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U.S. and IndianEvangelicals Teamed Up to Push Through Modi Visa Ban

Mate, all started with this quote

I was asking is this happened because of the bad practices in Hinduism rather than any one from outside?

@Indischer dear, there is nothing to discuss about the topic, if Modi become PM no matter how much pressure put on US, they will have to give him visa..I am not sure why someone would loose sleep over it?and not only Christians and Muslims but lots of people from other religion who opposes Modi and talk publicly against him and pressurize US not to grant him Visa. Its part of the game..

Yeah, nothing much to discuss on it..though I'd be interested in reading on what grounds they backtrack on their decision to grant him a visa(if & when they do so).:tongue:
@sreekumar, dude, I never denied caste system exists in Christianity.. Now a days Roman Catholics marry only Roman Catholics so it Knanaya Christians.. They are not allowed to marry outside.. Where did I said it was a problem only on Hinduism? We were talking about the revival of Hinduism, thats why I talked about it only.

Yeah, nothing much to discuss on it..though I'd be interested in reading on what grounds they backtrack on their decision to grant him a visa(if & when they do so).:tongue:

Simple. He is a PM of India and what if PM wanted to attend the UN meeting?? :P Or do they wanted to deny visa to the leader of the largest democratic country? And also I think US have much better relation with NDA rather than UPA.. Most of the major deals like nuclear deal was initiated when Vajpayee was the PM of India..
That @seiko guy ask about castesim in Hinduism ,But I can tell him about casteism is also present in christanity in India .I know some christian believers that follow casteism. It is problem of whole society of India and not Hindu.@seiko guy not answerd to my statement.That all
By the by you say ,you know a lot about Hinduism.Ok I have a question
How can one hindu complete their knowledge? sorry for off topic

Gaining knowledge is a continuous process, not a one time activity. However gaining knowledge is NOT the objective of Hinduism, getting Moksha is. There is no completion unless you gain Moksha after which all that knowledge becomes irrelevant.

Hinduism is about that various path to Moksha, or as Buddhist call it 'Nirvana'.

However the christian and muslims do not have that concept. They have 'heaven' and 'Hell'. That is why they are not part of the Dharmic religions, so stop claiming that they are.
@sreekumar, dude, I never denied caste system exists in Christianity.. Now a days Roman Catholics marry only Roman Catholics so it Knanaya Christians.. They are not allowed to marry outside.. Where did I said it was a problem only on Hinduism? We were talking about the revival of Hinduism, thats why I talked about it only.

Before the revival of Hinduism ,you must also considered revival of Christanity.Organised conversion technic must be banned.Some days ago for against kasthurirangan report ,thamareshheri bishop
warned Governement about bloodshed.That kind of christianity must be revived.
Do you think this is the golden age Christianity or Islam ?

Not at all.. Christianity in global level is loosing its charm.. Thats why they needed "packages" to convert people.. Its now a common joke among us Christians that we visit church only for our baptism and funeral.. There are inadequate well qualified scholars, People starting interpreting Bible according their own versions.. Most of the people do not believe in the god anymore and Preists having unholy affairs etc etc are some of the reasons.. I am asking what are the reasons for Hinduism?

Before the revival of Hinduism ,you must also considered revival of Christanity.Organised conversion technic must be banned.Some days ago for against kasthurirangan report ,thamareshheri bishop
warned Governement about bloodshed.That kind of christianity must be revived.

I guess, it was not the agitation of church, rather it was people from all over the community was involved in that agitation..

And for god sake, I am not trying for a dick measuring contest here.. And I am not the one who is arguing about revival of Christianity.. One guys argued about revival of your religion and pointed out some flaws in the religion.. And you guys all making it a Christian and Hindu thing.. If you wanted to feel comfortable, I can create a fake Id and call myself Hindu and talk to you guys about it..
Gaining knowledge is a continuous process, not a one time activity. However gaining knowledge is NOT the objective of Hinduism, getting Moksha is. There is no completion unless you gain Moksha after which all that knowledge becomes irrelevant.

Hinduism is about that various path to Moksha, or as Buddhist call it 'Nirvana'.

However the christian and muslims do not have that concept. They have 'heaven' and 'Hell'. That is why they are not part of the Dharmic religions, so stop claiming that they are.

