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4 soldiers martyred 5 critically injured, 3 Ts killed in Zhob Cantonment attack.

May those martyred rest in peace.

Was this on a mess or a residential area? Those chairs in the picture are a staple of army messes.

Perhaps if our COAS is now free from being a motivational speaker, a corporate agriculturist, a religious expert, and an investment tycoon, he can focus on his actual damn job.

Or are we just going to release a new song?

Asim Munir might just be the most unpopular chief within the army in recent times.


Eagle Eye


New information has come to light regarding the attackers involved in the recent #Zhob incident. It has been revealed that these individuals were not only involved in the act of terrorism, but they were also heavily dependent on #drugs.

The recovered evidence includes substances such as crystal meth, #aptagon, and various other illicit drugs. The modus operandi of the terrorists and their facilitators involves exploiting vulnerable youth through various means, ultimately leading them into the destructive cycle of drug addiction.

Once these individuals are hooked on drugs, they are manipulated and utilized by the terrorists for their militant activities. This highlights a disturbing pattern where the terrorists prey upon the susceptibility of young individuals who are struggling with addiction. Moreover, it is widely recognized that there exists a symbiotic relationship between drug traffickers and terrorists.

Both parties derive significant advantages from this unholy alliance. On one hand, drug traffickers benefit from the terrorists' military expertise, as well as the provision of weapons and access to resources. On the other hand, the terrorists gain a steady source of revenue and gain valuable knowledge in the illicit transfer and laundering of proceeds from their illicit transactions.

This revelation underscores the complex interplay between drug addiction, terrorism, and organized crime. It reveals the insidious tactics employed by terrorists to exploit vulnerable individuals and the mutually beneficial nature of their collaboration with drug traffickers.


The Corps Commander XII Corps, Lieutenant General Asif Ghafoor, at the Zhob military facility that was cleared from terrorists who attacked at 6:00 AM in Balochistan, today.

Why Pakistanis are worried.. It's a non issue to Army's leadership. They have more pressing issues at hand.. They were expandables so more will come.
They are ill-trained and led by corrupt, sleazy, wannabe banana republic men who wear military uniforms and chest full of dubious medals God knows how and for what.

They have the money and resources to right the ship but they are at their core sleazy, westernized whiskey drinkers who wouldn’t think twice about selling other Pakistanis specifically Muslims to outsiders for cash rewards. This is Musharrafs army. They ousted all the religious leaning men as per the operational requirements and its in place, promoted the worst of the worse lot whose only goals is line their pockets by hook or crook.

F em!

Either Mr Ghafoor's PR campaign is pre planned or just happenstance, recall the previous attack in Balochistan too where Pa Ghafoor was seen chalking out plans on the ground.

He has been very active in this manner, ISPR job experience coming in handy.

But nonetheless good to see him on the ground at the location within hours. Gives a good message.
Some of you guys should remain silent if you don’t have anything to add.

Rest in peace.
Pakistan Army is only good for stripping Azam Swati, killing Arshad Sharif, bullying poor balochs, building marriage halls, usurping public lands for DHA and so on.

In front of TTP, India or BLA, inki g*nd phaat jaatee hain.
Lieutenant General Asif Ghafoor, Commander of the XII Corps, took charge of the crucial clearance operation conducted today in Zhob Cantt.
By assuming direct responsibility for the #mission, he not only exhibited his exceptional leadership ..






• Subedar Sikandar 60th Punjab

• Naib Subedar Mustafa 29th Punjab

• Havildar Usman 29th Punjab

• Nk Javed 60th Punjab

• Sepoy Masood 60th Punjab


Clearance operation underway at #Zhob Cantonment has been completed. In total, 5 terrorists have been sent to hell during the operation.
However, 9 soldiers who fought gallantly embraced shahadat.
Generals can't do their job properly, they think they can run the country... duffers through and through. We all know the state of our country, so they are failures on all fronts, like little kids with too much power and no sense of responsibility. If you are critical of them, they can make you vanish. But the problems will no disappear like the people, eventually they will blow up in their faces.

munir is busy drinking whisky and counting farm plots.
I think he mixes his whisky with a bit of cow piss.
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