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Freedom of speech shrinks in India, the world’s largest democracy

What does Democracy smell like?

I've been to Democratic places, they smell alright.

I'm from a Pseudo-Democratic city (HK), it smells alright.

I regularly visit non-Democratic cities in mainland China like Shanghai and Shenzhen, they smell alright too.

I don't understand the title of the thread.
Even I live in a more or less democratic environment (A bit fcked up though but we can adjust) in our country. No idea how op got the smell from such a long distance :D
Post reported phor talking about phood. . . when i'm starving :sad:

Imbibe the essence of Democracy into your body:


If its a short drive from your house its probably a communist Dim Sum

Communism died in 1989. :P

Now there are Capitalists pretending to be Socialists, and fake Communists who greedily participate in the free market at every opportunity.

Dim Sum restaurants are private properties who sell food services in exchange for money, based on the fundamental market forces of supply and demand. Small business owners are the masters of capitalism. :azn:
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Why should a book with clear factual in accuracies need to be published ? If a book talks false about any riligion just to show it in a bad light it should be published for what ? freedom of speech ? There is absolutely nothing wrong with banning a book which hurts religious sentiments with factual inaccuracies..

And the book "The Hindus" was banned with a court hearing so the whole freedom of speech nonsense goes out of the window .. Indian courts aren't kangaroo courts ..

Factual inaccuracies when dealing with the subject matter of analyzing a religion? We are not dealing with immutable laws of physics. Stating that a religion is not divinely ordained but man-made and doing a Freudian analysis of said religion has no connection to factual accuracy or otherwise, it is an analysis and an interpretation and therefore by its very nature subjective thus embellished by the author's own perception. Disagree with the aptness of said perception but don't ban it, that is the point. Let discourse be free no matter how offensive, as long as said discourse does not conclude with a call for violence or genocide.

@Ravi Nair Let me clarify. You should completely disassociate the notion of a person or group getting their feelings hurt or not hurt from the purview of rights and laws, it is a subjective matter. Instead rephrase what you expressed, no person has the right to retaliate with violence and criminal coercion/intimidation when said person's sentiments get hurt (as they inevitably will at one time or another).
Factual inaccuracies when dealing with the subject matter of analyzing a religion? We are not dealing with immutable laws of physics. Stating that a religion is not divinely ordained but man-made and doing a Freudian analysis of said religion has no connection to factual accuracy or otherwise, it is an analysis and an interpretation and therefore by its very nature subjective thus embellished by the author's own perception. Disagree with the aptness of said perception but don't ban it, that is the point. Let discourse be free no matter how offensive, as long as said discourse does not conclude with a call for violence or genocide.

Are you fucking kidding me ? You think the Court in India did not take all this into consideration before taking action on the book ? They are not a bunch of morons twiddling their thumbs.. When you are talking about Religion there are certain FACTS .. Its not about interpretation and analysis all the time ... There are certain observed facts in Religion.

The very BAN on the book was success because It was pretty much proved in the court of law the book had factual inaccuracies.. Hindus did not go on a rampage killing people , if the Ban was made by the court it SHOULD be ACCEPTABLE to you because we used legal means.

What in the world are you on about when your talking about interpretation ? Religious books especially in Hinduism is crystal clear when it comes to what it represents .. You can't just use the excuse of freedom of speech to sprout out nonsense just because its Religion . Religious discourse should be free, but one cannot and should not publish a book based on a persons whims and fancies on a certain religion .... You can clearly look at the cover of the book "The Hindus" and figure out it was meant to offend ...

You think a book should be allowed to circulate which openly insults a Religion , not only religions but Indian freedom fighters . You think a book should be allowed to circulate which shows Lord Krishna sitting on the buttocks of nude women ?? There is a clear Difference between constructive criticism and open ended insults , and any book which openly insults any Religion should be Banned outright...
Quoted for posterity .. What happened to spread of Islam thru sufism.. Was all that fake ?

trolling for trolling's sake. Just yesterday, he made another obviously stupid post.

@Ravi Nair Let me clarify. You should completely disassociate the notion of a person or group getting their feelings hurt or not hurt from the purview of rights and laws, it is a subjective matter. Instead rephrase what you expressed, no person has the right to retaliate with violence and criminal coercion/intimidation when said person's sentiments get hurt (as they inevitably will at one time or another).

I gotcha. And I agree :tup:
The book can be banned for Hate speech.
The Book can be banned for showing India without Kashmir which is a criminal offense.
You can't use the excuse of freedom of speech when you equate Shiva lingam to a sex toy(as written in the book) , how far will you go to use freedom of speech to sprout nonsense against another religion ...
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