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@Saif al-Arab

If you remember years ago we talked about the enmity between Iran and Saudi Arabia, i also talked with Iranians too.

Both sides said many things.

But recently i learned prior to revolution, Saudis' had good relations with Iran. Even at the aftermath of the revolution Saudis tried have good relations with Iran but Iran's new ideology of expelling USA out of the region by exporting their revolution ruined everything.

When i look at the issue from Iranian eyes, they have right to hate US for what they did to Iran..

From my eyes both sides are right in their cause... and i don't know how would the enmity between Saudi Arabia and Iran would end.
@Falcon29 , supposedly this is a graph-map of the shelling from just last night, from Ghaza into Israel. This was posted by an independent Egyptian Twitter feed but I wanted to ask you if you know if there is any truth to this, as in were there that many firing back and was it that organized across the entire border, or is it an exaggeration?


US State Department sends condolences to families of two Saudi students drowned in Massachusetts

Theeb Al-Yami and Jaser Al-Rakah. (Image: Social media)

July 05, 2018

LONDON: The US Department of State issued a statement on Thursday offering its condolences to the families and friends of two Saudi students who drowned in Massachusetts last week.
Cousins, Theeb Al-Yami, 27 and Jaser Al-Rakah, 25, drowned as they attempted to rescue two children who had got into difficulties in the Chicopee River in New England state.
On Thursday the State Department issued a statement which read: “The United States expresses its heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of TheebAl-Yami and Jaser Al-Rakah after their tragic deaths in Massachusetts. The young men drowned while courageously attempting to save children in distress.
“Their heroism represents the very best of the international students who enrich communities across the United States.
“Theeb and Jaser were among the 52,000 Saudi students studying in the United States who bring greater international understanding and diverse perspectives to US campuses and communities, and to Saudi Arabia when they return home.”
The two young Saudi men saw two children in distress in the river after their mother was unable to save them. Another group of people nearby also tried to rescue the children, but failed because of the river’s heavy current, according to a local police report.
Al-Yami was enrolled at the University of Hartford in a civil engineering program and Al-Rakah was studying at Western New England University as an engineering student. They both drowned after being swept away by the tide.
Police started a search of the river on Friday. They retrieved the bodies of the two Saudi students on Friday and Monday.


Incredible. I keep hearing about such stories involving Saudi Arabian students and Arab students in general abroad which baffles me greatly given the fact that every single Arab country has a coastline. There is not a single landlocked Arab country. Most coastlines in the Arab world are warm enough to swim in all year round. The longest and some of the longest rivers in the world are found in the Arab world too. Plenty of lakes and 10.000's upon 10.000's of wadis in Arabia alone as well.

KSA for instance has a 3000 km + coastline and 1500 + islands.

Sad that talented people (the future) perish in such a relatively foolish way. Of course the biggest killers are the roads and health-related (diet) diseases but swimming courses should be obligatory like in most European countries. Anything else is irresponsible.

Anyway a courageous act and all honor to the two fallen cousins. RIP.

EDIT: As I wrote, Spain flopped tremendously. As did Portugal. So much for this being the "strongest group".

Meanwhile both Russia and Uruguay are among the 8 best teams. KSA can keep their heads held up high.

This was unfortunately in my state. It was on the news briefly but quite the story.
@Falcon29 , supposedly this is a graph-map of the shelling from just last night, from Ghaza into Israel. This was posted by an independent Egyptian Twitter feed but I wanted to ask you if you know if there is any truth to this, as in were there that many firing back and was it that organized across the entire border, or is it an exaggeration?


It's true, as Israeli strikes were hitting Gaza the Palestinian factions were responding. Keep in mind it only takes on mortar or rocket to set off multiple sirens. So those images you only tell you that sirens went off in those areas, it doesn't reflect upon number of shells fired. Some are intercepted along Gaza border too.
It's true, as Israeli strikes were hitting Gaza the Palestinian factions were responding. Keep in mind it only takes on mortar or rocket to set off multiple sirens. So those images you only tell you that sirens went off in those areas, it doesn't reflect upon number of shells fired. Some are intercepted along Gaza border too.

