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Turkey blocks Twitter, after Erdoğan vowed 'eradication'

No, they don't want us in EU, and we don't want to be in EU. We are interested in European political culture, living standards and their trade. We don't give a shit about the Union.

You don't care now but for years you did try except Germany and a few other states kept stonewalling it so now there is no point. I believe you applied in the late 80s or something?


It had its benefits, but after hearing their whining for quite a long time, people just don't care about EU anymore, and government just continues negotiations for formailty, suddenly cutting them would look weird.

Yeah that is what I am saying they kept you guys out for so long that now you guys don't care, anyway the power is soon going to more balanced eastward again with the reemergence of Russia and the rise of China so you should not limit yourselves just because a few countries to the south are hell holes lol.
You don't care now but for years you did try except Germany and a few other states kept stonewalling it so now there is no point. I believe you applied in the late 80s or something?

Yup, it's been a long time. Though, being a candidate has its own benefits.
This thread is the most entertaining thread in a while. Let's hope the mods don't close it.
bosverin twiteri yeterki size bisey olmasin, tek twit atmadim daha millet coktan müptelasi olmus kuduryor adeta.
No hard feelings, ok? lol
Friends? :D

He's not Turkish, he's a crypto Georgian jew, I thought everyone knew that
No, they don't want us in EU, and we don't want to be in EU. We are interested in European political culture, living standards and their trade. We don't give a shit about the Union.

Who are those dudes?
France and Germany don't want to loose their hegemony. If Turkey joins it will give us huge economic abd poltical boost. Downside we WI'll have Greek debt liability and EU will put Thor nose inside our internal affairs. Not worth it.

No hard feelings, ok? lol
Friends? :D

Few minutes you wanted to do something with his mother and now he friends..
We need chairs in european parliament, we need to have a say in what goes on in Europe. So we shall join EU
We don't have to belong anywhere, we're just fine as we're, we should just keep close distance with everyone.
spot on. i don't like it when some Turks classify themselves as Europeans or view our nation as European, unless they really have east European ancestry, then i can understand their view. Turks have way more to do with Asia, our history, culture, traditions, language and especially our own Turkic brothers in ASIA. calling ourselves European would be like spitting on our ancestors who fought against Europeans since many centuries ago in order to retain our culture and legacy. I can go on and on, i just can;t understand how some people can be so confused. Western technology ok, Western politics ok, Western clothes ok, but to say 'I am European' is going too far. For me it's another reason to not join EU. I don;t want to see my nation associated with some certain hostile European nations. special trade agreement is fine, but not integration to EU. At worst we are a nation between west and east, we are in an unique position due history and so we can play the EU. Middle east and Turkic card. as for the foreigners, don't exaggerate please, just because some Turks have a favorable view towards Europe doesn;t make all Turks wannabe European or something.
Then where will you belong? Europe does not want you either, face it God was right when he said they will not be satisfied unless you forsake your religion, the thought of a Muslim European country joining EU and dominating it economically wets all Euros undies.
Turkey has nothing to do with the middle east, or Europe entirely. Turkey is unique. I would say we belong with Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and other Turkic states since we share a great deal of culture.
A lot of Pakistanis like Erdogan it is true but if he is wrong just state why we take your word on it, the only reason we are even discussing this is because it was opened up here on pdf or else we would not meddle in Turkish affairs lol.
If you ask it like this, it's fine, I'd be glad to answer. Other guy was just stating "Turkey is X, Turks are Y" and none of us were interested in his preconceptions.

Erdogan made great effort to look sweet to the arabs but inside the country he's corrupt, he's unjust and he's dividing our nation to preserve his chair as the prime minister. He influenced courts to imprison army generals with the accusation of "attempted coup" hidden identity witnesses turned out to be PKK members(I'm not shitting here), evidence turned out to be fake.

He has billions of dolars which he stole hidden away in swiss banks. His family, his friends they all got rich by robbing this country of it's resources, it's forests, everything. There's a shitload of crimes he has to answer for but he has immunity, courts can't judge him.

He had the prosecutors who went after his son exiled. He practically fucked up the whole justice system to cover his crimes. He fvcked up the education system to keep people at mediocre education level but high religious values so he could harness them. He fucked up many things, as people discuss here.
bosverin twiteri yeterki size bisey olmasin, tek twit atmadim daha millet coktan müptelasi olmus kuduryor adeta.
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