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#BoycottUAE also trending in Pakistan after a Turkish guy started it

Sorry you don't understated what I am talking about. Wait I will give you a back ground.

UAE was making progress in ditching India a lot of effort went into this. Problem we all want UAE to change its trajectory. We were making progress there was improvement. Ali used aggressive approach.
Seems, you need to change Pakistani trajectory towards UAE as well. With such government in UAE, that is tough, I must admit.
This is the reason i am against showing ertugrul on ptv. we are boosting turkey's soft power in pakistan without getting much in return. there is nothing wrong with turkey per say but we should not give foreign nations influence in pakistan for free. also why is it that when a pakistani goes to any other muslim country they start spitting out there talking points even to the detriment of the pakistani position. As far Turkey vs UAE it is non of our concern lets not forget that UAE employs a shit ton of pakistani in low skill jobs. if pakistan take a position contrary UAEs interests it only hurt pakistan as those people are easily replaceable. the best stance would be to stay neutral as these conflicts play out
OK show more American and English TV shows, that way you get much "more in return"
OK show more American and English TV shows, that way you get much "more in return"
nobody is showing American and English TV shows on national tv but people are watching them on there own prerogative same cannot be said about ertugrul. also the problem of people watching American and English TV shows comes from the fact that english is a global language and alot of people speak it. it wouldn't be stretch to say that people who don't speak a language will also not watch a tv show in that language. language is a very powerful thing . but in all fairness a large segment of the Pakistani population does not speak English and therefore only watches pakistani tv show but as ertugrul has been dubbed in Urdu it is more widely available.
it is just damn a show ,just watch or not but plz get over it.. i dont know why you guys make it big deal..soon people of Pakistan will tire of it and look for other kind of dramas.. all of countrie involve syria but no problem.. so many countries involve libya but no problem but it is problem when it is Turkish .. same thing apply to turkish drama too...
Why? Not bias, he didn't name in his first tweet that I want Pakistani people to boycott the said country. I love Pakistani people, and hold your worries in my heart. I may agree or disagree with some of you, that's never a problem but you can't blame the Turkish guy for Pakistani support behind his hashtag. I would have done the same for Kashmir and Pakistan.

Thank you so much. To you and all Turks, we can never repay the love and affection which you give us. May Allah swt bless you all.

Seems, you need to change Pakistani trajectory towards UAE as well. With such government in UAE, that is tough, I must admit.

@BHarwana is right here, dear brother. Pakistan fully supports Turkey in all its endeavors, we look with pride to see the scientific progress and modernization Turkey has undergone in such a short time.

We are supporting Turkey in our own way,, but we are constrained in regards to UAE, KSA due to our expats. They have become a big liability on us. We even sadly missed the Kuala Lumpur summit. Sorry for this.

It makes me so upset to see my country in this way, however we cannot handle mass exodus of expats and loss of revenue. Our financial situation is precarious.

I am glad governments of Turkey and Malaysia understand our situation.
Thank you so much. To you and all Turks, we can never repay the love and affection which you give us. May Allah swt bless you all.

@BHarwana is right here, dear brother. Pakistan fully supports Turkey in all its endeavors, we look with pride to see the scientific progress and modernization Turkey has undergone in such a short time.

We are supporting Turkey in our own way,, but we are constrained in regards to UAE, KSA due to our expats. They have become a big liability on us. We even sadly missed the Kuala Lumpur summit. Sorry for this.

It makes me so upset to see my country in this way, however we cannot handle mass exodus of expats and loss of revenue. Our financial situation is precarious.

I am glad governments of Turkey and Malaysia understand our situation.

Brother, we need to take principled stand. Enough of this business of licking the Arabs. We have to put an end. We need to support our Turkish brothers.
Pakistanis are too naive and easily fall for anyone. UAE and turkey are clashing in libya. So a turkish guys started a #BoycottUAE trend on twitter and it has now also become a top trend in Pakistan. We do need to fix our self and need not to be part of any such campaign. By the way we owe a lot of money to UAE.


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Please Pakistanis don't become other Indians.
For heaven sake. Turkey can afford bad relations with uae. You don't.
It can be Indian trolls making a trend.
It has been circulating a lot that it will but some reason, it didn't. I think it's an internal matter of India.

Well.... it already upsets lot of Pakistanis on what India simply trades with Turkey (goods-wise) on regular basis (and large Indian surplus on this endeavour thus far)...esp given all the iron-brother talk (like why not import from Pakistan and provide jobs to Pakistanis etc etc or is there clearly some limit to all that talk?)

It is that surplus trade that creates (holding all else equal) an economic pressure to import from Turkey (even in military domain like the replenishment ship design + assistance contract) with no extra force-guidance:

About 7 billion (India exports to Turkey) and 1.2 billion in other direction in the 2018, 2019 average....a near 6 billion surplus trade a year for India (so you can see where the impetus to import more from Turkey originates fundamentally and sustainably already i.e the actions of the Turkish public).

On other hand Pakistan exports about 300 million a year in this period to Turkey and imports about 500 million a year....a 200 million dollar deficit trade on average for Pakistan.

Then in this thread we see further non-understanding of the basic economic diktat and forces. Exactly what will Pakistan boycott w.r.t UAE?...when UAE holds huge chips of big consequence in that economic partnership (none more so than jobs and remittances from those jobs).
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To be fair, UAE deserves to be sanctioned, what have they ever done for us. But these twitter boycott trends have always been a childish thing. What do you expect when you enter a battle ground?
What have they ever done for us...... Given Pakistanis jobs.
Now I know you'll complain about the bad conditions they're living in and the treatment they receive.

now you'll say something smart like "UAE is ungrateful for what we did for then in the 60s and how we built their airline and military blah blah blah. No one cares
What have they ever done for us...... Given Pakistanis jobs.
Now I know you'll complain about the bad conditions they're living in and the treatment they receive.

now you'll say something smart like "UAE is ungrateful for what we did for then in the 60s and how we built their airline and military blah blah blah. No one cares

Inserts why we gotta lick the feets of Turks,Chinese,Gulf Arabs and Persians Inserts more excuses
Inserts why we gotta lick the feets of Turks,Chinese,Gulf Arabs and Persians Inserts more excuses
Because no country alive today has achieved prosperity and developed itself in isolation without needing help from other countries. None, not a single country. No one asks Pakistan to suck up to the ummah, news flash, there is no ummah, it's a fantasy, I've met religious Muslims who have openly said they'd rather live in a secular western country than a Sharia law country. Even most Pakistanis don't actually want pure Sharia law because they're afraid of it
Whether you like UAE or not, the whole Libyan situation is not ours just hegemonic crap between KSA,UAE and Turkey no one is the good guy in that conflict
Oil and lion share of resources ... what we get ???????

Why the **** are we getting involved in things that don't concern us... We are neither arabs or truks then wtf ?

Arab vs Turkish rivalry is going on for centuries... No need to get involved.
Our national hero trend of this year ..
Oil and lion share of resources ... what we get ???????

Our national hero trend of this year ..

That is the reason why I was not in favor of supporting Ertugul on state level...
Most Pakistanis are dumb and stupid and now would start we wuz ottomans.
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