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U.S. and IndianEvangelicals Teamed Up to Push Through Modi Visa Ban

@adwityagrata ^^^

I didn't say Modi HAVE to meet Obama. Read my post again.

India will hold a general election next year (2014). Obama still has three more years to go. You do the math.

By the time Modi settles in it will already be 2015 and by end of 2015 US will be on full alert for the next presidential election. Does not give much time to build any kind of relationship or take any kind of strong steps. It is logical to assume he would try to build relationship with the next president. Any idea who that would be ?
Your reasons are not true , because you are not clearly informed on the matter .. The caste system and Sati system was changed when the British came to India . the caste system or known as the Verna system was social structure on the basis of Merit and less on the basis of Birth ... for example Valmiki who wrote the epic Ramayana was a Hindu Brahman even though he was born as an untouchable

And Sati system was something which was the choice of the wife and was never to be enforced on her

I strongly suggest you do not get dragged into defending Hinduism from his attacks.

He has already put you on the defensive and he is on the offensive.

Yea do not take any criticism.. Continue to pat on each other back, it will surely revive Hinduism..

Most certainly not from a christian bigot.

Let us Hindus worry about how to revive Hinduism. When we need you help, we will give you a call. Leave your contact information on your way out.
I strongly suggest you do not get dragged into defending Hinduism from his attacks.

He has already put you on the defensive and he is on the offensive.

Most certainly not from a christian bigot.

Let us Hindus worry about how to revive Hinduism. When we need you help, we will give you a call. Leave your contact information on your way out.

Awww!! You are hurting my feelings!! Contact our Vatican number.. We will make a nice Christian out of yea.. Or we can teach you some torture methods which we tried on those who opposed the church :partay:

I strongly suggest you do not get dragged into defending Hinduism from his attacks.

He has already put you on the defensive and he is on the offensive.


Dude, me and @Star Wars know each other much before you started posting here and I have respect for his POV.. Most of times we are on opposite side but we managed to give each other respect while posting.. Let him have discussion with me.. If I am wrong, he is most welcome to correct me..
Awww!! You are hurting my feelings!! Contact our Vatican number.. We will make a nice Christian out of yea.. Or we can teach you some torture methods which we tried on those who opposed the church :partay:

I would talk Hinduism with another Hindu, not a christian bigot. Get it ?

Man.. please calm down.Hinduism is way of life.Our religion which consist lakhs of holy books (some of them have pure scientific base)and large number of Gods.We have no problem to accept or add a Bible or Quran as a part of our lakhs of books.Still our religion structure is strong even if religion parallel to Hinduism decline and extinct thousands of years ago.If someone try to criticize our religion,we must told and realize them the depth and vastness of the Hinduism not unwantedly abuse them.It is the good Hindus mission ,told them our base and knowledge and scientific base of Hinduism.Nothing can pollute us.
Then educate me rather than saying I am insulting your religion..From what I know caste system and Sati system was evolved much before Britishers came to India.. caste system was much changed that you described even before Britishers came.. Untouchbility was wide spread here in India, it was only by 19th century organisations like Brahmo Samaj and Arya Samaj spearheading the campaign against it..

not really , the caste system and Sati system got stricter and far worse when Britishers stepped in and started messing with the social life of people . no..that is blatently incorrect and false information..Untouchability was not so wide spread before the british invasion .. Not saying untouchables did not exist before but it is a fairly recent even in history with increasing intervention of Indian traditional life by outsiders ...

The Caste System

By the time of British rule, starting from around the seventeenth century to 1947, the caste system had evolved and expanded into some 3000 different castes.
the first effect that the British had on the caste system was to strengthen rather than undermine it, for the British gave the Brahmans back certain special privileges which under Muslim had been withdrawn from them. On the other hand, the British legislators did not agree that the members of the lower-caste should receive greater punishment than members of the upper-caste for committing the same offense.

and by the way

There is absolutely no mention of caste system of the traditional sense in the Vedas .
We have also seen that Vedas consider all the four Varnas including Shudra as Arya and gives them utmost respect.

It is unfortunate that in this country of ours, where Vedas were the foundation of our culture, we forgot these original lessons of Vedas and got trapped in a variety of misconceptions regarding birth-based caste system and discrimination of people born in certain castes collectively known as Shudras.The misleading theories of communists and biased indologists have already caused a great damage to our society and have sown seeds of differences.
Man.. please calm down.Hinduism is way of life.Our religion which consist lakhs of holy books (some of them have pure scientific base)and large number of Gods.We have no problem to accept or add a Bible or Quran as a part of our lakhs of books.Still our religion structure is strong even if religion parallel to Hinduism decline and extinct thousands of years ago.If someone try to criticize our religion,we must told and realize them the depth and vastness of the Hinduism not unwantedly abuse them.It is the good Hindus mission ,told them our base and knowledge and scientific base of Hinduism.Nothing can pollute us.

