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4 FC soldiers martyred, 6 injured in terrorist attack on Pak-Afghan border, 3 Soldiers martyred and 6 Injured in Waziristan.

Special forces needed during fencing construction on Pak- Afghan border.
The Martyred troops:
1. Havaldar Noor Zaman,
2. Sepoy Shakeel Abbas,
3. Sepoy Ehsan Ullah
4. Naik Sultan
Why ISPR does not claim some martyrs??????I remember there were two attacks both had Pakistani casualties and both took place in Balochistan.Why did ISPR did not mention them in a press release???
Instead we found out about those attacks from the militants.
Special forces needed during fencing construction on Pak- Afghan border.
The Martyred troops:
1. Havaldar Noor Zaman,
2. Sepoy Shakeel Abbas,
3. Sepoy Ehsan Ullah
Unfortunately Pakistani Army is not learning its lessons In a hostile environment, When fencing is being commenced, they should fly the drones for surveillance, they are not expensive.
I’ve seen some of these manned fc bunkers on border they are an absolute flipping joke. Ww1 bunkers were better constructed a century ago with materials than what I have been seeing. hardware they have is not modern at all or high tech. driving round In Toyota pick ups your expecting not to get high casualties nothing high tech in the area are all basic weapons no different to the terrorists
I’ve seen some of these manned fc bunkers on border they are an absolute flipping joke. Ww1 bunkers were better constructed a century ago with materials than what I have been seeing. hardware they have is not modern at all or high tech. driving round In Toyota pick ups your expecting not to get high casualties nothing high tech in the area are all basic weapons no different to the terrorists

I agree and its the armies higher ups fault completely for which they have never took personal responsibility for. it is as if our army command thinks they are above everyone else and should never be held accountable. Id rather have 10 well equipped protected troops/bunkers than hundreds of poorly equipped troops/bunkers.

In this day and age of cheap advanced drones/ hitech survaillance lasers/cameras/ etc do we really need thousands upon thousands of poorly equiped bunkers/troops to keep an eye on these ragtag AFGUNIS??? It is not even about funding or $$$ anymore, but now completely about disregard for the allocation of resources especially when such a huge national budget goes towards the military.

The british mentality of using sepoys is unfortunately the same tactic our army officer corps use to this day on our men. Even the training given at the PMA is a complete joke when compared to the marine bootcamp training in the US where soldiers are built up physically and mentally.

I am afraid that the level of frustration building up against our JANERALS is getting beyond belief. I have never seen it at this level personally ever. Before there were a few pockets in kP, balochistan, Sindh that would speak out, but now even mainstreem punjab there is a anti-general mood in the air and it is only the Generals esp Bajwa who is to blame for his complete lack of competance esp when he was given a significantly improved security situation by Raheel Sharif and managed to completely blow it.

Once the army leadership is held accountable, once we start seeing their personal budget cut, once we start auditing why generals are the biggest landgrabbers in Pakistan then I promise you will see a huge change overnight in the quality of weapons hell you will see we might actually buy some new fighter jets finally.
With the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the current afghan govt losing its control to the taliban, the terrorists and their supporters are desperate to cause as much chaos inside of Pakistan as possible.

For it is Pakistan they blame for their failures.

One of these days they will hit Pakistan hard... When that day happens, God help all those who name themselves the enemies of Pakistan. For they will fear the wrath of the Pakistan military.
Don't you remember what these scums did to Kids in Peshwar School, Over 141 Souls lost in single day.

1 Military Top-Brass and Politicians are involved. Pakistan as a state and its people are just a means to them now to keep pockets full for them and for the next generations of SO-CALLED LEADERS.

2 If the Military actually wanted to solve these problems in Pakistan, this has been resolved ages ago Please don't point that UNCLE SAM with all its might wasn't able to achieve that Uncle Sam was external temporary force in the region, While Pakistan isn't, Pakistan has home advantage and some support on the other side of the fence as well and can achieve its objectives quite easily compared to other countries invading these lands.

3 Relevancy, these groups provide relevancy for top-brass to keep politicians in check and keep them in play as a major political force that can throw the Politicians whenever they want.

4 Pakistan had soo many missions and so many civilians and Armed forces personal last life still no concrete steps were taken for long term solution,
Even now you don't have Drone support, Armed personal carrier in high danger areas, You have the limit your enemy's ability to damage you. That will affect your enemy's morale and limit them into specific areas so you can clean them later.

