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4 FC soldiers martyred, 6 injured in terrorist attack on Pak-Afghan border, 3 Soldiers martyred and 6 Injured in Waziristan.

Casualties from separate attacks reported today

10 Martyred in less than a week

RAWALPINDI: Three Frontier Corps (FC) soldiers were martyred while five others injured in the line of duty during two separate terrorist activities in Quetta and Turbat, said Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) in a statement on Sunday.

According to ISPR, terrorists targeted FC troops deployed on security duties in Quetta. “During an exchange of fire, three FC soldiers embraced martyred while one got injured.”

In another terrorist activity in Turbat, the terrorists targeted soldiers patrolling along Pak-Iran Border, injuring four Frontier Corps (FC) soldiers.

Those who got martyred include Lance Naik Syed Hussian Shah, Sepoy Faisal Mehmood and Sepoy Nauman ur Rehman, the ISPR said.

In one such terrorist activity on May 5, four Frontier Corps (FC) soldiers were martyred while six others got injured after terrorists ambushed them near the Pakistan-Afghan border.

Read More: Four FC men martyred, six injured in Afghan cross-border attack

In a statement, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) had said, “During fencing activity in Manzakai Sector, Distt Zhob, Balochistan along with Pakistan – Afghanistan Border, Terrorists from across Afghanistan ambushed FC troops moving for fencing.”

As a result of the ambush, four FC soldiers embraced martyrdom while six others got injured, the military’s media wing said, adding, “FC troops responded promptly”.
if any of such happen in US, the Top brass of US Armed forces or Commanders will be presenting in Congress and held accountably, but its Pakistan and foot soldiers lives are cheap, cheaper than a DHA plot.
I feel the same when a common soldier lost his life... if it is an American soldier who get killed in such incident the blow-back will be severe ... my question: are these really TTP or just a group of criminal elements (i.e. daketes, thugs, thieves, chor-uchakey) who band together and get paid by the enemy?
I agree and its the armies higher ups fault completely for which they have never took personal responsibility for. it is as if our army command thinks they are above everyone else and should never be held accountable. Id rather have 10 well equipped protected troops/bunkers than hundreds of poorly equipped troops/bunkers.

In this day and age of cheap advanced drones/ hitech survaillance lasers/cameras/ etc do we really need thousands upon thousands of poorly equiped bunkers/troops to keep an eye on these ragtag AFGUNIS??? It is not even about funding or $$$ anymore, but now completely about disregard for the allocation of resources especially when such a huge national budget goes towards the military.

The british mentality of using sepoys is unfortunately the same tactic our army officer corps use to this day on our men. Even the training given at the PMA is a complete joke when compared to the marine bootcamp training in the US where soldiers are built up physically and mentally.

I am afraid that the level of frustration building up against our JANERALS is getting beyond belief. I have never seen it at this level personally ever. Before there were a few pockets in kP, balochistan, Sindh that would speak out, but now even mainstreem punjab there is a anti-general mood in the air and it is only the Generals esp Bajwa who is to blame for his complete lack of competance esp when he was given a significantly improved security situation by Raheel Sharif and managed to completely blow it.

Once the army leadership is held accountable, once we start seeing their personal budget cut, once we start auditing why generals are the biggest landgrabbers in Pakistan then I promise you will see a huge change overnight in the quality of weapons hell you will see we might actually buy some new fighter jets finally.

It's beyond belief they put very low importance in the survival of the individual solider, and only focusing on attaining the goal at all costs. As you and others put it I would rather have 10 well equipped soldiers than 20 ill equipped soldiers in a pick up truck.
In that case, they should move a few dozen SH-15 Howitzers to the hot spots; along the border. Build fire bases and give the men rocket assisted rounds so they can hit targets not only 20 km away with regular rounds but 50 km away with rocket assisted rounds. Where this is not as feasible give the men highly accurate or guided MBRLs.

Also do a rush order from China for surveillance aerostats similar to what they have deployed in the South China Sea on Mischief Reef. Rig them with not just camera but electronic means to detect hostile comms

have a fleet of UAVs on standby to fly to an area under attack, and give data to allow the howitzers to do there thing

finally, build up an affordable and therefore sustainable medievac capability from the border or Remote areas. If helicopters are to expensive to be procured in large numbers, get gyrocopter ambulances like the C44 gyro plane. Build the road infrastructure to accommodate takeoffs and landings

the troops need to know, they have air cover, have someone to call to when under attack, and if hurt can be evaluated. Learning this now can pay dividend in the future, probably in ways we won’t be able to imagine.

for the army, not only will they be supporting the mission, but it’s good training for a conventional war and build up experience with the kill chain and target discrimination (civilian from armed person; and further armed hostile vs armed non-hostile)

the Chinese could be invited to observe the SH-15 howitzers and in exchange supply the ammunition to test in these “border enforcement activities”
Bhai you are asking too much from these papa john's generals. They don't care about lives of some poor village boys.
Casualties from separate attacks reported today

10 Martyred in less than a week

RAWALPINDI: Three Frontier Corps (FC) soldiers were martyred while five others injured in the line of duty during two separate terrorist activities in Quetta and Turbat, said Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) in a statement on Sunday.

According to ISPR, terrorists targeted FC troops deployed on security duties in Quetta. “During an exchange of fire, three FC soldiers embraced martyred while one got injured.”

In another terrorist activity in Turbat, the terrorists targeted soldiers patrolling along Pak-Iran Border, injuring four Frontier Corps (FC) soldiers.

