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Bajrang Dal's warning to Arundhati Roy

Greenstar's point has just been proved (again)

The point for us Indians is to get rid of traitors. We form the government and Democracy is no God gifted sermon. If it harms our national interests, we're willing to modify it as every country does around the world for our interests.

Who's going to point fingers? Sold out HRC? :P They can try and soon their own heads would be silenced by their own people.
Greenstar's point has just been proved (again)

(thank you)

And what's that point might be? That he wants to follow Sharia but cant for innumerable reasons yet sharia is the thing to follow but he couldn't move to sharia following country as he is a kid and indians are creepy(shove some random lol as well!).

Well at least this time he isn't bragging about him having royal 'british' blue blood and all, a ban surely changes a persona! :lol:
And what's that point might be? That he wants to follow Sharia but cant for innumerable reasons yet sharia is the thing to follow but he couldn't move to sharia following country as he is a kid and indians are creepy(shove some random lol as well!).

Well at least this time he isn't bragging about him having royal 'british' blue blood and all, a ban surely changes a persona! :lol:

Sharia following country???Is there any such country that totally follows Sharia???One has to create a new country altogether for that.

Just talking about possibilities and impossibilities here,no religious bias intended....
Sharia following country???Is there any such country that totally follows Sharia???One has to create a new country altogether for that.

Just talking about possibilities and impossibilities here,no religious bias intended....
Saudi does. But why are we discussing Sharia here? That's a different problem altogether. We're supposed to be talking about that scumbag Roy and that terrorist Geelani.
That scoundrel is responsible for thousands of deaths and is the one who started this cycle of killing and retaliatory strikes.

i'm afraid you are going to have to post some evidence to back these preposterous claims; non indian sources por favor

He's more than just outspoken. And if you love him and Roy so much, take him into Pakistan.

to those who have visited Pakistan, they know us for our hospitality and warmth; if they want to visit or settle in Pakistan, they are always welcome to do so --it is up to them, not I, and definitely not you

it isn't about me loving or hating anybody; it's simply about them having the courage to stand up speak the truth.

your fallacy about Kashmir being a non-disputed, integral part of hindustan is bogus and a self-created fantasy --which defies and is in blatant contradiction to almost every reality on the GROUND

He's not getting any part of the state and hence can go take a hike.

Kashmir is not part of the indin state, therefore your post holds little sway.

Seems like you, on the other hand, could do with a hike and some fresh air, you sound a bit hot-headed and bamboozled today :lol::lol:
Sharia following country???Is there any such country that totally follows Sharia???One has to create a new country altogether for that.

Just talking about possibilities and impossibilities here,no religious bias intended....

Well I don't know the technicalities, neither I'm interested to know. Just was reading last few posts and it seemed we are having a discussion about sharia.
Saudi does. But why are we discussing Sharia here? That's a different problem altogether. We're supposed to be talking about that scumbag Roy and that terrorist Geelani.

Well Saudi Arabia states that their system is based on Shariah and not totally the Shariah itself.Otherwise,how come there are banks in Saudi Arabia,while taking interests is prohibited according to Shariah???

Anyways,sorry for being off topic,let us not pursue this point anymore....
not to mention the fact that is it a monarchy --which in itself is quite paradoxical and ironic
i'm afraid you are going to have to post some evidence to back these preposterous claims; non indian sources por favor.

I can only awaken you if you're really asleep. If you pretend to sleep, it is impossible to awaken you no matter what evidence I throw at you.

to those who have visited Pakistan, they know us for our hospitality and warmth; if they want to visit or settle in Pakistan, they are always welcome to do so --it is up to them, not I, and definitely not you

Good to know this. And as an Indian it is upto me and all the rest of Indians. Who's going to tangibly object to that?

it isn't about me loving or hating anybody; it's simply about them having the courage to stand up speak the truth.

A truth totally twisted and brought out of a horror that world never got to see. He can speak all he wants against India in Pakistan. Not in our soil. And Kashmir is our soil. Refute it all you want, no one can take it.

your fallacy about Kashmir being a non-disputed, integral part of hindustan is bogus and a self-created fantasy --which defies and is in blatant contradiction to almost every reality on the GROUND

Who's going to tangibly refute it in any form? :flame: Those terrorists? They will see the same result terrorists have seen worldwide, whether you are able to support them or not. :D

Kashmir is not part of the indin state, therefore your post holds little sway.

As if Pakistani disputing holds any water. :lol: All the world can put Kashmir wherever they want but its throne is still in Delhi.

Seems like you, on the other hand, could do with a hike and some fresh air, you sound a bit hot-headed and bamboozled today

I just had a pleasant walk in one of finest parts of my country (my hometown Gangtok) and am more than cool. :lol: It is just I pity the likes of Geelani and his terrorist followers who're only going to continue to make it worse for themselves through separatism and terrorism.
Add Yasin Malik to this Gilani...that guy is a proven terrorist and has even admitted to killing four airforce personnel.....
Add Yasin Malik to this Gilani...that guy is a proven terrorist and has even admitted to killing four airforce personnel.....
Oh that guy is the right hand of the old geezer. Funny how they even conceptualize they could pull off another Pakistan this time again. :lol: We aren't ruled by idiots and losers like Nehru-Gandhi alliance today to give in. :azn:
I can only awaken you if you're really asleep. If you pretend to sleep, it is impossible to awaken you no matter what evidence I throw at you.

you can post said evidence when you are ready to do so.....if you need time, just ask for it!

