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China provokes again, troops enter Indian territory in Ladakh

UK has always recognize China's suzerainty/sovereignty of Tibet and that is why Ivan Chen was invited. You sign it without Ivan Chen's signature, that is the reason of your trouble.

British Called the chinese representative to the talks as an observer , Mcmohan line is an agreement between Tibet and British India. Chinese guy objected to the the agreement but the agreement went through since British never recognized Chinese control over Tibet.

You are lying if you say people in NE India will note for New Delhi. There are separatist militant in from Assam to Manipur. How about Kashmir?
ULFA activities are reduced now a days and they do not represent Assamese as a whole and Assam is a progressive state in India.
Manipur is a troubled state compared to any North Eastern state, again the issues will be solved based on Indian constitution.
Kashmir is an Indian state and peace talks are going on between India and Pakistan.

Whether China is communist or democracy does not negate the fact that China is a unitary state. She is under hereditary dictator for 2300 years.

In those 2300 years china has been invaded and made into tiny pieces like any other country on earth. China do not mean a single country it is made of many kingdoms who rose and fell with time. Original China is located in North est part of current china. China is not a single country for most of 2300 years and you are believing CCP propaganda.

Please do not talk too much about Mongolian , Manchurians or Hakka if you know nuts about China. A lot of Chinese do not speak Mandarin as mother tongue. I am Taiwanese speaker and yet I detest Taiwanese independent.

Now a new circus is happening, which says every language in China is a dialect of Mandarin, even cantonese which is a completely different language is called a dialect. Chinese circus!!!

The Manchus are the one who are responsible for the spread of Mandarin FYI.
Manchus wanted a separate country for them.

India has nothing to do with South Tibet.

India has nothing to do with south tibet, But Arunachal Pradesh is Indian state.
Mandarin inherit more of its ancestry from Shandong language. A Shandong language essentially is just speaking mandarin with slight different tone. Mandarin never do anything with Manchu or Mongolian. They are essentially a Han language.

Mandarin is just Northern Chinese lect. The one in BJ got some Manchus influence. You may want to say no Manchu influence in BJ lect but I am not convinced.
India has nothing to do with south tibet, But Arunachal Pradesh is Indian state.

Most of the tribes of Arunachal are culturally more closer to rest of us Indians, how will people who always living inside great Wall of China will even know about it. They are just land grabbers.
Most of the tribes of Arunachal are culturally more closer to rest of us Indians, how will people who always living inside great Wall of China will even know about it. They are just land grabbers.

China is a continent like any large country and there is no uniformity like India in China. CCP portray it as one china but the reality is completely different. China is more diverse in languages, ethnic groups and cultures.
British Called the chinese representative to the talks as an observer , Mcmohan line is an agreement between Tibet and British India. Chinese guy objected to the the agreement but the agreement went through since British never recognized Chinese control over Tibet.

ULFA activities are reduced now a days and they do not represent Assamese as a whole and Assam is a progressive state in India.
Manipur is a troubled state compared to any North Eastern state, again the issues will be solved based on Indian constitution.
Kashmir is an Indian state and peace talks are going on between India and Pakistan.

In those 2300 years china has been invaded and made into tiny pieces like any other country on earth. China do not mean a single country it is made of many kingdoms who rose and fell with time. Original China is located in North est part of current china. China is not a single country for most of 2300 years and you are believing CCP propaganda.

Now a new circus is happening, which says every language in China is a dialect of Mandarin, even cantonese which is a completely different language is called a dialect. Chinese circus!!!

Manchus wanted a separate country for them.

India has nothing to do with south tibet, But Arunachal Pradesh is Indian state.

British is so busy body, call Ivan Chen there for what?

The reason is British know China need to approve for McMahon line and British and Tibet sign it without Chinese approval. Then British and India need to get the wrath, simple.

The next thing after signing on to McMahon line is British must recognize an Independent Tibet, she did not, and not even India did. So 1914 Shimla Accord voided. Else China can just sign a treaty with Kashmiri prostitute and recognize Kashmir independence.

If you want to talk about Kashmir, all polls suggest that Kashmir will vote independence if India stick to her promise and let them vote.

Go and study Chinese history before talking cock and say that China is fragmented.

Please study your Sinitic lect also. Mandarin, Taiwanese and Cantonese are descendent of old Chinese, a lateral branch, not a dialect of mandarin but lect of Sinitic languages.

Manchus want a separate countries. You are kidding and lying.

South Tibet got occupy by India given a name Arunachal. India need to break up for the good of humanity.
British is so busy body, call Ivan Chen there for what?

