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Boycott Haider

Its my humble appeal to my indian countrymen on pdf to boycott hindi movie haider which was released yesterday .

Its an anti-national movie and insults our army .

The reason why i find it really important to raise this issue is because it has become a fashion for indian filmakers to support terrorist and defend them by giving some twisted sophisticated explanation . And this is what they are doing in this film , defending a terrorist .

Our indian filmakers will never make a movie on the plight of kashmiri pandits or hindus in countries like pakistan or bangladesh but are more interested in what atrocities US did after 9/11 .

The fact is if IA wouldn't have been there then kashmir today would have turned into another afghanistan or waziristan with taliban rule .

Don't watch the film and ask others not to , use twitter and facebook to spread the word , #boycotthaider is already trending on twitter .
If you don't raise voice against it then it means that you are okay with them insulting out martyrs .
Nothing is wrong in it, it's a piece of fiction not a documentary. We don't need to be that reactive to a different point of view, grow a thick skin. Plus the more you ask people to boycott it the more people would be intrigued to watch it. I didn't feel like watching it when it came out but since this controversy I might watch it. :lol::lol:

Moreover nothing, I mean nothing that could be said or done to Insult IA. They have been serving India selflessly and are our pride. So chill grab your popcorn and enjoy the movie.

PS. this is good trick to lure some Pakistanis into watching it and making some more money .You evil Yindoo:p:
It is supposedly a movie which talks about how our army is killing Muslims and how Kashmir should get freedom.

Anyone here from India who has seen the movie? Please enlighten us with further details as to what in the movie is objectionable. Since morning the right wing idiots or chaddis as they're popularly known have been trending #boycotthaider. When asked what they found objectionable none of them have even seen the movie.
When you face reality, one need to appreciate, what kind of Democracy we becoming.

And tell you what, I am not boycotting.
Well there might be some truth in it, but lets not say it's reality, movies are spiced up truth. other than that I totally agree with your point.
I am a big hater of shahid kapoor.. Never gonna watch his films even if he wins a oscar.. Looser actor..
Nothing is wrong in it, it's a piece of fiction not a documentary. We don't need to be that reactive to a different point of view, grow a thick skin. Plus the more you ask people to boycott it the more people would be intrigued to watch it. I didn't feel like watching it when it came out but since this controversy I might watch it. :lol::lol:

Moreover nothing, I mean nothing that could be said or done to Insult IA. They have been serving India selflessly and are our pride. So chill grab your popcorn and enjoy the movie.

PS. this is good trick to lure some Pakistanis into watching it and making some more money .You evil Yindoo:p:

there are many people in our country who are actually ignorant and might end up beleiving whatever they show in that movie which is just the half truth , this is for them . I don't care whether the movie is a hit or flop and if pakistanies watch it .
I am a big hater of shahid kapoor.. Never gonna watch his films even if he wins a oscar.. Looser actor..

Me too. I dislike him for reasons I cannot divulge here. But he is the reason I won't be watching the movie in the theater even though this movie is absolutely worth it and a must watch. Will wait for the pirated DVD to be available :lol:
Anyone here from India who has seen the movie? Please enlighten us with further details as to what in the movie is objectionable. Since morning the right wing idiots or chaddis as they're popularly known are trending #boycotthaider. When asked what they found objectionable none of them have even seen the movie.
It shows the how people were tourtured, killed and raped by the army in not a nice way.

Please tell us in point wise format without divulging the story what you found objectionable in it. :)

watch another secular movie 'shahid' and do some research on that guy especially on his background .

this movie is 10 times more secular than that .
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