Interesting. Funny how they show them as actual mortar shelling.
@Saif al-Arab

If you remember years ago we talked about the enmity between Iran and Saudi Arabia, i also talked with Iranians too.

Both sides said many things.

But recently i learned prior to revolution, Saudis' had good relations with Iran. Even at the aftermath of the revolution Saudis tried have good relations with Iran but Iran's new ideology of expelling USA out of the region by exporting their revolution ruined everything.

When i look at the issue from Iranian eyes, they have right to hate US for what they did to Iran..

From my eyes both sides are right in their cause... and i don't know how would the enmity between Saudi Arabia and Iran would end.

Arab-Iranian relations prior to 1979 were mostly cordial neighborly relations with the exception of Iraq and UAE (due to island disputes).

This policy of "expelling Americans out of the region" is bogus as when the same newly established Mullah regime most needed it (Iraq-Iran war where they were mostly on the receiving end by Iraq) they were not shy to ask for help from the likes of Israel and the West.


For all their barking against Israel, USA, West, Arab regimes they are yet to even raise their finger against either. All they are good at is creating local (Arab, not even Iranian) proxies in war-torn and divided countries such as Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon. Elsewhere in the Arab world their influence is non-existent. It's also blown out of proportion in the first 4 btw.

It's just an excuse to try to gain influence in the region.

The solution is simple.

Tiny Iran (in comparison with the Arab world) are no match. Historically, in terms of influence in the world, in terms of ancient civilizations, in terms of economy, population, landmass, resources, potential, geography etc. Therefore they should stop having unrealistic dreams. As per all statistics vast majority of Arabs look at their regime very negatively and their policies in the Arab world.

For now they can play those games as Arabs are divided internally and many Arab countries have problems (much easier to control 1 country than 20 + countries) so this gives a unrealistic/not genuine picture as per the undeniable facts/statistics that I mentioned above.

The ball is in their court (Mullah's). They can choose friendly ties with their neighbors based on trade and a policy of non-interference or they can look forward to more decades of sanctions, poverty, internal division and being behind on most important fronts.

Most Arab states (stable next door to Iran, mainly being the GCC) have much more to loose and cannot afford to act like pariah states like Iran does. If not for that, I am sure that we would have acted ages ago like Saddam Hussein did who was a reckless leader on this front.

As for people to people relations, PDF is not the best place to see the ground realities. The ground realities are that Southern Iran in particular (where the genuine Persians are from) and neighboring Eastern Arabia and Iraq (only two regions of the Arab world that have direct and continues ties to Iran) have ancient historical ties and people to people relations (migration on both sides) and for instance the GCC is home to the largest Iranian diaspora in the world after the US and this diaspora is composed of Iranian Arabs, Persians, Lurs, Baloch etc. Similarly millions of Arabs/Persianized Arabs live in Southern Iran. Similar appearance, dresses, music, cuisine etc.

This is a geopolitical conflict by large and a political conflict. History/ethnicity and least of all religion (sect) is secondary although it might not appear like this on forums.

BTW congratulations to the fifth Arab team in the World Cup, France.:lol:

BTW I just learned that Mbappé is half Algerian.


@Saif al-Arab

Are you able to post ? I can't make any posts when logged in on my computer. It makes it hard to view things or post links/images/articles(because it's too slow on mobile). Are you having a problem also ? There is no box for me to type a post in .

EDIT: Updated my computer software and now it works, very strange. Didn't know not updating would mess with things like that. I couldn't view another forum also. Usually I just skip the updates.
@Saif al-Arab

Are you able to post ? I can't make any posts when logged in on my computer. It makes it hard to view things or post links/images/articles(because it's too slow on mobile). Are you having a problem also ? There is no box for me to type a post in .

EDIT: Updated my computer software and now it works, very strange. Didn't know not updating would mess with things like that. I couldn't view another forum also. Usually I just skip the updates.

Bro, I had a somewhat similar problem once but I updated my computer (MacBook Pro) as well and it went away.

