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Bajrang Dal's warning to Arundhati Roy

In Democracy people have the right to express themselves, so if that is her opinion who are you to judge her. Seriously India has a long way to catch up to Western countries, if people like you think like that....what a shame.

Sedition is not allowed in western countries...the US fought a brutal war to keep the union together and kept it together with brute force. Ever heard of the American civil war?
Roy is a treasure of India. She represents Indias vibrant and tolerant society. She looks damn good too !

buddy have you got your specks on? she is ugly , and i do not care for her BS opionions , although she is entitled to them .
and meanwhile, in Pakistan, Asma Jahangir, despite her roy-like outspokeness, became president of supreme court bar association of Pakistan Nation, and isn't being threatened by some moronic zealots. :)
A multi award winner, a champion of the Kashmiri cause, totally unafraid to speak for the right... Whats not to like. Perhaps she'll have better luck in fixing our corruption and injustices than she had with India's.

She is more than welcome in Pakistan.


The problem with AR is that as an HR activist, she needs to concern herself with "Human rights" ie. I can understand if she is fighting the GOI to repeal laws within the Indian constitution that curb the freedom or Kashmiris....or to bring justice to those in the victims of those that have suffered at the hands of a few armed forces personell....

But by talking about the legitimacy of Indian claim on Kashmir....she is distancing herself from HR activities and making political statements that she does NOT have the right nor the expertise to speak on....

This is what is "pissing" us off about her.....She should stick to HR and we will support her whole heartedly....But the attention whore that she is acting like, she needs to stay on a leash and keep her speeches away from politics....PERIOD!
and meanwhile, in Pakistan, Asma Jahangir, despite her roy-like outspokeness, became president of supreme court bar association of Pakistan Nation, and isn't being threatened by some moronic zealots. :)

Arent the TTP threatening women's rights in general?

So what makes you think Asma Jehangir isnt part of the "threatened group"? LOL!
AR is being threatened by a Right wing group, similar in ideology to TTP, not even close to being as violent as the TTP.....
So the way I see it, women and activists such as AJ are definitely unsafe in Pak...

Besides...Asma Jehangir won through election....it seems a lot of Pakistanis sympathize with her views....
If AR thinks she is that popular and a champion of the poor....then she should turn to politics and let the people decide whether they want to elect a faux saint....
Ill bet you she will come back with none other than her own vote...LOL!

Add this as well.

Asma Jahangir received especially rough treatment

Asma Jahangir

from local police and intelligence agents. They began to strip off her clothes in public.

"A lot of people tried to cover my back because I could only feel it I could not see my back," Jahangir says. "When they were putting me on the police van, they assured that my photograph was taken while my back was bare. This was just to humiliate, this was simply just to humiliate me."

World Sindhi Institute

If something remotely like this was done to Arundhuti whole hell would have frozen over !!

And all Asma did is to oppose hudood ordinance and fought for Mukhtar Mai. Arundhuti would have had god stature in India had she been limit herself to such HR violations. Silly, Pakistanis bragging Human Rights!
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Arent the TTP threatening women's rights in general?

So what makes you think Asma Jehangir isnt part of the "threatened group"? LOL!
AR is being threatened by a Right wing group, similar in ideology to TTP, not even close to being as violent as the TTP.....
So the way I see it, women and activists such as AJ are definitely unsafe in Pak...

Besides...Asma Jehangir won through election....it seems a lot of Pakistanis sympathize with her views....
If AR thinks she is that popular and a champion of the poor....then she should turn to politics and let the people decide whether they want to elect a faux saint....
Ill bet you she will come back with none other than her own vote...LOL!

i may get poked for revealing this publicly. Asma Jahangir is a friend of my mothers, they maintain a good relations. I know Jahangir's family, including her daughter Fatima. Despite some things she says and does, I sympathize with many of her initiatives --especially on HRCP's coverage and demands for end to violence against women, blasphemy cases and minority rights.

obviously Ms. Jahangir has been threatened, has even received physical assaults. But it hasnt stopped her, has it?

she has said things that I or other patriotic Pakistani would call ''anti-state'' or ''treason'' ---but I would still accept her as my fellow citizen, expressing herself and I am comfortable that she only means well for the people --especially women who have faced violence and/or minorities

seems AJ is the same way; she went a step further and had the courage to empathize with the occupied Kashmiris; she has the courage to re-familiarize others with the ground-realities, which are that majority of Kashmiris want Azadi from the bharti occupying forces
she has said things that I or other patriotic Pakistani would call ''anti-state'' or ''treason'' ---but I would still accept her as my fellow citizen, expressing herself and I am comfortable that she only means well for the people --especially women who have faced violence and/or minorities

Mind sharing some of her 'anti-state' statements?

seems AJ is the same way; she went a step further and had the courage to empathize with the occupied Kashmiris; she has the courage to re-familiarize others with the ground-realities, which are that majority of Kashmiris want Azadi from the bharti occupying forces

Look, I can give you hundreds of example where many people have been vocal about HR violations in Kashmir, even from most jingoistic media house. Arundhuti is always welcome to speak against HR violations and I for myself will laud her for that, but that won't be sensational, will it?

I'll rate Asma a lot higher than Arundhuti for her work. She not only talked the talk, but walked the walk too!
I like the approach of the Home Ministry. They should let people like Arundathi Roy, Geelani and BD say what they want, but make sure no one goes overboard and causes physical harm to anyone.

Govt not to file case against Geelani, Roy - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: The government on Thursday decided not to file any case against hardline Kashmiri separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani and activist Arundhati Roy for purportedly giving "hate speeches" at a seminar held here last week.

The decision was taken after considering various issues and it was decided that such a move would give unnecessary publicity to them and a handle to separatists in the Valley, officials in the Union Home Ministry said.

"We have decided to ignore them," they said.

After the October 21 incident, when Geelani and others made statements, which were seen as an attempt to instigate secession, the Home Ministry sought legal opinion on the issue which suggested that a case could be made out under Section 124 (A) of IPC (disaffection against the State).

However, after taking political opinion, the Ministry decided not to file any case against Geelani and Roy.

At the convention on 'Azadi--The Only Way', Geelani had shared the stage with writer Roy and pro-Maoist leader Vara Vara Rao among others. Geelani was heckled by the audience with one of them throwing a shoe at him.
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