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Bajrang Dal's warning to Arundhati Roy

If u ask me,i will ask to kill her,for utterly misuse the freedom of speech,but our democratic constitution does not allow that

very mature of you, glad to know that there are sane people living in India....lol
You believe in Shariah,what you actually follow is a democracy under a secular architecture.

I believe in Shariah...great observational skills I must commend you on that..lol.
Don't you read, I explained yes I follow Shariah but it can't come into practise as I mentioned before....even a toddler would understand this very simply concept. And not to be rude but one of the rules in this forum is sticking to the topic, so that means Roy is more important than Shariah.....Lol, digest it slowly let me know if you need help.

At the same time you hate those people who proclaim something and then not follow it.You proclaim like believe in Shariah but then you dont follow it.

go specsavers, I said in my previous post that Shariah can't come into practise if you are in a miniority...do you get it. So yes I would like Shariah law but it can't come into force, simply because most don't want it in Britain, so how can I follow it...what a dumb logic..lol.

So,you must be hating yourself more than anybody

How did you come into that logic...it sounds creepy..because you are speaking as if you represent me. And for your information I don't hate no one.
It is said,"Charity begins at home.".So you immediately do something about your own situation before lecturing others.Immediately immegrate to a country that totally follows the rule of Shariah.

First of all this is a forum so I am entitled to my opinion..you are not a moderator....so there for your statement is invalid. Second IndianRabbit can speak for him self, are you his servant or boyfriend that has to defend him, let him answer, I'm sure he has two hand to type. Third why should I immigrate no where does Shariah law state you have to move to a country that does not have it, furthermore I am too young to move and don't have the financial means to do so...so it would be very stupid of me to do so...lol...getting personal...shameful..typical Indian response...gets hilarious each time.
well you are using diversionary tactics to deflect attention. It's a failed tactic simply because Pakistanis themselves will agree that like india, Pakistan isn't the ''worlds largest democracy''
Diversionary tactics or not there should not be a double standard when you are trying to defend your argument on a topic by ignoring a parallelism. But I agree it is a fair enough statement and lets stick to the topic.

as for death threats -- you know how it is on our side of the world. Some people tend to get a bit too emotional and not use enough brains when making a decision.
If you read the article it is not a death threat... it says they want to teach her a lesson... that could mean demonstrating or protesting against her opinions which is what we are seeing today.

my point is that in any civilized society, human rights activists shouldnt face harassment or violence no matter how much you disagree with them.
What is a civilized society?... Tell me any country which is 100% civilized. There will be miscreants in every society, it is only the percentage of people like them which matters. As I told before... democracy is a two way street and both sides should respect the law of the land.

I would reiterate again that Roy is 100% correct in her assertions that Kashmir is not an integral part of india; it is disputed territory and shall be treated and recognized thusly.....
are some of you indians in denial, or are you all selective about which reality to accept? I seek an official, undigested explanation and analysis on this matter
Isn't is fair to say that everyone does that... we all try to accept what suits us within our sphere of understanding. Just because one Indian (AR) says so does not add any credibility to the statement... as the rest of the Indians, she is also just a tiny dot in the democracy. So to tell that her opinion holds value does not hold any substantial ground.
I believe in Shariah...great observational skills I must commend you on that..lol.
Don't you read, I explained yes I follow Shariah but it can't come into practise as I mentioned before....even a toddler would understand this very simply concept. And not to be rude but one of the rules in this forum is sticking to the topic, so that means Roy is more important than Shariah.....Lol, digest it slowly let me know if you need help.
If you believe in it,then go follow it.Set us an example.See if a theory can be followed end to end or not.

go specsavers, I said in my previous post that Shariah can't come into practise if you are in a miniority...do you get it. So yes I would like Shariah law but it can't come into force, simply because most don't want it in Britain, so how can I follow it...what a dumb logic..lol.

I was not talking about Britain.I was referring to you.A country like Britain will obviously follow a system that is more practical.Refer to my posts again and then reply.

How did you come into that logic...it sounds creepy..because you are speaking as if you represent me. And for your information I don't hate no one.

