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Akhand Bharat possible, will be good for Pakistan, says RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat

That’s good, in the future however I would rather have a loose and I mean very loose confederacy between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where we are technically the same country but at the same time very independent, and the only thing we will have between us is defence and trade, if any peoples would want to have Visa requirements like the Kurds in Iraq then so be it. I wouldn’t want it to be like Xinjiang or Turkey, frequent bombings and mass re-education camps, the purpose of nations and states should serve as a defence mechanism not as an oppression mechanism.

i dont want a whole lot to do with Afghanistan. i am not interested in the Talibanisation of Pakistan.
That’s good, in the future however I would rather have a loose and I mean very loose confederacy between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where we are technically the same country but at the same time very independent, and the only thing we will have between us is defence and trade, if any peoples would want to have Visa requirements like the Kurds in Iraq then so be it. I wouldn’t want it to be like Xinjiang or Turkey, frequent bombings and mass re-education camps, the purpose of nations and states should serve as a defence mechanism not as an oppression mechanism.

The idea of a loose union/confederacy between Pakistan and Afghanistan is a 1000000000000000000000000× more realistic and feasible than having anything with india. Also, it will go a long way in stabilising both Pakistan and Afghanistan which will greatly help our economies.
i dont want a whole lot to do with Afghanistan. i am not interested in the Talibanisation of Pakistan.

I thought you were all for the Ummah? Afghanistan is a Muslim country that borders Pakistan. What happens in Afghanistan directly effects Pakistan. Apart from Iran and Afghanistan, ALL other Muslim nations have 0 affect on Pakistan.
i dont want a whole lot to do with Afghanistan. i am not interested in the Talibanisation of Pakistan.

I have spoken to many Pashtuns from Pakistan on Facebook and they like this idea, they don’t want to see Pakistan torn apart but at the same time want to be united with us, I haven’t spoken to the other groups so I believe it will be way harder to convince them? Which part of Pakistan are you from if you don’t mind me asking?
The idea of a loose union/confederacy between Pakistan and Afghanistan is a 1000000000000000000000000× more realistic and feasible than having anything with india. Also, it will go a long way in stabilising both Pakistan and Afghanistan which will greatly help our economies.

I thought you were all for the Ummah? Afghanistan is a Muslim country that borders Pakistan. What happens in Afghanistan directly effects Pakistan. Apart from Iran and Afghanistan, ALL other Muslim nations have 0 affect on Pakistan.

Definitely bro, it’s the only way forward for us, otherwise we will be in perpetual enmity from foreign powers.
I have spoken to many Pashtuns from Pakistan on Facebook and they like this idea, they don’t want to see Pakistan torn apart but at the same time want to be united with us, I haven’t spoken to the other groups so I believe it will be way harder to convince them? Which part of Pakistan are you from if you don’t mind me asking?

Definitely bro, it’s the only way forward for us, otherwise we will be in perpetual enmity from foreign powers.

Also, what happens internally in Afghanistan affects Pakistan and vice-versa. So it is better we have some sort of union however small so we can stabilise both our nations and hence boost our economies. This also opens up more opportunities for economic engagement with Iran too. It's a win-win for us all. In the next 50-100 years, there will most likely be some sort of union like this.
Wait for some more balkanization and break up of India(likely with this RSS thought)....then Akhand Bharat would be a beautiful thing.

Akhand Bharat thought was the reason for the creation of Pakistan, let's keep such thoughts coming.
Wont happen the fear of muslims will keep them more united then even us
I thought you were all for the Ummah? Afghanistan is a Muslim country that borders Pakistan. What happens in Afghanistan directly effects Pakistan. Apart from Iran and Afghanistan, ALL other Muslim nations have 0 affect on Pakistan.

i am pro-ummah, and i want peace and prosperity in afghanistan. but afghanistan is also home to lots of practices that have nothing to do with islam. so i dont want Pakistan's borders to melt and merge with Afghanistan because when the Taliban culture clashes with the Pakistan culture then we will have a civil war in our lands.
I have spoken to many Pashtuns from Pakistan on Facebook and they like this idea, they don’t want to see Pakistan torn apart but at the same time want to be united with us, I haven’t spoken to the other groups so I believe it will be way harder to convince them? Which part of Pakistan are you from if you don’t mind me asking?

the pashtuns you talked to are a minority. i am from karachi.
i am pro-ummah, and i want peace and prosperity in afghanistan. but afghanistan is also home to lots of practices that have nothing to do with islam. so i dont want Pakistan's borders to melt and merge with Afghanistan because when the Taliban culture clashes with the Pakistan culture then we will have a civil war in our lands.

Not a merger but a loose confederacy of sorts. What happens in Afghanistan directly affects Pakistan. NO OTHER country's internal matters affect Pakistan as much as Afghanistan's does. Hence we need to stabilise that situation. A loose union based on mutual cooperation and respect could facilitate this.
Not a merger but a loose confederacy of sorts. What happens in Afghanistan directly affects Pakistan. NO OTHER country's internal matters affect Pakistan as much as Afghanistan's does. Hence we need to stabilise that situation. A loose union based on mutual cooperation and respect could facilitate this.

depends on how loose this confederacy is. i dont want a visa-free arrangement.
i dont want to argue with you man. i hate communism and godless people. we are never going to agree.

OK, one last time. Please do not reject automatically. I think it was you whom I had told that one can believe in Communism and God simultaneously. Communism is primarily a political and economic set of beliefs but also seeks to remove regressive social attitudes but this need not mean that you need to turn atheist.

I will quote from my thread from 2016. The OP is an article by Nadeem Paracha. Please note the highlighted lines :
During the same period (1920s-30s), another (though lesser known) Islamic scholar in undivided India got smitten by the 1917 Russian revolution and Marxism.

