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So many attacks why is there no retaliation

One of thr things that really agitated with rage and made former Gen Raheel go after terrorits was when he saw a video of Pak soliders being beheaded and the heads were used as footballs by the Taliban.
Does Asum Munir and the people under him have gheirat, honour or self-respect in their body like that?

After ONE 9/11 attack America INVADED Afghanistan and carpet bombed them to oblivion dawg, even the Zionist pigs have gone mental over ONE breakthrough in Israel and annihilated Gaza

Does Asum Munir and the people under him have gheirat, honour or self-respect in their body like that?

After ONE 9/11 attack America INVADED Afghanistan and carpet bombed them to oblivion dawg, even the Zionist pigs have gone mental over ONE breakthrough in Israel and annihilated Gaza

His clown network are busy making P*rn films with Maryam Nawaz. She has claimed she has many s*x video tapes of various senior people of the establishment.
One of thr things that really agitated with rage and made former Gen Raheel go after terrorits was when he saw a video of Pak soliders being beheaded and the heads were used as footballs by the Taliban.

General Raheel Shareef was a proper patriotic General, he proved to us that Pakistan is fully capable of defeating the terrorists and he did just that, he also prosecuted many corrupt army people and hanged many terrorists. It reduced terrorism in Pakistan, he also visited UK and made threats that "shadow of ISIS will not be tolerated" but unfortunately the next General reversed everything, can't understand why?

can't understand why?

Sir there is no unity that is why, just look at people in this thread, bleeding hearts over Afghans... I rest my case.
Finally a nice analysis providing the alternative perspective and I would agree

Although I would add that I think China likes the corruption in Pakistan because it benefits them, they are probably taking their own kickbacks from our pockets...

Or that the society is just corrupt, from reri wala to the top level, everyone is corrupt and ready to sell anything for money. In Pakistan being powerful means more money, noone can control corruption. Its an old problem of India, even Muhammad Ali Jinnah mentioned that corruption is the biggest threat to Hindustan.

A few months back I spoke to an Indian Christian, he was from South India and I told him Pakistan is really corrupt and india is less corrupt so its economy is booming, he started to laugh loud and said no India is more corrupt trust me, he said Pakistan has less corruption, Investment in India is because foreign investors are protected and India has no security problem.

Then I met a Chinese and we talked about Cpec and Gwadar, I said Pakistan has too many problems like corruption, economy, and security, he said yes but they will deal with it, its a huge project and soon Pakistan economy will become better. I was surprised at his positive outlook and confident. He was confident that cpec and Gwadar will be a huge success.
He was confident that cpec and Gwadar will be a huge success.
This, and here lies the crux of the matter, everything we see in Afghanistan/Pakistan tit-for-tat, China has the purse strings and the puppet strings. To dismiss this is short-sightedness.
Sir there is no unity that is why, just look at people in this thread, bleeding hearts over Afghans... I rest my case.

If our military inner circles are like us then I fully understand our problems, its like making different mods as administrators or users as mods, we would have chaos on PDF, I would be banning certain members, and you would be unbanning your favourites whilst we all forget about how PDF started and how much hard work has been put in to reach todays level. I can imagine alot of people going after @Signalian 😄
If our military inner circles are like us then I fully understand our problems, its like making different mods as administrators or users as mods, we would have chaos on PDF, I would be banning certain members, and you would be unbanning your favourites whilst we all forget about how PDF started and how much hard work has been put in to reach todays level. I can imagine alot of people going after @Signalian 😄
You leave @Signalian bahi out of this... :lol:

Whilst I concede that the Afghan refugees got caught in the crossfire between Beijing, Islamabad and Kabul, I do believe that undocumented people pose a risk. Let me put it this way, would you hire a maid or a driver off the street without a reference, without any ID or verification and allow them to enter your home?

Why should Pakistan be any different? Afterall, which sane nation allows undocumented people to stay within her borders? You can argue Pakistan is NOT a sane nation, but close to 70,000 deaths due to terrorism... We need a different strategy. These decisions about Afghans/Borders/Etc are made behind closed doors, we can argue until the cows come home, spoil our moods, or look at how we in our own individual capacities can help improve the future for the next generation of Pakistanis?

