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Blackwater's Pakistan mission (and related news)

Once USA makes army base in a country. They never leave.

So USA army is going to stay permanently from now on. Good luck.

Pakistan should become like Japanese and give up their army. Let USA take care of security.

I think they want US Army to stay here for a while....so they could see by themselves how unpredictable and sentimental Pakistani public is....this playground could be worst than Afghanistan or Iraq.....

I read somewhere Anne Patterson blocked publication of Dr. Shireen Mazari's article in The News today. An indirect threat.

Retaliation to such American opression could unite muslims in the region as a stronger force......and a time will come when former communist block will rise....no one is happy on American presence here.....
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Here is news that contradicts reports of Black Water arrival in Islamabad and Pakistan and increase of US Marines in US consulates in Pakistan...

Blackwater not operating in Pakistan: Malik

* Political disputes should be resolved through negotiation
* Kazmi’s staff might have tipped off assailants

LAHORE/ISLAMABAD: Blackwater is not operating in Pakistan, we have our own system, rules and regulations and will not allow any body to operate from here, Interior Minister Rehman Malik said on Thursday.

Talking to a private TV channel, he said the government would not compromise on the country’s sovereignty and reports regarding the increase in number of US marines were baseless.

He said the US, China and Turkey had applied for extra land for expanding their embassies in Islamabad, but the US embassy had neither applied for grant of additional visa to more Marines, nor had Pakistan permitted them to increase the number of Marines in the embassy.

Disputes: Another private channel quoted the minister as saying that political disputes should be resolved within the country through negotiation and “we should not involve other countries in politics”.

Malik said he had not discussed any political matter, such as the trial of former president Gen (r) Pervez Musharraf with the Saudi leadership during his visit to Saudi Arabia. He said a strong democratic system could prevent any dictator from coming into power in the future.

The minister urged political parties to take initiatives for the welfare of the people instead of criticising each other. He said the country needed reconciliation to meet the challenges it faced.

Tip-off: Separately, talking to reporters after visiting Religious Affairs Minister Hamid Saeed Kazmi in hospital, Malik said he suspected that some members of Kazmi’s personal staff might be involved in Wednesday’s attempt on the minister’s life. He said support to the attackers from an “insider” could not be ruled out.

“In such targeted attacks, the assailants carry out the attack on the basis of information provided by someone close to the target. There is a possibility that an official in the ministry with links to terrorists is involved,” he said.

He said Kazmi’s security guards and several other ministry officials were being interrogated and authorities had rounded up several suspects in connection with the incident.

Malik said two pistols and a Kalashinkov rifle had been recovered from the crime scene.

The interior minister said Kazmi had requested a bullet-proof vehicle following threats to his life, but the government could not fulfill his demand as it only had a limited number of such vehicles. “Only seven or eight ministers have bullet-proof vehicles. I myself travel in a privately hired bullet-proof car,” he said.

However, Malik said, President Asif Ali Zardari had ordered the import of several new bullet-proof vehicles in order to ensure security for important personalities. He said all efforts would be made to apprehend the culprits. tahir niaz/daily times monitor/app

Source: Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

It is important to note that, officially and publicly the Pakistani Government denies cooperation and or allowance of US entities (including Black Water) to operate within Pakistan. However, recent observations and news reports confirm US-military and Black Water activity and presence within Pakistan. Reports note that Black Water personnel were discovered at the PC Hotel in Peshawar (that was recently attacked, June 9th), the PC Hotel in Peshawar is now being converted to a US consulate in Peshawar.

Below are revealing reports of Black Water activity in Peshawar and Pakistan reported by locals.

Excerpt #1

According to Nadeem Sarwar, a reporter of Deutsche Presse-Agentur [DPA] in Peshawar republished by Monster and Critics:

The residents are mainly concerned about Blackwater’s reputation as a ruthless, unbridled private army whose employees face multiple charges of murder, child prostitution and weapons smuggling in Iraq.

‘Sometimes, these guys stand in the streets and behave rudely with the passers-by, sometimes they point guns at people without provocation’ said Imtiaz Gul, an engineer, whose home is a few hundred meters from the US contractor’s base on Chanar Road in University Town.

‘Who rules our streets, the Pakistani government or the Americans? They have created a state within the state,’ he added. Repeated complaints to the authorities have been to no avail since, according to residents.

Blackwater provides security to the employees of Creative Associates International Inc. (CAII), an American company carrying out multi-million-dollar development projects in the country’s Islamic militancy-plagued Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).

Excerpt #2

The local populations have sevoderal times lged their complaints against the behaviour of those notorious mercenaries of Blackwater (renamed as Xe). According to IslamOnline.net report:

But residents say that Blackwater agents spur fear and awe, with many of them openly standing guard on the streets and behaving rudely with the locals.

“If they are stuck in a traffic jam, they don’t allow any vehicle to come near them. And if someone mistakenly does that, they shout and point guns at them,” fumed Khan.

Some residents have even filed complaints with the authorities over mistreatment by Blackwater members, but officials turned deaf ears.

“Nothing has so far happened despite several complaints,” Khan lamented. “It seems as if these streets have been sold out to Blackwater.”

They are Crusade. And we allow them to stay here in Pakistan. They have rented out 200 homes in Islamabad. And US also planning to extend their embassy to 144 kanals.
I dont know what these americans are upto i live in islamabad too, recently what i have seen is alot of houses having very tall concrete blocks covering them from all sides making them look like fortresses!!
Thats a shame and a new low for Pakistan. US is bullying Pak day in day out.

Americans are paying for it in form of Aid. and lot of $$$ to Zardari and whoever they think would be nessasary. cause they understand one thing very well..Capitalism ..meaning power of Money
ISLAMABAD: America's plans for a major expansion of its diplomatic presence in Pakistan, including the possible takeover of a bombed luxury hotel

near the Taliban heartland, have heightened tensions and bred rumours in a population rife with anti-US sentiment.

Among the tales being floated: that 1,000 US Marines will land in the capital, that Americans will set up a Guantanamo-style prison and that the infamous security contractor once called Blackwater will come in and wreak havoc.

The frenzy, much of it whipped up by the media and Islamist political parties, shows the difficulties for the US as it seeks to increase its engagement in a country where a flourishing militant movement is threatening the war effort in Afghanistan.

The US says it needs to expand mainly to disburse billions of dollars more in aid to Pakistan, an impoverished nation of 175 million people.

Pakistanis tend to view US motives with suspicion, pointing to a history of American support for past military rulers and involvement in its internal affairs. Others believe it is out to end Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program, a source of domestic pride.

In recent weeks, several newspapers have published unconfirmed reports that 1,000 US Marines will be posted at the US embassy in Islamabad — which would be a significant jump from the nine there now.

The head of Jamaat-e-Islami recently claimed that the US has plans to build a Guantanamo-like prison in Pakistan, according to a newspaper report. The US denies the claim.

There are more modest expansion plans for consulates, including the one in Peshawar. The state department is searching for a new site for that consulate, long believed to be a key hub for American spies. One possible location is the city’s top hotel, the Pearl Continental, two senior US officials confirmed in June, soon after the hotel was bombed.

US planning a Gitmo-style prison in Pak? - Pakistan - World - NEWS - The Times of India
To be like Gitmo, the US would have to set up on Astola Island. It may be for sale at a better price than the Pearl Continental Hotel. Any sightings of US marines on the beaches of Astola yet??

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