Hafiz Rahman Sihwarwl saw Islam and Marxism sharing five elements in common: (1) prohibition of the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the privileged classes (2) organisation of the economic structure of the state to ensure social welfare (3) equality of opportunity for all human beings (4) priority of collective social interest over individual privilege and (5) prevention of the permanentising of class structure through social revolution.

The motivations for many of these themes he drew from the Qur’an, which he understood as seeking to create an economic order in which the rich pay excessive, though voluntary taxes (Zakat) to minimise differences in living standards.

In the areas that Sihwarwl saw Islam and communism diverge were Islam’s sanction of private ownership within certain limits, and in its refusal to recognise an absolutely classless basis of society.

He suggested that Islam, with its prohibition of the accumulation of wealth, is able to control the class structure through equality of opportunity.

Basically, both Sindhi and Sihwarwl had stumbled upon an Islamic concept of the social democratic welfare state.

And below is the Google result for the word "Communism". What objections do you have for such a wonderful and humane set of ideas and aims :
Communism is a philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state.Wikipedia
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OK, one last time. I think it was you whom I had told that one can believe in Communism and God simultaneously.

this is lip service by communists. the moment there comes a clash between something from islam and communism, then communists will immediately attack God and show their true colours. no true muslim can ever believe in communism. there are some aspects that are similar, but thats it. sharing some attributes doesnt mean we should merge the two. islam's anti-capitalist laws existed before communism even existed in Marx' dad's ballsack. i breathe air, so does a rapist, but we arent the same, and i am not about to invite him over for dinner. islam should not give even an inch of breathing space to communists.

Communism seeks to remove regressive social attitudes

and what are these regressive social attitudes in islam?

And below is the Google result for the word "Communism". What objections do you have for such a wonderful and humane set of ideas and aims :

Islam and its teachings are perfect on its own merit. we dont need communism or any other ism. if islam is followed and implemented properly, we have a God fearing society with no racism, no poverty, and justice for all. islam and muslims dont need communism to accomplish this. there is no need to mix the teachings from the divine with the ramblings from the godless.
With between 5-10 million Afghans living and working in Pakistan is that even an issue?

it depends on what Afghans cook up in Afghanistan. if one day they cook up Pashtun nationalism then we are going to have a much bigger problem than BLA and sindudesh.
OK, one last time. Please do not reject automatically. I think it was you whom I had told that one can believe in Communism and God simultaneously. Communism is primarily a political and economic set of beliefs but also seeks to remove regressive social attitudes but this need not mean that you need to turn atheist.

I will quote from my thread from 2016. The OP is an article by Nadeem Paracha. Please note the highlighted lines :

And below is the Google result for the word "Communism". What objections do you have for such a wonderful and humane set of ideas and aims :

If that's what you guys want, then let indian Muslims or non-Muslim indians all become communists. NOTHING to do with Pakistan or Pakistanis. Don't know why you are posting here.
Can someone explain to me why Afghanistan is considered apart of Akhand Bharat?? Most of our history were under the Assyrians, Medes, Ahamenids, and Sassanians. We only spent 150 years under Ashoka, and it wasn’t even the entirety of Afghanistan.

What is the reasoning behind this?

They are living in a delusional fantasy. They don’t know their history, and just dream of an empire where they are on top and everyone else just willing accepts it.

They would have been better off looking at a map of Afghanistan, and notice there is a mountain range that should give them their answer; the Hindu Kush.
A union of some sort, free movement, a somewhat synchronized economic structure, an end to proxy warfare and military hostilities.

Seriously, Pakistan have a lot of gain from such a scenario. Much better off having Adani, TATA, L&T etc developing your ports and infra than the Chinese and their long term debt traps.
#uck off. You are delusional. There is nothing India can offer to Pakistan that we don’t already have. We are better people and Indians just want be associated with us.
HYDERABAD: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat on Thursday said there is a need for ‘akhand Bharat’ (undivided India) and it would suit better for countries like Pakistan which got separated from India.

Speaking at a Sanskrit book launch, Bhagwat said ‘Akhand Bharat’ is possible with Hindu dharma. “We consider countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan as ours. Once they are with us, it does not matter what they practise or what they eat. It is not colonialism. India believes in Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the world is one family).”

He sought to know if Pakistan and Gandhar (which became Afghanistan later) are having peace and trust ever since they were formed. “Because they are separated from the energy of life (India), we are open to treat them as our own as they were before,” he said.

Saying that ‘akhand Bharat’ is possible, he said some people have expressed doubts on division of India six months before it happened. “Jawaharlal Nehru rubbished it as a dream of fools. Similarly, anything can happen,” he said. “Lord Wavell (during British rule) said in British Parliament that god has made India one and who is going to divide it,” he recalled.

According to Bhagwat, talking of ‘akhand Bharat’ does not mean imposing colonialism. “When we talk about united, we don’t talk about power, it is about people. They are united through ‘sanatana dharma,’ which is called Hindu dharma,” the RSS chief asserted.

The RSS chief will be in Adilabad to attend a private programme on Friday.
He sought to know if Pakistan and Gandhar (which became Afghanistan later) are having peace and trust ever since they were formed


another glimpse into the expansionist ideology of India. not only are they talking about adding the lands of Pakistan and Bangladesh into their shithole concept called Bharat, they are now even talking about adding Afghanistan into it. this RSS is the brainchild of political parties like the BJP and Shiv Sena, and have senior officers in their military indoctrinated with this crap.

I agree true happiness to Indians will only come if they accept Muslim/ Pakistani rule.
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