The reason is British know China need to approve for McMahon line and British and Tibet sign it without Chinese approval. Then British and India need to get the wrath, simple.

The next thing after signing on to McMahon line is British must recognize an Independent Tibet, she did not, and not even India did. So 1914 Shimla Accord voided. Else China can just sign a treaty with Kashmiri prostitute and recognize Kashmir independence.

If you want to talk about Kashmir, all polls suggest that Kashmir will vote independence if India stick to her promise and let them vote.

Go and study Chinese history before talking cock and say that China is fragmented.

Please study your Sinitic lect also. Mandarin, Taiwanese and Cantonese are descendent of old Chinese, a lateral branch, not a dialect of mandarin but lect of Sinitic languages.

Manchus want a separate countries. You are kidding and lying.

South Tibet got occupy by India given a name Arunachal. India need to break up for the good of humanity.

We don't care what goes on other side of McMahon line, you claim your territory based on a brutal Empire created by Manchus snatching the lands from Miaos or Dzungarians, so don't lecture us about colonialism and other blah blah. British before leaving India handed over all these territories to Indians before leaving India and you are simply claiming the areas where people consider themselves as Indians.
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China is a continent like any large country and there is no uniformity like India in China. CCP portray it as one china but the reality is completely different. China is more diverse in languages, ethnic groups and cultures.
We don't care what goes on other side of McMahon line, you claim your territory based on a brutal Empire created by Manchus, so don't lecture us about colonialism and other blah blah. British before leaving India handed over all these territories to Indians before leaving India.

Same, India claim to inherit what was build by brutal conquest of British. Worse, British ask Indian princely states, and those voted not to join India was invaded or coerced. Kashmir, Hyderabad, Manipur, Silkkim are good example.

India even refuse to recognize McMahon line. When war started, she is north of it. If there was no Chairman Mao, Tibet will be invaded by India and suffering under caste system.
British is so busy body, call Ivan Chen there for what?

The reason is British know China need to approve for McMahon line and British and Tibet sign it without Chinese approval. Then British and India need to get the wrath, simple.

The next thing after signing on to McMahon line is British must recognize an Independent Tibet, she did not, and not even India did. So 1914 Shimla Accord voided.

Tibet is an autonomous region through out history Tibet is either independent or stayed as an autonomous region but not in China.
The Mcmohan line agreement recognizes Tibet as an autonomous region. Chinese are an observer status since Tibet is never under complete control of Chinese hans and Here is India there is a Tibetan Govt. which is legitimate.
Tibet was subjugated by communist china to sign the accord during communist revolution, But the treaty is violated by Chinese communists by not giving the autonomous status to Tibet as in the agreement.
The treaty is invalid now !!!! since the terms and conditions are not met.

Else China can just sign a treaty with Kashmiri prostitute and recognize Kashmir independence.
If you want to talk about Kashmir, all polls suggest that Kashmir will vote independence if India stick to her promise and let them vote.

Ask your Xijingping to sign a treaty with Kashmir and declare it as an independent country, there by create trouble for china on both sides of china.

Go and study Chinese history before talking cock and say that China is fragmented.

You need to study the chinese history and polictical maps.

Please study your Sinitic lect also. Mandarin, Taiwanese and Cantonese are descendent of old Chinese, a lateral branch, not a dialect of mandarin but lect of Sinitic languages.

Manchus want a separate countries. You are kidding and lying.

Indo-Aryan languages do not mean Persian and Hindi are equal. Same rule applies to chinese languages.

Tibet got occupied by china. China needs to break up for the good of humanity.

Same, India claim to inherit what was build by brutal conquest of British. Worse, British ask Indian princely states, and those voted not to join India was invaded or coerced. Kashmir, Hyderabad, Manipur, Silkkim are good example.

India even refuse to recognize McMahon line. When war started, she is north of it. If there was no Chairman Mao, Tibet will be invaded by India and suffering under caste system.

If there is no Mao Tibet would have been an Independent country with India's support .
Same, India claim to inherit what was build by brutal conquest of British. Worse, British ask Indian princely states, and those voted not to join India was invaded or coerced. Kashmir, Hyderabad, Manipur, Silkkim are good example.

India even refuse to recognize McMahon line. When war started, she is north of it. If there was no Chairman Mao, Tibet will be invaded by India and suffering under caste system.

