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Japan’s Potential Nuclear Arsenal is Bigger than China, India and Pakistan

Great, so in next few years US will play the nuke card and want to invade and destroy Japan (which in essence means eliminating a industrial competitor to boost their own economy and job creation)
Great, so in next few years US will play the nuke card and want to invade and destroy Japan (which in essence means eliminating a industrial competitor to boost their own economy and job creation)

Japan isn't exactly under postdam agreement anymore.
good job if certain delusional coomies try to claim your land as there own land based on some map which existed in 0000 BC nuke the hellout of them,if they try some mis adventure...........
So what?

Having the weapon is just one, how durable your country is the other.

Who bet japs will sink first if nuclear wars happen???

No need for nukes, earthquakes will do the job quite well.

Well... this concludes the whole theory that "Japan is a tiny island with no capability in weapons" that our Red friends keep talking about.
This is excellent news. Japan always had the potential to recreate the East Asia Coprosperity sphere. This time around, they will follow the EU model and make a ASEAN+ union, for its own and regional security.
So much for the NPT. Anyway, I'm not surprised, and in fact expecting Japan to already have such weapons; not just having the potential to build one.

Did China worried about NPT, when China provided bomb to Pakistan?

Anyways, Good to know that Japan is capable enough to deal with bullies!!
Well... this concludes the whole theory that "Japan is a tiny island with no capability in weapons" that our Red friends keep talking about.

Getting the fissile material for a bomb is but 1 part of the question. People think this is the biggest hurdle, but it isn't. The biggest hurdle is the design itself.

An automobile is 1 ton of plastic and steel. If I gave you a 1 ton block of steel and plastic, can you turn that into an automobile?

Japan cannot build reliable nuclear weapons because the principle behind modern hydrogen bombs is extremely complicated and requires both real tests and supercomputer simulations. Even tiny miscalculations can result in a dud, as happened in India in 1999 and North Korea in 2004. That is because radiation hydrodynamics is not intuitive and involves solving 9 coupled PDEs.

Israel is still using boosted fission instead of fusion, same as India and Pakistan. That results in a very low yield on the order of kiltons, vs the multi megaton yield of fusion weapons. Only 4 countries in the world can produce fusion bombs right now: USA, Russia, China, France (in order of obtaining them). UK buys Tridents from the US.

If Japan actually does try to bomb China with nukes, they will inflict limited damage with their fission weapons, and then we will wipe the Japanese race off the earth with our 247 megatons.

lol @ delusional Chin who thinks 1999 Indian tests were dud.. Yeah and Japan can not design anything because only Chins got the skills and access to the technology.. Cool Story, bro!! Hope that helps you sleep better tonight..

lol @ delusional Chin who thinks 1999 Indian tests were dud.. Yeah and Japan can not design anything because only Chins got the skills and access to the technology.. Cool Story, bro!! Hope that helps you sleep better tonight..

Israel couldn't even with real test data from France. India couldn't even with tests. Why would Japan be able to with no test data? On the other hand, China produced a fusion device before even France did.

lol @ delusional Chin who thinks 1999 Indian tests were dud.. Yeah and Japan can not design anything because only Chins got the skills and access to the technology.. Cool Story, bro!! Hope that helps you sleep better tonight..

So an anonymous report with no credibility is enough to make you think that Japan can build nukes ? :azn: ... Were you calling us delusional a moment before ? :azn:
its not a shock to me , Japan can produce anything.

No they can't. The design of a thermonuclear weapon is extremely complicated and depends on solving the 9 (time dependent) partial differential equations of radiation hydrodynamics for a non-trivial geometry, and then working backwards to design something that would produce a sustained explosion.

This requires real test data to fill in certain parameters that are impossible to predict theoretically.
No they can't. The design of a thermonuclear weapon is extremely complicated and depends on solving the 9 (time dependent) partial differential equations of radiation hydrodynamics for a non-trivial geometry, and then working backwards to design something that would produce a sustained explosion.

This requires real test data to fill in certain parameters that are impossible to predict theoretically.

Listen guys If a chinese say "It is complicated"........then it must be..

Coz No one have more experience then chinese in understanding the blueprints:lol:
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