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@Dillinger Wholly agree with your post. Only thing though, is that @seiko never said that Christianity or any other Religion was the answer to ending the malaise of Hinduism.

Perception matters my friend and when addressing a topic all possible avenues must be touched upon. I have not known @seiko to be either discourteous or bigoted in the main but that does not mean that I should not address what needs to be addressed. He is right about the malaise that afflicts us and I just furnished that with the necessary context and garnish.
@Dillinger, I had to re read your post to understand your language yaar. it was too strong for me but as usual worth reading.. Mate, If I read it correct, I never imply Hinduism is a wrong religion and all the things are false.. I am asking you what are the reasons once the most flexible and self evolving, self critical religion like Hinduism came to this? @Star Wars says that it was because of Britishers.. I am having hard time believing it.. Yes they gasoline into the fuel but dont you think Hinduism downfall started much before that?

So he is a christian priest.i dont know whether bible is talking about bloodshed .

Bible is talking about lot of blood sheds.. Old testaments is fun reading with all those wars. It also mentions about incest sex too.. Whats your point?
@Dillinger, I had to re read your post to understand your language yaar. it was too strong for me but as usual worth reading.. Mate, If I read it correct, I never imply Hinduism is a wrong religion and all the things are false.. I am asking you what are the reasons once the most flexible and self evolving, self critical religion like Hinduism came to this? @Star Wars says that it was because of Britishers.. I am having hard time believing it.. Yes they gasoline into the fuel but dont you think Hinduism downfall started much before that?

Bible is talking about lot of blood sheds.. Old testaments is fun reading with all those wars. It also mentions about incest sex too.. Whats your point?

Yaara I never said that. I stated the veracity of what you pointed out and then dispelled the most commonly held yet misplaced and incorrect notions as to how to fix the issues and how the issues will actually progress towards being addressed. I never assume anything but one must always provide context and elucidate. I agree with the flaws pointed out but I must also place it in the context of history and assess said flaws in a relativistic manner.
Bible is talking about lot of blood sheds.. Old testaments is fun reading with all those wars. It also mentions about incest sex too.. Whats your point?
So one priest cant preach all this to community and practice like that.
Much better reply.. Ask you one question.. Do you think, the discrimination led the lower caste to convert to other religions like Buddhism, Christianity or Islam?

..and your vitriolic attack on Hinduism continues. Let us talk about the rape of choir boys by the Priests and the worship of a torture device in christianity.
@Dillinger, may be because of my religion, that many think I was too harsh on Hinduism.. I was pointing out the issues of Hinduism but my religion become my enemy in this discussion.. I should have created a fake id to address these kind of issues :)

So one priest cant preach all this to community and practice like that.

As an Indian and a person who belong to that area, he can express his view.. Not only him, many people expressed their anger against the report.. Not that I support this agitation, but why single out him just because he is a priest?
@Dillinger Wholly agree with your post. Only thing though, is that @seiko never said that Christianity or any other Religion was the answer to ending the malaise of Hinduism.

He had no reason to drag in Hinduism either or start bad mouthing it. He was clever by half hiding his christian background before making those attacks. That way he could conveniently claim to be a 'concerned' 'secular' Indian while attacking Hinduism.

Its like the pakistani's dragging in TOILET's in every discussion.

BTW, Dillinger's post was showcasing how there is NO 'malaise' in Hinduism. Just like burning the witches was not a malaise in Christianity. Or did you conveniently ignore that ?
..and your vitriolic attack on Hinduism continues. Let us talk about the rape of choir boys by the Priests and the worship of a torture device in christianity.

Sure, why not, open a thread and we can discuss about it. I will discuss as much as I know.. No issues..
@Dillinger, may be because of my religion, that many think I was too harsh on Hinduism.. I was pointing out the issues of Hinduism but my religion become my enemy in this discussion.. I should have created a fake id to address these kind of issues :)

As an Indian and a person who belong to that area, he can express his view.. Not only him, many people expressed their anger against the report.. Not that I support this agitation, but why single out him just because he is a priest?

Relax, I have seen you criticize many a faith other than Hinduism. Its just that people tend to expect a balancing criticism of another faith (preferably the poster's if he/she happens to belong to another faith) accompanying the highlights of the drawbacks of the reader's faith within the very same post. Not as well worded as my usual posts but I think that cover it about right. Excuse my lack of sleep. Its just that criticism and commentary should always be followed by the correct context and elucidation of the dynamics involved.
He had no reason to drag in Hinduism either or start bad mouthing it. He was clever by half hiding his christian background before making those attacks. That way he could conveniently claim to be a 'concerned' 'secular' Indian while attacking Hinduism.

Its like the pakistani's dragging in TOILET's in every discussion.

BTW, Dillinger's post was showcasing how there is NO 'malaise' in Hinduism. Just like burning the witches was not a malaise in Christianity. Or did you conveniently ignore that ?

Dude, every one here knows I am a Christian and my signature itself says that.. Where you find me hiding my Xian background here?? :haha:
Hindu resurgence. Protection of Hindu religious, cultural and social practices afters centuries of abuse, discrimination and humiliation.

So will you have laws that give Hinduism special status? will you declare it state religion? I respect people who try to follow their religion to the best of their abilities, including Hindus, but my concern is only that what guarantee is there that pandering to one religion will not create hostility and lead to extremism?
He had no reason to drag in Hinduism either or start bad mouthing it. He was clever by half hiding his christian background before making those attacks. That way he could conveniently claim to be a 'concerned' 'secular' Indian while attacking Hinduism.

Its like the pakistani's dragging in TOILET's in every discussion.

BTW, Dillinger's post was showcasing how there is NO 'malaise' in Hinduism. Just like burning the witches was not a malaise in Christianity. Or did you conveniently ignore that ?

You've got to give Seiko one thing though, he is very vocal about criticizing things about his own denomination and faith when the occasion arises (although you'll agree that threads relating to his faith are rare). But he doesn't pull any punches even for the fear of the Church fathers. But to all those who possess faith, there is also an inbuilt reflex to be defensive by default and that can often lead to the ever present explosive opening post.
He had no reason to drag in Hinduism either or start bad mouthing it. He was clever by half hiding his christian background before making those attacks. That way he could conveniently claim to be a 'concerned' 'secular' Indian while attacking Hinduism.

Its like the pakistani's dragging in TOILET's in every discussion.

BTW, Dillinger's post was showcasing how there is NO 'malaise' in Hinduism. Just like burning the witches was not a malaise in Christianity. Or did you conveniently ignore that ?

Rather, it showcased that whatever malaises exist in religions, they need to be/will be remedied from within. Refer to post #92 for further clarification.
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