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Of course. I was just generalizing here. I mean even in Hijaz you have different dialects depending on whether we are talking about urban or rural Hijazi Arabic. In the past the differences were bigger. For instance people of Makkah spoke a distinct Arabic compared to those in Jeddah or Ta'if. All nearby cities. Of course this is relative. Overall Hijazi Arabic is understood by all Hijazis.

Simiarily, at least I imagine so, the differences between Jordanian Arabic cannot be that great?

So when I say that Hijazi Arabic in general has most in common with Egyptian/Sudanese and Shami I by Shami here mean the Arabic dialects spoken in Levant. Of course Hijazi Arabic has also been influenced by "Yemeni" (Yemen itself has many dialects like all Arab countries of a certain size) Arabic (especially Hadhrami due to the Hadhrami migrations).

Anyway not long ago I learned that even in England you had those differences in dialect depending on the region in England (a lot of distinctive dialects actually) and England is a very small country.

They are apparently still present but not as strong as earlier. Same with many Arabic dialects nowadays.

List of dialects of the English language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BTW, I miss @Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa and @BLACKEAGLE . I have totally forgot about that other forum. I think that it is time to make my entrance. It's just that I can't afford to be active on another forum. That other forum still appears relatively "dead" or is it just me last time I saw it (1 month ago or so). Also I got all the Arabic military forums to look for too whenever there are major news and updates. Social media as well. Studies etc. It's too much with that computer all the time. I wish to take a break but it's hard when you need to be around a computer all the time to have contact with family, friends, people, for studies etc.

Also here lastly before I depart (lol) then this is the shipwreck in Haql that I was talking about.

‫تصوير جوي سفينة حقل الغارقة‬‎ - YouTube
Thanks for the link. What other forum are you talking about? I've wondered where @BLACKEAGLE went.. Is this it? If you're talking about world defense forum then yeah it did look kind of dead. I made an account about two months ago but didn't really go back since then. It's totally not cool for black eagle to let me be the only Jordanian here lol
Thanks for the link. What other forum are you talking about? I've wondered where @BLACKEAGLE went.. Is this it? If you're talking about world defense forum then yeah it did look kind of dead. I made an account about two months ago but didn't really go back since then. It's totally not cool for black eagle to let me be the only Jordanian here lol

Yes, I believe so. All the Arabic military forums are very active the problem is that some of the moderation is ridiculous.

Now the link should work!

Wait, it does not!

How do I make the Youtube video appear "visible"?

Here is the link.

‫تصوير جوي سفينة حقل الغارقة‬‎ - YouTube
It's fine I can just click on the link and it takes my to the video, and it did work the second time.
EDIT: no it didn't lol

Never mind bro. It apparently does not work or I am just a fool when it comes to embedding Youtube videos. Both options are possible.:lol:

Ok, I took a closer look at the link you sent to me. This is a well-known Arab Muslim clan descending from Ja'far al-Sadiq (ra). The clan is also present in KSA and Iraq I have to tell you. It seems like a very prominent family in Jordan. Be it politics, clergy or military. A big clan as well with numerous tribes.

I pride myself (lol) on knowing the history of many Arab clan and tribes and I knew this one too (no need to mention it here) but I did not remember the details. I will have to make more research. It's a lot of work.

A reminder of what awaits us all if we live that long;




Those 40 days of morning might be a bit excessive. Jointly with Bahrain.;)

Anyway the support of Jordan and its people is very heart-warming. In Jordan we have a eternal friend. I think that I can say this much.

Anyway it has been a long, eventful but also a sad day. Time to rest.
Never mind bro. It apparently does not work or I am just a fool when it comes to embedding Youtube videos. Both options are possible.:lol:

Ok, I took a closer look at the link you sent to me. This is a well-known Arab Muslim clan descending from Ja'far al-Sadiq (ra). The clan is also present in KSA and Iraq I have to tell you. It seems like a very prominent family in Jordan. Be it politics, clergy or military. A big clan as well with numerous tribes.

I pride myself (lol) on knowing the history of many Arab clan and tribes and I knew this one too (no need to mention it here) but I did not remember the details. I will have to make more research. It's a lot of work.

A reminder of what awaits us all if we live that long;




Those 40 days of morning might be a bit excessive. Jointly with Bahrain.;)

Anyway the support of Jordan and its people is very heart-warming. In Jordan we have a eternal friend. I think that I can say this much.

Anyway it has been a long, eventful but also a sad day. Time to rest.
Yes, on that matter, I found out that Jordan as a whole will only mourn for 3 days while the royal Hashemite court will mourn for 40 days (idk why exactly). Also, doesn't it seem like he got whiter as he aged? Same thing with the late king hussein, he was brown but as he neared his death he looked more white than brown. I think it was the chemotherapy or something, same thing probably with king Abdullah, the treatment probably effected his skin color on some way.

Anyway, I found this picture online and I had to go on my laptop in order to post it here (I usually use this site on my iPhone) so that's why my response is a little late.