Pakistan is a cherished gift given to us, we are its guardians and we must safeguard her and pass on this torch to the next generation. Yes there is corruption, yes many have lost their way, yes there is injustice, but if the war in Palestine has shown us anything it is thank you Quaid-E-Azam for Pakistan, thank you ALLAH for our pak sarzameen.
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The problem is the people

You don't see terrorism in Kashmir, Punjab and even Sindh to be fair

The reason is the people, the people might have disagreements with the state or politics, they don't tolerate terrorism ,.so if they see something or someone doing something wrong or saying something wrong
SOMEONE will inform the authorities for them to act

That way Kashmir, Punjab,Sindh remains largely terror free

So what's the problem, the problem is the terrorists/separatists have a space amongst the people in tribal areas especially but KP and Balochistan largely

Now that's not to say everyone is involved, and you have plenty of people reporting in information, that security services use to conduct IBOs etc
But enough people, who turn a blind eye to terrorists, separatists or pashtunists where the terrorists can find space to plot and plan and cause havoc

For decades, rather then enforcing the law In these areas, Pakistan has been making deals with local sardars and groups and dodgy politicians to make a web of a idiots who profit from semi-law in the area

And when you have that terrorism can flourish

It's a law and order situation, and ultimately the long term solution is increasing the police budget, hiring much more police officers, with more resources and enforcing the law equally so terrorists, separatists can't find space amongst the populations there
A hungry man is an angry man
Whats confusing is if Usa bought all Pakistani leadership and Pakistan is a client state of the USA then why does China keep selling weapons to Pakistan, especially the cutting edge technologies, also why would China invest 100B in Pakistan (a stupid move i would say) lastly why did China say Pakistan is our Israel (meaning they will back Pakistan if any invasion takes place). Pakistan also made it clear they will sacrifice if China is attacked. USA would also be upset with Pakistan buying Chinese cutting edge technology.

If Usa puppet general is in power then all Chinese investment and technologies are compromised. I doubt the Chinese are so naive.

To me it looks like Pakistan establishment policy is to keep good relations with all unless their security is threatened, Usa maybe playing double games but so is Pakistan, the establishment certainly doesn't want anti Usa leader in charge or openly attack Usa polices on media (IK did that and got removed). They like to quietly develop themselves in to a regional power, building powerful relations.

Think about it, China is very powerful but is still not doing much even though Usa is selling billions of dollars cutting edge technology to Taiwan so it can be used against China. China is quietly building itself up, unless ofcourse a genuine military threat is taken place then China will take appropriate measures, North Korea was threatened by Trump but China stayed quiet, but when all media channels were making noise that Usa will attack North Korea and their aircraft carriers are on its way then China made a loud and clear statement "We will defend North Korea" everything died out afterwards. @Signalian @LeGenD @RescueRanger
You are correct in your assessment.

If our military inner circles are like us then I fully understand our problems, its like making different mods as administrators or users as mods, we would have chaos on PDF, I would be banning certain members, and you would be unbanning your favourites whilst we all forget about how PDF started and how much hard work has been put in to reach todays level. I can imagine alot of people going after @Signalian 😄
We lost a Lt Col a few days back whom I knew personally. Will there be a favorite choice to replace him as commander 213 Wing ? Who will be selected next. How was current Corps Comd Quetta chosen ? I can make up 5 conspiracy theories right now due to my background knowledge of Army regarding selection of Corps Comd Quetta and I can go 10 steps ahead of Maj Adil Raja with reasons and logics purely, not emotional rhetoric. But even I would be knowing that no matter how much those logics and reasons may sound close to reality, they are not reality.

There is a shortage of officers in army. Sometimes, not always, an officer unsuited for the role is sent for that role which is a compromise. There is not always a perfect posting. Circumstances dictate a lot. I cannot expect civvies to understand this as those who haven't been inside military HQs, havent seen problems which a commander faces in the field of operations, haven't lived with in military closely enough will always judge through statements of others and then there are disgruntled ones like Major Adil Raja for which there is no medicine.
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You leave @Signalian bahi out of this... :lol:

Whilst I concede that the Afghan refugees got caught in the crossfire between Beijing, Islamabad and Kabul, I do believe that undocumented people pose a risk. Let me put it this way, would you hire a maid or a driver off the street without a reference, without any ID or verification and allow them to enter your home?