Good to hear that your problem got solved.:enjoy:

You should always update your computer otherwise it will slow down and you can experience problems.

On a MacBook Pro if you change the date of your computer to say 5 August 2020, all your updates will go berserk and not work properly.

I am using terminal (coding) to block websites sometimes and the only way, aside from coding to enter blocked sites (depending on the date you entered), is to change the date of your computer manually but you will mess up your computer.
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If you have a Mac computer you can download an app called SelfControl (which normally cannot block a page for more than 24 hours) unless you tweak the max block length by increasing the block length interval using terminal.

defaults write org.eyebeam.SelfControl MaxBlockLength -int [maximum block length in minutes]
defaults write org.eyebeam.SelfControl BlockLengthInterval -int [block length interval in minutes]

So, for example, to change it to a month-long maximum block with intervals at each day, you could use:

defaults write org.eyebeam.SelfControl MaxBlockLength -int 43200
defaults write org.eyebeam.SelfControl BlockLengthInterval -int 1440

43200 being minutes which equals 30 days.

1440 minutes equals 1 day.

To reset your settings:

defaults delete org.eyebeam.SelfControl


Once you have done this, you cannot usually change it although I tried this below


However changing the date of the computer manually (ahead in time) will solve the problem, lol, but as I told it will mess with your computer (flash, all the updates that will expire, your computer will slow down).

I am not an expert when it comes to coding (far from it) but I started learning the basics some years ago and find it to be an interesting field. Computer science as a whole in fact.

This is actually a great page to get an introduction to the field of coding.


Must watch:

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If you have a Mac computer you can download an app called SelfControl (which normally cannot block a page for more than 24 hours) unless you tweak the max block length by increasing the block length interval using terminal.

defaults write org.eyebeam.SelfControl MaxBlockLength -int [maximum block length in minutes]
defaults write org.eyebeam.SelfControl BlockLengthInterval -int [block length interval in minutes]

So, for example, to change it to a month-long maximum block with intervals at each day, you could use:

defaults write org.eyebeam.SelfControl MaxBlockLength -int 43200
defaults write org.eyebeam.SelfControl BlockLengthInterval -int 1440

43200 being minutes which equals 30 days.

1440 minutes equals 1 day.

To reset your settings:

defaults delete org.eyebeam.SelfControl


Once you have done this, you cannot usually change it although I tried this below


However changing the date of the computer manually (ahead in time) will solve the problem, lol.

Must watch:

Now you are physicist and biologist?!:lol:

I also opened thread about bernard Lewis if you know him he died in May it think
Now you are physicist and biologist?!:lol:

I also opened thread about bernard Lewis if you know him he died in May it think

Chemical engineers know a bit about every science field (almost) actually.:lol:

Chemistry is actually often called the "central science" due to this reason.

See here below.


As you already know, I have many diverse interests that I have spent way too much time trying to understand or learn about.

Some topics that I find incredibly interesting are astronomy and the concept of biological immortality.

Yes, I know our Jewish friend but I found some of his views simplistic and he relied far too much on previous European historians that had racialist leanings and often looked at events in a simplistic fashion. Also he almost never included archaeological findings (actual evidence) in some of his works. For instance many groundbreaking findings in Arabia (even the history of mankind) in recent years have changed the history that we once knew dramatically.

On the other hand I am no expert about his works and less so about his studies of Arabs and the Arab world but I recall reading some works of his that I considered quite simplistic and not completely accurate.

BTW he was more an expert about the recent era (Ottoman) and the post WW1 history which I honestly, while interesting and complex on its own, do not prefer (at all) to more older history, hence the beloved word old or ancient.:enjoy::lol:

I much prefer Edward Said who owned the same Bernard Lewis in a few debates. Lewis was a typical "Orientalist". His types can be found on PDF also.:lol:

Lewis was also notable for his public debates with Edward Said, who accused Lewis and other orientalists of misrepresenting Islam and serving the purposes of imperialist domination,[12] to which Lewis responded by defending Orientalism as a facet of humanism and accusing Said of politicizing the subject.[3][13] Lewis argued that the deaths of the Armenian Genocide resulted from a struggle between two nationalistic movements[14] and that there is no proof of intent by the Ottoman government to exterminate the Armenian nation.[15] These views prompted a number of scholars to accuse Lewis of genocide denial and resulted in a successful civil lawsuit against him in a French court.[16]

Just listen to this nonsense.