It's the late king Hussein and the then crown prince Abdullah in their youth. "youth"

here is what I mean

As he aged, it seems that his skin color became whiter. And these pics were before he had the cancer.
Thanks for the link. What other forum are you talking about? I've wondered where @BLACKEAGLE went.. Is this it? If you're talking about world defense forum then yeah it did look kind of dead. I made an account about two months ago but didn't really go back since then. It's totally not cool for black eagle to let me be the only Jordanian here lol

I've been the only Jordanian here for a long time. I feel that I'm exploited. Recently, I've been repeating myself over and over. New blood is good..
I've been the only Jordanian here for a long time. I feel that I'm exploited. Recently, I've been repeating myself over and over. New blood is good..
Well, where have you been the past weeks? When i look at old threads I see that you were once very active.
He had a big fight with Hazzy the glorious

They started to curse each others in bad arabic words

He said on his account on arabic defence forum
بنو صعب | Defense Arab المنتدى العربي للدفاع والتسليح
They had a fight like we did with Hazzy couple weeks ago
I know but leaving the forum all together is letting Hazzy win and besides, my arabic skills aren't all that good, like it takes me some effort to form an intelligent arabic paragraph, so i can't move to the arabic forum (where it seems there are quite a few Jordanian members). Although, ultimately i think it may be necessary..

And apparently I forgot the password for the account i made on that website...
@Ahmed Jo

Masha'Allah. I knew that there was something "there".;)

Welcome to the "club".:D

Will give it a read surely! Thanks for the link.

Oh, I can see that your clan has fondness for Arabian horses. Great!
btw, it's okay if you say the tribe's name on here, I go by one of the many branch names of the clan. We're like the mafia lol, infiltrating all parts of Jordanian society :guns:, also apparently we have connections in Saudi Arabia.
I know but leaving the forum all together is letting Hazzy win and besides, my arabic skills aren't all that good, like it takes me some effort to form an intelligent arabic paragraph, so i can't move to the arabic forum (where it seems there are quite a few Jordanian members). Although, ultimately i think it may be necessary..

And apparently I forgot the password for the account i made on that website...

Letting me win what? :D
Please see my post number 129 in this thread below;

King Abdullah has passed away - PDF extends its condolences to the Saudi people | Page 9

In general my opinion of King Salman is good. He seems like a warm-hearted person and he has a very good track record as a long-time governor of Riyadh which he has transformed into a international metropolis.

He is likely to continue the reforms. What differentiates him from King Abdullah is that he is more assertive and direct in his approach IMO.

Otherwise please read that post in that thread that I have linked to.
I talked to some other Saudi friends. There will be less reforms and a more stricter control on religious affairs. A stronger policy towards ISIS and a more direct approach to most issues. Strong leader but more religiously tilted is what i have heard from most of my friends.
« عن مسند احمد عن النبی صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم : یحکم الحجاز رجل اسمه علی اسم حیوان، إذا رأیته حسبته فی عینه الحول من البعید و اذا اقتربت منه لا تری فی عینیه شیئاً، یخلفه أخ له إسمه عبدالله، ویل لشیعتنا منه؛ اعادها ثلاثاًً : بشرونی بموته ابشرکم بظهور الحجة، بشرونی بموته ابشرکم بظهور الحجة، بشرونی بموته ابشرکم بظهور الحجة. »
btw, it's okay if you say the tribe's name on here, I go by one of the many branch names of the clan. We're like the mafia lol, infiltrating all parts of Jordanian society :guns:, also apparently we have connections in Saudi Arabia.

Fair enough.

Well, that's what influential families are supposed to do.;)

I talked to some other Saudi friends. There will be less reforms and a more stricter control on religious affairs. A stronger policy towards ISIS and a more direct approach to most issues. Strong leader but more religiously tilted is what i have heard from most of my friends.

Well, a large portion of people seem to think that the days of Fahd are returning. I doubt this. The changes that have occurred since 2005 cannot be erased IMO. I don't expect much to change outside of King Salman being more assertive and direct in this approach as I wrote initially. Let us see.

« عن مسند احمد عن النبی صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم : یحکم الحجاز رجل اسمه علی اسم حیوان، إذا رأیته حسبته فی عینه الحول من البعید و اذا اقتربت منه لا تری فی عینیه شیئاً، یخلفه أخ له إسمه عبدالله، ویل لشیعتنا منه؛ اعادها ثلاثاًً : بشرونی بموته ابشرکم بظهور الحجة، بشرونی بموته ابشرکم بظهور الحجة، بشرونی بموته ابشرکم بظهور الحجة. »

Nobody here believes in some recently fabricated Shia Twelver nonsense hadith. Keep that to your Farsi section where people might be interested.
Nobody here believes in some recently fabricated Shia Twelver nonsense hadith. Keep that to your Farsi section where people might be interested.

Really ... we are not the source of this !

Do some research !

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