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Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

Should Pakistan upgrade its Mirages to South African Cheetah standard if not Beyond?

  • Yes

    Votes: 181 59.0%
  • No

    Votes: 126 41.0%

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There are very few Mirage III/Vs left out in the world that are in any shape worth buying by the PAF. Egypt might be the last potential source as it operated a decent fleet and kept them in service but these would be very old airframes with lots of hours on them.

We need to focus on JF-17 block3 and AZM project. It's not worth spending resource on old mirage frames...Just keep the one in service for now and replace them with Jf-17 block3.
Did you happen to read this news? @araz No doubt PAF and Pakistan can do whatever they want with F-16 but there exist agreements which govern the use/movement of F-16's

State Department Reprimanded Pakistan for Misusing F-16s, Document Shows

A TOP AMERICAN DIPLOMAT sent a written reprimand to the chiefs of the Pakistani air force in August accusing them of misusing U.S.-supplied F-16 fighter jets and jeopardizing their shared security, according to documents obtained by U.S. News

Addressed to the head of the Pakistani air force, Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan, the letter began by relaying the State Department's confirmation that Pakistan had moved the F-16s and accompanying American-made missiles to unapproved forward operating bases in defiance of its agreement with the U.S. Using diplomatic language, Thompson, who has since left government, warned the Pakistanis that their behavior risked allowing these weapons to fall into the hands of malign actors and "could undermine our shared security platforms and infrastructures."

This is just hogwash. Who was this man and what position did he have. Any Tuttoo can write a letter.
aren’t we getting mirage V from Egypt?

I think this deal can be re-open with some efforts.

There are very few Mirage III/Vs left out in the world that are in any shape worth buying by the PAF. Egypt might be the last potential source as it operated a decent fleet and kept them in service but these would be very old airframes with lots of hours on them.

What about Swiss Mirages?

We need to focus on JF-17 block3 and AZM project. It's not worth spending resource on old mirage frames...Just keep the one in service for now and replace them with Jf-17 block3.

I think at the current stage we need Mirages for Strike roles as JF-17 is getting ready to become a 4.5 gen aircraft.

PAF has the infrastructure to support Mirage IIIs & Vs - these are a very good platforms for strike roles whether it's within Pakistan to curb terrorism or on the East or West side of Pakistani borders.
On a airframe by airframe basis - those that can be returned to flying status will be, while others to be cannibalized.
Perhaps you might be able to shed some light on the matter. How much of the M3/5 can we rebuild and what bits are we cannibalizing. Help appreciated.
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Perhaps you might be able to shed some light on the matter. How much of the M3/5 can we rebuild and what bits are we cannibalizing. Help appreciated.
The biggest input is how much of the fleet will be undergoing the major refitment which aeromix illuded to. I have not heard anything amongst my former colleagues which is why i am doubting there is anything happening.
I think Mirage-2000s from Qatar and France are getting free and I'm sure if Qatar helps Pakistan then it can be acquired easily.

This will start a new Era of Mirages in PAF.
I think Mirage-2000s from Qatar and France are getting free and I'm sure if Qatar helps Pakistan then it can be acquired easily.

This will start a new Era of Mirages in PAF.

Even for free no point inducting such limited numbers of a plane IAF knows back to front, and will give us little capability over an MLU/Block 52. Weapons, training, parts, pilots will all cost us resources that can be better deployed elsewhere
Even for free no point inducting such limited numbers of a plane IAF knows back to front, and will give us little capability over an MLU/Block 52. Weapons, training, parts, pilots will all cost us resources that can be better deployed elsewhere

Nice comment.
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