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A Framework of Violence: Repression of the Arab Ethnic Minority in the "Islamic Republic of Iran"

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Muh arabid race


Now if you werent a blind delusional baffon like al hassan, you would see that these saudis in audis look nothing like your typical levantine or north african. Nones buying your propaganda hassan my boy. I bet you yourself dont even believe this crap.

The fvck out of here with your arabid theory. Middle east is mixed as fvck. Semitics even if they existed as a race are a minority now.
What a refreshing thread sometimes it gets a bit tiring of the same old Pakistani & Indian flame wars. It’s good to have a bit of change now and then.:D By the way I’m on al hasani’s side unlike the Iranians the Saudis on this forum don’t tend get racist at a drop of a hat.:angry:
Lol, some guys with inferiority complex about their skin colors wandering around here. Self-admitting that being more white is actually an advantage in life, such a pity indeed.

Forget about this childish forum, why don't you just become a lawyer? Leave your love to engineering aside, or if you insist, study the post graduate JD (U.S law degree) and join some big firm in Canada or Australia and milk your clients. You got the required skills to excell. I am telling you.
The shias who are causing you arabs arspain? I dont consider lebanese or levantine to be arabs.

Arabs in reality form no more than 20 or 30 million people today. Even saudi arabia and yemen prior to islam were mainly non arabic speaking, but we all know you rats always try to claim other semetic people because you have no history. Your histoy consists of a bunch of backwards bedioun apes with no culture, morals nor values going around stabbing eachother and others in the back.

Even ibn khaldun the arab despised and pointrd out your degeneracy.

Parthian cum-shot,

What did they speak then? You are nothing but a butt-hurt Zoroastrian at the very basic of your mind-set. It was the Arabian tribes of the Arabian peninsula from Hijaz, Najd, and Yemen that you and your people have eternal grudges against. And that is perfectly understandable. After all, they were the only people that raped your own dentity for ever.
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as Tunisian a will keep eye in this topic but i'm out of it
The "civilized" Persians used to throw the bodies of their dead in Dekhmas (towers of silence). This is because of Zoroastrianism's prohibition against burying dead bodies. If you are an atheist like this Parthian cum-shot, then all the credit must go to the Tazis who taught the "civilized" Persians that burying bodies ain't a problem.

The picture below was taking from a Dekhma for the Zoroastrians in India. They couldn't endure living among their own folks in the half Arabized Persia.

View attachment 136702
The teaching of zaradasht allow their followers to bury their deads if they live in other societies such as muslim and Christian societies
Only if the dirt dont touch their bodies so they have to bury their deads with strong closed boxes
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