Well,my apologies if I sounded creepy.If you look into the very nature of the posts then you will find out that I am not trying to speak for you,I just posted my inferences based on what you said.If you disagree,then prove me wrong.
First of all this is a forum so I am entitled to my opinion..you are not a moderator....so there for your statement is invalid. Second IndianRabbit can speak for him self, are you his servant or boyfriend that has to defend him, let him answer, I'm sure he has two hand to type. Third why should I immigrate no where does Shariah law state you have to move to a country that does not have it, furthermore I am too young to move and don't have the financial means to do so...so it would be very stupid of me to do so...lol...getting personal...shameful..typical Indian response...gets hilarious each time.

First,relax,even a moderator can't make you immigrate to another country.

Second,this is an open discussion forum, a public forum.I think you are yet to grasp the meaning of that.Are you first time in a forum??.If you are so much concerned about privacy,then try having a debate over private messages next time.

Third,the divide between your ideology and your reality makes you look like a hypocrite.And yet you decide to lecture some people based on their own ideology and the reality.That makes you look like a champion hypocrite.

Hence I suggested you to do something in the line of you ideology.At least that way,you will not look like a hypocrite anymore.

By the way,for your information,I don't have to move to any country to have a social structure that does not follow Shariah.I am already in one.For that matter,there is no country on the face of the Earth,that follow Shariah in its entirety,not even Saudi Arabia.Thats why I suggested you to come out from your land of fantasy,and face the World of reality.
Once you grasp all these,and agree to all my points above,we may go a little deeper,ultimately leading to Arundhati Roy.As of now,we are not even in a stage to discuss that.
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No what's embarrasing is when you have a guy like IndianRabbit who claims Roy should be deported to Pakistan because she has a opinion that does not bode well with him...and people like you are not condemning that...very shameful.

More embarrasing fact is that the emenies of democrasy and secularism want/take refuge under the same democrasy and secularism.

Loads of scum bags who dream of shariat and Jizya want to acheive it under the protection of secularism, i mean hard core islamic fundamentalists crying about secularism.
for example the middleeast crying over ban on minarates and burqa.The middleeast doesnot give any rights/respect to non muslims in their countries but want princely treatment for their likes in Non muslim countries.

Communists:Are hell bent on destroying democrasy will cry over democrasy and freedom of speech, guess what they will do with their right to freedom and speech ??will create a communist country(like china) and abolish freedom of right and democrasy for the population in there.
they will kill even innocent civilians,derail trains,bomb schools and abduct and kill policeman but when some red scumbag is killed by the security forces they will cry over human rights..

Im not embarrased by what is happening to arundathi instead im embarassed that democrasy gives rights to ppl who disrespect it.
She should be declared state enemy and shot at Lal Chowk in sri nagar
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If you believe in it,then go follow it.Set us an example.See if a theory can be followed end to end or not.

Nforce your severe lack of knowledge on Shariah is abundant. Shariah can't come into force unless the head imam or state issues it. So I can't follow it has I am neither, hence your point is invalid. But this thread is not my political view its on Roy, I always notice in this forum that when a issueis directed at India, Indian members seem to divert the subject in question. Lets talk about Roy and I am more than happy to talk about Shariah if you open another thread. But know this Nforce Shariah is not a fantasy its a Islamic belief which all muslims should follow.
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I was not talking about Britain.I was referring to you.A country like Britain will obviously follow a system that is more practical.Refer to my posts again and then reply.

Again like I said above can't happen, and I'm not qualified to even think about mandating a Shariah Law. but its off topic
Third,the divide between your ideology and your reality makes you look like a hypocrite.And yet you decide to lecture some people based on their own ideology and the reality.That makes you look like a champion hypocrite

Thats your opinion, I don't believe I'm a hypocrite, after explaining to you about Shariah Law you still don't understand. Its a Islamic belief so of course I will believe it, whats wrong with that. Yes there is no Shariah Law that why in the other thread I said there should be, as your countrymen quoted on me.

Furthermore I gave my opinion to IndianRabbit because his ideology is democracy hence why I said if people like him think like that, India does not look good, in the eyes of other democratic countries. What hypocrtical about that.
Once you grasp all these,and agree to all my points above,we may go a little deeper,ultimately leading to Arundhati Roy.As of now,we are not even in a stage to discuss that.

Thread is not about me or Shariah...you have an un healthy obsession with Shariah, it about Roy
More embarrasing fact is that the emenies of democrasy and secularism want/take refuge under the same democrasy and secularism.

