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Breaking!! Two Chinese helicopters enter Indian airspace

And apart from talking a lot, indiots are too weak to do anything about it..............:disagree:

Yes our national bird is a 'Drone'.

indians were shooting alright BUT with different weapon and in different direction. Following just explains....:omghaha::omghaha:

I am feeling bad these days, your sensational troll threads are not getting enough attention.
You claim Kashmir as your territory all the day but never dared to take what is held by Pakistan and china.
Same applies to you as well. For all the bravado, You haven't been able to take Kashmir from India. As I said, to whom taking whole of Kashmir will bring benefit? India, nope -- more people more trouble, Kashmir has no oil. Indian politicans, may be, if they are in a position where they need to assert their power. Till then, let it simmer like it has been always simmering.
If we go by that definition, same can be said about China : 'If China was capable of anything it would have taken Arunanchal Pradesh from India.'

Geopolitics does not go by Chest Thumping alone. It is a game of counting benefits -- and for whom -- and cost. If Xi has his position in jeopardy for example, he will take a very aggresive stance with India on Arunanchal Pradesh / South Tibet. Mao ordered crushing of Indian forward posts when he needed to assert his power in CPC in '62.
They have merely claim on AP but they took AKC by force,that's difference.

Same applies to you as well. For all the bravado, You haven't been able to take Kashmir from India. As I said, to whom taking whole of Kashmir will bring benefit? India, nope -- more people more trouble, Kashmir has no oil. Indian politicans, may be, if they are in a position where they need to assert their power. Till then, let it simmer like it has been always simmering.
Haha we say it's disputed while you say it's an atotang.
They have merely claim on AP but they took AKC by force,that's difference.
Its not a mere claim. They have been harping about A.P. being a part of Tibet and their claim is that Tibet is historically part of China so A.P. is China. It is important for them because it solidified their claim on Tibet. Heck we went on a war with them for this -- without any change of border of course. That should be a good indicator how important this piece of land for them. Chinese are very calculating. A.P. is very important to them but not important enough to fight a war, at least right now.

They took AKC back then because it paved a path to Tibet for an imminent attack on Tibet and capturing it.

A.P.? Not so much! It is more of a battle to rule hearts and minds of Tibetian by claiming all their monestories in Twang and all their land.

Haha we say it's disputed while you say it's an atotang.
Bombasts are rich from your side as well -- 'Lavaange Lavaange Kaaashmeeeeeeeeeeer Poora Kashmir Lavange! PAKISTAN KA KASHMIR Lavaange!'

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If India was capable of anything it would have taken Aksai Chin from China.

Wouldn't that be also same for the Chinese regarding AP!!??

Atlease we're not at war. Do you know the chinese are still on the Civil war?!! ONly when they completely take AP and Taiwan and some parts from Russia and Mangolia their Civil war would come to an end
Its not a mere claim. They have been harping about A.P. being a part of Tibet and their claim is that Tibet is historically part of China so A.P. is China. It is important for them because it solidified their claim on Tibet. Heck we went on a war with them for this -- without any change of border of course. That should be a good indicator how important this piece of land for them. Chinese are very calculating. A.P. is very important to them but not important enough to fight a war, at least right now.

They took AKC back then because it paved a path to Tibet for an imminent attack on Tibet and capturing it.

A.P.? Not so much! It is more of a battle to rule hearts and minds of Tibetian by claiming all their monestories in Twang and all their land.

Bombasts are rich from your side as well -- 'Lavaange Lavaange Kaaashmeeeeeeeeeeer Poora Kashmir Lavange! PAKISTAN KA KASHMIR Lavaange!'

You know he is a clown,he was just trying to score some points.
They have merely claim on AP but they took AKC by force,that's difference.

Merely??? Really that's the reason they add AP in their map, is that the reason they don;t give visa to a person from AP or that a reason whenever our PM visits AP their Media and military whine a big time??
Merely??? Really that's the reason they add AP in their map, is that the reason they don;t give visa to a person from AP or that a reason whenever our PM visits AP their Media and military whine a big time??
Admit it man,they claim which was never theres but hold which was yours.
Have a good day.
I have checked. We have a problem and we realised it. Now we have one of the largest sanitation and cleaniness drive. What are you doing at your end ? Nothing.

Thats what is different. You guys face similar situation and problem, and instead of solving it, you guys ignore it and question us.

Thats why we are developing.
UN says our problem has entered single digits figure :-)
Admit it man,they claim which was never theres but hold which was yours.
Have a good day.

the land they captured in a surprise attacka nand we are not fool enough to start a war over it and ruin our economy nor do we cry for the land like china or Pakistanis do every other day.

now do you agree the chinese are greed for others land and sea!! !!

its amusing the myth drogon is actually a white panda, They started with the threat of war now they changed it to Panchasheela agreement to Independence of Sikkim. I used to think India media was the worst but finally found a winner for the most desperate Media ever.. it goes to the Chinese Media
The behavior cann't be more contrasting. Look at Chinese Army and Indian Army stand off. Not a single shot is fired and only war is in war of words. I am sure as hell closed door diplomacy must be running behind the scene.

Where on the other border, they shell first and talk later.

As for stupid enemy, why do you think India keeps on opening a second front from Afghan soil? To ensure that attention of stupids remains elsewhere. Like a kid with ADHD, Pakistan Army and leadership have an attention span of less than 2 nanoseconds. If you keep them busy on Afghan border and internal riots --which you don't even have to incite-- , they will trouble you less.

In coming days, may be India should invest some effort in arming Ahmedis on diplomatic front at least. They are a oppressed group with in Pakistan and will create enough headache for Pakistan to keep them busy.
Post nreported for insulting Pakistanis by calling them stupids
So did Indians do something or as usual chickened out and calling fool like a kid ?
The Indian will anyhow designate any area and claim as their own and then accuse others of intrusion into their airspace. Typical bully tactic and fake lies by India.

Very rich coming from chinese..... Do check how many such disputes you have across borders.....

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