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Bajrang Dal's warning to Arundhati Roy

Is that why you still keep Scotland,Ireland and Wales suppressed

Can you explain...because it must be a fabrication of your mind...oh were you meaning Indian Goverment supressing Kashmiri's.
GreenStar said:
I never said Western Democracy is better, but if people like IndianRabbit claim that the person should be exported to Pakistan just because of there opinion, show's India has a long way to go, if more people think like that.

Yes you did

In Democracy people have the right to express themselves, so if that is her opinion who are you to judge her. Seriously India has a long way to catch up to Western countries, if people like you think like that....what a shame.

But aren't you the hypocrite :rolleyes:
Living in a secular democratic country, but championing shariah and then lecturing us on democracy and secularism

GreenStar said:
Serving Two Masters: Shariah Law and the Secular State
Every Muslim should believe in Shariah, and it is not an outdated system.

In the thread about pakistan's secularism, democracy loving 'green star's ' reply was
"Every Muslim should believe in Shariah, and it is not an outdated system. There is not one single country in this world that has proper Shariah law, it's quite sad, but hopefully one day Pakistan or any other Muslim country will be able to accomplish such a feat."

I believe in Shariah because it's the right of every Muslim to do so, and I gave my opinion that it should return to Muslim countries, do you comprehend the word Muslim country let me no if you do.

However I live in Britain, so at the moment I follow democracy, but do you know what I hate the most, its when a country and its people proudly proclaim something when they clearly do not follow it. So please don't call India a democratic country.
Yes you did

did you not read my next line, stop smoking weed and concentrate.

if people like you think like that....what a shame.

Did you see the word If...tell me if you understand....and i will break it up further so that maybe you will comprehend.
You contradict youself when you say

Every Muslim should believe in Shariah, and it is not an outdated system

and then
and I gave my opinion that it should return to Muslim countries, do you comprehend the word Muslim country let me no if you do.

What it mean that when Muslim are in minority they should follow democracy but at the same time root for shariah laws. However in case of majority there shouldn't be any doubt, shariah should reign supreme :rolleyes:

And that my friend is hypocrisy, demand equal rights when minority but when majority...

but do you know what I hate the most, its when a country and its people proudly proclaim something when they clearly do not follow it.

Why doesn't the Islamic Republic of Pakistan have shariah laws ? You hate your home country ? :rolleyes:
How can you compare Kashmir to Balochistan? The former is internationally recognized as disputed territory.

What does the status of the dispute make a difference.....

I dont understand why Pakistanis keep harping on this....

Does the tag of "disputed territory" change the fact that BLA and some secessionist movements in Balochistan want freedom....just like the some Kashmiris?
Does it change the fact that both India and Pakistan have used heavy handed techniques to quell uprisings in both places?
Dont the people of both Balochistan and Kashmir have genuine grievances wrt. Human rights violations and extra judicial killings?
Arent Pakistanis accusing India of supporting an insugency in Balochistan?....something India has accused Pak on Kashmir as well....

So this is the hypocrisy many Pakistanis show......

What makes Kashmiris so special that they deserve freedom but not the Balochis......freedom is equally priceless to both Kashmris and Balochis....so from the perspective of a freedom movement, they are quite identical and an apt comparison....

Besides.....looking at history, it does not take the tag "disputed territory" to break away from a country.....so if you;re claiming that the Balochi freedom movement is rendered illegitimate since it does not carry the approval of the UN "disputed territory", then I think you're being naive...
But aren't you the hypocrite

Nope That is my religious belief..which I can't argue because the Prophet (Peace be Upon him) said so.

Living in a secular democratic country, but championing shariah and then lecturing us on democracy and secularism

I live there because I was born in England..what a retarded statement to make..lol. I am lecturing you on democracy because you are so proud in claiming you are...then you lot make pathetic claims like lets ship Roy to Pakistan...how mature of you.
What it mean that when Muslim are in minority they should follow democracy but at the same time root for shariah laws. However in case of majority there shouldn't be any doubt, shariah should reign supreme

And that my friend is hypocrisy, demand equal rights when minority but when majority...
If you read Shariah law you would understand. Shariah can only past through when the majority of the Population is Muslim and the fact that they want it. However the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said when you are in another country and are in a minority you should follow there law unless it infringes upon your religion. So far the UK has not done that.
I believe in Shariah because it's the right of every Muslim to do so, and I gave my opinion that it should return to Muslim countries, do you comprehend the word Muslim country let me no if you do.

However I live in Britain, so at the moment I follow democracy, but do you know what I hate the most, its when a country and its people proudly proclaim something when they clearly do not follow it. So please don't call India a democratic country.

U cannot find a democracy like India in the entire world

U talk a lot about the western democracies and its comparison to India

Then u must know we never frisk a Muslim at our airports only because he is a Muslim.

We never write Kafir on the chest of dead people because he is a minority.

We never jail mad people like AR just because she spits venom against India.

we never stopped any foreign media to enter our country when we actually knows that they r here to tarnish our image.

This is land with so much cultural diversity,religion's,languages and even after so many incidents's questioning our secularity,the nation is still bonded as a single piece even after the wet dreams of our neighbors that one day it will break in to pieces only due to our fierce beleif in our democracy,our secularism.
Why doesn't the Islamic Republic of Pakistan have shariah laws ? You hate your home country

Why would I hate Britain or Pakistan...weed has clogged up your brain. And what Pakistan has or not is because of circumstances. For one before Pakistan even thinks about Shariah Law it needs to sweep up the corruption, the Landlords, and the militancy problem.
Alex mercer my friend I never said India was not democratic, I just said if people like InidanRabbit claim that Roy should be shipped off to Pakistan because of opinion, then India has a long way to go if people think like that, that reside in India. Then you have the typical Indian response that you see so often in this forum, one member says something and there others come in like a pack of hyenies...quite funny...its like a circus.
good caught ,,,,,,,

@ green star ... so is the type of democracy you believe

You must be his sidekick..lol..I love it how the Indians back each other up...funny as hell, and yes for your information it is my view that Shariah law should come to Muslim countries because its in our religion..however you belive in democracy so isn't about time you followed it.
U cannot find a democracy like India in the entire world

Well your fellow countrymen is contradicting that statement made by you.

U talk a lot about the western democracies and its comparison to India

That's because they are the front runners in being the role model for being democratic.

Then u must know we never frisk a Muslim at our airports only because he is a Muslim.

Clap what a achievement so do other countries...whats your point.

We never write Kafir on the chest of dead people because he is a minority

but you don't let the Daliets pray in your hindue temples

We never jail mad people like AR just because she spits venom against India

but indianrabbit said roy should be shipped
Well your fellow countrymen is contradicting that statement made by you.

Make the point clear

That's because they are the front runners in being the role model for being democratic.

Indeed we r ,because is their any other democracy as big as our with so much diversities?

Clap what a achievement so do other countries...whats your point.

ever been to U.S,another democracy,have ever passed by their immigration counter's with a Muslim name within a few minutes

but you don't let the Daliets pray in your hindue temples

Utter B.S,i alraedy had accepted their r a lot of incidents happening in the country which question our secularism,but if u took some lone incidents to portray an entire nation,that particularly embarasing

but indianrabbit said roy should be shipped

If u ask me,i will ask to kill her,for utterly misuse the freedom of speech,but our democratic constitution does not allow that
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