Unfortunately Said died too soon (2003). I would have loved to hear his views about today's Iraq, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict nowadays, the "Arab Spring", the recent political movements gaining ground (populism, right-wing leaders), MBS and much more.
Chemical engineers know a bit about every science field (almost) actually.:lol:

Chemistry is actually often called the "central science" due to this reason.

See here below.


As you already know, I have many diverse interests that I have spent way too much time trying to understand or learn about.

Some topics that I find incredibly interesting are astronomy and the concept of biological immortality.

Yes, I know our Jewish friend but I found some of his views simplistic and he relied far too much on previous European historians that had racialist leanings and often looked at events in a simplistic fashion. Also he almost never included archaeological findings (actual evidence) in some of his works. For instance many groundbreaking findings in Arabia (even the history of mankind) in recent years have changed the history that we once knew dramatically.

On the other hand I am no expert about his works and less so about his studies of Arabs and the Arab world but I recall reading some works of his that I considered quite simplistic and not completely accurate.

BTW he was more an expert about the recent era (Ottoman) and the post WW1 history which I honestly, while interesting and complex on its own, do not prefer (at all) to more older history, hence the beloved word old or ancient.:enjoy::lol:

I much prefer Edward Said who owned the same Bernard Lewis in a few debates. Lewis was a typical "Orientalist". His types can be found on PDF also.:lol:

Lewis was also notable for his public debates with Edward Said, who accused Lewis and other orientalists of misrepresenting Islam and serving the purposes of imperialist domination,[12] to which Lewis responded by defending Orientalism as a facet of humanism and accusing Said of politicizing the subject.[3][13] Lewis argued that the deaths of the Armenian Genocide resulted from a struggle between two nationalistic movements[14] and that there is no proof of intent by the Ottoman government to exterminate the Armenian nation.[15] These views prompted a number of scholars to accuse Lewis of genocide denial and resulted in a successful civil lawsuit against him in a French court.[16]

Just listen to this nonsense.


Unfortunately Said died too soon (2003). I would have loved to hear his views about today's Iraq, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict nowadays, the "Arab Spring", the recent political movements gaining ground (populism, right-wing leaders), MBS and much more.
Indeed chemistry involve physics,biology,mathematics and geology
Like the uranium,gold and silver and other materials involve geology,chemistry and physics

Biology also involve chemistry like the genetics and DNA

Nuclear physics involve both chemistry and geology while the universal physics(study of space and universe) involves geology,chemistry and astronomy

Universal physics and astronomy are very related fields just like geology,biology,archaeology and anthropology are related when it's come to the study of the civilizations and the human history specially digging for human remains or artifacts
Indeed chemistry involve physics,biology,mathematics and geology
Like the uranium,gold and silver and other materials involve geology,chemistry and physics

Biology also involve chemistry like the genetics and DNA

Nuclear physics involve both chemistry and geology while the universal physics(study of space and universe) involves geology,chemistry and astronomy

Universal physics and astronomy are very related fields just like geology,biology,archaeology and anthropology are related when it's come to the study of the civilizations and the human history specially digging for human remains or artifacts

Yes, most branches of science are related. You summed it up nicely bro.

Here is another field. Linguistics.

Unfortunately they are always using diaspora Arabs who are not even fluent in Arabic. They should have used an Yemeni also. It would be a bit closer, I suspect.

Habesha women.:enjoy:

Apparently (according to people comments) Tigrinya is closer to Arabic than Amharic.

Ethiopia is a beautiful and nice (interesting country). Especially the Ethiopian highlands that are inhabited by Southern Semitic speaking peoples. A very rich culture. The facial features of Habesha women are very, very similar to me. Just a darker skin color (chocolate haha).:D
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