I am not claim they are dharmic ,I reply only to his question.About gaining knowledge upanishad
says Gaining knowledge can be completed by 4 parts.One part is from house and parents,next part is from gurus or teachers ,3rd part is from self experience or self study .last part is attain only in future .And that 'future' is a continuing processs.Moksha is last stage,one can attain Moksha only after gaining required knowledge.3rd and 4th part cant get from gods or teachers or parents only through our experience.
I guess, it was not the agitation of church, rather it was people from all over the community was involved in that agitation..

Whether it is agitation or not,one priest cant talk like that.
I am not claim they are dharmic ,I reply only to his question.About gaining knowledge upanishad
says Gaining knowledge can be completed by 4 parts.One part is from house and parents,next part is from gurus or teachers ,3rd part is from self experience or self study .last part is attain only in future .And that 'future' is a continuing processs.Moksha is last stage,one can attain Moksha only after gaining required knowledge.3rd and 4th part cant get from gods or teachers or parents only through our experience.

Before proceeding, show me which Upanished has claimed that.
Not at all.. Christianity in global level is loosing its charm.. Thats why they needed "packages" to convert people.. Its now a common joke among us Christians that we visit church only for our baptism and funeral.. There are inadequate well qualified scholars, People starting interpreting Bible according their own versions.. Most of the people do not believe in the god anymore and Preists having unholy affairs etc etc are some of the reasons.. I am asking what are the reasons for Hinduism?

I guess, it was not the agitation of church, rather it was people from all over the community was involved in that agitation..

And for god sake, I am not trying for a dick measuring contest here.. And I am not the one who is arguing about revival of Christianity.. One guys argued about revival of your religion and pointed out some flaws in the religion.. And you guys all making it a Christian and Hindu thing.. If you wanted to feel comfortable, I can create a fake Id and call myself Hindu and talk to you guys about it..

my point is that question is irrelevant .....
@seiko You've got a small part of the puzzle. Yes there was sati (to some extent isolated cases still occur), there was and is rampant caste-ism and there is most definitely a patriarchal cultural streak which has come about to be treated as a part of the religion itself. All lamentable and truly shameful things. Agreed, agreed a hundred times over. Now to the part you didn't grasp, go back a few hundred years and you had church enforced feudalism, burning witches at the stake and horrendous torture of "heretics" by the inquisitions. Now it is admirable that the Church washed its hands off such malicious proclivities, BUT no one walked into Europe and proclaimed that since all these malpractices were ingrained within their society and had religious sanction (nay even origins) and were actively abetted by god's own vicar on earth that Christianity itself be scrapped and a better religion replace it so as to rid the masses of their malaise. No one walked in their and started to tell them that their faith was false and cruel. The malaise they suffered form, in all its varied forms, was steadily albeit slowly erased with the changes brought about by the economic and attendant social revolutions that occurred. So if we were to sit and provide the same luxury to Hinduism then I would suggest that we not simply look at it as some diseased tumor which needs to be cut off, there is no point in throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Hinduism doesn't need "protection" but in today's world it does not have the luxury of relative isolation within its native land as other religions enjoyed for a long time in an uninterrupted manner ALONG with rapid changes in social and economic dynamics (hitherto unseen and novel in their nature). As such to an extent the right wing is some what of a reaction and perhaps even a required one. So does Hinduism need reform, yes, very much so but that reform will not come if the solution is then to convert en mass or simply in response to a religion sans the aforementioned malaise. Instead each society and populace must finds its depth on its own and must go through the crucible in its own manner. So let us not launch into an attack with the sole purpose of stating that somehow everything that's wrong with Hinduism today merits its demise. As the various subsections of the masses over multiple generations gain equality (slowly and painfully) you will see the aforementioned malaise vanish (IF NOT, THEN ONE CAN SAY THAT THERE IS INDEED SOMETHING TRULY WRONG WITH HINDUISM).

Now as to the news item. It is most probably apt and accurate. But to expound upon it will require a separate post which I will venture upon tomorrow if you're still interested.
Lack of political stability that protected it from abuse.

Much better reply.. Ask you one question.. Do you think, the discrimination led the lower caste to convert to other religions like Buddhism, Christianity or Islam?
@Dillinger Wholly agree with your post. Only thing though, is that @seiko never said that Christianity or any other Religion was the answer to ending the malaise of Hinduism.
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