First of all I might not favour democracy, but that does not mean that its my enemy and I'm binding my time to destroy it. Listen I'm going to repeat it once more so it can slowly digest in to your brain, Shariah is an Islamic belief and its on all muslims to belive in it, if you question me on this, I will get stuff on Hinduism and mock it like you are trying with the concept of Shariah. Thread is about Roy not Shariah.
Thread is about Roy not Shariah.

In this thread, yes the topic is Roy. And even though I don't agree with Bajrang Dal in some cases, this time it has my full support. This traitor Suzanna Arundhati Roy has the audacity to stand on Indian soil, has the audacity to call the biggest sufferers of ethnic cleansing in modern times the Kashmiri Dharmic community as liars and supports a terrorist living Indian life, living in a posh house IN India, Living and enjoying the freedoms that India grants her.

More than threat, I wish someone just puts her down once and for all. Otherwise, people will misuse this for politics. Finishing her off would send a message to all traitors living in the country that no one and no one should mess with India while eating her salt.
I believe in Shariah because it's the right of every Muslim to do so, and I gave my opinion that it should return to Muslim countries, do you comprehend the word Muslim country let me no if you do.

However I live in Britain, so at the moment I follow democracy, but do you know what I hate the most, its when a country and its people proudly proclaim something when they clearly do not follow it. So please don't call India a democratic country.

I think you yourself went offtopic advocating Shariah while living under the umbrella of Democracy.Hence you had to face a series of not so comfortable questions,which raised a sudden urge inside you to get back to the topic.
That was the objective,and now that has been fulfilled,let us look into this Arundhati Roy issue.
The democratic structure of India provides much space for tolerance,unlike a totalitarian system,which would have choked Arundhati Roy long ago.The cases of Liu Xiaobo,or Aung San Suu Kyi will prove to be fine examples.
If we look at the pattern of issues raised by Ms Roy,we will observe that she has a sublime support for Maoist rebels and expects social rights for them that too under the Democratic architecture.One has to decide at this point,whether he or she is an ultra leftist or a Democrat.You cannot be both at the same time.If you are supporting leftist ideology,then democracy has got no space for you.
Recently,we observed her supporting the cause of separatists.Now,the democratic structure of India has no support for separatism.You can raise concerns about human rights(there are many such issues in India,I have not seen her to be part of any),but any act that tends towards insurrection against the government goes against the rule of law.
There are many social issues in India which need to be addressed.Many NGOs as well as government bodies are involved in addressing those issues,like Infant mortality,education,and other public services.They walk the walk ,keeping their head down,and do their job.One special property that is observable about this self proclaimed social activist is,she is not involved in any of these issues.It is quite evident from the issues she picks up meticulously,that all she wants is to draw some focus and attention towards herself.
Now of course democracy in India has no problem with her attention seeking attitude.But the people of India,do have a problem when she tries to go against democracy by supporting leftist extremists and separatists staying under the protection of Democracy.Now that is what we call hypocrisy at its best.
Still,the government of India is tolerant enough.She still exercises her rights provided by the Democratic rule of India,since she is still a citizen of India.But if she wishes to go against that very ruling system,then the first thing she should do is give up all her rights provided by the Indian democracy right???
If the answer is no,then the rule of law has the power to accuse her with Sedition charges,as her efforts go against the rights of the population of entire country.
In this thread, yes the topic is Roy. And even though I don't agree with Bajrang Dal in some cases, this time it has my full support. This traitor Suzanna Arundhati Roy has the audacity to stand on Indian soil, has the audacity to call the biggest sufferers of ethnic cleansing in modern times the Kashmiri Dharmic community as liars and supports a terrorist living Indian life, living in a posh house IN India, Living and enjoying the freedoms that India grants her.

Gilani is only a terrorist to you because he is outspoken and vocal; and his views directly conflict with yours

that's the only reason you indians call him terrorist

More than threat, I wish someone just puts her down once and for all. Otherwise, people will misuse this for politics. Finishing her off would send a message to all traitors living in the country that no one and no one should mess with India while eating her salt.

Greenstar's point has just been proved (again)

(thank you) ;)
Gilani is only a terrorist to you because he is outspoken and vocal; and his views directly conflict with yours

that's the only reason you indians call him terrorist

That scoundrel is responsible for thousands of deaths and is the one who started this cycle of killing and retaliatory strikes. He's more than just outspoken. And if you love him and Roy so much, take him into Pakistan. He's not getting any part of the state and hence can go take a hike.

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