5 At the start of These operations, Pakistan lost so many young soldiers because of the incompetence of higher-ups, had no Air support anything, but they still kept fighting for Pakistan

Just a few simple suggestions
1 Track Cash Flow inside Pakistan.
2 Monitor Afghan side, this can be done quite easily with drones and a lot cheaper and surveillance will be much better and fast.
3 Push Ops inside Afghanistan, Creating a buffer zone where the fight is instead it being inside of Pakistan.
4 Ban Weapons, so no political party or religious party can have weapons of any kind and limit active firearms in public, it will directly lower the crime rate.

The problem is many things could have been done to solve these problems but it's the State itself that doesn't want this to end. Everyone keeps saying When UNCLE SAM will leave Pakistan will do this or that, I can assure you nothing will happen and I really really hope things don't take turn for worse.
Soldiers who risk life are also someone's kids, parents, brothers. - Ina Lila
I always wonder why we got those drones as they are not protecting our soldiers then what those drones are used for and any reason for not using them? Pattern of attacks is clear then why don't we use counter measures.

Even modest drones/blimps over (or adjacent to) each of the border forts should be enough to maintain 24 hour situation attention. Each fort also needs a few 120 mm mortars with affordable gps guided rounds. Send any would be attacker packing.

Your right, no mention of where all these drones the army procures are going.
As of now it seems total casualties of the day are:

7 Soldiers Martyred
12 Soldiers Injured

May God bless their souls, Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.
Don't you remember what these scums did to Kids in Peshwar School, Over 141 Souls lost in single day.

1 Military Top-Brass and Politicians are involved. Pakistan as a state and its people are just a means to them now to keep pockets full for them and for the next generations of SO-CALLED LEADERS.

2 If the Military actually wanted to solve these problems in Pakistan, this has been resolved ages ago Please don't point that UNCLE SAM with all its might wasn't able to achieve that Uncle Sam was external temporary force in the region, While Pakistan isn't, Pakistan has home advantage and some support on the other side of the fence as well and can achieve its objectives quite easily compared to other countries invading these lands.

3 Relevancy, these groups provide relevancy for top-brass to keep politicians in check and keep them in play as a major political force that can throw the Politicians whenever they want.

4 Pakistan had soo many missions and so many civilians and Armed forces personal last life still no concrete steps were taken for long term solution,
Even now you don't have Drone support, Armed personal carrier in high danger areas, You have the limit your enemy's ability to damage you. That will affect your enemy's morale and limit them into specific areas so you can clean them later.

5 At the start of These operations, Pakistan lost so many young soldiers because of the incompetence of higher-ups, had no Air support anything, but they still kept fighting for Pakistan

Just a few simple suggestions
1 Track Cash Flow inside Pakistan.
2 Monitor Afghan side, this can be done quite easily with drones and a lot cheaper and surveillance will be much better and fast.
3 Push Ops inside Afghanistan, Creating a buffer zone where the fight is instead it being inside of Pakistan.
4 Ban Weapons, so no political party or religious party can have weapons of any kind and limit active firearms in public, it will directly lower the crime rate.

The problem is many things could have been done to solve these problems but it's the State itself that doesn't want this to end. Everyone keeps saying When UNCLE SAM will leave Pakistan will do this or that, I can assure you nothing will happen and I really really hope things don't take turn for worse.
Soldiers who risk life are also someone's kids, parents, brothers. - Ina Lila

I see you are frustrated. You have a right to be. To see our Muslim brethren being killed like this hurts us.

But my friend you must know, terrorism will not cease. It is said that it will carry on until the end of times. We cannot stop it. No one can. We can only supress it.

1) after the cowardly terror attack on the APS school where those children and teachers obtained their shahadat, the pakistan military increased its attacks on the terrorists. We hit them even harder since the APS attack.

2) you cannot blame the military nor politicians for terror attacks. Up to a certain extent that is. The pakistan military, its leadership and the political leadership are actively fighting this terrorism. Not long ago the stats for operation radd ul fassad was released. Over 375,000 IBOs carried out over Pakistan, 5000 terrorists killed and more arrested.

These terrorists will pay for this attack.
#1. Ambushes don’t happen in a void. Enemy was observing and planning for days and was present there. So it wasn’t a surprise.

#2. Small surveillance drone with a operator don’t cost much to run 24/7 for the working party.

20 years into conflict and PA is still a failure in basic surveillance, planning and -
Ambush protection techniques.
As the NATO forces pulling out, Pak-Afghan border is heating up. Always favor NATO to stay in Afghanistan.
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