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Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

Should Pakistan upgrade its Mirages to South African Cheetah standard if not Beyond?

  • Yes

    Votes: 181 59.0%
  • No

    Votes: 126 41.0%

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Hi any idea about the IFR what kind of mirage is it carrying I mean m3/ or M/5
& is PAF using IFR on both the categories
If possible to answer
Thank you
Both can be fitted. Originally IFRs were designed for Cheetahs; Pak then procured it for their M3/5's plus the refueling system. JF17 probes are same as well.
So Horus were coming with C130??

Good, more BVR capable platform for PAF in hostile times.

If Pakistan getting Mirage Horus then any upgrade is possible. May be Pakistan should arm it's Mirages with a decent Radar and AAMs to make it a true multi role fighter bomber as the are looking to remain there till 2030.

Those birds have BVR capable radar, which means PAF have to integrate BVR to make them lethal.
If Pakistan getting Mirage Horus then any upgrade is possible. May be Pakistan should arm it's Mirages with a decent Radar and AAMs to make it a true multi role fighter bomber as the are looking to remain there till 2030.

Grifo M3 (Rose1) is an APG-68 class radar. A decent radar offering bvr and SAR capability.

Good, more BVR capable platform for PAF in hostile times.

Those birds have BVR capable radar, which means PAF have to integrate BVR to make them lethal.

Some sources including SIPRI claim that they can launch sd-10 mraam.
Both can be fitted. Originally IFRs were designed for Cheetahs; Pak then procured it for their M3/5's plus the refueling system. JF17 probes are same as well.
South African IFRs were tested on JF17 but were not adopted.

Grifo M3 (Rose1) is an APG-68 class radar. A decent radar offering bvr and SAR capability.

Some sources including SIPRI claim that they can launch sd-10 mraam.

Sir for knowledge sake Grifo M3 has perhaps A2A max range of 75-80 KM, however there are many Mirages as per available data who are even without any radar. Meanwhile India has upgraded it's Jaguar with AESA radar and other modern gadgets. Pakistan either should convert the Mirages in to true multi role jets or go for replacements ( rumors are there for some Chinese Jet variants).

How?? Horus have European PD radar which once was sorted for JFT block-1.

What's your guess Horus coming or not, much depends on Horus deal.
Meanwhile India has upgraded it's Jaguar with AESA radar and other modern gadgets.
Last time I checked they had tested Elta EL/M-2052 AESA on 6 Jaguars and found that there are issues with it's proper functionaing with the current engines on the Jaguars. This problem was further compounded with the engine-upgrade deal that was to come with latest DARIN upgrade hitting snags due to pricing with UK and was cancelled eventually. So it is more likely that the IAF Jags are not equipped with AESA.
Sir for knowledge sake Grifo M3 has perhaps A2A max range of 75-80 KM, however there are many Mirages as per available data who are even without any radar. Meanwhile India has upgraded it's Jaguar with AESA radar and other modern gadgets. Pakistan either should convert the Mirages in to true multi role jets or go for replacements ( rumors are there for some Chinese Jet variants).

What's your guess Horus coming or not, much depends on Horus deal.

Get facts right, no AESA radar on Indian Jaguars, and without new engines they are very underpowered in hot weather
Get facts right, no AESA radar on Indian Jaguars, and without new engines they are very under powered in hot weather

Sir Sorry may be you are a fighter pilot or expert aviator like many here but I found at many places that radar is AESA and despite being under powered after upgrades the Jet is much lethal with multi role capabilities, do you honestly think our Mirages are at that standard. We should remain stuck with these old birds which may result in loss of many precious pilots if are entered in any near future clash with India.

On other hand India also has some thinking even for changing engines of these jets.

Links are given below mentioning AESA radar under Darin III upgrade.
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Sir for knowledge sake Grifo M3 has perhaps A2A max range of 75-80 KM, however there are many Mirages as per available data who are even without any radar. Meanwhile India has upgraded it's Jaguar with AESA radar and other modern gadgets. Pakistan either should convert the Mirages in to true multi role jets or go for replacements ( rumors are there for some Chinese Jet variants).

What's your guess Horus coming or not, much depends on Horus deal.
If you look at airforces some have a old yet easy to maintain, upgraded jet doing bomb truck duties with modern munitions. Turks have the F-4 Terminator, US has the A-10 and B-52, British have the Tornado etc. For us it's the Mirage and its ability to deliver SOW. These Mirages have stable handling at low altitudes so they will soldier on till we get Azm ready or as long as we have weapons in inventory that can be delivered by Mirage only. However they will fly with other platforms as they cant defend themselves against new modern threats.

Someone quoted on this forum that PAF is going for avionic suite upgrade on our Mirages and both Denel and Chengdu gave proposals after which Denel selected.

Don't need a powerful radar on these Mirages, just need a decent datalink, reliable navigation and accurate weapon delivery systems. Lets wait and see.
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