Those who got martyred include Lance Naik Syed Hussian Shah, Sepoy Faisal Mehmood and Sepoy Nauman ur Rehman, the ISPR said.

In one such terrorist activity on May 5, four Frontier Corps (FC) soldiers were martyred while six others got injured after terrorists ambushed them near the Pakistan-Afghan border.

Read More: Four FC men martyred, six injured in Afghan cross-border attack

In a statement, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) had said, “During fencing activity in Manzakai Sector, Distt Zhob, Balochistan along with Pakistan – Afghanistan Border, Terrorists from across Afghanistan ambushed FC troops moving for fencing.”

As a result of the ambush, four FC soldiers embraced martyrdom while six others got injured, the military’s media wing said, adding, “FC troops responded promptly”.
In western countries, Terror probe include family, friends and acquaintance. Terrorist don’t roam around in a vacuum. Failure to report anti state activity by family or friends of individuals is a crime. Once their family start getting prosecuted, NDS money won’t be much attractive.
Casualties from separate attacks reported today

10 Martyred in less than a week

RAWALPINDI: Three Frontier Corps (FC) soldiers were martyred while five others injured in the line of duty during two separate terrorist activities in Quetta and Turbat, said Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) in a statement on Sunday.

According to ISPR, terrorists targeted FC troops deployed on security duties in Quetta. “During an exchange of fire, three FC soldiers embraced martyred while one got injured.”

In another terrorist activity in Turbat, the terrorists targeted soldiers patrolling along Pak-Iran Border, injuring four Frontier Corps (FC) soldiers.

Those who got martyred include Lance Naik Syed Hussian Shah, Sepoy Faisal Mehmood and Sepoy Nauman ur Rehman, the ISPR said.

In one such terrorist activity on May 5, four Frontier Corps (FC) soldiers were martyred while six others got injured after terrorists ambushed them near the Pakistan-Afghan border.

Read More: Four FC men martyred, six injured in Afghan cross-border attack

In a statement, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) had said, “During fencing activity in Manzakai Sector, Distt Zhob, Balochistan along with Pakistan – Afghanistan Border, Terrorists from across Afghanistan ambushed FC troops moving for fencing.”

As a result of the ambush, four FC soldiers embraced martyrdom while six others got injured, the military’s media wing said, adding, “FC troops responded promptly”.
Man i feel so bad for FC men who losing their lives for this ingrate nation who doesn't even care about them.
As you and others put it I would rather have 10 well equipped soldiers than 20 ill equipped soldiers in a pick up truck.
I agree and as we have witnessed from past incidents in Baluchistan these pick up trucks make the soldiers sittings ducks when fired upon from surrounding mountains...Now look at the following armored vehicle now I know this kind of vehicle might be on a little extreme end for us but something armored will do:

Here is the video:
The military leadership seems satisfied with these piecemeal slaughter of its soldiers. 4 here, 6 there. These recurring attacks show that Pakistan hasn’t learned to take the threat of the BLA and other terror groups based in Afghanistan serious.

Yes, is that all our soldiers are worth?:-

"Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid condemned the attack, terming it "very saddening".

"Terrorists cannot dampen the courage of Pakistan's forces. Fencing work at the Pakistan-Afghanistan border will be completed under any condition," he emphasised in a tweet."

Desperate Northern alliance in their last days in power are heavily provoking Pakistan on the behest of the Hindjews. We need to fortify the Afghan Pakistan border with additional troops before marauding terrorists make it worse for PA. We need additional Helis, drones and artillery and tanks to stop the terrorists from entering Pakistan.
Forget trying to get these terrorists, they will keep coming back like cockroaches from a gutter. What we need to do is violently murder an NDS or RAW rat every time such an attack happens. But 90% of the people in the government and establishment are content with status quo to the extent they will never allow it to change, even for the better. They have done more damage than any dictator has.
I am surprised even now front line troops are given pickup trucks while these officers get to ride around in bullet proof luxury cars with another dozen bullet proof SUVs. that seems to be the priority of the army than the front line troops.

There is no humility in our military leadership. They only worry about how many acres of farmland they are gonna get and how big their retirement package will be. The even shows in their physical structure where most look so unfit as to be unable to run even a mile. Willing to sell themself out to any country.

An army leadership that only cares about $$$ more than God or Country.
The life of every soldier is more important than any of these ministers,celebrities and politicans.
Absolutely deplorable developments.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

Pakistan should have following arrangements in place:

1. Complete fencing of Durand Line
2. UAV patrols
3. Armored vehicles

UAVs and armored vehicles shall be deployed where fencing activity is taking place.

Baluchistan, Afghanistan and attacks. It literally runs to script now.
All this in the month of Ramadan. Shows you how much they care about ethical warfare.
Allah bless our brethren.
Dear general Bajwa can we have those lovely drones up 24 hours a day? Establish bases in the region and drone these savages day and night.
Agreed, Sir.

Islamic values and sense of brotherhood have eroded to large extent in some regions of the world including Afghanistan which is most unfortunate. These regions have penchant for political terrorism instead.

Fencing of Durand Line (and border with Iran) will help curb terrorism in Balochistan IMHO, and Pakistan will benefit from this dynamic as a whole inshallah.
I feel the same when a common soldier lost his life... if it is an American soldier who get killed in such incident the blow-back will be severe ... my question: are these really TTP or just a group of criminal elements (i.e. daketes, thugs, thieves, chor-uchakey) who band together and get paid by the enemy?

TTP is consist of criminal, drug dealers and smugglers before they didn't use Islam now they use religion to do their dirty stuff, no one in TTP wants the actual Shariah or even know what Shariah law is.
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