I and @Srinivas are from Hyderabad, please spare us from your brainfarts about princely states.
Tibet is an autonomous region through out history Tibet is either independent or stayed as an autonomous region but not in China.
The Mcmohan line agreement recognizes Tibet as an autonomous region. Chinese are an observer status since Tibet is never under complete control of Chinese hans and Here is India there is a Tibetan Govt. which is legitimate.
Tibet was subjugated by communist china to sign the accord during communist revolution, But the treaty is violated by Chinese communists by not giving the autonomous status to Tibet as in the agreement.
The treaty is invalid now !!!! since the terms and conditions are not met.

Ask your Xijingping to sign a treaty with Kashmir and declare it as an independent country, there by create trouble for china on both sides of china.

You need to study the chinese history and polictical maps.

Indo-Aryan languages do not mean Persian and Hindi are equal. Same rule applies to chinese languages.

If there is no Mao Tibet would have been an Independent country with India's support .

I do not understand what you mean by autonomous. Xinjiang is an autonomous region and India will be commiting suicide if she sign any sovereign treaty with Xinjiang. No one will recognize that.

I do not know how McMahon line recognizes Tibet as autonomous or even as it does, how does it affect China sovereignty of Tibet. For Shimla accord to be valid, British must immediately recognize Tibet independent and India must recognize that also.

But Nehru does not did it in 1947.

Who mention about Aryan languages? Don be ridiculous.

Without Mao there may be an independent Tibet. Without British, there will be no India.

So far India eaten up a lot of Tibet land like Sikkim, South Tibet, and also Muslim land like Kashmir. She should repent.
I do not understand what you mean by autonomous. Xinjiang is an autonomous region and India will be commiting suicide if she sign any sovereign treaty with Xinjiang. No one will recognize that.

Autonomous region has its sovereignty, their own government and their laws. First you need to know this term and then debate.

I do not know how McMahon line recognizes Tibet as autonomous or even as it does, how does it affect China sovereignty of Tibet. For Shimla accord to be valid, British must immediately recognize Tibet independent and India must recognize that also.

But Nehru does not did it in 1947.

Tibet was occupied by China during mao revolution and they also violated the treaty between autonomous region of Tibet and China.

Who mention about Aryan languages? Don be ridiculous.

You seems failed to catch my point.

Without Mao there may be an independent Tibet. Without British, there will be no India.

Before British, there is Maratha empire and before that there is mughal empire. British propaganda that they saved India by uniting it is completely wrong.

So far India eaten up a lot of Tibet land like Sikkim, South Tibet, and also Muslim land like Kashmir. She should repent.

Arunachal Pradesh recognizes New Delhi's authority, Sikkim agreed to join India on its own. Kashmir is an issue on which talks are happening.
Even federal states in USA are not allow to cede territories. Ukraine and Belerus are all in UN under USSR, none of them can cede territory without the permission of USSR.

I do not understand Tibet under Mao has anything to do with China sovereign of South Tibet.

The Mughal empire is just a tinny state in North West and her largest extend is just 10-20 years under Aurangzeb. And if you look at Maratha's map and duration, it correspond and overlapped with Mughal most of the time. Maratha largest extend is few decades, and it is questionable whether it really hold on to those land. Mughal has a lot of Rajput princes and Indian account it into Mughal land. Indian like fake map and give mis-information.

Sikkim was being invaded first when Indian flooded it with Nepali, then with soldiers. Indians try did that to Bhutan and this time Bhutan expel the Nepali. Kashmir hate India, same as Goa, Manipur...etc.
Same, India claim to inherit what was build by brutal conquest of British. Worse, British ask Indian princely states, and those voted not to join India was invaded or coerced. Kashmir, Hyderabad, Manipur, Silkkim are good example.

India even refuse to recognize McMahon line. When war started, she is north of it. If there was no Chairman Mao, Tibet will be invaded by India and suffering under caste system.

Indian just another land grabber, illegal occupied territorial of other. Free South Tibet. Free South Tibet.

Free South Tibet from Indian imperialist.
Sikkim was being invaded first when Indian flooded it with Nepali, then with soldiers. Indians try did that to Bhutan and this time Bhutan expel the Nepali. Kashmir hate India, same as Goa, Manipur...etc.

Don't amuse us with your fake history. :omghaha::omghaha: Nepalese settled in Sikkim 200 years back when British empire was expanding. Manipur joined the constituent Assembly of India in 1947 just after independence, Kashmir joined India though an accession.

Your Qing Dynasty exterminated the population of Dzungaria in a genocide while 70% Miaos were exterminated or made to flee from their homeland in 1850-70s and you claim your modern China left by that brutal Qing Dynasty. So, spare us from the lectures about colonialism or blah blah.
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