I would have respected you if you had the courage or dignity to ask Seiko to stop his attack on Hinduism. As you have not demonstrated any such logical line of action, you are poorly equipped to advice me.

However, since you are now pretending to be some sort of scholar in Hinduism, I request you to list down some 10,000 holy books from the "lakhs" you have mentioned.

Once that list is established we can discuss further if our structure is strong and how to deal with Christian attacks on Hinduism.

Since you have further claimed Hinduism does not need protection, I am going to assume you have sufficient knowledge of the same. Kindly show me proof of our 'knowledge and scientific base'.

Now that you have made all these tall claims, time to back those up. Hope you are equally up to the task. I will be waiting.
@Star Wars, let me ask you.. Isnt it Sati was banned by Britishers? And what is your POV about these caste system and other practices lead to the downfall of Hinduism?
@Star Wars @seiko You're both arguing from your POV and both are partially correct.

Firstly, not just Hinduism, but almost every other major religion gets misinterpreted by some of it's adherents.

Although Hinduism hasn't sanctioned discrimination/abuse of the caste system, Sati etc, such malpractices have indeed been carried out by those who identify themselves unabashedly as Hindu, and it's victims have been Hindu as well. Same goes to the jihadists and their interpretation of Islam.

Hence, one POV is A Religion is only as good as it's followers while the other POV is Religion ought not to be blamed for it's wrongful interpretation.

I suggest we stick to the topic at hand and end this discussion on Hinduism/move it elsewhere. Too many topics have been trashed by such meaningless shenanigans.
Can you explain by "downfall of Hinduism ?

Mate, all started with this quote

Hindu resurgence. Protection of Hindu religious, cultural and social practices afters centuries of abuse, discrimination and humiliation.

I was asking is this happened because of the bad practices in Hinduism rather than any one from outside?

@Indischer dear, there is nothing to discuss about the topic, if Modi become PM no matter how much pressure put on US, they will have to give him visa..I am not sure why someone would loose sleep over it?and not only Christians and Muslims but lots of people from other religion who opposes Modi and talk publicly against him and pressurize US not to grant him Visa. Its part of the game..
Mate, all started with this quote

I was asking is this happened because of the bad practices in Hinduism rather than any one from outside?

ok ... but where is the downfall ? he is talking about how Hinduism is being attacked from all sides including the govt. by all sorts of false cases against religious leaders which has been proven false time and again ... but that is no where related to downfall
ok ... but where is the downfall ? he is talking about how Hinduism is being attacked from all sides including the govt. by all sorts of false cases against religious leaders which has been proven false time and again ... but that is no where related to downfall

Do you really think this is the golden age of Hinduism?
I would have respected you if you had the courage or dignity to ask Seiko to stop his attack on Hinduism. As you have not demonstrated any such logical line of action, you are poorly equipped to advice me.

However, since you are now pretending to be some sort of scholar in Hinduism, I request you to list down some 10,000 holy books from the "lakhs" you have mentioned.

Once that list is established we can discuss further if our structure is strong and how to deal with Christian attacks on Hinduism.

Since you have further claimed Hinduism does not need protection, I am going to assume you have sufficient knowledge of the same. Kindly show me proof of our 'knowledge and scientific base'.

Now that you have made all these tall claims, time to back those up. Hope you are equally up to the task. I will be waiting.

I have enough knowledge in Hinduism.Number of books can be increased from again from lakhs.
And I got this knowledge from a scholar in kerala who wrote lot a of books and devoted his entire life to study Hinduism.You cant teach me.Tell me any country that is follow their own culture after invaded by Muslims conquerors .Mughal rulers rule in India for 800 years,but they cant destroy our religion.It is not due to power of Hindu rulers ,at that time almost all Hindu rulers are finished except Maratha kingdom.It is our religion base that our culture strong.
We have 4 vedas and 6 upanishads ,but successors of our vedic scholars derive and developed a lot of grammar and review for this holy books.Our ancestral saints developed a lot of explanation for Bhagavadgeeta,that is valuable.When muslim invades and Bakhtiyar Khilji destroyes Nalanda university ,he burned down a library,studies also coming that 1500 years of hard work of saints is in library both in Hinduism and other scientific library.
That @seiko guy ask about castesim in Hinduism ,But I can tell him about casteism is also present in christanity in India .I know some christian believers that follow casteism. It is problem of whole society of India and not Hindu.@seiko guy not answerd to my statement.That all
By the by you say ,you know a lot about Hinduism.Ok I have a question
How can one hindu complete their knowledge? sorry for off topic
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