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ChinaLaunches another incursion in Indian Airspace

By the way - Just an observation :-

1) If the report is true, and if the chopper came as close to the ITBP, why doesnt the report mention the type/make of the helicopter?

2) Why has the news video shown stock videos of different choppers? One is an Mi-8, another looks like a US made Cobra and another from Europe.

3) IF the ITBP soldiers had the chopper flying over them, how come they never released any pix to the media? I find this particular point irksome. You can allow the Indian TV stations to show misleading STOCK footages - but not actual pictures / videos of a chopper incursion? WOuldn't giving ACTUAL pix/footage of the chopper incursion give more weight to the story?

4) Finally - Indian media seems to be at its game of sensationalising. Even if one of the media organisations care to look at my 3 questions and answer in kind, I would be happy.
No surprise,just some Chinese tourists want to see the south face of Nanda Devi.Don't know if saw it.
We have pact on cease fire, not on air space violation do we ?
in India, there are two types of myth, one: the true myth, two: India defeated China in 1962.

Mr Han you Lost a Golden Opportunity from Jun 2013 to Oct 2013 when the Last Govt was Most Feeble....
China could do a Jack to Vietcom in 1977 war.....

Your PLA was massacred by my 80k Army which stood against 1.2 Million in 1962.

Yesterday, great PLA lost 17 soldiers. But this was not reported on this Biased Forum.

All Chinese can do is Jump on Pakistan Defense Forum as Moderators Out here permit you to Troll.

Anywase read of 1987 Conflict Sumdorong Chu Valley.

There is no cease fire line between China and India,but only LAC with different understanding by both sides.

We have pact on cease fire, not on air space violation do we ?
Yes. Modi has fully solidated his control over the military so the provocations from India will start just like a few years ago. Meanwhile India hold military exercises and high level political visits with Japan. There is no doubt India is becoming fully hostile. Now is the right time for PLA to mobilize along the border. The Vietnamese never saw us coming with the platform 981. Now our Indian friends will never know what happens until our light tank divisions smash them into pieces in Aksai Chin and help Pakistan liberate IOK. All we need to do is defend the Eastern sector. Once India is in disarray in the Western sector, then Chinese and Pakistani army moves toward Haryana. By then Modi will surrender Southern Tibet in exchange for original LAC in the Western sector.

:) Well if this doesn't happen, we have to assume one of two things. Either the Chinese government(unlike you) lack testicular fortitude or they think you have testicles growing where the brain should normally reside. Your pick!
As expected. The chinese military is rogue and not under the dominion of the state.
Helicopter entered till Joshimath vicinity
Reportedly Chinese helicopter intruded 30 kilometers into the LAC

(Line of Actual Control) and wandered over Indio-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) post for at least 10 minutes before disappearing behind the mountains.
Flew 30km inside Indian territory? :woot: Then why the fuk wasn't it shot to hell? This news must be exaggerated media crap!
Tit for tat. Send an old Indian heli over the border into China. Let's see how they react!

Tit for tat?

Are you suggesting that the Indian armed forces should make an incursion into undisputed territory?

And why an old Indian helicopter?

Remember kid: This concerns disputed terriroty. Like it or not, China does not recognize Zangnan(South Tibet) as part of India. Rather, it is an integral part of China.
Sane China..shhhh...don't say a word against it.they're rising "P!$$fully".


bro,its typical Indian news agency.whenever something like this happens,they generally posts pics of some old footage of that military,or old footage of same kind of equipment or such.don't go for it.plus,its only the military who could tell what kind of helo it was,not some news agency.by the way,few years ago,one MI-17 intruded.
Indian must Invade China :agree:

nah..we're acoustomed with their "Nautankies".we're sitting tight and enjoying the show going on in SCS. :pop::pop:

remember,never poke an "Evil Yindoo Chanakyan Baniya",they'll pay you back,years later,"wo v prem se". :lol:
Tit for tat?

Are you suggesting that the Indian armed forces should make an incursion into undisputed territory?

And why an old Indian helicopter?

Remember kid: This concerns disputed terriroty. Like it or not, China does not recognize Zangnan(South Tibet) as part of India. Rather, it is an integral part of China.

Kid, India may just have to do the same into Chinese territory. Remember, the borders are not clearly defined as you stated. That's the excuse China likes to use. Right. Oh and what about Aksai Chin? Pakistan ceded that portion to you right as soon as they could before that war ended. But it's our land.
Remember kid: This concerns disputed terriroty. Like it or not, China does not recognize Zangnan(South Tibet) as part of India. Rather, it is an integral part of China.

Kid this is Uttarakhand, there is no border dispute here, only know border dispute are in Arunachal Pradesh and Ladakh. Hence China's move was uncalled for
Tit for tat?

Are you suggesting that the Indian armed forces should make an incursion into undisputed territory?

And why an old Indian helicopter?

Remember kid: This concerns disputed terriroty. Like it or not, China does not recognize Zangnan(South Tibet) as part of India. Rather, it is an integral part of China.

We did exactly that last time when your soldiers put up tents on our side of the LAC and in response our soldiers dug up bunkers on your side of the LAC. It is another matter that your media doesn't report it because such news will make you look weak.
Kid this is Uttarakhand, there is no border dispute here, only know border dispute are in Arunachal Pradesh and Ladakh. Hence China's move was uncalled for
There are but much more smaller ones.Notice that all the disputed areas under Indian control except Aksai Chin.

We did exactly that last time when your soldiers put up tents on our side of the LAC and in response our soldiers dug up bunkers on your side of the LAC. It is another matter that your media doesn't report it because such news will make you look weak.
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