Why should Pakistan be any different? Afterall, which sane nation allows undocumented people to stay within her borders? You can argue Pakistan is NOT a sane nation, but close to 70,000 deaths due to terrorism... We need a different strategy. These decisions about Afghans/Borders/Etc are made behind closed doors, we can argue until the cows come home, spoil our moods, or look at how we in our own individual capacities can help improve the future for the next generation of Pakistanis?

Pakistan is a cherished gift given to us, we are its guardians and we must safeguard her and pass on this torch to the next generation. Yes there is corruption, yes many have lost their way, yes there is injustice, but if the war in Palestine has shown us anything it is thank you Quaid-E-Azam for Pakistan, thank you ALLAH for our pak sarzameen.
A small perspective on reality.

A signals officer leading FC troops in battle. He isn't the first and isn't the only one right now. Why shouldn't a superseded LT Col from infantry do that ? This shows few things. Firstly, FC is considered 2nd tier by Army although its frontline in COIN combat, secondly there aren't many infantry officers standing around to lead FC (a long time back infantry officers led FC), thirdly not all infantry officers have enough OEI/ACRs good enough to be sent into volatile zones for combat, so officers from technical arms are sent for command.

This recent officer was ex-CO 41 Signals, he had command experience already, and as a Lt Col his next posting should have been in a college as an instructor and then in any HQ as staff officer to satisfy criteria of Lt Col rank, but he got posted as Wing Commander for a FC Wing instead leading troops in combat again.
A small perspective on reality.

A signals officer leading FC troops in battle. He isn't the first and isn't the only one right now. Why shouldn't a superseded LT Col from infantry do that ? This shows few things. Firstly, FC is considered 2nd tier by Army although its frontline in COIN combat, secondly there aren't much infantry officers standing around to lead FC (a long time back infantry officers led FC), thirdly not all infantry officers have enough OEI/ACRs good enough to be sent into volatile zones for combat, so officers from technical arms are sent for command.

This recent officer was ex-CO 41 Signals, he had command experience already, and as a Lt Col his next posting should have been in a college as an instructor and then in any HQ as staff officer to satisfy criteria of Lt Col rank, but he got posted as Wing Commander for a FC Wing instead leading troops in combat again.
Need you to do a detailed write up on this when you have the time. Too many pooh-pooh posts here lately. Would appreciate it.
We are dealing with terrorism, we don't have a target as a enemy military with installations, or tanks or jets that we have to hit

Our military is set up to take on a conventional force

What we have is donkeys in the form of Afghans and some baloch who are terrorists, one minute they act like poor locals, next they will attack and kill

Until they attack and kill, they will be nothing but poor locals and any action instigates million of other dumb fcuk locals.

The Iranians don't have this problem with Afghans, so they can kick out 5 million Afghans and their will be next to no consequences because their is no local population for the Afghans to hide amongst or be protected, sheltered or supplied

The Iranians have a similar problem to us in the baloch areas for the same reason

Traditionally Pakistan has been very sensitive to not try and instigate our own population and people or mass targets everyone because some Afghans are human scum

But I think now they don't have much of a option and have to go mich harder against our enemies
Not true...real enemy is in ghq..elimate them replace with patriots and all this will end overnight.
This week we have witnessed several deadly attacks on the armed forces. Dozens of militery personal have been murdered, from a bloody hidouse raid at Mianwali air base, to a bomb attack in Gawadar and sniper fire in other areas. For 20 years we have witnessed never ending attacks, death and destruction of Pakistan, its people and army.
Families weeping to bury thier sons and family members was a regular theme.
The nation has sophisticated weapons, missiles, drones and fighter jets, why are they not being deployed? Why is there no retaliation? We only see such weapons on display during parades. Nations who saw similar levels of terrorism have began to see some stability and an improvement in security, yet Pakistan is finding itself embroiled in never ending attacks.
Under Bajwa weekly attacks by rag tag sandal wearing militias across Balochestan became a weekly occurrence. The same is happening under Munir, incompetence resulting in Pak soldiers losing thier life and militant attacks becoming more daring and sophisticated. With no response, it is giving more confidence to the various terrorists to continue thier war on Pakistan.

may be if they were not busy in internal repression ....
Need you to do a detailed write up on this when you have the time. Too many pooh-pooh posts here lately. Would appreciate it.

