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Big attack on Chaman Border crossing

Simple game... Afghan Govt need $$$ and India is ready to provide them in exchange of creating a similar kind of situation post US withdrawal.. in order to get $$, Afghans creating a situation like...
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If the Pakistan army does not escalate the conflict and inflict heavy damage on Taliban and it’s TTP allies now, then I don’t know what will.

Go the extra mile, create a buffer zone, clear the area atleast 50 km inside of Afghan border.

The attack should convey to the Taliban in the strongest terms that their people and ideology is in direct conflict with Pakistan’s.
Pak Gov and Army is hopeless. They will only increase the Taliban & Ttp view PAKISTANI S are weak coward nation slaves of west
Need to start preparing for regime change in Afg. Get a Pakistani friendly minorities government ready who will agree durand line as hard border with buffer for support.

Pakistan will need to destroy the Afghan Pashtuns. Chemical attacks and low yield tactical nukes on Paktia, Kunar and Khost will break their backs.

Bring the generals back who attacked Bangaldesh in 71 for their treachery, we need them for this.

Time to wrap up this failed 30 year Taliban experiment.
how is leaving Afghan free for Pakistan hating Panjsheris and Tajiks going to help our cause?
emotional rants aside. just stop the trade and close the borders.
terminate all trade agreements and concessions.
send all Afghan Taliban supporters and apologists in political/ religious parties (and military) to Afghanistan
strengthen the border forces and hit back hard if and when Afghan Taliban or their ISIS and TTP cousins attack our side .

leave Afghans to fend for themselves. all these religious warriors will cannibalize each other to extinction once they have no life support from Pakistan

they can find routes via other countries so be it.
If the Pakistan army does not escalate the conflict and inflict heavy damage on Taliban and it’s TTP allies now, then I don’t know what will.

Go the extra mile, create a buffer zone, clear the area atleast 50 km inside of Afghan border.

The attack should convey to the Taliban in the strongest terms that their people and ideology is in direct conflict with Pakistan’s.
The gop and army are weak and take orders from elsewhere
Not sure y not using drones, jets and misses instead of exposing troops in the field. Have them retreat and then unleash the hell from above.

Somebody ban this Indian chuttiya. You mods have really been giving these roaches a free hand and soon an infestation problem will begin.
Yeh sub chutya hain
President Trump did order the Dropping of GBU-43 on Afghanistan.
that Massive Ordinance Air Blast or MOAB did do its work and effects were felt in Pakistan but Afghans remained unphased.

they have seen off British Empire, Soviets And Americans. what chance Pakistanis have.

these are called Internet bombs that are lobbed in forums and social media
just counter them with your Internet counter measures and counter commando attacks.

The difference is that we have a line to hold, they were occupying a country, they could be surrounded. If the Taliban want to test us they'll have to cross a line.

If we can make the line hell - then they can't win. Look at LoC. We've plenty of experience - just need the political courage to deal with it.
Is it true the TTP led the attack? Some have stated this.

There is a TTP offensive in there words.

However it said that IEA led the attack. Chaman and the area around it isn’t known to be a TTP place.

Either TTP has either successfully put sleeper cells in the southern Pashtun side or IEA has joined TTP in their offensive.

If the latter is true then Pakistan needs to act fast.

If we can make the line hell - then they can't win. Look at LoC. We've plenty of experience - just need the political courage to deal with it.

They hide in plain civilian clothing unlike LOC where it’s 2 pro armies
Ask US start Drone Strikes.


they have seen off British Empire, Soviets And Americans. what chance Pakistanis have.

Real Player were US, China, Russia
The war is Pakistan’s to fight.

The maximum Pakistan can ask for from the US is satellite intel and that too not sure the Americans will be very much interested in.

Pakistan’s intelligence would probably trump everyone else’s. This is a good time to strike them hard and create a buffer zone temporarily and then withdraw.
Clearly they are getting more bold due to inaction from the army.

There was a blast in a Baloch majority district against FC 2 days ago.

If the IEA is joining the offensive with TTP as evidenced from today then Pakistan is genuinely in big trouble.

What happened afterwards though?

Did the FC not do anything?

BLA and TTP terrorists are killed every other day

That is not an issue

Issue is why ptm, pkmap and to some extent anp keep doing simping of afghans while afghans keep treating pashtuns of Pakistan like dirt? What exactly is this cuck behavior?
Send all the chitti bunds there, Baby Bhutto, Salman Shehbaz, Ishaq Dar along with the 3 kaneezes. Thats all they want. Oh and Bajwa as well.

I believe Bilawal as Foreign Minister recently was victim of some offensive graphic messages by the Taliban. And he tweeted about the same.
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