they believe

Not sure if you are trolling or genuinely asking a question. Anyways, this is the first link in search, give it a read and if you are still interested in posting here we can talk :)

National Secular Society - What is Secularism?

What does ISIS/BOKO haram has to do with Salah? Is their deviance a fault of salah? I simply don't get the analogy here?

Please don't twist my words. I asked you if salah was the hallmark of a perfect Muslim.

U ask yourself whether a person claiming to be muslim can say that?

I am in no position to judge if someone is a good Muslim or not. IMO, this is our main problem in 21st century: trying to impose our personal beliefs (or our own sect's beliefs) on to others. There are 1.6 Billion Muslims and literally hundreds of sects. There is bound to be some friction. But violence erupts when people decide that their version is the best (no problems so far) and others must follow it (and you get barbarians).
please note, that Ijtihad doors were closed many many centuries ago.
Never to be opened again.
It must change or Islam cannot survive modern age of science and technology. One cannot be surrounded by Western systems 24/7 and then claim to be follower of ancient Islam.

U are ignorant about Islam and on top of that u arrogantly don't even want learn the religion and bad mouth those who r more knowledgeable than u. Now that's the hall mark of a jahil. Its like a heart patient saying he knows more than the cardiologist treating him/her.
LOL. I know all about Islam what I need to know. Don't quote me Koranic verses or Hadith to "prove" anything to me as it would not be considered as a "proof" because there are many other sources that prove otherwise.

U still didn't reply my question- DO u perform salah?
Of course. 5 times a day. What has this to do with the topic at hand? Don't self-claimed jihadists or terrorists perform salah like crazy and then go on killing spree of innocents? :D

And u call your sorry self a muslim?
Sorry? So you mean I should feel sorry and ashamed because I do not consider my Islamic religion "perfect"? I happen to be a very rational and logical person and believe Islam to be the most "true" of all current religions, but it doesn't mean its perfect and free of contradictions.
Not sure if you are trolling or genuinely asking a question. Anyways, this is the first link in search, give it a read and if you are still interested in posting here we can talk :)

National Secular Society - What is Secularism?

Please don't twist my words. I asked you if salah was the hallmark of a perfect Muslim.

I am in no position to judge if someone is a good Muslim or not. IMO, this is our main problem in 21st century: trying to impose our personal beliefs (or our own sect's beliefs) on to others. There are 1.6 Billion Muslims and literally hundreds of sects. There is bound to be some friction. But violence erupts when people decide that their version is the best (no problems so far) and others must follow it (and you get barbarians).
i accept the second law, but i dont quite agree with the first
i accept the second law, but i dont quite agree with the first

Are you referring to the link I posted?
Secularism protects both believers and non-believers
Secularism seeks to ensure and protect freedom of religious belief and practice for all citizens. Secularism is not about curtailing religious freedoms; it is about ensuring that the freedoms of thought and conscience apply equally to all believers and non-believers alike.
Just look at the treatment meted out to minorities in our country and this point will be more agreeable.
Are you referring to the link I posted?
Secularism protects both believers and non-believers
Secularism seeks to ensure and protect freedom of religious belief and practice for all citizens. Secularism is not about curtailing religious freedoms; it is about ensuring that the freedoms of thought and conscience apply equally to all believers and non-believers alike.
Just look at the treatment meted out to minorities in our country and this point will be more agreeable.
oh no i just read the first para bro, my view is that Islam should be kept part of state affairs
Please don't twist my words. I asked you if salah was the hallmark of a perfect Muslim.

Yes salah is one of the indispensable hall mark of a good muslim.

I am in no position to judge if someone is a good Muslim or not. IMO, this is our main problem in 21st century: trying to impose our personal beliefs (or our own sect's beliefs) on to others. There are 1.6 Billion Muslims and literally hundreds of sects. There is bound to be some friction. But violence erupts when people decide that their version is the best (no problems so far) and others must follow it (and you get barbarians).

I didn't judge him. Just asked him a question based on this statement. 1.6 billion muslims considers Islam to be perfect while disbelievers don't and that's why they r called disbelievers.
It must change or Islam cannot survive modern age of science and technology. One cannot be surrounded by Western systems 24/7 and then claim to be follower of ancient Islam...

Just a minor correction bahi.

Islam will survive.

Bad Islamic practices will die out.
Yes salah is one of the indispensable hall mark of a good muslim.
ISIS jihadists offer salah. Are they good Muslims? LOL :D

I didn't judge him. Just asked him a question based on this statement. 1.6 billion muslims considers Islam to be perfect while disbelievers don't and that's why they r called disbelievers.
Not all Muslims consider Islam to be perfect. If they really did, why would they not follow it literally like fundamentalists?
I always had a question on how Koran provided a mechanism to adopt human in ever changing world. Doctrines in Koran are fixed but civilisation is changing. After Islam came into existence ( a revolutionary religion at that time) there are major events which changed the civilisation drastically eg European Renaissance ( Islam had a positive influence on it), French Revolution, Industrial revolution, World wars etc. But as per popular explanation of Koran , entire Koran is a constant.

I do not simply believe that a revolutionary thinker like your Prophet, did not think of a measure which will help his followers to cope up with drastic socio economic and environmental changes But I was not satisfied with the answers given by my Muslim friends in India, UK or US.

Now I think probably Iztihad is that mechanism which I was thinking about. But is this mechanism belong to Koran? Or it is developed afterwards? If it is in Koran, then I think it was the ruling establishments of later period who suppressed this right of Muslims for open thinking given by the founding father.
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