What I don't like is delay or silly tactics.

A truth totally twisted and brought out of a horror that world never got to see. He can speak all he wants against India in Pakistan. Not in our soil. And Kashmir is our soil. Refute it all you want, no one can take it.

well the point is, he was in hindustan when he said what was said; as was the case with Roy. if you will have the audacity to call yourselves democratic society, then walk the walk, dont just talk the talk.

i.e. uphold those values you claim to cling on to

Who's going to tangibly refute it in any form? :flame: Those terrorists? They will see the same result terrorists have seen worldwide, whether you are able to support them or not. :D

therein lies the tragedy; Vast majority of Kashmiris are against indian occupation.....when they resist (through arms or through peaceful means) they are ''terrorists''

to me, terrorism is rrape, torture, humiliation of peaceful people, as well as mass graves....to me, that is real terrorism.

As if Pakistani disputing holds any water. :lol: All the world can put Kashmir wherever they want but its throne is still in Delhi.



seems your ''throne'' and whoever sits in it gets little to no audience or reception!


I just had a pleasant walk in one of finest parts of my country (my hometown Gangtok) and am more than cool.

great! glad you took my advice; hope you feel much better :cool:

:lol: It is just I pity the likes of Geelani and his terrorist followers who're only going to continue to make it worse for themselves through separatism and terrorism.

your pity for them is irrelevant I think.....

don't you think it is an undeniable, immutable aspect of human/animal nature?

I think Kashmiris will always refuse to surrender.

Fear is no policy
Surrender is no option.

when you REFUSE to surrender, nobody can defeat you.

those who don't fear death never die or go down
its funny.....I am a Roy too...I mean my surname is Roy....:D:D
More embarrasing fact is that the emenies of democrasy and secularism want/take refuge under the same democrasy and secularism.

Loads of scum bags who dream of shariat and Jizya want to acheive it under the protection of secularism, i mean hard core islamic fundamentalists crying about secularism.
for example the middleeast crying over ban on minarates and burqa.The middleeast doesnot give any rights/respect to non muslims in their countries but want princely treatment for their likes in Non muslim countries.

Communists:Are hell bent on destroying democrasy will cry over democrasy and freedom of speech, guess what they will do with their right to freedom and speech ??will create a communist country(like china) and abolish freedom of right and democrasy for the population in there.
they will kill even innocent civilians,derail trains,bomb schools and abduct and kill policeman but when some red scumbag is killed by the security forces they will cry over human rights..

Im not embarrased by what is happening to arundathi instead im embarassed that democrasy gives rights to ppl who disrespect it.
She should be declared state enemy and shot at Lal Chowk in sri nagar

she should be treated as per law,,
we are not taliban to shot anyone in open ,,
some strong legal action needs to taken ,,, but not that u suggest ,, just came down ,,,
the best will be she must be rejected by us and media totally,,,,,,,,,
well the point is, he was in hindustan when he said what was said; as was the case with Roy. if you will have the audacity to call yourselves democratic society, then walk the walk, dont just talk the talk.

Democracy doesn't mean treachery and preaching of terrorism just as your father allowing you to take his car for a ride doesn't mean you throw it off the cliff. When limits are crossed repercussions will be there. Democracy or dictatorship. Unfortunately you guys don't know the meaning of democracy and think that it is a license to do anything, anything and anywhere with no rules. That is called anarchy. Know the difference before teaching us democracy.

therein lies the tragedy; Vast majority of Kashmiris are against indian occupation.....when they resist (through arms or through peaceful means) they are ''terrorists''

"Vast" Majority? Perhaps by your standards. But according to the census of the valley, its not even 15% of the valley's population. They started this by an ethnic cleansing and attempts to break the nation. They shall suffer the consequences of going against the nation. All this junk started only in 80s courtesy you. Heck before that, most Bollywood films were made there and with local people's assistance.

to me, terrorism is rrape, torture, humiliation of peaceful people, as well as mass graves....to me, that is real terrorism.

This is what happened in 1989. Those who survived ran away with almost nothing to other parts of the country when the valley was cleansed. When you sow cactus, don't cry later when its thorns prick you; you'd never get mangoes in return.

According to Pakistan more than 30 countries are committing terrorism "against Muslims". That means you're a global enemy of all of these countries. Don't be so blinded by religion that it clouds your practical thinking.

seems your ''throne'' and whoever sits in it gets little to no audience or reception!

Then I must say that your world is very small my friend because other than Pakistan (and China), EVERYONE else is listening to us. Raise all the voice you can, but other than that no one speaks the K-word to us any longer than you and your backed terrorists.
your pity for them is irrelevant I think.....

don't you think it is an undeniable, immutable aspect of human/animal nature?

I think Kashmiris will always refuse to surrender.

Funny because only a special pack of Kashmiri Muslims think that way. Other Kashmiris don't have that problem at all including Shias, most of whom are soldiers in Indian Army.

Keep thinking other than that.

Fear is no policy
Surrender is no option.

I like these lines and we Indians follow it big time.

when you REFUSE to surrender, nobody can defeat you.
those who don't fear death never die or go down

Exact ideology of Indian military. I admire your ability to guess slogans of our armed forces.
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