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Bajrang Dal's warning to Arundhati Roy

and meanwhile, in Pakistan, Asma Jahangir, despite her roy-like outspokeness, became president of supreme court bar association of Pakistan Nation, and isn't being threatened by some moronic zealots. :)

Are you familiar with the latest accusation being leveled against Asma Jehangir??
i may get poked for revealing this publicly. Asma Jahangir is a friend of my mothers, they maintain a good relations. I know Jahangir's family, including her daughter Fatima. Despite some things she says and does, I sympathize with many of her initiatives --especially on HRCP's coverage and demands for end to violence against women, blasphemy cases and minority rights.

obviously Ms. Jahangir has been threatened, has even received physical assaults. But it hasnt stopped her, has it?

she has said things that I or other patriotic Pakistani would call ''anti-state'' or ''treason'' ---but I would still accept her as my fellow citizen, expressing herself and I am comfortable that she only means well for the people --especially women who have faced violence and/or minorities

seems AJ is the same way; she went a step further and had the courage to empathize with the occupied Kashmiris; she has the courage to re-familiarize others with the ground-realities, which are that majority of Kashmiris want Azadi from the bharti occupying forces

When AR throws out a statement such as "Balochistan is not an integral part of Pakistan and the Balochis need freedom from Pakistan"....

Then we can compare the two.....you cant compare possible "Anti-state" sentiments to a lady that is blatantly violating the freedom of Speech given to her...

Nevertheless, I dont consider her a traitor, but I also think that this is a publicity stunt....
Highlighting a groups demand for human rights is one thing...making political statements is another....She is NOT a politician and has no right to ridicule the sacrifices made by Indians for Kashmir....

As I mentioned, if she wants to be a politician and change the status of Kashmir, she should get elected and see if her views resonate or if she is able to mould the views of the majority of Indians...
She is NOT a politician and has no right to ridicule the sacrifices made by Indians for Kashmir....

As I mentioned, if she wants to be a politician and change the status of Kashmir, she should get elected and see if her views resonate or if she is able to mould the views of the majority of Indians...

what sacrifices
To some !diots who question are democracy..
She said aggressive things and is still freely moving.
Isn't it amazing?
To Pakistanis.
Arundhati Roy is an icon for you now.
What about Liu Xiaobo?,isn't he struggling for freedom?Why no appreciations for him?
As they are,Pakistanis!,Sane and humane for Kashmiris but not same for the Chinese,because they are the slaves of Chinese govt.

Really,double-standard attitude at its worst.
On Democracy,
Does freedom of speech mean saying anything and everything that could prove to be a threat to the country's peace?

No one,can by whims say anything against the Nation.
At the party and state level it can be done,but the foremost thing is the Nation and people should refrain from saying anything against the national interest,or i am with the Bajrang Dal!:lol:

---------- Post added at 11:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 AM ----------

Exactly, and there he will prefer to stay :woot:

Sorry,i didn't understand yaar.
Please elaborate.
We will welcome her with open arms!

Okay,take her,we throw her or rather launch her from a rocket launcher with full force.:devil:

Will you take Liu Xiaobo also?
Isn't he struggling for freedom of Chinese people?
or are your arms closed for now?:lol:
When AR throws out a statement such as "Balochistan is not an integral part of Pakistan and the Balochis need freedom from Pakistan"....

Then we can compare the two.....

How can you compare Kashmir to Balochistan? The former is internationally recognized as disputed territory.
How can you compare Kashmir to Balochistan? The former is internationally recognized as disputed territory.

The rubber stamp given by an impotent entity means nilch when you still have to get Indian Visa to travel to Kashmir.;)
6 pages and Indian diatribe viz a viz Arundhati continues to strive on hate and lack of argument to discuss the message and not the messenger.

This shows you guys despite your claims of development are still standing far behind
AR and her activities are an internal matter of India. Non-citizens have no business in it. .

IF it is a internal matter then what are you doing in this forum, do you need glasses....how pathetic...that means you have no right to voice your opinions on Pakistan's or Britain's internal matter going by your logic.
btw adatta greenstar is not british, probably a british born pakistani looking at his past record

Have you been stalking me because that sounds creepy
How can you say western democracy is the ideal democracy in world. We agree west has more health and wealth , But it doesn't mean every thing is ideal .Our democracy is suitable for our need , not yours.

I never said Western Democracy is better, but if people like IndianRabbit claim that the person should be exported to Pakistan just because of there opinion, show's India has a long way to go, if more people think like that.
@Greenstar.... not sure if you are british ..if so, don't utter non sense here.

I can say what i want as its my opinion....are you the moderator....I think not...so chill.

we know what you did in Iraq

So you support the militants in Iraq....so you are a terrorists...at least we don't murder are own people...how are the Kashmiri's..lol..oh yh they dead by your Soilders....shame.
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