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Muslim Pakistan versus Islamic Pakistan - Which Was Jinnah’s Vision?

What did the Muslim League & Jinnah want Pakistan to become?

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We need a fascist Mussolini like movement and throw all the Islamists back to India where they belong.

An ultra nationalist Pakistani would not tolerate TTP and any other form of anti state ideology.
There is no such thing as “Islamist”
Every real Muslim is what you define as “Islamist”
We are the real defenders of the state of Pakistan. We defend it from your filth. We are the ones fighting india and doing jihad in Kashmir while you murtads in disguise call for secularism.
If any Taghut government ever attempts what you said you guys will forget TTP. What we will do your generations will remember.
Secularists are naturally cowards. We will see how brave and how powerful you guys are.
If you have the power and are brave enough you can dare mess with us.

A secular Pakistan would stabilise Pakistan and remove power from pedophile mullahs and pseudo mullahs like Diesel and others who use religion as a weapon.

How dare you threaten us.

Religion of peace eh?
Only pedos are you lgbtq child groomers. Your secular laws protect pedos and lgbtq. We call for Shariah punishment on all the criminals. But you secularists love protecting Pedos.
We threaten every Taghut state. History has shown we always come on top. Don’t try your luck.
Religion of peace eh?
Murtad eh?

So how the hell do you deal with an extremely religious population base with relatively low levels of education?
Education doesn’t matter. If the state cracks down on Islam and oppresses the Muslims if it’s country, even PhD holding Muslims would fight against the oppressors and fight for their rights.
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I've directly quoted Jinnah.
Jinnah is not a prophet.
Jinnah is not God.

Islam comes first even before Jinnah.
Quran comes first even before Jinnah.
The teaching of Rasulallah (ﷺ) comes first even before Jinnah.

If anything Jinnah taught or said goes against Islam we reject it.

Watch your mouth.
Pakistan ka matlab kya, La Illaha Illal Allah

Only a ISLAMIC Pakistan exists

Long Live ISLAMIC Pakistan

A Secular Pakistan is NO Pakistan

A Secular Pakistan is a NON EXISTENT Pakistan

A Secular Pakistan is NO DIFFERENT than india

You are clearly anti Islam yet you have Imran Khan,who is clearly pro Islam, as your pfp. You are a fake Imran Khan supporter. Simple as. Liberal
Majority of these secularists are murtads in disguise
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According to your warped interpretation maybe. Your Allah shouldn’t have made so many different people. Tough luck.

Maybe that’s why your “Islamic countries” don’t exist anywhere in the world…and wherever they exist they’re a miserable failure.
I didn't know Pakistan have murtads lol.
political Islam
Politics is an essential component of Islam

I didn't know Pakistan have murtads lol.
It has many murtads in disguise as secularist.

Now with @Menace2Society @Neelo is added to the list of Murtads

You ask any of them and they will pick Islam over Pakistan. How is that patriotism? I classify that as a traitor.
Islam over Pakistan any day.
I am Muslim first. Pakistani second

Being Pakistani won’t get me to Jannah.
Being Muslim will.

Murtads are traitors to Pakistan and Islam.

I mean you folks go around claiming Islam is the universal truth and this and that yet literally have laws to "protect" Islam.

I didn't realise your religion was so fragile.
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none of them there are so many sects of islam in paksitan they will start civil war

I appreciate your insight and offer this humble piece of advice: when one possesses more knowledge on a topic than others, it's essential to engage in respectful dialogue and avoid belittling others. Mutual respect is critical in fostering constructive debates.
According to your warped interpretation maybe. Your Allah shouldn’t have made so many different people. Tough luck.
Even if Imran Khan comes back to power you blasphemers will end up in jail and get you due punishment. No one can save you.
Imran Khan is in favour of blasphemy laws to protect Islamic Pakistan from kufri ideologies and statements people make.

failure political Islam
Political Islam Zindabad 🏴
Even if Imran Khan comes back to power you blasphemers will end up in jail and get you due punishment. No one can save you.
Imran Khan is in favour of blasphemy laws to protect Islamic Pakistan from kufri ideologies and statements people make.

Political Islam Zindabad 🏴
Looks like Muslims of the subcontinent have been fooled and betrayed by evil munafiqs.
Your tin foil hat is way too tight.

Meanwhile Al Britannia is having a bad day.

Clown literally said Iran and Saudi Arabia are R&D leaders.
R+D leaders when compared to your Secularist Pakistan, that is.
I'm not even going to bother quoting him anymore. Man literally discredited himself.
You've done nothing but mudsling over religion, dumbass.

It's clear that Islam is weaponized against the people at the moment, but when it is established in a purer form, the extremists flee because they cannot claim to have a purer form of Islam.

Yet you want Pakistan to burn by removing Islam from its governance altogether, hence rendering it liable to all the takfiri f*cks that Afghanistan has to offer

You've exposed your intent to damage the state through your massive anti state pandering, traitorous p*nchod
L** Pey Charho.

Ms. Neelo has a colorful way of talking.
Ms Secularist Dickrider is already taking that ride for herself

I appreciate your insight and offer this humble piece of advice: when one possesses more knowledge on a topic than others, it's essential to engage in respectful dialogue and avoid belittling others. Mutual respect is critical in fostering constructive debates.

True but respect is earned. They haven't earned any by being hypocrites.

none of them there are so many sects of islam in paksitan they will start civil war

True but respect is earned. They haven't earned any by being hypocrites.

Lmaoo 🤣🤣

So triggered that we disagree with your sorry asss
Jinnah is not a prophet.
Jinnah is not God.

Islam comes first even before Jinnah.
Quran comes first even before Jinnah.
The teaching of Rasulallah (ﷺ) comes first even before Jinnah.

If anything Jinnah taught or said goes against Islam we reject it.

Pakistan ka matlab kya, La Illaha Illal Allah

Only a ISLAMIC Pakistan exists

Long Live ISLAMIC Pakistan

A Secular Pakistan is NO Pakistan

A Secular Pakistan is a NON EXISTENT Pakistan

A Secular Pakistan is NO DIFFERENT than india

Majority of these secularists are murtads in disguise

Uber Eats driver in Brampton giving lectures about Islamic republic while living in secular Canada.

1 out of 5 stars for you.

I doubt that she’s a murtad. She’s just messing around with you guys. Being provocative is more interesting.
Lmaoo 🤣🤣

So triggered that we disagree with your sorry asss

You can disagree all you want. I've given direct quotes and evidence. See my previous posts.

All you've done is huff and puff and threaten us with violence.

Religion of peace.
Not a single Islamic party has ever won an election in Pakistan. The closest you came was when your God Zia ul Haq installed himself as president and started implementing Sharia against the wishes of the people.

Majority of Pakistanis are moderate Muslims. They want a stable normal country. Not a hyper religious society based in the 9th century.

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Failure of certain political parties in highly controlled and manipulated electoral process cannot be misconstrued as an acceptance or a vote in favor of secularism. Any and all polls conducted specifically on this issue has resulted in overwhelming majority of Pakistanis voting in favor of religion playing a part in governance and politics.

Plus the role of Islam is enshrined in our constitution. If the "moderate" Muslims were in such majority, they would have repealed it by now through democratic process.
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