You have most Hamas representatives in Gaza who wanted to not say a thing about Syria and thankfully Meshaal idiot and few other members ruined it for Gaza as they thought everything was getting better for them. The military leaders were pissed off about that and ever since then they have cut military ties, they recently have financial ties only. Islamic Jihad has military ties with Iran but even for them it's very hard to acquire arms. Hamas military wing is actually in a weak state, they're trying to get their own funding and trying to develop new systems but they don't have the money for it. They are not prepared to defend Gaza anytime soon and their arsenal is not powerful anymore. So they're trying hard to do their own work and costs them lives from premature explosions. I would of rather had them have upgraded military ties since Jabari had good ties with Iran and Syria, however its been over for a few years now and honestly it seems they can't come up with good ideas to get weapons through.
You know what..nvm..some people there make up lies since they hate Iran, what some sick people...I will try getting more info, people say they still have military ties yet some of them lie about it its annoying as hell.