There are Ops undergoing in different areas of KPK by FC and other LEAs including Army Regulars and SSG. One or two out of 10 Operations or so are reported in the media. Many Ops are kept secret from media and multiple Ops are undertaken undercover with the help of Intelligence agencies. The IBOs are conducted as Intel agencies are active in the region since Taliban take over. The statements in media are often diplomatic to pacify public, enemies and related countries. Pity the ones who thought that media is reporting that GOP/PA expects Taliban to assist Pakistan in curbing TTP and other terrorist factions from operating inside Pakistan. In intel community, there is always insurance. A plan was under way since Taliban takeover and anticipation was there that TTP will not listen to Taliban. The major incident that started this thinking process was when TTP terrorists were released from Afghan jails by Taliban when USA fled. That prompted an increase in number of personnel for ISI and also sanctioned more budget for FC (which why I disregard any statement on PDF that Army controls FC budget and also that MOI is influenced by Army). Although its correct that ISI along with other major intel agencies are also poised towards another menace that started from KPK which is IK going nuts therefore resources of intel have been directed against IK and thus the saga of Black Revos (no not Vigo) began. The third menace in KPK is that KPK separation party which sides with Afghanis, I forgot the name. The 4th issue is FATA and its merger into KPK along with the writ of GOP activated in KPK.

This background was necessary to give to know what FC is up against mostly. The intelligence agencies operating in KPK range from military's ISI, CMI etc to IB, FIA and then FC's own intel Dets. There are Afghan sympathizers in KPK and its impossible to wash their minds regarding Afghanistan as an anti-state element for existence of Pakistan, on the contrary, there is a certain group of population in KPK which wants to drag KPK into Afghanistan if they could.

Wherever Paramilitary or regular military gets deployed, that area brings roads, infrastructure and communication to the region. KPK is a difficult region to operate in just like Baluchistan. due to the terrain the only "lakkar hazam, pathar hazam" vehicle is the bloody Hilux and then the trucks for cargo. The 200 or 400 or so MRAPs are standing as sentry guards since base is the lifeline for any military. A military base overrun means military cannot have presence in that area anymore. For 50,000 FC troops, some 5000 MRAPs are required. This is all about priorities now. Time is of the essence as usual. In the meantime there is upgradation as well as establishment of facilities taking place. In last 4 years some $10 Million was spent on new training facilities in KPK for FC. A QRF has to be fast in speed along with light weaponry to contain the situation while there are no helis available to FC like Little bird (MD500 series).

COIN is a warfare consisting of factors like intel, CQB, mobility and psychology. FC was brought up to that level with the help of US funding, training and support from Pakistan Army. Since FC has been doubled in strength in the past decade, this means double the number of Army officers need to get deployed for command and HQs. That leads to shuffling officers from different cadres and arms to be deputed to FC for command and staff purposes. This brings in the story of technical officers leading FC wings (battalion strength ~600-900 troops). Further on, more ISI and SSG troops are deputed in the region for operations. FC is supplemented by Levies and khasadar troops while FC (frontier constabulary) is called in when civil situation gets out of hand. Its a volatile region outside major cities. The technology aspect of FC has been upgraded but it would have been prudent to ascertain an IT sector predominantly led by Signals officers yet here we are seeing technical officers commanding troops in operations and battles.

I do blame MOI for not raising a competent rotary element and also a technological facility to facilitate the new kind of warfare that FC is up against. The human resources become cannon fodder when many factors like fire power, mobility and safety are missing and unfortunately FC has little resources of all three of these. Even then Peshawar Corps HQ has both its infantry Divisions embroiled in COIN Ops instead of trainings in regular military operations poised against Indian Army.

This is just a gist of things.
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